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Malfunctions and
Nervous system Disorders
 Stroke: a neurological dysfunction caused by
a loss of blood flow to a part or parts of the
** May be caused by an aneurism (popped blood vessel), embolism
(blocked blood vessel), or thrombus (partly blocked blood vessel
 Meningitis: inflammation of the meninges that
may be viral or bacterial
** (the meninges are tissue that surrounds the vertebrae and brain).
Nervous System Disorders II
 Polio: an airborne (communicable or
infectious) virus that destroys the function of
motor neurons when it comes in contact with
the central nervous system (causes paralysis)
 Cerebral Palsy: a group of non-infectious
disorders that cause physical disabilities in
human development
Endocrine System disorders
 Goiter: enlargement of the thyroid gland due
to an insufficient amount of iodine in thyroxin
 Diabetes: a metabolic or autoimmune
disorder in which the body does not properly
manufacture or utilize the hormone insulin.
**Type I (juvenile) does not properly manufacture insulin because
the immune system is destroying the beta cells of the pancreas
(the cells that make insulin)
**Type II (adult onset) does not properly utilize the insulin that is
released by the pancreas beta cells
Excretory System Disorders
 Gout: a build up of uric acid in the joints
especially in the area of the foot.
 Kidney Stones: a solidification of minerals
and salts dissolved in water to form urine.
** May form in the kidney or ureter
Skeletal System Disorders
 Tendonitis: inflammation of the tendons that
attach 2 bones together
 Arthritis: degenerative disease that affects the
function of your joints.
** Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder where the body
cells are attacking the body joints
Immune System Disorders
 Any –itis (usually bacterial in nature)
Ex. Tonsilitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis…
 May be a disorder caused by fungus
(ringworm, athletes foot and dandruff)
 May be a disorder caused by protists or
parasites (malaria and tapeworm disease)
Immune system disorders
(virus causing)
 Retrovirus (HIV and AIDS)
 DNA viruses (Smallpox, Chickenpox, Herpes,
and Epstein-Barr) **The Epstein-Barr virus
causes mononucleosis
 RNA viruses (measles, mumps, rubella, flu,
common cold, and polio)
Immune system disorders
(autoimmune diseases)
 Type I diabetes: insulin is not properly
manufactured because the immune system
attacks the beta cells that produce insulin
 Lupus: damages the skeletal, circulatory,
respiratory, excretory, and nervous systems
 Multiple Sclerosis: damage to the cerebellum
(loss of motor functions)
Immune system (other)
 Cancer: and overproduction of cells that does
not reproduce by typically following the cell