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Galaxies Galore
Go to my links page 7. Find “Galaxies Galore (
Click on About Galaxies (top left column)
1. What is a galaxy?
2. What holds a galaxy together?
3. Where exactly is Earth in our Milky Way galaxy?
4. How far away is the Andromeda Galaxy?
5. How fast is the Andromeda Galaxy moving toward us?
6. Label each of the following parts of a galaxy on the image below.
a. Bulge
b. Disk
c. Spiral Arms
d. Halo
7. Name and briefly describe four types of galaxies. Draw a representative sample of each.
8. Use the Galaxy Chart to answer the following.
a. Which type of galaxy contains little dust and gas? ___________________
b. In which type(s) of galaxy(s) do stars rotate around a center?
c. Which type of galaxy contains both young and old stars? ________________
d. In which type of galaxy would you find a lot of star formation?
e. Which type of galaxy contains mostly old stars? _________________
f. In which type of galaxy would you find the most dust and gas?
g. In which type(s) of galaxy(s) can you find halos? ___________________
h. In which type of galaxy do stars move like a swarm of bees?
9. When naming galaxies, what do the following prefixes mean?
a. NGC
c. ESO _______________________
b. M ______________________________
d. Mrk _______________________
10. What did Edwin Hubble call galaxies? _______________________________________
11. The farther a galaxy is from Earth, the ___________ it is moving ___________ from us.
12. How high does the Hubble Space Telescope orbit the Earth? ______________
13. How many different cameras does HST contain? _______________
14. The Hubble Deep Fields (North and South) each look at an area of the sky equal to
_________________________________________ and contain __________ of galaxies.
Click on Back to the Lesson, click on Build Our Milky Way
15. Make the Milky Way and answer the following:
a. Where are the old and cool red stars in our Milky Way?
b. Where are young hot blue stars found?
c. Describe the central bulge.
d. What makes up the spiral arms?
Go Back, click on Galaxies Galore > Spiral Shapes
16. Match the SBa images. How do SBa galaxies differ from Sa galaxies?
17. Find the Sc galaxy. How do you describe an Sc galaxy?
18. How are Sc galaxies different from Sa galaxies?
Go Back, click on Elliptical Slide
19. Use the slide. How does an E0 differ from an E7?
Go Back, click on Home, click on Galaxy Games
If time permits, play some games. Tell me what you did and what you thought about the game!
Go onto next page or turn in for extra credit by Monday, April 8.
Name ___________________________________
Go to p. 7 links: Galaxies – Planetquest (
Scroll down to “3D Guide to the Galaxy”
Click on: Launch Interactive (You may want to Mute sound)
1. “How Big? “ If our solar system were the size of a quarter, the galaxy would be __________.
2. How large is the “Search Bubble” for life? ______________ How many stars? ___________.
3. In which “Spiral Arm” is our solar system located? ____________________
4. How many times the mass of our Sun is the black hole in the “Central Bulge?” ___________
5. The Globular Clusters in the “Halo” contain (old or young) stars.
6. How many galaxies are in our “Local Group?” ________; the biggest is ________________.
7. How far does this site say our Solar System is from the galactic center? _________________.
INTERESTING GRAPHICS: Try the navigation controls, zoom in or out; rotate up, down, etc.
8. Go to p. 7 links, Galaxies – Milky Way
From Select a Question: Drop down to “3 - Disk and Halo Characteristics” Select your
a. Star Formation
A (Disk)
B (Halo)
C (Disk & Halo)
D (Outside)
b. Lots of gas and dust
A (Disk)
B (Halo)
C (Disk & Halo)
D (Outside)
c. no gas or dust
A (Disk)
B (Halo)
C (Disk & Halo)
D (Outside)
d. contains small stars
A (Disk)
B (Halo)
C (Disk & Halo)
D (Outside)
e. many globular clusters
A (Disk)
B (Halo)
C (Disk & Halo)
D (Outside)
f. many open clusters
A (Disk)
B (Halo)
C (Disk & Halo)
D (Outside)
g. metal-rich (~2%) stars
A (Disk)
B (Halo)
C (Disk & Halo)
D (Outside)
Go back and from Select a Question, scroll down to 4 – Orbits of Stars in Halo and Disk
9. How do the orbits of the stars in the halo and in the disk differ?
10. In 5 – Blackhole Star Orbit, why is (C) the correct choice? What do you observe near C?
Select one other Question. Tell me what you learned. Some of these are challenging!