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Year 11 Integrated Science: Microbes Student Learning Objectives
Lesson 1 – Introduction to micro-organisms
 explain what a micro-organism or microbe is
 state the five main groups of micro-organisms
 state the three groups of micro-organisms we are learning about
Lesson 2 - Bacteria
 describe the shapes of 3 types of bacteria
 draw and label a generalised bacterium cell, briefly describing the function of each
 describe bacterial feeding by extra-cellular digestion
 describe bacterial reproduction by binary fission
 describe how bacteria excrete
 explain the characteristic S-shaped curve for population growth of bacteria
Lesson 3 – Culturing Bacteria
 describe the process used to culture bacteria
 describe the safety conditions needed when culturing bacteria
 describe the conditions that bacteria grow best in
 explain why the incubated Petri dishes are placed upside down
Lesson 4 - Fungi
 draw and label a diagram showing the structure of a typical fungus and describe
the function of each part
 describe how fungi reproduce and the conditions necessary for optimal growth
 describe how fungi feed
 distinguish between saprophytic and parasitic fungi
Lesson 5 – Culturing Bacteria (and Fungi) cont.
 describe how fungi and bacteria are cultured
 describe the safety conditions needed while doing these techniques
 explain how to distinguish between bacterial and fungal colonies on a Petri dish
Lesson 6 - Viruses
 draw and label a diagram that shows the structure of a virus
 describe and draw a diagram to show how viruses reproduce
 explain how viruses are cultured
Lesson 7/8 – Helpful/Harmful Micro-organisms
 give examples of where micro-organisms can be helpful and harmful
 describe diseases caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses and their effects on
plants, animals and humans
 recognise that while some microbes cause disease, other are essential to human
 describe and interpret diagrams about the nutrient cycles for carbon and nitrogen
 discuss aspects of the life processes of bacteria and fungi with reference to
composting, fermentation and food poisoning
 explain the difference between anaerobic and aerobic bacteria
Lesson 9/10 – Food and Micro-organisms
 explain how anaerobic respiration is useful in making wine, beer or getting bread
to rise
 explain how to make yoghurt using a starter culture
Lesson 11 – Disease and Immunity
 describe the 3 lines of natural defences against disease in our body
 discuss the use of disinfectants, antiseptics and antibiotics in fighting disease
 describe strategies we can use to prevent catching and spreading diseases
 distinguish between different kinds of immunity: active and passive, natural and
 discuss immunisation as a method of disease prevention in New Zealand
Lesson 12/13 – Antibiotics, antiseptics & disinfectants / Disease Case Study
 describe how you can investigate the effect of concentration of antibiotics,
antiseptics or disinfectants on bacteria
 explain how you can identify the effectiveness of an antibiotic, antiseptic or
disinfectant on bacterial growth on an agar plate
 account for the clear zone that appears on an agar plate around some fungal
 describe the effect of HIV/AIDS on the immune system
 investigate Meningococcal disease – identify the causal pathogen; state the
disease symptoms; describe how medicines are used to treat the disease and/or
its symptoms; and describe how the disease is spread