Download Ecology Test Review Sheet (Chapters 1, 2, and 3)

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Review Sheet: Ecology
Name: _________________________________
Date: ___________________ Period: ________
Directions: Please answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Make sure you know the definitions to the 40 flashcard terms. You should have
already defined them. Study the cards you made.
Chemosynthetic Bacteria
Pioneer Species
Primary Succession
Secondary Succession
Climax Community
Energy Pyramid
Numbers Pyramid
Biomass Pyramid
Trophic Levels
Food Web
Resource Use/Depletion
Carrying Capacity
Acid Rain
Invasive Species
Beach Erosion
Hog Waste Lagoons
Biological Magnification
Ozone Layer Depletion
Global Climate Change
2. Name two biotic and two abiotic factors that might affect the population size of mice in
a field.
3. Make a food chain using the following organisms: raspberry bush, owl, snake, rabbit.
4. Use the information in the paragraph below to create a food web.
In a pond, a snail feeds on pondweed. A minnow swallows the snail. A water snake
eats the minnow. Sometimes, a snail will also eat algae. Waterfleas are eaten by
minnows. Frogs eat minnows. Waterfleas eat algae.
5. List one producer, one primary consumer, one secondary consumer, and one
tertiary consumer, in the food web you made in #4.
6. How is the flow of energy through a community different from that of matter?
7. Give an example of succession.
8. Give an example of an energy pyramid, a biomass pyramid, and a numbers pyramid.
What trend is apparent as you move from the producer level up?
9. How much chemical energy can then be passed on from one trophic level to another?
If there are 5000kcal available at the producer level, how much would be available at
the 3rd trophic level?
10. Define the following vocabulary terms on flashcards or a separate sheet of paper:
density-dependent (define/give an example)
density-independent limiting factor (define/give an example)
11. Describe the difference between a habitat and a niche.
12. What is the relationship between resources and the carrying capacity of a particular
area? What happens when populations exceed the carrying capacity for an area?
13. Explain how predator and prey population sizes cycle together.
14. Describe how humans have affected the biosphere in terms of global climate change,
the ozone layer, and threatening biodiversity (habitat destruction, invasive species,
biological magnification, acid rain, hog waste lagoons)
15. Why is maintaining biodiversity important?
16. Sketch a graph showing the growth of the human population. Include when we started
to see a big increase and include the total population we have on earth now. Predict
what might happen to the human population in the future.
17. What is the difference between a more developed country and a less developed
country? In which type of country is most future human population growth predicted to
18. What does it mean if an activity is sustainable? What does it mean to be a good
steward of the environment?
19. Explain how Water, CO2/O2, and Nitrogen cycle in our environment and how
humans influence these cycles.