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Saturday, December 18, 2010
Social Studies Study Guide
Social Studies Study Guide
I. Terms and Definitions
1) An Oasis (plural Oases) is a small area in a dessert that is watered by
springs or wells. The dry region in the center of the peninsula is dotted
with oases.
2) Nomads were herders, who migrated in search of food and water. They
migrated in regular patterns, following water and grazing land for their
camel herds. There was a great amount of nomads in the Arabian
3) Families that often join together, to form a tribe. Each tribe was headed by
a respected elder called a sheikh.
4) Idols are statues that represent “sons and daughters of god.” During the
time of the prophet Muhammad (saw) the Meccan people used to worship
the idols and put them in the kaabah for safe keeping.
5) A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred site. Muslims go on a pilgrimage to
Mecca in order to perform Hajj.
6) The Quran is believed by Muslims to be the written record of god’s words.
The Quran is the holy book for Muslims, and the guide to heaven.
7) Monotheism is the belief in one god. Islam is an example of a
monotheistic belief because they believe Allah is the only god and
Muhammad (saw) is their messenger.
8) Islam means “submission” to Allah (swt). Islam has impacted society with
all the inventions they had made during the golden ages that now helps us
in our daily life (Ex. Soap)
9) Believer in Islam are called Muslims, Muslims are those who submit to
Allah’s will. Muslims expanded their land and knowledge during the time
of the four rightly guided caliphs.
10) The mosque is the house of worship for Muslims. The first mosque ever
created was the kaabah as an assignment sent to Ibrahim (A.S).
11) The Sunna is made up of the Quran and collections of hadith together.
Sunna makes up the authentic sources of the Islamic belief and practices.
12) The caliph is an Arabic word meaning “successor”. Caliphs had the same
spiritual leadership as the prophet (saw).
13) A council is an assembly, to choose the next caliph. Every one of the
guided caliphs named a council including Muhammad (saw).
14) Shiite is the Arabic meaning of “the party of Ali.” Shiites accepted that
only members of Muhammad’s (saw) family as their successor.
15) Sunnis are those who claim to follow the Sunna of the prophet. Sunnis
accept all four of the caliphs as Muhammad’s successors. They also
emphasize that Muhammad’s teaching that every individual has a direct
relationship with god.
16) An empire is a number of people or provinces ruled by one central
authority. The Muslim empire started to expand during the times of the
Umayyads and Abbasids.
17) A bureaucracy is many different departments managed by workers
appointed by the caliph or his representatives. A bureaucracy is a system
of rule and orders.
18) Emirs are governors appointed directly by the caliph. Emirs are like
princes or kings that rule the land.
19) Dissent is a disagreement. Many dissents have lead to wars or something
20) Currency is any form of money being used as medium of exchange.
Umayyads made there be the same currency in the areas ruled.
21) Coinage is the categories of types, or quantities of coins issued by a
nation. The Umayyads were the first Muslims to do coinage to make
22) Calligraphy is beautiful handwritings. Calligraphy had flourished from
under the Abbasids; it is an art and is used as a decoration.
23) Factions are opposing groups. Factions may be several groups that oppose
each others decision and leave the empire for others to take over.
24) Legacy is something handed down from an ancestor; something from the
past. Cordoba’s greatest legacy, or gifts, to culture and civilizations of the
25) Cordoba is the ancient roman city; it was a city of merchants. Cordoba
was located in central Spain and Abd al Rahman had captured it from the
26) Seljuk Turks is a Turkish tribe from central Asia. This tribe ad conquered
27) Abbasids was an empire that ruled from 750 to 1258. They were named
the Abbasids after a family headed by al Abbas.
28) Umayyads Empire ruled from 661 to 750 A.D., they were ruling from
Damascus, Syria. The Umayyads were the first Arabs to make a coin.
29) Baghdad is located in Iraq; it also is the capital of Iraq. Baghdad was a city
of great science and technology; it was rich in gold, sliver, cooper, and
iron in trades. Muslim lands were in great demand in the Baghdad market.
30) Revolt is to turn away in rebellion. The faction in the Abbasid Empire
revolted against Baghdad.
II. Social Studies Moto
1) Study The past, Act in the present, Change the future.(Quote of Ms.Odeh)
III. Cyclical time vs. Linear time
1) Does cyclical or linear time have beginning or a end?
 Cyclical does not have a beginning or end, but linear does have a
beginning and end.
2) Cyclical is time/events that repeat itself in a pattern; no beginning or end.
3) Linear is time from point A to Point B: time with a beginning to a end.
IV. Maps and diagrams
Called to prayer from the minaret
Muslims enter the doorway
Wash in the ablution (wudu) fountain
They pray under the portico
While facing the mihrab prayer niche
They listen to an address from the pulpit
The mihrab and the
pulpit are shown at the
photograph at the left
Know how to follow directions on a map
Know which way is north, east, south, and west.
Never eat sour watermelons
One example
V. Timeline
Time Period
570 A.D
595 A.D
610 A.D
622 A.D
630 A.D
632 A.D
What happened during this time
Muhammad (saw) was born into the quarish
tribe around this year.
At 25 Muhammad (SAW) was married to a
wealthy widow in the trading business. The
wealth gave him freedom to visit mount Hira
each year to think.
One time while Muhammad went on a visit to
mount Hira, he is believed by his followers
that he had a vision of Gabriel. He told him to
recite in the name of Allah. This was the first
ayah revealed to Muhammad.
In 622, Muhammad and his followers
migrated to medina, an oasis city about 200
miles north of Mecca. This migration to
medina is known as Hijrah it marks the
begging f the Islamic lunar calendar. 622
A.D. is also 1 A.H.
Muhammad was able to put more than 10,000
men, in 630.the army marched on Mecca and
the city surrendered without s battle.
Muhammad (saw) died in 632 A.D. where it
also was the last year of his revelations.
VI. Questions
1) How did Islamic culture influence Spain?
a) Islamic cultures influenced Spain because it brought them many
things such as leatherwork, prayer carpets, ivory box, handcrafts,
agriculture flourished, and irrigation enabled them to grow exotic
plants like figs, and they also united the Muslims.
2) How did the Abbasid Empire influence the start and the development of
the Umayyad government in Cordoba?
a) The Abbasid empire influenced the start and the development of
the Umayyad government in Cordoba because they (Abbasids) had
killed the Umayyads rulers to take over, so the only survivor (Abd
al Rahman) united the rest of them and they had accepted because
they were mistreated by them and Cordoba plus it brought more
3) What problems led to the fall of central Islamic government?
a) The problems led to the downfall of the central Islamic
government because the Muslims had not stood strong, they
were attacked by Christians and they weren’t able to do
anything else.
4) How was Cordoba able to become the center of culture for Western
Europe in the 800’s and 900’s?
a) Cordoba was able to become the center of culture for Western
Europe’s 800 and 900 because the only survivor of the
Umayyad leader (Abd al Rahman) moved to the capital to
there and united the army and attracting for their workshops.
b) It was filled of merchants.
5) Muslims translated many important books of Greek knowledge into
Arabic. What English books would you suggest to be translated into
Arabic? Make a list of books that should be available in Arabic. Tell why
each book is significant.
c) They should translate oxford dictionaries, the bible,
informational book, and story books. This should be translated
because they can learn, compare, contrast, and so they can
learn about new types of information like segregation and
VII. Essay
Umayyads Accomplishments
1) Muslim soldiers from Arabia took Attacked Damascus Syria in 635 A.D and
captured it.
2) They conquered Mesopotamia in 637 A.D.
3) By the middle 600’s A.D Persia fell to the Muslims.
4) Muawiyah had enough support to take control of the empire in 661 A.D.
5) Muawiyah moved the capital from Muhammad's home to Damascus, Syria.
6) They had control of the Muslims from 661 to 750 A.D.
7) In 711 A.D with the help of Berbers, the Muslims moved northward across the
strait of Gibraltar.
8) In 732 A.D the Muslims confronted Charles Martel and his army of franks
9) Martel’s troops stopped the Muslims at the battle of tours in 732 A.D (it the most
deceived battle in European history.
10) Abd al Malik became caliph from 685 to 705 A.D, and shaped their culture.
11) The government began to, mint coins around 640 A.D.
12) Abd al Malik was responsible for the first purely Muslim Coins.
13) In 688 A.D during the caliphate of Abd al Malik North America was captured.
14) By 732 A.D they made fewer conquests
Abbasids Accomplishment
1) The General Abdullah had invited 80 leaders and killed them
2) By 750 A.D the Abbasid family was able to take control of the Muslim Empire in
the east.
3) Baghdad had become the new Muslim empire.
4) The new Abbasid Empire lasted from 750 to 1258 A.D.
5) The years 800 to 1000 A.D. were a period of high achievement in the area of art
and literature.
6) Caliph al Ma’mum ruled from 813 to 833 A.D.
7) During the caliphate of Al Ma’mum they founded a school in Baghdad called the
house of wisdom.
8) In 751 they captured some Chinese artesian skilled in paper making. They won
their freedom in exchange for revealing the secrets of paper making.
9) Modern algebra is based on explorations in mathematics in the early 800s A.D.
10) One doctor, Ar-Razi a Persian born physician of the 900s wrote the first accurate
description of the diseases that we know today as measles and smallpox.
11) The Fatimid broke away from the Abbasids by the 900s.
12) By 969 they had conquered most North America and claimed the city of Cairo as
their capital.
13) Group continued to break away and they began to become weaker. By 1055
Baghdad was conquered by the Seljuk Turks.
14) It fell to the Mongolian Empire in the 1258 A.D.