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2012 Midterm Study Session!
Chap 1
1. According to Wilhelm Wundt, the focus of psychology was on the scientific study of
2. The person who established America's first psychological research laboratory and who launched
America's first psychology journal was
3. The first president of the American Psychological Association (APA) was
4. Introspection was most likely to be used by
5. The first woman to serve as President of the American Psychological Association was
6. The notion that unconscious motivations can influence our overt behavior is most consistent with the
views of
7. Sigmund Freud developed an innovative procedure for treating people with psychological problems,
which he called
8. The psychologist who proposed that the study of consciousness should be replaced by the study of
behavior was
9. Alison believes that individuals learn to be either aggressive or non-aggressive as a result of the
experiences they have. Alison's views are most consistent with the
10. The psychologist who took the position that organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive
outcomes and tend not to repeat responses that lead to neutral or negative outcomes was
11. The theoretical orientation that emphasizes the unique qualities of humans, especially their freedom and
potential for personal growth, is
12. The theoretical viewpoint that is most closely associated with Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow is
13. The branch of psychology concerned with everyday, practical problems is called
Chap 2
14. Which of the following groups is most likely to have been used as subjects for psychological research?
15. Any measurable conditions, events, characteristics, or behaviors that are controlled or observed in a
study are called
16. A hypothesis is
17. In an experiment, the variable that is controlled or manipulated by the researcher is called the
18. The purpose of the control group is to
19. In experiments, placing subjects in experimental groups such that each subject has an equal probability
of ending up in any experimental group is referred to as
20. In the Featured Study on how expectations influence reaction to positive and negative outcomes, the
dependent variable was
21. Naturalistic observation, case studies, and surveys all have in common that
22. The score that falls exactly in the center of a distribution of scores, such that half the scores fall below
that score and half the scores fall above it, is the
23. The standard deviation is a measure of
24. Placebos are used in research to control for
25. One method to control for experimenter bias effects in research is to use
Chap 3
26. ____ receive information from other neurons; ____ transmit information to other neurons.
27. Faster neural impulses occur in
28. Which of the following is the correct sequence of structures through which information flows in a neuron?
29. The tiny electrical charge that exists when a neuron is not receiving and/or sending information is called
30. When sodium channels open, allowing sodium ions to flow into a neuron, it causes
31. The minimum length of time between action potentials is determined by
32. If action potentials follow the all-or-none principle how is it possible for us to distinguish between different
levels of stimulus intensity?
33. If IPSP's did not exist
34. Reabsorption of neurotransmitters into the presynaptic neuron is referred to as
35. An agonist
36. An antagonist
37. Abnormalities at norepinephrine and serotonin synapses appear to play a role in which of the following?
38. ____ nerves receive information, while ____ nerves carry out instructions.
39. That part of the nervous system that controls digestion and flow of blood is the
40. Erin suffered a brain injury and her neurologist has told her that there is damage to her reticular
formation. In this instance, Erin is most likely to experience
41. The brain structure that appears to play a vital role in the regulation of temperature regulation, hunger,
thirst, and sexual motivation is the
42. Which of the following brain structures is most closely associated with the regulation of emotion?
43. The structure that connects the two cerebral hemispheres is the
44. In which of the lobes of the cerebrum is the somatosensory cortex located?
45. The most recent research investigating the brain's plasticity suggests that
46. If you have difficulty understanding the meaning of someone's speech, you may suspect damage to
47. In both split-brain people and neurologically intact people, the left hemisphere specializes in
48. The system of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream is known as the
Chap 4
49. According to psychologists, the minimum stimulus intensity of any sensory input that an organism can
detect is
50. According to psychologists, the smallest difference in stimulus intensity that a specific sense can detect is
51. According to ____, the ability to detect a stimulus depends not only on the intensity of the stimulus but
also on other variables such as the level of noise in the system and your expectations.
52. The registration of sensory input without conscious awareness refers to
53. Sensory adaptation refers to
54. Overall, it appears that we perceive
55. The wavelength of light mainly affects our perception of
56. If the human eye was not responsive to differences in the amplitude of light waves, we would not be able
to perceive differences in
57. The correct sequence of eye structures that light passes through en route to the retina is
58. Night and peripheral vision depend mainly on ____, while daylight and acute vision depend mainly on
59. The primary visual cortex is located in the
60. Cells in the visual cortex that respond selectively to specific features of complex stimuli are called
61. If you look at a sheet of notebook paper set on a table, the distal stimulus is the ____, and the proximal
stimulus is the ____.
62. The binocular depth cue that relies on the fact that objects within 25 feet project images to slightly
different locations on the right and left retinas, so that the right and left eyes see slightly different views of
the object is known as
63. Interposition refers to
64. Which of the following principles does the Ponzo illusion use to achieve its effect?
65. The Ames room, in which people are seen to get small or enlarge as they move about, demonstrates that
our perception of the world depends strongly on
66. The structure of the ear that transduces sound vibrations into nerve impulses is the
67. The correct order in which a sound stimulates the structures in the ear is
68. Which of the following best describes how we hear according to place theory?
69. The two major cues we use to localize sound sources in space are
70. Food generally tastes bland when you have a severe head cold because
Chap 5
71. The awareness of self, your thoughts, internal sensations and external stimuli is defined as
72. An electroencephalograph is a device that measures
73. The four basic EEG patterns are
74. The hormone that appears to play a key role in adjusting our biological clocks is
75. Sleep spindles, which appear against a background of mixed, mostly lower frequency EEG activity, are
characteristic of
76. Which of the following is NOT associated with REM sleep?
77. The most common known sleep disorder is
78. Sleep apnea is characterized by
79. The role-playing theory of hypnosis offered by Barber and Spanos suggests that the hypnotized subject
80. Research has shown that meditation can produce a physiological state similar to
81. A drug that depresses central nervous system activity is referred to as
82. The most widely used recreational drug in the United States is
83. A progressive decrease in one's response to a drug with repeated and prolonged use is called
84. John needs to continue to take doses of morphine to avoid withdrawal illness symptoms. John is
Chap 6
85. The initial stage of learning a response is called
86. Sally developed a fear of balconies from almost falling. Although she has had no dangerous experiences
on bridges, cliffs, and the view from tall buildings, she now fears these stimuli as well. Which of the following is likely to have produced a fear of these other stimuli?
87. Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which
88. ____ is to operant conditioning as ____ is to classical conditioning.
89. Ratio schedules always relate to the
90. Operant conditioning is another name for
91. When the UCS is removed and the CS is presented alone for a period of time, what will occur?
92. When the rat presses a lever, the mild electric shock on the cage floor is turned off. What procedure is
being used?
93. The phenomenon of spontaneous recovery suggests that
94. A student who studies in order to earn high grades is working for ____; a student who studies in order to
avoid low grades is working for ____.
95. Bette creates a television ad that alternates between images of garbage dumps and people drinking in a
bar. She is hoping that people who watch the ad will develop negative feelings toward drinking. Bette is
relying on
96. A worker receives $ 1.00 for every two units he assembles. He is being paid on a ____ schedule.
97. Given the same frequency of reinforcement, ____ schedules generate higher rates of responding than do
____ schedules.
98. The difference between punishment and negative reinforcement is that
99. After watching his father wash the car, five-year-old Bob washes his bike. This is an example of
100. A researcher reinforces closer and closer approximations to a target behavior. What is the name of the
procedure she is using?
101. Newly learned behavior that is not apparent from behavior when it first occurs is known as
102. A worker gets paid every Friday for completing his 40 hour work week. He is being paid on a ____
103. You eat a new food and that night become ill with nausea and vomiting. Later you experience nausea
whenever you taste or smell the new food. Why did you not associate your nausea with the cues of the
room, the people present, the bathroom, and so on?
104. Pavlov found that meat powder placed on a dog's tongue will make the dog salivate. In Pavlov's terms,
the meat powder is
Chap 7
105. The three basic processes in memory are
106. Early-selection theories of attention propose that
107. Which of the following was NOT a level of processing associated with verbal information as suggested
by Craik and Lockhart (1972)?
108. Norm is studying for his law exam. While he is studying, he is trying to think of as many examples as he
can to illustrate key ideas. In this case, Norm is using
109. The Atkinson-Shiffrin memory model proposes that memory has
110. Which of the following researchers conducted a classic experiment that demonstrated the brief duration
of information in sensory memory?
111. You are absorbed in reading your psychology text when the phone rings. After talking on the phone,
you can't remember the last thing you read. This information was lost from ____ memory, because the
phone conversation distracted you from ____ the information.
112. Which of the following researchers is known for identifying the capacity of short-term memory as "seven
plus or minus two" items?
113. Penfield's studies suggest that long-lost memories can be elicited through electrical stimulation of the
brain. This suggests the possibility that forgetting may be a matter of
114. Unusually vivid and detailed recollections of momentous events are called
115. The process of deciding on whether a memory is based on an external source or an internal source is
referred to as
116. The first person to conduct scientific studies of forgetting was
117. Pseudoforgetting is viewed as a function of
118. You have an exam at 8 a.m. and it is now 8 p.m. the night before. You have studied well. The best thing
to do now is
119. The concept of motivated forgetting is based largely on the work of which of the following early
120. Retrograde amnesia is a type of organic amnesia in which
121. Damage to which of the following is most likely to cause deficits in long-term memory?
Chap 8
122. All of the following theorists EXCEPT ____ encouraged the study of cognitive activity which helped lead
to the cognitive revolution in the 1950s.
123. The three essential characteristics of language are that it must be
124. The word "unchangeable" consists of
125. If you were to compare adult speech with the speech of infants under 4 months of age you should
expect to find that
126. Valerie is 18 months old. Her productive vocabulary probably consists of
127. Fast mapping is
128. Overextension occurs when
129. Underextension would be evident if a three-year-old child
130. Metalinguistic awareness refers to
131. Evidence from research studies investigating bilingualism suggest that
132. Pinker and Bloom (1992) suggest that human language may be a result of evolutionary processes
because language allows humans to
133. According to Skinner, children learn a language
134. Noam Chomsky contended that
135. You are having a conversation with your psychology professor and he proposes that your language
determines the nature of your thought. Which theorist would agree with his assertions?
136. Functional fixedness refers to
137. A methodical, step by step procedure for trying all possible alternatives in searching for a solution to a
problem is
138. A mental "rule of thumb" for problem solving is referred to as
139. The concept of field dependence-independence highlights the importance of ____ in determining
problem-solving skills.
140. The availability heuristic implies that people will ____ the frequency of events that are easy to
remember and ____ the frequency of events that are hard to remember.
141. The representativeness heuristic refers to our tendency to
142. ____ tests measure general mental ability and ____ tests measure various aspects of people including
motives, interests, values and attitudes.
Chap 9
143. The test you are currently taking is an example of what kind of test?
144. The fact that a test is given with uniform procedures in administration and scoring means that the test
has been
145. The fact that two people taking the same test in two different places will receive the same instructions,
the same questions, and the same time limits means that the test has been
146. If a test yields nearly identical scores when it is retaken after a 2-month interval, the test is said to be
147. Which of the following represents the strongest test-retest reliability for a test?
148. A valid test is one that
149. Which theorist set out to improve on the measurement of intelligence in adults with an intelligence test
with two major innovations; the first was that the score was less dependent on a subject's verbal ability
and the second was the use of a deviation intelligence quotient?
150. Currently, the test that is most commonly used to assess adult intelligence is the
151. Who was originally responsible for developing IQ tests for all ages with both verbal and performance
items and with subtest scores?
152. The correlation between IQ scores and performance within a particular occupation is best described as
153. The vast majority of retarded people are classified as
154. The environmental hypothesis suggests that mental retardation is
155. Terman's longitudinal study of gifted individuals has shown that gifted children
156. Which of the following statements regarding giftedness and achievement in life is most accurate?
157. The consensus among most researchers is that the heritability of intelligence is
158. The Flynn effect is the finding that
159. According to the reaction range model, children
160. According to Robert Sternberg, intelligence can be divided into three major parts. These three
components of intelligence are