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Ancient Rome Quiz
1. What inferences can be made about Roman culture from the Tale of Romulus and Remus?
a. War was prevalent in Roman society
b. Women and men were viewed as equals
c. Unpopular leaders remained in power
d. All of the above.
2. Tarquin the Proud was viewed as a tyrant and overthrown in order to set up a:
a. Democracy
b. Monarchy
c. Oligarchy
d. Republic
3. Small landowners, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants comprised which group:
a. Consuls
b. Gladiators
c. Patricians
d. Plebeians
4. The Laws of the Twelve Tables defined the rights of:
a. Free male citizens
b. Women
c. Slaves
d. All of the Above
5. To protect themselves against unjust treatment by patrician officials, the Plebeians elected their own
officials, called:
a. Praetors
b. Consuls
c. Tribunes
d. Senators
6. ______________________ defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra signaling the end of the Republic in
a. Julius Caesar
b. Octavian
c. Pompeii
d. Crassus
7. The purpose of Roman Coliseum and the Circus Maximus were:
a. to entertain the wealthy
b. to feed the poor in the countryside
c. to keep the poor and jobless from rebelling
d. to lower taxes
8. Trajan’s Forum was the modern day equivalent of a:
a. Theater
b. Stadium
c. Shopping mall
d. Race track
9. Rome provided all of the following EXCEPT:
a. A steady water supply
b. Public parks and forest preserves
c. Public entertainment
d. Street cleaning services
10. Religion was a unifying force in the Roman Empire because:
a. Christians were willing to worship the Emperor as a god
b. Romans were religiously tolerant of other polytheistic religions
c. Christians were treated fairly by the early Roman emperors
d. Jews were granted political control over the nation of Israel
11. One of the strongest unifying forces in the Roman Empire was:
a. Different cultures and beliefs
b. The legal system
c. The oligarchy
d. The paterfamilias
12. Commercial activity flourished in the Roman Empire because of:
a. Rome’s geographical location and its road network
b. the elimination of piracy on the Black Sea
c. high tariff policies on imports
d. political instability and civil war
13. At its height, the Roman Empire stretched from:
a. The northern tip to the southern tip of the Italian peninsula
b. Rome to Constantinople
c. Spain in the West to Judea in the East
d. Athens to Rome
14. A man-made channel constructed to bring water to the cities was called:
a. A forum
b. A legion
c. A censor
d. An aqueduct