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Word for Digestion
3. A chronic, inflammatory disease of the colon
characterized by ulceration and episodes of bloody
4. The phase of gastric secretion that begins before
any food reaches the stomach, by parasympathetic
reflexes caused by the smell, taste or thought of food.
8. Salivary glands on the floor of the mouth under the
tongue, primarily mucous in type.
11. Salivary gland on the floor of the mouth on the
inside surface of the jaw, primarily serous in type.
12. Circular muscles in the pharynx that pull the walls
inward during swallowing.
13. The enzyme found in serous salivary secretion
that splits starch and glycogen into disaccharides.
14. Distention of the rectal wall by feces acts as a
stimulus that initiates the ___ reflex.
17. The enzyme produced by the gastric glands in the
stomach that catalyzes the cleavage of large proteins
into smaller protein chains.
18. The alternate contractions and relaxation of the
longitudinal and circular layers of smooth muscle in
the GI tract.
20. Glands that secrete digestive enzymes and mucus
into the oral cavity.
24. The process by which food substances are
changed into forms that can be absorbed through cell
26. A complex organ located in the curvature of the
duodenum composed of both endocrine and exocrine
27. The acid that produces a low pH in the stomach
between 1 & 3.
29. The tunic that consists of the peritoneum and a
connective tissue layer.
31. A fancy word for heartburn.
32. A thin layer of bonelike material that encloses the
root of a tooth,
35. Another term for “chew”.
37. The innermost tunic of the alimentary canal
38. A type of enzyme that catalyzes the digestion of
40. A hormone secreted by the duodenum in response
to the presence of lipids which inhibits gastric
secretion and mobility of the stomach.
41. An enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the
left superior portion of the abdomen.
45. An inactive enzyme precursor which is activated
in the stomach by HCl.
49. A thick connective tissue layer containing nerves,
blood vessels and small glands below the mucosa.
50.The largest internal organ of the body and major
blood chemical factory.
52. Flask shaped cells located in the epithelial layer of
the duodenum that produce protective mucus.
54. A straight muscular tube that begins at the
termination of the sigmoid colon and ends at the anal
55. The muscularis layer of the GI tract has one
smooth muscle layer that is arranged with the cell’s
longitudinal to the long axis and the other layer has
the cells arranged in a ___ pattern.
58. The canal that extends from the end of the rectum
to the anus.
59. A reflex that empties the stomach which is
triggered by an irritation or distention in some part of
the alimentary canal.
60. A junction between the ileum and the large
62.Outer most covering of an organ, which is not
within serous membranes, consisting of connective
tissue from the area around the organ.
63. The tissue that is living, cellular and calcified
surrounding the pulp cavity of a tooth.
64. A muscular tube about 9 meters long that passes
through the body’s ventral cavity.
65. ___ factor is a glycoprotein that binds with vitamin
B-12 and makes it more readily absorbed in the ileum.
Word for Digestion
1. Semifluid material of ingested food mixed with
secretions of the stomach.
2. A membranous fold that connects the midline of the
tongue to the floor of the mouth.
3. Another name for the large intestine.
5. Bile salts ____ fats, by reducing surface tension of
fat globules, into smaller bits that are more easily
digested and absorbed.
6. The proximal end of the large intestine.
7. Large folds produced in the stomach when it is
9. A peptic ___ is a condition in which stomach acid
and/or bacteria digest the mucosal lining of the GI
10. The region of the stomach nearest the esophageal
13. External GI tract opening at end of the anal canal.
15. The cells located in the gastric glands that
produce pepsinogen.
16. Name given to mass of food mixed with saliva that
enters the pharynx.
17. The oral cavity is connected to the esophagus via
the ___.
19. Part of the GI tract that leads from the pharynx to
the stomach.
20. Acidity in the duodenum stimulates the hormone
___ to be released into the circulatory system to inhibit
the gastric secretions of the chief and parietal cells.
21. The right & left hepatic ducts unit to form a single
___ hepatic duct.
22. The ___ duct from the gall bladder joins the
hepatic duct from the liver to form the common bile
23. 3 or 4 times a day, large portions of the transverse
and descending colon undergo several strong
peristaltic contractions called ___ ___.
24. The region of the small intestine where the
majority of digestion and absorption take place.
25. The longest section of the small intestines, also
the middle section.
26. The ___ cells of the gastric glands, produce
hydrochloric acid.
28. A major function of the liver, that renders harmful
chemicals to less toxic or harmless.
30. The phase of gastric secretion which starts when
the food enters the stomach, caused by
parasympathetic impulses due to distention of the
stomach wall and presence of secretagognes.
33. Minute projections of the cell membrane that
greatly increases the surface area of the villi.
34. A drug that stimulates the vomiting center of the
medulla oblongata.
36. Following a meal an elevated amount of
bicarbonate ions are excreted in the urine due to H+
removed from the blood to produce HCl in the
stomach. This is called an ___ tide.
39. The opening between the stomach & small
intestine is the ___ opening.
42. The gall bladder stores a secretion from the liver
called ___.
43. The alveolar ridges around the tooth are covered
by dense fibrous connective tissue & stratified
squamous epithelium referred to as ___.
44. When the duodenum becomes filled with chyme it
stretches the intestine causing an ___ reflex which
sends parasympathetic impulses to the stomach
which inhibit peristaltic waves.
46. A saclike structure on the inferior side of the liver
that stores and concentrates bile.
47. The tunic that consists of two layers of smooth
48. A disease called mumps is an infection of these
salivary glands.
50. A lymph capillary located in the villus.
51. A small blind tube, containing lymph nodules,
attached to the cecum is called the ___ appendix.
53. A proteolytic enzyme in pancreatic juice that starts
with the letter “t”.
56. The multitude of fingerlike projections found in the
small intestine folds that contain cells of secretion and
57. A hormone produced by the stomach and
duodenum that increases gastric secretion.
61. Extremely hard nonliving acellular substance
covering teeth.