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Components of an Ecosystem Notes
An ecosystem consists of all of the living organisms and all of the non-living
elements that interact in an area. The study of how organisms interact with one
another as well as with their environment is called ecology.
Requirements of an ecosystem:
There must be a constant flow of energy into the ecosystem.
Organisms must use the energy to make organic compounds. (ex.
Materials must be cycled between the living organisms and the
environment. (food web, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, water cycle)
Anything living or made by living things in an ecosystem are called biotic
factors. (“bio”= life)
Examples: plants, animal, fungi, bacteria, paper, corals, shells…
The non-living things in an ecosystem are called abiotic factors.
Examples: sunlight, soil, rocks, water, temperature, clouds, gases…
How do we know if something is living or not?
Characteristics shared by all living organisms:
 All living things are made of cells.
 Metabolism: all of the chemical reactions that occur in living organisms.
 Nutrition: food must be obtained and converted it into a usable form.
 Respiration: the way organisms make the energy needed to survive.
 Transport: movement of materials within an organism.
 Excretion: ridding the body of waste products.
 Growth: increase in the size or number of cells.
 Reproduction: ensures the continuation of a species.
 Adaptability: ability to respond to changes in the environment.
Levels of organization:
Atoms (elements)=> molecules (compounds)=> organelles=> cells=> tissues=>
organs=> organ systems=> organism (individual)=> species=> population=>
community=> ecosystem=> biome=> biosphere
 Organism: any living thing. (plants, animal, fungi, bacteria)
 Species: group of organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring.
Humans and killer whales are examples of species. Horses make up a
species and donkeys make up a species. These two species can breed to
produce a mule, but a mule is a hybrid (not a species) because it is not able
to reproduce. The only way to get another mule is to cross another horse and
 Population: all of the organisms of the same species that live in an area at
the same time.
For example, when they talk about the population of San Antonio, they are
only referring to the humans that live in the city. The population does not
include pets, trees or any of the wild animals that live in the area.
 Community: all of the populations that live together in an area.
Populations do not live alone; they share their space with other species or
populations. Humans are not the only population in San Antonio; we share
the area with deer, squirrels, mesquite trees, mosquitoes, mice, raccoons and
many other populations.
 Ecosystem: all of the living and non-living things that interact in an area.
Living organisms do not just interact with each other. The plants and animals
rely on air, water, soil and sunlight.
 Biome: large geographical areas or ecosystems that share similar plant
and animal species that are adapted to a specific climate and
environment… may be terrestrial (land) or aquatic.
Examples include: tundras, taigas, deciduous forests, tropical rainforests,
deserts, grasslands, freshwater and marine.
 Biosphere: The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living
organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.
Components of an Ecosystem Notes
An ____________________ consists of all of the _______________ organisms
and all of the ____________________ elements that interact in an area. The
study of how ____________________ interact with one another as well as with
their ____________________ is called ____________________.
Requirements of an ecosystem:
There must be a _____________________________ into the ecosystem.
____________________ must use the energy to make _______________
____________________. (ex. photosynthesis)
___________________________________________________ between
the living organisms and the environment. (food web, carbon cycle,
nitrogen cycle, water cycle)
Anything ____________________ or made by living things in an ecosystem are
called ______________________________. (“bio”= life)
Examples: __________________________________________________
The _______________________ in an ecosystem are called _______________
Examples: __________________________________________________
How do we know if something is living or not?
Characteristics shared by all living organisms:
 All living things are made of _______________.
 __________________: all of the chemical reactions that occur in living organisms.
 __________________: food must be obtained and converted it into a usable form.
 __________________: the way organisms make the energy needed to survive.
 __________________: movement of materials within an organism.
 __________________: ridding the body of waste products.
 __________________: increase in the size or number of cells.
 __________________: ensures the continuation of a species.
 __________________: ability to respond to changes in the environment.
Levels of organization:
Atoms (elements)=> molecules (compounds)=> organelles=> cells=> tissues=>
organs=> organ systems=> organism (individual)=> species=> population=>
community=> ecosystem=> biome=> biosphere
 __________________: any living thing. (plants, animal, fungi, bacteria)
 __________________: group of organisms that can mate and produce
fertile offspring.
Humans and killer whales are examples of species. Horses make up a
species and donkeys make up a species. These two species can breed to
produce a mule, but a mule is a hybrid (not a species) because it is not able
to reproduce. The only way to get another mule is to cross another horse and
 __________________: all of the organisms of the same species that live in
an area at the same time.
For example, when they talk about the population of San Antonio, they are
only referring to the humans that live in the city. The population does not
include pets, trees or any of the wild animals that live in the area.
 __________________: all of the populations that live together in an area.
Populations do not live alone; they share their space with other species or
populations. Humans are not the only population in San Antonio; we share
the area with deer, squirrels, mesquite trees, mosquitoes, mice, raccoons and
many other populations.
 __________________: all of the living and non-living things that interact in
an area.
Living organisms do not just interact with each other. The plants and animals
rely on air, water, soil and sunlight.
 __________________: large geographical areas or ecosystems that share
similar plant and animal species that are adapted to a specific climate
and environment… may be terrestrial (land) or aquatic.
Examples include: tundras, taigas, deciduous forests, tropical rainforests,
deserts, grasslands, freshwater and marine.
 __________________: The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which
living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.
Cut out and match the word to the picture that best fits its description.