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Chapter Vocabulary
glial cell
habituation / recovery
visual acuity
deferred imitation
Chapter Outline
Body Growth and Development
 Norms of Growth
 Patterns in Body Growth
page 151
pages 151-152
The Brain and Nervous System
 The Developing Brain
 Brain Plasticity
 Lateralization
pages 153-157
pages 157-158
pages 158-159
Motor Skill Development
 Reflexes
 Motor Milestones
 Determinants of Motor Development
 Cross-Cultural Differences
pages 159-161
pages 161-163
pages 163-164
pages 164-165
Infancy – Physical Development
Body Growth
Norms are _________________________________________________
Infants grow at a ______ rate before and after birth. Infant and toddler
growth proceeds in _____________; a child may grow as much as ____ inch
overnight. Newborns initially _______ some weight. Then they gain weight
rapidly, doubling their weight in ____ months, and tripling it in _____
The head and the ____________ ____________ ____________ undergo
early and rapid increase in weight. Infants’ heads are about _____ times
larger in proportion to their bodies than adults’ heads are to their bodies.
Infants grow and gain motor control starting with their heads and
progressing down their bodies to their feet; this growth pattern is called
_______________________. Growth and motor control also progress from
the center of the body (the trunk) outwards to the limbs; this pattern is called
_______________________. It is natural that individual growth rates vary
from the norm; not only is growth rate different for each individual, it also
varies by ___________ and _______________.
Brain and Nervous System
Much of the new excitement and knowledge about the brain’s influence on
development is the result of information gained very recently from new
technologies; these allow researchers to learn for the first time a bout the
functioning of the live brain. Name one of these procedures: ____________.
At birth the brain is ______% of its adult size. What parts of the brain are
fairly well established at birth? ______________________ and
______________________________. What basic functions do these brain
areas control? __________________________________________________
In contrast to those areas, a lot of the development of the ___________ takes
place after birth; this part of the brain is responsible for (mane 3 things):
______________, __________________, _________________________.
Basic brain cells are called _________________. Parts of neurons become
insulated with _____________; this insulation makes them speedier.
__________ cells provide the basic building material for myelin, and also
serve other vital functions (name one): ____________________________.
Neurons undergo 3 important types of changes. Briefly define each:
1. Proliferation _______________________________________________
2. Migration _________________________________________________
3. Differentiation _____________________________________________
The first 2 processes take place ___________ birth; the third takes place
_____________ birth. Much of the process of neuron differentiation
requires external _________________. Without stimulation, neurons are
unlikely to make or maintain many connections with other neurons.
Synapses are __________________________________________________.
The text states that the typical infant is genetically equipped to generate
many more synaptic connections than a person will ever need – why is this
surplus important?______________________________________________
Define brain plasticity:___________________________________________
When is the brain at its most plastic? _______________________________
Give an example of:
Experience-expectant stimulation__________________________________
Experience-dependent stimulation__________________________________
Define brain lateralization:________________________________________
How does prenatal orientation of the head connect to later and dominance?
Motor Skill Development
(See chart page 160.) The presence of healthy reflexes signals that
n____________________________ development if good. Complete this
statement: most reflexes disappear in the first _____ months of life. Which
reflex ensures that the child will take on nutrients? ___________________
Use Table 5.2 – list 3 developmental milestones from the first year of life
that illustrate the cephalocaudal pattern:
The 3 main elements of motor development in infancy and toddlerhood are
listed below. Give an example of each type:
1. Postural control ________________________________________
2. Locomotion ___________________________________________
3. Manual control ________________________________________
Does the textbook suggest that either genetics or experience is the more
important factor in motor development? Explain your answer:
Newborns average ___ hours of sleep per 24 hours. By age ____________
they begin to establish a pattern of sleeping longer at night. How does the
amount of REM sleep differ between infants and adults?
What does one theory suggest about the benefit of REM sleep for infants?
What is SIDS? __________ ___________ ___________
At what age is a child at highest risk for SIDS? _______________________
Putting infants to sleep on their backs has been shown to lower the risk of
SIDS and is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. List 3
other things that can lower the risk of SIDS:
Learning Processes
When infants encounter a new stimulus, their behavior – gazing, reaching,
searching eye movements, heart rate – indicates their interest. When they
have gained as much information from the stimulus as possible, they lose
interest. This is called ____________________. When once again exposed
to a new stimulus, their interest is rekindled. This is called
Researchers can use this pattern of behavior to better understand infant
memory, attention, and cognitive ability.
Describe or make up an example of classical conditioning:
Describe or make up an example of operant conditioning:
What is deferred imitation? _______________________________________
Recent research suggests that quite young babies are capable of both
imitation and deferred imitation. What is the significance of this finding?
Sensory Capacities
Researchers study what infants pay attention to in order to learn a bout how
infants learn. In studying infant attention, researchers have focused on
P_________________ b____________________ and habituation.
How did one experiment use infants’ rate of sucking to learn a bout their
ability to distinguish different sounds?
Infants’ visual focus is poor at birth, but improves to nearly adult level by
age _____________. Newborns also have poor ability to track or follow a
moving object visually. This improves steadily, so that by _____ to
______ ______ it is adult like.
When can babies see colors? ______________________
When does the ability to hear human speech sounds develop?
Describe an experiment that suggests that babies can hear and remember
sound patterns they heard while still in utero:
Why is early auditory screening for babies a good idea?
When do infants become sensitive to smells? _________________________
When can babies discriminate tastes like sweet, sour, salty and bitter?
Can babies future taste preferences be influenced while they are still
nursing? Y/ N support your answer:
What is the body’s largest organ? _______ Do infants like to be touched? Y
Name 2 benefits that gentle touching can have:
Regulating body temperature is a struggle for young infants, especially for
premature infants. What do babies do when they are too hot or too cool?
Too hot: ___________________________________________________
Too cool: __________________________________________________
How has our approach to medical procedures for newborns changes as a
result of new brain research? _____________________________________
Selected Objectives and Quiz Questions from the Study Guide
Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22
Key Terms Review: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12
Fact Questions: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13
Concept / Application Questions: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12