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Renaissance and Reformation Review Sheet
1. What was the Renaissance a rebirth of?
-Art and learning
2. Humanism-the study of human potential and achievements based on the study of classic
Greek and Roman Culture
3. Medici Family and what they were famous for-being rulers and supporters of the arts
4. How was Leonardo da Vinci a Renaissance Man?
-he was a painter, sculpter, inventor, and scientist
5. Indulgences-clergy sold pardons that released people from doing penance for their sins.
6. What King declared himself the head of the English Church?
-Henry VIII
7. What were John Calvin’s major teachings?
8. Who founded the Catholic Jesuit order?
Ignatius of Loyola
9. Who wrote Utopia and what was it about?
Thomas More about an ideal place
10. Why did the Renaissance in Northern Europe lag behind the Italian
-The plague and 100 yrs war.
11. When Jerusalem fell to the Ottoman Turks, where did the scholars take the
ancient Greek manuscripts for safe keeping?
12. The Act of Supremacy-Edict to recognize Henry VIII as head of the church rather than the pope
13. Patrons-wealthy people who supported artists, often wealthy merchants
14. What did Johann Gutenberg invent?
-moveable type printing press
15. Anul-to set aside a marriage as if it never happened (was never legal)
16. Anabaptist-from Greek, means to baptize again, believed only adult baptism valid
17. Anglican Church- the name for the church of England whom the King was the head
18. Protestant (Origin)-comes from the name given some German Princes who protested against
joining forces with the pope against Luther’s ideas.
19. Renaissance Man-someone who excelled in many areas of study
20. Renaissance Woman-know the classics, be charming, but do not seek fame, inspire art, but do not
create it.
21. How did Italy’s location help it become the birthplace of the Renaissance?
-Italy had access to Roman ruins and ancient manuscripts from
22. Why was block printing more useful in Europe than China?
European languages had a smaller number of characters than Chinese
23. What was the major reason for the Reformation?
-European merchants resented paying taxes to the church in Rome
24. What were Martin Luther’s beliefs?
-All people with faith were equal.
-all Church teachings should be based on the Bible
-Faith and good works were needed for God’s gift of forgiveness
25. Why did Henry VIII split with the Roman Catholic Church?
He wanted a divorce so that he could have a son, a male heir.
26. What was agreed upon at the Council of Trent?
-the Church’s interpretation of the Bible was final.
-Christians needed faith and good deeds for salvation
-the Bible and Church tradition were equally powerful authorities in life
-indulgences were valid expressions of faith
27. Peace of Augsburg ended a war between what two groups?
Catholic and Protestant German Princes
28. What idea of Luther influenced John Calvin?
-Humans cannot earn a place in heaven
29. The Renaissance covers what time period?
30. Secular-worldly
31. Perspective-technique used in two-dimensional art to add realism
32. Vernacular-writing in local rather than classical language
33. What type of art did Renaissance painters in Flanders produce?
34. Utopia in Greek means? No place
In English? Ideal place
35. Where was moveable type first used?
36. Who invented the printing press?
Johann Gutenburg
37. Who wrote Utopia and what was it about?
Thomas More, about an ideal society
38. What did Erasmus and More have in common?
-both were considered humanists
39. Who were the followers of John Knox?
40. Predestination was one of the main doctrines of what religion?
41. Founder of the Jesuits and principal goalIgnatius of Loyola, education of children and missionaries