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Chapter Six
The First Two Years: Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor Intelligence
Sensoritmotor intelligence: Piaget’s term for the intelligence during the
first period of cognitive development, when babies think by using their
senses and motor skills.
Stages 1 and 2: Primary Circular Reactions
Examples: the infant sense motion, sucking, noise, and so on, and tried
to understand them.
Stage 1 (birth – 1 month) = Reflexes
Stage 2 (1 – 4 months) = First Acquired Adaptations
- adaptations of reflexes, i.e., sucking a pacifier differently from a
nipple; grabbing a bottle to suck it.
Stages 3 and 4: Secondary Circular Reactions
• The infant is responsive to other people and to toys and other objects
that can be manipulated.
• Stage 3 (4 – 8 months) = Infants interact positively with people and
objects to making interesting events last
- repetition
- Awareness of things
Stages 3 and 4: Secondary Circular Reactions
• Stage 4 (8 months to 1 year)= New Adaptation and Anticipation
- goal-directed behavior (behavior is more deliberate and purposeful)
- object permanence: the realization that objects and people exist
even when they cannot be seen, touches, or heard.
Stages 5 and 6: Tertiary Circular Reactions
experimentation and exploration
- involves creativity, action, and ideas
Stage 5 (12 – 18 months) = New means through active experimentation
– little scientist: actively experiments without anticipating the results.
– Babies “getting into everything”
Stages 5 and 6: Tertiary Circular Reactions, cont.
Stage 6 (18 – 24 months) = New means through mental combinations
– mental combinations—sequence of mental actions
actual performance
tried out before
– deferred imitation—perception of something someone else does
(modeling), then performing action at a later time
Piaget and Modern Research
fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging measuring technique for
brain activity and neurological responses – indicates activation anywhere in
the brain.
First three years are prime time for cognitive development
Affordances—opportunities for perception and interaction offered by
How something is perceived and acted upon depends on
past experiences
current developmental level
sensory awareness of opportunities
immediate needs and motivation
Sudden Drops
Visual cliff: (measures depth perception), an experimental apparatus
designed to provide the illusion of a sudden drop-off between one
horizontal surface and another.
- depends on prior experience
Movement and People
Dynamic perception: from birth perception is primed to focus on
movement and change
Infants love motion – as soon as they can they move their own bodies.
Babies are fascinated by people
Infants most interested in emotional affordances of their caregivers
Memory, cont.
• Very early memories possible if
– situation similar to real life
– motivation high
– special measures aid retrieval by acting as reminders
Reminders and Repetition
Reminder session: any perceptual experience that helps a person recall an
idea or experience.
A Little Older, A Little More Memory
After 6 months infants capable of retaining information for longer
periods of time with less reminding
Deferred imitation apparent after end of first year
By middle of the 2nd year, children capable of remembering and
reenacting complex sequences
Language: What Develops in Two Years?
Most impressive intellectual achievement of young child and also of all
The Universal Sequence of Language Development
Children around the world have the same sequence of early language
development but
– timing and depth of linguistic ability vary
First Noises and Gestures
Baby talk: high-pitched, simplified, and repetitive ways adults talk to
Vocalization – they are noisy
– crying
– Cooing
Babbling: extended repetition of certain syllables, such as ba-ba-ba that
begins around 6 or 7 months old.
– deaf babies do it later and less frequently, but are more advanced in
use of gestures
The Language Explosion and Early Grammar
Naming explosion: sudden increase in infant vocabulary, especially nouns,
beginning at 18 months
Holophrase: single word that expresses a complete, meaningful thought
Grammar: all the methods that languages use to communicate meaning
Theories of Language Learning
Even the very young use language well
Three schools of thought
– infants are taught language
– infants teach themselves
– social impulses foster infant language
Theory 1: Infants are Taught
Learning is acquired, step by step, through associations and
Infants associate objects with words they have heard often, especially if
reinforcement occurs.
– Babbling at 6 – 8 months is usually reinforced – repeats the sounds and
showers the baby with attention, praise, and food.
Theory 1: Infants are Taught (cont.)
Parents are good instructors
Baby talk characterized by
• high pitch
• simpler vocabulary
• shorter sentence length
• more questions and commands
• repetition
Theory 2: Infants Teach Themselves
• Chomsky (1968, 1981) believe that language is too complex to be mastered
so early and so easily merely through step-by-step conditioning.
• Believed the human brain is uniquely equipped to learn language.
Theory Three: Social Impulses Foster Language
Social-pragmatic—social reason for language: to communicate
Infants seek to respond, which shows their being social in nature— and
thus mutually dependent—by
- vocalizing
- babbling
- gesturing
- listening
- pointing