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PHY 335 Exam III
Name ________________________
Place your name on all of the pages.
Do all of your work in this booklet. Do not tear off any sheets.
Show all of your steps in the problems for full credit.
Be clear and neat in your work. Any illegible work, or scribbling in the margins, will not be
Put a box around your answers when appropriate..
If you need more space, you may use the back of a page and write On back of page # in the
problem space or the attached blank sheets. No other scratch paper is allowed.
Try to answer as many problems as possible. Provide as much information as possible. Show
sufficient work or rationale for full credit. Remember that some problems may require less work than
brute force methods.
If you are stuck, or running out of time, indicate as completely as possible, the methods and steps you
would take to tackle the problem. Also, indicate any relevant information that you would use. Do not
spend too much time on one problem. Pace yourself.
Pay attention to the point distribution. Not all problems have the same weight.
Be careful to note units and use an appropriate number of significant digits.
h  6.626 10 Js,  1.055 10 Js , me  9.111031 kg, mp  1.67 1027 kg,
 B  9.274 1024 J/T,  N  5.0511027 J/T
Masses: (u) 01n : 1.008665, 11 H: 1.007825, 21 H: 2.014102, 31 H: 3.016049,
He: 3.016029, 42 He: 4.002603, 25 He: 5.01222, 53 Li: 5.01254,
Li: 6.015121, 74 Be: 7.016928, 48 Be: 8.005305, 168 O: 15.994915, 126 C: 12.000000,
C: 14.003242,
N: 14.003074, 18274W: 183.950928, 186
76 Os: 185.953830,
Pt: 189.959917,
Th: 232.038051,
Lr: 259.10290
Bonus: What are the radius and volume of a 42 He nuclide?
PHY 335 Exam III
Name ________________________
1. (8 pts) Answer the following:
a. In 1925 Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck explained what?
b. In 1928 P.A.M. Dirac modified quantum mechanics by introducing what?
c. Bosons are characterized by what?
d. Atomic shells with value n have how many states in terms of n? ____
e. The maximum binding energy per nucleon is 8.8 MeV per nucleon. What
element has the highest binding energy per nucleon? ____
f. The magic numbers are 2, 8. ___, 28, ___, …. What are the missing
numbers in this sequence? ____, ____
g. For a state with a given quantum number , how many energy level
splitting are there? ____
2. (3 pts) Sketch energy level splitting, labeled with m values, for a p state as a
magnetic field is turned on.
3. (7 pts) Calculate the allowed angles in degrees and carefully sketch the possible
directions and z-components of orbital angular momentum for a d-state. Indicate
where the angles are.
PHY 335 Exam III
Name ________________________
4. (3 pts) When a 0.500 T magnetic field acts on the orbital magnetic dipole moment
of a d-state, by how many Joules are the energy levels spread from the highest to
lowest level?
5. (3 pts) Calculate largest wavelength of the three normal Zeeman spectral lines for
a 1.000 T magnetic field if   422.6728 nm when B  0.
6. (1 pt) If j can be
or , is the state an s, p, d, f, or g state?
7. (6 pts) Write spectroscopic notation for all possible single electron states for
n  3, l  2.
8. (8 pts) Give the quantum numbers (n, , j , m j ) for the state 2 2P3/2.
PHY 335 Exam III
Name ________________________
9. (1 pt) How many subshells are there in (atomic) shell L?
10. (3 pts) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon of
11. (3 pts) Calculate the separation energy of a proton from 53 Li.
12. (5 pts) 190
78 Pt spontaneously decays by an  emission.
a. What is the daughter nucleus?
b. Calculate the disintegration energy for the 3.18 MeV alpha particle from
this reaction.
13. (3 pts) Can 146 C decay by a   decay? Show work.
PHY 335 Exam III
Name ________________________
14. (6 pts) Find the missing nuclide and/or lepton:
a. 186
76 Os  ____  
b. ____  259
103 Lr  
Co  28
Ni+ ____  ____
c. 27
d. e1  74 Be  ____  ____
15. (3 pts) Find the kinetic energy of the alpha particle in reaction in 14a.
16. (7 pts) Consider the reaction 21 H+ 31 H  42 He+ 01 n.
a. What is the Q-value of this reaction?
b. If the total kinetic energy in the center of mass system is 400 keV before
the reaction, what are the kinetic energies of the alpha particle and neutron
after the reaction? (This is a challenging problem.)
c. Is this a fission or fusion reaction? _________________
PHY 335 Exam III
Name ________________________