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Name __________________________________________________ Date _____________ Class__________
Greece Review Sheet
Fill in the blank:
Which group of people does this describe?
_______________: originally from central Asia
_______________: leaders became 1st Greek kings
-warriors became nobles who ruled the people they conquered
center of the kingdom: fortified palace on hill where ruler lived
-beyond palace walls: noble's large farms w/ slaves & farmers
visited by Minoan traders (from Crete)
> _______________: learned & copied bronze works & shipbuilding, navigation techniques
at sea, & worshipping their main goddess, Earth Mother
_______________: became big traders, but more proud of military conquests (most famous:
Trojan War)
Sparta VS Athens
Read each statement. Determine if it describes Sparta or Athens and write it in the space
_______________: direct democracy
_______________: The “perfect” citizen: trained in the arts & sciences, well rounded and
prepared for both peace and war
_______________: The “perfect” citizen: disciplined, physically fit, simple, highly skilled at war
_______________: at age 7 boys were sent to military school where education focused on
physical fitness and military training
_______________: from ages 7-12 boys learned reading, writing, math, history, and music
_______________: at age 18, boys served two years of military service
_______________: boys had to be in the army until at least age 30
Vocabulary to Know:
_______________: An independent Greek city-state made up of a town/city with surrounding
_______________: a secured fortified area on a hill which also served as a religious center in a polis
_______________: located below an acropolis this space was for a market area and political debates
_______________: a settlement in a new territory that keeps close ties with its homeland
_______________: Someone who takes power by force& rules with total authority
_______________: When a few people hold the power to rule, as in Sparta
_______________: a government in which a king or queen rules and power is passed down through
family lines
_______________: All citizens share in running the government, as in Athens
_______________: When people gather at mass meetings to decide on government matters & every
citizen can vote on laws & policies
_______________: Citizens choose/elect a smaller group of make laws & decisions on their behalf;
more practical system for large populations.
_______________: A short tale that teaches a lesson.
_______________: The earliest Greek stories in the form of a poem which told about heroic deeds.
_______________: An epic poem in which the queen of Sparta is kidnapped by a prince of Troy.
_______________: One of the best-known Greek temples ever built.
_______________: An epic story in which the hero must go on a long journey.
_______________: From the Greek word for “love of wisdom”.
_______________: Traditional stories about gods and heroes.
_______________: a story told by actors who pretend to be characters in the story; examples from
today: movies, plays, television shows; performed in outdoor theaters as part of their religious
_______________: a time in which overseas trade slowed and poverty took hold; people stopped
teaching writing and craftwork and as a result people forgot how to read and write;
_______________: had 24 letters that stood for different sounds based on the ideas of the
_______________: Athens and other city states joined together to drive Persia out of Greek territories
Dark Ages
Delian League
Greek alphabet
direct democracy
representative democracy
People and Places to Know:
_______________: The greatest historian of the ancient world.
_______________: A Greek city-state founded by the Dorians which stressed military training
_______________: A Greek city-state which stressed a well-rounded education for boys & developed
the idea of a democracy for its citizens
_______________: He wrote the first real history of western civilization in The History of the Persian
Wars; considered the “Father of History”
_______________: He wrote the Republic in which he stated that democracy was not a good idea.
_______________: A poet who wrote epics on a war between Greece and Troy. He was responsible for
writing the first two great Greek epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey.
_______________: Athenian sculptor and philosopher who believed that an absolute truth existed
and used pointed questions to help pupils discover ideas; was sentenced to death for his ideas
_______________: A philosopher who believed that the best form of government was a mix of both the
poor and rich running it together. Taught his students to follow the Golden Mean;
_______________: First to establish the principles of geometry.
_______________: A Greek slave who wrote many fables; including: “The Tortoise & the Hare”
_______________: He redistributed the land to farmers and made loans to poor farmers to start fresh.
_______________: He divided the citizens into ten new tribes and mixed them up so that no one tribe
was dominated by the rich as had been the case before. He increased the Council of 400 to the
Council of 500.
_______________: He made social and political reforms to lessen the conflict between the rich and the
poor. He cancelled all debts, abolished slavery, reduced the power of the wealthy aristocrats by
giving more power to the people, and added three new political bodies that gave more power to the
average citizen.
_______________: Athenian general who became a great statesman & guided Athens for over 30
years. He made all offices in the government a paid position and officers were elected by lot rather
than by vote.
_______________: known as “The Father of Medicine;” first to write a medical code of good behavior
that is still used today
_______________: most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Era; developed solid geometry, catapults,
the value of pi, explained the lever and compound pulley
_______________: strongest and simplest of Greek column types with no base
_______________: Greek column style with scrolls at the top, slim & graceful in style
_______________: most elaborate of the Greek column types, with leafy ornament at the top
Short Answer:
What are the four characteristics that make up a citizen of a Greek city-state?
What are two reasons the Greek city-states remained so independent?
Greek stories dealt with big questions such as? (pg. 161)
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Greeks painted murals, but none of them survived today. Where can we see examples of Greek
paintings? (pg 162)
Greek artists wanted people to see what four ideas in their work? (pg 162)
Greek sculptors were idealists. What subject matter was their favorite? (pg 163)
Hellenistic Era (fill in the blank)
The word Hellenistic comes from a Greek word meaning “___________________________.” This
time period refers to when the Greek language and ideas spread to the non-Greek people of
southwest Asia. This time period produced a great body of scientific achievement, art,
architecture, literature, and philosophy.
*Make sure you can read, interpret, and answer questions about maps, charts, and primary