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ISCI 2001 Life/Earth Science Activity
A Cell Travel Brochure
Cell Organelles are important parts of cells. They are specialized parts of cells that carry out specific functions.
Organelles work together to help the cell function properly. In this activity you are going to make a travel
brochure that advertises a trip through a cell. You will be required to describe a plant or animal cell as if it were
a large exhibit/amusement park. Draw/Describe/Explain at least 8 organelles/parts of a cell and their functions.
Humor and creativity are strongly encouraged!
I. Pre-Activity Questions
(1). Describe the functions of the following organelles . Mitochondria, Nucleus, Endoplasmic Reticulum and
Ribosomes, Golgi Apparatus.
II. Activity Directions
1. Produce a travel brochure to attract visitors to spend money to visit an animal or plant cell. Think of your cell
as a huge amusement park or small roadside attraction. You must describe at least 8 attractions (organelles
or parts of a cell) that will amaze your visitors.
2. Produce your brochure with the idea in mind that entice visitors to take the next exit and visit the “incredible”
“amazing” sights of an animal or plant cell. For example: “Visit the ribosomes located outside the nucleus
and watch as proteins are produced”. Think of yourself as Billy Mays (the oxyclean guy)!
3. You should use drawings/diagrams etc. (Real photos, diagrams from the internet, or your own drawings)
4. The more creative, the better the brochure.
III. Evaluation
Your brochure will be based on the following evaluation:
1 Accuracy
Functions and descriptions of organelles/cell parts
were completed with accuracy
2 Design
Design was creative and interesting
3 Organization
The trip through the cell was organized and flowed.
Segways from one part of the cell to the other made
sense and linked the parts of the cell together
4 Spelling and
Minimal Spelling and Grammar errors
This grade will be a part of your report grades.
Will be deducted