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Review Questions
Intro stuff
1. A single member of a species is called
a. organism
2. The living parts of an ecosystem interacting with each other are called
a. community
3. All living and non-living parts interacting together is called
a. ecosystem
4. (Abiotic/biotic) A lion is ______
a. biotic
5. (Abiotic/biotic) Air is
a. abiotic
Food Chains
6. In an ecosystem, all of the energy starts with the _________________
a. sun
7. An organism that eats only meat is called a __________________.
a. carnivore
8. An organism that eats a producer is called a __________________.
a. consumer, primary consumer
9. An organism that eats both plants and meat is called an _______________.
a. omnivore
10. A detritivore eats what?
a. dead stuff
11. In a food web, what would happen if we removed the producers?
a. everything dies, no food chain
12. In this food chain, sun – grass – deer – wolf, the wolf would be considered what type of consumer?
a. secondary
13. A name for an organism that get gets its energy from the sun would be _______________.
a. producer, autotroph
14. How much energy gets passed to each level in an energy pyramid?
a. 10%
Species relationships
1. A symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit is called ___________.
a. mutualism
2. symbiotic relationship where one animal captures and eats another is called ________.
a. predator/prey
3. In a parasitic relationship, one animal benefits and the other ____________.
a. harmed
4. In the lynx and hare lab, what happened to the lynx population when the hare population increased?
a. increased
5. List 1 way carbon is put into the air.
a. burning wood or fossil fuels, respiration
6. List 1 way carbon is stored/taken out of the air.
a. oceans, photosynthesis, trees/plants
7. In the water cycle, water changing from a gas to a liquid is called
a. evaporation
8. What is the next step in the water cycle after evaporation?
a. condensation
9. Taking atmospheric nitrogen and converting to a useable form is called __________.
a. nitrogen fixation
10. In a climax community we tend to what types of plants?
a. trees
11. Why does primary succession take longer than secondary?
a. no soil present
12. What types of species are considered pioneer species?
a. lichens and mosses
13. What type of succession takes place after a forest fire occurs?
a. secondary
14. List 1 factor that affects where biomes are located.
a. latitude, oceans, wind
15. Which type of dispersion provides the most protection?
a. clumped
16. This type of growth rate has 4 stages, and ends with carrying capacity
a. logistical
17. Maximum number of individuals that an environment can support for the long term is called
a. carrying capacity
18. Any factor that does not depend on the number of organisms in a population is a
a. density independent factor
19. Give an example of a density independent factor
a. a.
20. Give an example of a density dependent factor
a. a.
21. What event led to human’s increasing their carrying capacity?
a. Industrial revolution
22. List a technology that allowed human’s to increase their carrying capacity.
a. Shelters, sanitation/sewers, medicine, agriculture
Figure 5-6
23. Examine the desert food web shown in Figure 5-6. Describe the possible consequences of the extinction of
the snake.