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UNIT ONE STUDY GUIDE – RENAISSANCE (and how the Middle Ages influenced it)
All study guides MUST BE HANDWRITTEN to receive credit. See syllabus!
Study Guide Questions:
1. ANALYZE HOW THE Hundred Years’ War, Black Death, and Great Schism (Avignon
Papacy) led to the Renaissance. Include and define the following: vernacular writing,
simony, pluralism, indulgences, Avignon Papacy, and Great Schism [Daily Questions
Videos and Duncan Notes; look in your book for definitions of simony, pluralism, and
2. What major economic and social changes occurred in the Renaissance? Discuss how
trade and the Medici Bank caused economic change. How did the daily lives off ALL
types of people change, from the poorest to the richest? [ Duncan Notes ]
3. What was Humanism, and what effect did it have on philosophy, education, and
attitude towards politics? Who are the major Humanists and the people who
influenced them? [Humanism Lecture - Stip]
4. How does Machiavelli’s The Prince reflect political realities of this time i. e. changes in
power for the Monarchy? [Duncan Notes, The Prince reading handout discussion]
5. Analyze to what extent the role of women, ALL women, changed during the
Renaissance. Use the Women of AP Euro handout and the Master Review Guide to
provide support for your answer. [Women In Renaissance Stip Lecture]
6. Renaissance Writers-Pick two writers from the list below PLUS MACHIAVELLI and either
Dante or Chaucer. Create a chart of the following writers, their books, and the impact it
had on the Renaissance.
a. ITALIAN: Petrarch, Boccaccio, Castiglione, Christine Pisan, MachiavellI
b. NORTHERN: Erasmus and Praise of Folly, Machiavelli (required), Cervantes,
Shakespeare, Thomas More, & Mirandola
(Four writers total: Machiavelli, either Dante or Chaucer, plus the two additional you
pick) [Duncan Notes for some; Humanism Lecture from above will also help with this
question too]
7. Art – create a chart of the following art techniques with examples of the art. Also,
identify if the technique is Middle Ages or Renaissance. Greek and Roman style, Flying
buttresses, stained glass windows, sfumato, chiaroscuro, bas relief, free standing
statues, domes, perspective, religious content of art, secular content of art, Gothic style,
egg tempera, oil painting, & wood carving [Duncan Notes and In Class Art Assignment]
8. Art-create a chart on SIX of the following pieces of art, the techniques included, and its
impact on the Renaissance. (no repeating artists pieces)
a. ITALIAN: The Last Supper, Sistine Chapel ceiling, Michelangelo’s David,
Donatello’s David, The School of Athens, the Duomo in Florence, Notre Dame
Cathedral, Sistine Chapel’s The Last Judgment, Michelangelo’s Pieta, The Birth of
b. NORTHERN: Brueghel The Peasant’s Wedding, Girl With the Pearl Earring,
Holbein the Younger’s The Ambassador, Arnolfini’s Wedding, Rembrandt’s Night
*Duncan’s Notes on youtube
*Duncan’s youtube playlist for Unit 1 Renaissance (public)
*Renaissance Art class activity, Renaissance People class activity [Quizlet File for Ren. Ppl ]
*Mr. Stip’s videos on youtube (for the Middle Ages Stuff)
*Quizlet for Renaissance Vocabulary
*Textbook and the review book
Vocabulary – see quizlet for the definition of the words below
guilds, Neoplatonism, guild, fresco, lay piety or lay person, Conciliar Movement, B.C., A.D., C.E.,
B.C.E, virtu, a courtier (the person not the book), scholasticism, Renaissance, Humanism,
manorialism, feudalism, city-states of Italy, chivalry, secularism, vernacular, printing press,
pogrom, mercantilism, & theology
Art Terms: egg tempra, wood cut, chiaroscuro, sfumato, fresco, perspective, bas relief,
free standing statues, stained glass, and a flying buttress
People to Know: (Heads Up-most of these people have either a book/writings or painting(s)
you need to know about including its IMPACT on the time period) *Where to find:
Renaissance People activity, Art activity; also Duncan notes and Renaissance Awesome Sheets
Michelangelo, Raphael, Da Vinci, Donatello, Botticelli, Artemisia Gentileschi, Giorgio Vasari,
Cosimo Medici, Lorenzo Medici, Giovanni Medici, Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor
(Hapsburg), Baldassare Castiglione, Dante, Petrarch, Christine Pisan, Chaucer, Erasmus,
Machiavelli, Cervantes, Thomas More, Mirandola, Isabella D’Este, El Greco, Isabella and
Ferdinand of Spain, Savonarola, Leonardo Bruni, Jan Van Eyck, Vermeer, Pieter Brueghel, Durer,
& Holbein
Places, Things, and Legal Documents
Peace of Lodi, Florence, Bruges, Flanders, Rome, Venice and Naples.
POSSIBLE FRQ QUESTIONS – Not assigned; frequently become essay questions on tests
1. Why was the Renaissance a turning point in the development of Western civilization?
Why was it a "rebirth"?
2. How was the Renaissance in Italy different from that in Northern Europe? How was it
the same? (Compare the two)
3. How did the Catholic Church lose the dominant position it had had during the medieval
period in the Renaissance?
4. Did women really experience a Renaissance?