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Ancient Rome: Government and Laws
World History Notes
Date: ____________
Roman Government’s Three Phases
 Roman ________________
o 753 to 509 BC
 How many years is this?________
 Roman ________________
o 509 to 27 BC
 How many years is this?________
 Roman ________________
o 27 BC to 476 AD
 How many years is this?________
*NOTE* Don’t forget the Roman Empire was in existence for so long that the calendar transitions
from (B.C./ B.C.E) to (A.D./ C.E.)
 B.C = Before Christ
A.D.= Anno Domini
 B.C.E= Before Common Era
C.E.= Common Era
Rome’s Mythical Beginnings: Roman ___________
 The road to a Roman Kingdom (753 to 509 BC) begins with the legendary myth
of ____________&______________.
o Twin boys sent adrift in a basket on the _________________ on
the order of their great uncle.
o Found and cared for by a ____________ until a
shepherd takes them in.
o They decide to build a city on the river banks were
they were saved, but there is a disagreement on
where to build this city.
o Romulus kills _________ to build the city of Rome.
o Romulus becomes king of Rome.
Rome Becomes a _______________
 Roman Republic________________B.C. began when the last Roman King, or
_________ was overthrown.
o Tarquinius was overthrown in 509 BC
 Roman Republic lasts about 480 years, but eventually dictators start to emerge.
started a civil war by marching his troops into
Rome, and he becomes a dictator.
 Strict Social Classes: ______________ (upper) and _________________ (lower)
o Written Laws: __________________________________
The Law of the Twelve Tables
 The reason for the creation of the laws was to appease the
o In 494 BC, invaders threaten Rome and the Plebeians refuse
to ___________ until their rights were expanded.
 Without the Plebeians there would be no Roman Army
to speak of…
o In _________B.C. , the Plebeians had the laws written down,
and displayed in the Roman Forum.
 Significance:
o The laws do not look like the beliefs of Hammurabi, and
everyone is treated fairly under the law.
o The laws resemble the U.S. _________________ or the
Rome Becomes an _________________
 The First ____________________ (rule of three men)
o Julius Caesar, takes control in 44 BC “_____________________________”
o Gnaeus Pompey (Caesar defeats)
o Licinius Crassus (dies)
 Bad news for Caesar…
o Many Senators believed Caesar wanted to become ___________, and
plotted to kill him.
Roman Empire Cont…
 __________________ Triumvirate
o ________________ “Augustus” (Caesar’s heir and adopted son)
o Marc Antony (defeated by Octavian)
o Lepidus (“retired”)
 Octavian Augustus becomes Rome’s first _________________.
 Other lines of emperors included the:
o ___________________ and the Flavians
o The Good Emperors