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DNA /RNA/Protein Synthesis Study Guide
 What is DNA and what is its structure?
Deoxyribonucleic acid – double helix – antiparallel which means on strand is 5’ – 3’ and the other complementary strand
runs 3’ – 5’
What makes up the sides of the DNA ‘ladder’, and how are they bonded?
Deoxyribose = sugar + phosphate group – bonded together by hydrogen bonds.
 What makes up the rungs of the DNA ‘ladder’ and how are they bonded?
Each rung of the ladder is a nucleic acid bonded to their complementary nucleic acid held together by hydrogen bonds.
Why does A bond with T and G bond with C?
Adenine & Guanine are purines = double rings
Thymine & Cytosine are pyrimidines = single ring
Adenine bonds with Thymine in DNA & Guanine Bonds with Cytosine - #A’s = #T’s, #C’s = #G’s
 How are DNA and RNA similar and different?
RNA = single stranded, Uracil instead of Thymine, RNA can move outside the nucleus, DNA cannot
DNA = double stranded, No Uracil, Can only stay inside the nucleus.
What does antiparallel mean?
Does each strand carry the same gene? (explain) Yes, each strand is COMPLEMENTARY to the other.
What is DNA replication and where does it occur?
Process of copying DNA – occurs in nucleus
 What is Semiconservative Replication?
After DNA replication, results in each DNA strand having 1 original + 1 copy of DNA
What is Helicase?
The enzyme (protein) which opens up the double strands of DNA by breaking/melting they Hydrogen bonds.
 What is DNA Polymerase?
The enzyme (protein) which binds the new nucleotide bases to the new DNA strand.
 What is a mutation?
When mistakes cause changes in DNA resulting in errors
RNA and Protein Synthesis
 What are the monomers and polymers of nucleic acids?
Monomer = nucleotide = nitrogen base + sugar (DNA = deoxyribose, RNA = ribose) + phosphate group
Polymer = DNA or RNA
What are the three types of RNA and what does each do?
tRNA = transfer RNA = contains an anticodon complementary to an mRNA strand + amino acid
rRNA = ribosomal RNA = contains enzymes to “read” mRNA strands to make proteins
mRNA = messenger RNA = complementary to DNA strand which relays the message of which proteins to make
What is transcription and where does it occur?
DNA  mRNA and occurs in nucleus
 What is translation and where does it occur?
mRNA  protein and occurs on ribosomes in cytoplasm.
What are codons and anticodons?
1 Codon = 3 nitrogenous bases read by 1 anticodon = 3 nitrogenous bases (complementary ) = 1 amino acid
Write examples of complementary strands of DNA and the mRNA that goes with each strand.
Write an amino acid sequence then work backwards to write out the sequence of mRNA that codes for it, then
finally write out the DNA that lead to the mRNA.