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‫يا ‪ Moraceae‬تيره توت‬
‫خصوصيات خانواده‪ :‬تيره بزرگي از گياهان گلدار‬
‫بدون گلبرگ و داراي بالغ بر ‪ 1000‬گونه‬
‫در ‪ 73‬جنس جاي داده شده انهد‬
‫است ك‬
‫صورت درخت يا درختچه‬
‫رونده يا ب‬
‫و داراي انهواب بها‬
‫ندرت علفي مي باشند بعضي از آنها‬
‫نيز بر روي درختان مختلف ب‬
‫هادهن متنه‬
‫هاي سه‬
‫د به‬
‫هدرت مت ابه‬
‫استيپول دار و گلهائي بر دو نوب نهر و مهادهن‬
‫واقع بر روي يك يا دو پاي‬
‫گرزن هائي ب‬
‫روي يك نهنج مشترك دارند‬
‫دو نوب گ‬
‫و مجتمع به‬
‫وضع در هم و ب‬
‫حالت فشهرده بهر‬
‫پوشش گ‬
‫ن از ‪ 2‬تا ‪ 6‬قطعه‬
‫آنها در هر‬
‫مي يابد‬
‫دراز بودن الياف بافت آبكهش از مشخصهات دي هر‬
‫اين تيره مي باشد فرمول گ‬
‫گياه اين خهانواده‬
‫عبارت است از ‪ CA4Co0AG2‬يا ‪CA4 Co0 A4 G0‬‬
‫هاي نر آنها پرچم هايي ب‬
‫در گ‬
‫پوشش گ‬
‫و در گ‬
‫مي رود‬
‫طوري ك‬
‫از ‪2‬‬
‫منحصهرا يكهي از آنهها‬
‫دي ر تهدريجا از بهين‬
‫تخمدان آنها محتوي يك تخمك است ك‬
‫هم پس از رسيدنن ب‬
‫تعداد قطعات‬
‫هاي ماده ن مادگي مركه‬
‫مشاهده مي شود ك‬
‫زاياست ب‬
‫دمنبع ‪ 2‬فارسي‬
‫مي گردد‬
‫ميوه معمو‬
‫يا شهفت‬
‫ميوه ها در اين گياهان‬
‫ن نوعي ميوه فراهم بوجهود مهي آورد‬
‫گوشتدار آنرا نهنج گه‬
‫غالبا داراي شيراب‬
‫آييهن و يها‬
‫مي دهند‬
‫هسهتند كه‬
‫بدون جدار حد فاصه‬
‫مخصوصا در ناحيه‬
‫مجهاري ترشهحي‬
‫در غاله‬
‫آبكهش ديهده مهي شهودن رنه‬
‫آنها شيري و در بعضهي ماننهد‬
‫در غال‬
‫‪ Morus‬هان صهاف و ز ل و در برخهي دي هر محتهوي‬
‫مواد كائوچوئي است بشهره‬
‫ايهن گياههان‬
‫پوشههيده از تههار اسههت و بعهه وه خوشهه‬
‫سيستوليت در آنها مشاهده مي شود‬
‫نام جنس فارسي ‪ :‬انجير خوراكين ان ليسهي‬
‫‪Ficus carica‬‬
‫عربي ‪ :‬تين‬
‫خصوصيت جنس‪ :‬درخت انجيرن ساق‬
‫تا ‪ 10‬متر و شهاخ‬
‫ههاي منشهع‬
‫اي ب‬
‫ارتفاب ‪3‬‬
‫و كهم م اومهت‬
‫برگ هاي آن داراي پهنك لوبدار و من سهم‬
‫‪ 7‬تا ‪ 5‬ت سيم عميق است‬
‫بهرگ ههاي آن‬
‫ظاهر نا صاف و خشن دارد‬
‫در اعضاء درخت انجير ن شهيراب‬
‫فهراوان شهيري‬
‫با طعم تند و سهوزاننده جريهان دارد‬
‫هاي آن بر ‪ 2‬نوب نر و مهاده و واقهع در جهدار‬
‫داخلي گ‬
‫آيين گ بي شهك‬
‫گ بي شك‬
‫هاي نر در مدخ‬
‫قسهمت فوقهاني‬
‫داراي سوراخ كوچكي است ك‬
‫آن و در زير فلسهاي ريهز جهاي‬
‫هاي ماده گ‬
‫آيينن عمومها در قسهمت داخلهي‬
‫گ بي شك‬
‫جاي زين است و از آفرينش ايهن‬
‫گلهان ميوه هاي فراوان و ريهزي در درون قسهمت‬
‫گوشتدار نههنج تشهكي‬
‫مهي شهود‬
‫‪3‬كاسبرگن مادگي ‪ 2‬برچ‬
‫مهاده ‪-5‬‬
‫اي و داراي ك ل‬
‫هستند درختان انجير معمو‬
‫‪ 3‬مرتب‬
‫ق بهي‬
‫در سال‬
‫ن يكي در اواخر بهارن دوميدر تابستان و سهومي‬
‫در پاييزميوه ميدهندن ميوه هاي پاييزي معمهو‬
‫كوچكتر از دو‬
‫موسم دي ر است‬
‫خواص درماني‬
‫درخت انجير ن طعم تلخ و تند‬
‫و اثر مسهلي‬
‫دارد و چون داراي اثر هضم كننده‬
‫فيبرين استن از اين جهت مهي تهوان عمه‬
‫شههيره لوزالمعههده دانسههت‬
‫ضههمنا چههون‬
‫دياستازهاي مختلف دي ر ههم دارد از ايهن جههت‬
‫سههاب ا از آن بههراي تههرد و نههرم كههردن گوشههت‬
‫استفاده ب‬
‫مي آورند‬
‫در استعمال خارج اگر شيراب‬
‫و ميخچ‬
‫روي زگي‬
‫اثهر داده‬
‫بين مي برد و اين شيراب‬
‫براي غرايز جنسين تعلي‬
‫فعاليت اعصا‬
‫با توج‬
‫شهود تهدريجا از‬
‫عنوان داروي م وي‬
‫حهرارت بهدن و تشهديد‬
‫بويايي ب‬
‫م ال‬
‫درخهت انجيهر بهر‬
‫كار مي رود‬
‫دمنبع ‪1‬‬
‫جهت درمهان جهمام و‬
‫بيماريهاي جلدي مختلف در حات مزمن استفاده ب‬
‫مي آمده است‬
‫ضمنامخلوط كردن با زرده تخم‬
‫مرغ يا روغن بر روي زخم ها به‬
‫ددمنبع ‪3‬‬
‫اثر داده مي شود‬
‫مصرف جوشانده ساق‬
‫رفع آ‬
‫صهورت ماليهدن‬
‫هاي جوان درخت انجير بهراي‬
‫و جوشهانده‬
‫آوردن انسهاج دهيه‬
‫پوست تازه درختن براي رفهع اسههالهاي سهاده و‬
‫خونريزي ها و عام‬
‫شده است‬
‫برگ پخت‬
‫از ل‬
‫بنهد آورنهده ميهزان خهوني‬
‫دمنبع ‪2‬‬
‫درخت انجير اثر ملهين دارد و سهاب ا‬
‫شده آن به‬
‫بواسير استفاده ب‬
‫صهورت ماليهدنن جههت درمهان‬
‫بعه وه‬
‫مي آمهده اسهت‬
‫جوشانده برگ انجير را بر روي تومورها جههت از‬
‫بين بردن التها‬
‫و احتما‬
‫درمهان آن اثهر مهي‬
‫داده اند‬
‫انجير ع وه بر آنكه‬
‫بودنن ب‬
‫هردو حالهت‬
‫علهت مطبهوب و م همي‬
‫هك و تهازه مصهرف مهي‬
‫گرددن ميوه اي ملين و نرم كننهده اسهت انجيهر‬
‫خشكن مخلوط با خرمان عنا‬
‫و كشهمشن در فرمهول‬
‫‪4‬ميوه مفيدن براي رفع ناراحتي هاي سين ن وارد‬
‫جوشانده انجير خشك ب‬
‫صورت تيهزانن جههت رفهع‬
‫مجههاري تنفسههي و كليهه‬
‫التهابين يات الري ن يات الجن‬
‫ههاي شهش‬
‫ومثان ن ورم كلي ن سرخكن مخملهكن آبله‬
‫مورد استفاده قرار گيرد‬
‫از عصاره استخراج شده ازميوه انجير ك‬
‫ناميده مي شود سندرمي شناخت‬
‫ميوه فيكوس ك‬
‫آلر ي ب‬
‫شده بنام سهندرم‬
‫ايجهاد آلهر ي ميكنهد كه‬
‫صورت خارش در گلون چشهم و به‬
‫مشاهده مي شود‬
‫و همچنهين به‬
‫علهت دارا‬
‫بودن يك آنزيم پروتئوليتيك بنام فيسين خاصهيت‬
‫ضد كرم دارد‬
‫دمنبع ‪1‬‬
‫صور درماني‬
‫جوشانده برگ و ميوه اين گياه حهدود ‪ 20‬تها ‪100‬‬
‫گرم از اين گياه در يك ليتر آ‬
‫همچنين تهي‬
‫روي زگي‬
‫پماد از شيراب‬
‫ها و جاهاي ملته‬
‫مصرف دارد‬
‫اين گياه كه‬
‫براي بهبود گماشت‬
‫مي شود‬
‫محل رويش‬
‫درخت انجير در غال‬
‫هاي باراني از جمله‬
‫ج ن لهاي كشورهاي مديتران‬
‫اي مي رويد‬
‫در مناطق جن لي هند در آسهيا ههم م شاهده مهي‬
‫در ايران نيزدر غاله‬
‫شمالي ايران و سواح‬
‫جن ه‬
‫ههاي نهواحي‬
‫درياي خزر مهي رويهد‬
‫آستاران مازندران ن آيربايجانن كاليبارن اهرن‬
‫اصفهانن جنو‬
‫ايران ن شيرازن كازرونن دالكهين‬
‫كوه سيوندن خوزستانن خراسان هم ديده شده اسهت‬
‫منابع‪ :‬سايت اينترنتي‬
‫‪1‬ه ‪‬‬
‫‪2‬ه ‪‬‬
‫‪3‬ه ‪‬‬
‫‪1‬ه گياهان داروئي دكتر علي زرگري جلد چهارم‬
‫‪2‬ه رده بندي گياهان دارويهي دكتهر محمهد آزاد‬
‫‪3‬ه كورموفيت هاي ايران احمد قهرمان ج ‪1‬‬
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Scientific Name: Papain
Other Names: Carica papaya, Vegetable pepsin
Who is this for?
Enzymes accelerate reactions within body cells. In the human body, the pancreas
usually produces enzymes that break down foods into nutrients that the body can
use for energy and other functions. Enzyme deficiencies are rare, but individuals who
have cystic fibrosis or diseases of the pancreas may not produce enough natural
enzymes to digest foods properly. Papain, an enzyme produced by the tropical fruit,
papaya, is proteolytic, which means that it digests proteins. Frequently, papain is
included in prescription combinations of digestive enzymes to replace what
individuals with cystic fibrosis or pancreas conditions cannot produce naturally.
Because it improves digestion in general, papain has also been used orally to treat
less serious digestion disorders such as bloating and chronic indigestion. Since
parasitic organisms are largely proteins, papain has sometimes been taken internally
to eliminate intestinal worms, but this use is rare today.
In several studies of cancer patients, oral enzyme supplements containing papain
helped to relieve treatment side effects such as mouth sores and difficulty
swallowing. Chemicals in papain may increase immune system function and they
may also promote the release of natural chemicals that attack tumor cells. Papain
may lessen inflammation, as well. All of these potential effects may make papaincontaining preparations useful as an addition to cancer therapy. An oral prescription
product containing papain and other enzymes has orphan drug status in the United
States for the treatment of multiple myeloma, a form of bone marrow cancer. An
orphan drug has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) because it shows effectiveness for treating severe or rare diseases that usually
have few other treatment options.
In other research, papain and related enzymes have been studied for oral use in
several conditions. Some evidence shows that they may help to prevent
complications of diabetes, possibly by lessening protein deposits in the kidneys.
Proteolytic enzymes such as papain may also decrease pain and inflammation
associated with rheumatoid arthritis, improve healing of injuries, and reduce swelling
after surgery. In Europe, papain is available as an ingredient in several nonprescription products that are sold for relieving inflamed and swollen respiratory
tract tissue. General stimulation of immune response and decreases in inflammation
are thought to be responsible for some of these observed effects, but other possible
causes are not clear. Results of some studies are inconclusive, and more study is
needed before papain can be recommended for these conditions.
Topically, papain has been used for skin conditions such as psoriasis. Its ability to
break down proteins is used to remove dead tissue from burns, to help skin injuries
heal, to remove warts, and to treat ringworm. Cold sores caused by Herpes zoster
virus have been treated successfully with both oral and topical papain-containing
products. In one small study of individuals with Herpes zoster, an oral papain
product was as effective as a prescription antiviral medication in resolving pain, but
not redness. A year-long observational study of more than 400 women found that
those who ate papaya at least once a week were less likely to have chronic infections
with human papilloma virus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted disease. In
laboratory studies, topical application of papain has also shown some antibacterial
properties, which may be due to papain’s interference with an enzyme that certain
bacteria produce. Further study is needed to prove or disprove its possible
antibacterial effects, however.
An injectable form of chymopapain, an enzyme closely related to papain, has been
used to treat herniated (“slipped”) discs in the spine. It is used more in Europe and
other countries than it is in the United States.
When should I be careful taking it?
Some evidence from animal studies may relate taking papain with causing birth
defects in the unborn offspring of pregnant animals who were fed papain. In other
studies, ripe papaya -- the fruit that produces papain -- did not affect pregnant
animals or their babies, but chemicals in unripe papaya fruits or sap caused
contractions of the uterus in some pregnant animals. Uterine contractions could
result in miscarriage. Although no further studies support these results, pregnant
women are advised to avoid taking large amounts of papain-containing products,
unless such use is medically necessary and supervised by a healthcare professional.
Cases of sores in the esophagus have been reported in individuals who consumed
large amounts of papaya fruit. No similar effects have been reported from the
medicinal use of papain, but esophageal irritation is possible.
In a condition that has come to be known as “ficus-fruit syndrome” individuals who
are allergic to tropical fruits such as bananas, figs, or kiwi fruit may also be allergic
to papaya or to papain, which is derived from the papaya fruit. Allergic reactions to
papain have also been reported in individuals who are sensitive to latex or to the
ornamental houseplant, weeping fig (Ficus benjamina).
What side effects should I watch for?
Major Side Effects
Eating the raw sap of papaya fruits may cause irritation, pain or sores in the mouth,
esophagus, stomach, or intestines.
Due to its ability to digest proteins, papain may also damage skin or mucous
membranes - especially if tissue is already damaged by ulcers or other injuries.
Inflammation or irritation of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, or intestines could
result from taking papain orally. Skin may blister or itch intensively, when papain is
applied topically.
Less Severe Side Effects
Taking papain or touching papaya plants may cause allergy symptoms such as
diarrhea, runny nose, sneezing, sweating, and watering eyes.
What interactions should I watch for?
Prescription Drugs
In studies and case reports, papain has been shown to increase the time blood needs
to clot. When it is taken with antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, the effect of the
drug may be increased, resulting in uncontrolled bleeding.
Antiplatelets include Plavix and Ticlid
Anticoagulants include heparin and warfarin
Non-prescription Drugs
Papain can affect the ability of blood to clot after an injury. Aspirin can also delay
clotting, so papain should not be taken orally at the same time as aspirin.
Herbal Products
Theoretically, if papain is taken orally with other herbs that affect blood clotting,
bleeding may occur. Some of the most common herbal products that might inhibit
blood clotting are:
Devil's Claw
Ginger (in high amounts)
Horse Chestnut
Panax Ginseng
Red Clover
Saw Palmetto
Chemicals found in potatoes may decrease the ability of papain to break down
proteins. No serious consequences are thought to result, but papain may not be as
effective as expected if potatoes are consumed at the same time.
Some interactions between herbal products and medications can be more severe
than others. The best way for you to avoid harmful interactions is to tell your doctor
and/or pharmacist what medications you are currently taking, including any overthe-counter products, vitamins, and herbals. For specific information on how papain
interacts with drugs, other herbals, and foods and the severity of those interactions,
please use our Drug Interactions Checker to check for possible interactions.
Should I take it?
Papain is derived from the sap (also called latex or milk) of unripe fruits from the
papaya, a small tree-like plant that grows in tropical areas. The plants, which only
live about 10 years, are often grown on plantations. Easily recognized by their
straight stems topped with large multi-lobed leaves, papayas bear clusters of large
fruits that are yellow-orange in color when ripe. Ripe papaya fruits are eaten raw,
dried, made into jam, or processed for juice. Papaya leaves, flowers, and green fruits
may be cooked as vegetables. The fibrous bark of the tree has been used for making
twine and fabrics.
Papain is obtained by making shallow cuts in the surfaces of unripe fruits that are
still on the trees. The white sap that oozes out is allowed to dry before being
collected and refined. The rubbery sap contains several enzymes, primarily papain,
that can break down proteins. As a group, these chemicals are known as proteolytic
enzymes. Commercially, papain is included in meat tenderizers. In the cosmetics
industry, it is used as a softener in hand and face creams and as a conditioner in
shampoo. Papain or related enzymes from papaya are also included in chewing gum,
soaps, toothpastes, and contact lens cleaners.
Dosage and Administration
Today, large numbers of both prescription and non-prescription medications that
contain papain are available.
To replace digestive enzymes, large doses of enzyme combinations must be taken
several times a day. These are prescription medications and each has specific
directions that must be followed carefully.
Papain is also available without a prescription by itself or, more commonly, in
combinations with other enzymes, such as bromelian (which is derived from
pineapples). Doses of these over-the-counter forms of papain vary greatly depending
on the condition being treated and the other ingredients in the product. Individuals
who choose to take papain should follow the directions on the package that is
Papain is a proteolytic (protein-reducing) enzyme that is included in oral replacement
drugs for individuals who do not produce digestive enzymes naturally. It is also used
for digestive conditions such as indigestion. Papain may be taken orally to relieve
inflammation and to improve healing. Additionally, it is being studied for relief of
cancer therapy side effects, diabetes complications, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Papain may be applied to the skin to help burns and other injuries heal.
Due to a small chance of miscarriage or birth defects, pregnant women should take
papain only with medical supervision. Individuals allergic to figs or kiwi fruit may
also be allergic to papain.
Side Effects
Raw papaya sap may cause sores on skin or mucous membranes that come in
contact with it. Allergic symptoms may be caused by taking papain or touching
papaya plants.
Papain may increase the effects of drugs and herbs that thin the blood. As a result,
uncontrolled bleeding may occur.
Last Revised October 20, 2004
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Billigmann P. Enzyme therapy--an alternative in treatment of herpes zoster. A
controlled study of 192 patients. [Article in German] Fortschritte Der Medizin.
Dale PS, Tamhankar CP, George D, Daftary GV. Co-medication with hydrolytic
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side effects. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 2001;47(Suppl):S29-S34.
Dawkins G, Hewitt H, Wint Y, Obiefuna PC, Wint B. Antibacterial effects of Carica
papaya fruit on common wound organisms. West Indian Medical Journal.
Diez-Gomez ML, Quirce S, Aragoneses E, Cuevas M. Asthma caused by Ficus
benjamina latex: evidence of cross-reactivity with fig fruit and papain. Annals of
Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 1998;80(1):24-30.
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Food and Drug Administration. FDA grants orphan drug status to wobe-mugos for
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Last Revised October 20, 2004
Note: The above information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician, pharmacist, or
other healthcare professional. It is not meant to indicate that the use of the product is safe,
appropriate, or effective for you.
In general, herbal products are not subject to review or approval by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). They are not required to be standardized, meaning that the amounts of
active ingredients or contaminants they contain may vary between brands or between different
batches of the same brand. Not all of the risks, side effects, or interactions associated with the use
of herbal products are known because few reliable studies of their use in humans have been done.
This information is provided for your education only. Please share this information with
your healthcare provider and be sure that you talk to your doctor and pharmacist about all
the prescription and non-prescription medicines you take before you begin to use any
herbal product.
Bar or Bargad Ficus benghalensis L.
Pankaj Oudhia
Society for Parthenium Management (SOPAM)
28-A, Geeta Nagar, Raipur - 492001 India
[email protected]
Copyright © 2004. All Rights Reserved. Quotation from this document should cite
and acknowledge the contributor.
Scientific name: Ficus benghalensis L.
Synonyms: Ficus indica L
Family: Moraceae.
English name: Banyan tree
Indian names
Bengali - Bar
Gujarati - Vad
Hindi - Bargad
Kanarese - Ala
Malyalam - Ala, Vatam
Marathi - Vada
Sanskrit - Bahupada
Tamil - Al
Telugu - Peddamarri
Habitat: Monsoon and rain forests. Often planted throughout the forest tract of India.
Hardy, drought resistance and withstands mild frost.
Botanical Description: Very large, fast growing, evergreen tree up to 3.0 meters,
with spreading branches and many aerial roots. Leaves stalked, ovate-cordate, 3nerved, entire, when young downy on both sides; petiole with a broad smooth greasy
gland at the apex, compressed, downy; Fruit in axillary pairs, the size of a cherry,
round and downy.
Propagation: Through seed, transplanting and stem-cutting.
Useful Parts: Bark, root-fibers, leaves, seeds, milky juice (i.e. latex).
Medicinal Uses and Properties: According to Ayurveda, it is astringent to bowels;
useful in treatment of biliousness, ulcers, erysipelas, vomiting, vaginal complains,
fever, inflammations, leprosy. According to Unani system of medicine, its latex is
aphrodisiac, tonic, vulernary, maturant, lessens inflammations; useful in piles, nosediseases, gonorrhea etc. The aerial root is styptic, useful in syphilis, biliousness,
dysentery, inflammation of liver etc.
Other Uses
It is planted for soil conservation
Timber is used for well-curbs, furniture etc.
Suitable for paper pulp.
Leaf (Crude protein 9.63%) lopped for fodder
Fruits are used to prepare Shurbut traditionally.
Other Links
Doomar or Gular (Ficus glomerata) as medicinal herb in Chhattisgarh, India
Interactions with the traditional healers of Chhattisgarh Plains, India specialized in
use of Bar (Ficus benghalensis, family: Moraceae) as medicinal herb
Interactions with the traditional healers of Chhattisgarh Plains, India, specialized in
use of Pipal (Ficus religiosa) as medicine
Resource Person:
Pankaj Oudhia
Society for Parthenium Management (SOPAM)
28-A, Geeta Nagar, Raipur - 492001 India
[email protected]
Table 1. Major species of Ficus in India.
Genus Ficus Species benghalensis Variety Cultivar Common names Indian
banyan banyan tree Family MORACEAE Specimen number S4506 Data
source MedPl p209
Life cycle
Life form Terrestrial Life cycle Various Life span Annual cycle Not
applicable Stature Various Growth form Not applicable Growth habit
Various Overall height Overall spread
Sunshine Various Water Various Optimal soil texture Various Acceptable soil
pH Various USDA hardiness Not classified AHS heat zones Not classified
Sunset climate zones Not classified
Suitable for gardens no Nursery Unknown Compost no Size at acquisition
Unknown Garden location Unknown Garden notes
Special qualities
Tolerates drought no Tolerates high humidity no Tolerates seaside conditions
no Insect resistant no Disease resistant no Deer resistant no Best uses
Symbiosis Attracts butterflies no Attracts hummingbirds no Autumn foliage no
Colorful berries no Desirable qualities Other interest Other interest color
Other interest period
Adverse factors
Common pests Poisonous parts Poisonous indications Internal poison no
Dermatologic poison no Livestock poison no Mechanical injury no Hay fever
pollen Hay fever season Adverse qualities
Herbal medicine
Medicinal properties astringent antidiarrheal antidysenteric hemostatic
antihemorrhoidal laxative Medicinal parts Fruit Bark Leaves Latex
Has medicinal uses yes Do not self-administer no Do no use if pregnant no
Legally restricted no Toxicity precautions The latex is toxic Medicinal notes
Ficus benghalensis has numerous traditional medicinal uses. Some of its
many uses are: as an astringent, as an antidiarrheal, as an antidysenteric
and as a hemostatic. More uses are listed in the medicinal properties
section. The fruit together with the bark and the leaves and the latex are
considered to be the valuable parts by the herbalist. The latex is toxic.
Traditional uses
Parts used Traditional uses Contemporary uses Fragrance Fragrance parts
Fragrance intensity Fragrance category Dye parts Dye color
Propagule Various Pollination method Planting style Crop spacing Row
spacing Cold frame Planting period Harvesting period Frost tolerance
Heat requirement Fertilizer Typical Time to harvest
Is edible no Culinary uses Nutritional value Edible parts Description of edible
parts Flavor / texture
Horticulture notes
Tag needs printing no Collection notes
‫‪ Polygonaceae‬تيره علف هفت بند‬
‫خصوصيات خانواده‬
‫اختصاص گياهان اين خانواده در مهادگي آنهاسهت‬
‫اي ولي يهك خانه‬
‫از تخمدان س‬
‫شده و محتهوي يهك تخمهك ايسهتاده اسهت‬
‫گياهان اين راست‬
‫گوش و محتوي دان‬
‫اي با آلبومن حجهيم نشاسهت‬
‫اي است گ‬
‫صورت فندق‬
‫اي مثلثين س‬
‫ها نر مادهن گلپوش دار هستند‬
‫اين خانواده ب‬
‫درختي هستند‬
‫صور مختلف علفين درختچ‬
‫در بهين آنهها نمونه‬
‫و حتي‬
‫ههاي بها‬
‫رونده نيز ديده مي شود‬
‫از دي ر مشخصات آنهها ايهن اسهت كه‬
‫و ساده با استيپول مخصوص ب‬
‫كوچك و نازك دارنهد‬
‫صورت ورق‬
‫برگهها داراي گوشهوارك و‬
‫غ ف يا نيامي غشايي بنهام اوكهورا هسهتند كه‬
‫اوكرا نوعي اتساب نيام برگ در اطراف سطخ ساق‬
‫هاي آنهها نرهه مهاده و يها داراي يكهي از‬
‫اجزاي اصلي گ‬
‫آنها از ‪ 2‬حل‬
‫بين آنها‬
‫دپرچم يا مادگي‬
‫‪ 3‬قسمتي تشهكي‬
‫شهده ولهي در‬
‫انواعي يافت مي شهود كه‬
‫آنها ‪ 5‬قسمتي است حل‬
‫استن پوشش گه‬
‫پوشهش گه‬
‫هاي ممكور ممكن است ب‬
‫سبز و يا گلبرگ مانند باشد پرچم هاي آنها‬
‫از ‪ 2‬حل‬
‫‪ 3‬تايي تشكي‬
‫مي يابهدولي بهر اثهر‬
‫عدم رشد بعضي پرچم هاممكن است تعداد آنها كهم‬
‫ها زيهاد‬
‫علت مضاعف شدنن تعداد پرچم هه‬
‫و يا ب‬
‫مادگي آنها‬
‫از ك ل‬
‫‪ 2‬يا ‪ 3‬برچ‬
‫ساده يا منشع ن مركه‬
‫شده ك‬
‫بوجود مي آورنهد‬
‫مجموعا تخمداني يهك‬
‫ميهوه آنهها به‬
‫يا ‪ 3‬گوش و محتوي دان‬
‫هاي مسط‬
‫اي بها‬
‫آلبومن آردي است‬
‫از نظر ساختمان تشريحين ساختمان غير طبيعي در‬
‫اين گياهان ديده مي شود مانند آنك‬
‫هاي متعدد چو‬
‫در ناحي‬
‫ه آبكش فرعي ب‬
‫وضع جدا از ههم‬
‫هر آنهها‬
‫پوست و يا در حدود خارجي مضه‬
‫مشاهده ميشودن غال‬
‫آبكشي دارند‬
‫صورت حل‬
‫ههاي فيبهر در‬
‫اي در خارج عناصهر‬
‫بلورهاي اكسا ت بطور فهراوان در‬
‫اعضاي آنها ديده مي شود و آن نيز به‬
‫است ك‬
‫علهت آن‬
‫تعداد زيادي اسهيد اكسهاليك در انهدام‬
‫هاي اين گياهان يافت مي شود د‪2‬‬
‫نام جنس‪:‬‬
‫فارسي‪ :‬اسكنبي‬
‫ان ليسههههههي‪:‬‬
‫خصوصيت جنس‪:‬‬
‫يا بوت‬
‫فراوان چوبي ك‬
‫بندي هستند‬
‫هاي چوبي برخاست‬
‫با شاخ‬
‫در هم انبوه هستند با ت سيمات‬
‫صورت شاخك ههاي نهرمن نهازك و بنهد‬
‫غ ف يها اوكراغشهايين ت ريبها دو‬
‫لب ن برگ ها كوچك بي دوام و زود ريز هستند گ‬
‫ها اندكن داراي دم‬
‫مصنوعين نر مادهن گلپهوش‬
‫گلبرگ مانندن چرخي ن مسط‬
‫با بيش از ده پرچم ك‬
‫يا م عر و گسترده و‬
‫در قاعده ب‬
‫تخمدان ‪ 4‬گهوش نداراي چههار شهيار بها‬
‫چهار خام‬
‫ك ل‬
‫كوتاه است‬
‫راسهي ميهوه داراي‬
‫چهار بال پهن غشائي يا من سم و مژه اي‬
‫‪ 8‬تا ‪ 10‬رديهف منشهع ن سهوزني و‬
‫زوايا داراي‬
‫ممكن است تارهاي مزبهور در تمهام سهط‬
‫پراكنده باشند‬
‫چوبي ن دان‬
‫داراي چههار‬
‫شيار و جنين راست و داراي آلبومن گوشتي اسهت‬
‫خواص درماني‬
‫اين گياه اثر ملين و مهلي م يم و ساق‬
‫ميوه اين گياه داراي اثر قابض قوي است ك‬
‫آن تانن فراوان در اين گياه است اين گياه اگر‬
‫م دار ‪ 0/1‬تا ‪ 0/3‬گرم مصهرف شهود اثرم هوي‬
‫تلخ ن اشتها آور ن محله‬
‫هال هضهم‬
‫و محهرك اعمه‬
‫ظاهر مي كند‬
‫جوشانده ريش‬
‫دهان و لث‬
‫لوزتين ب‬
‫آن ب‬
‫صورت غرغره در ر فع مخهاط‬
‫ههان رفهع درد گلهون آنهژين و ورم‬
‫كار ميرودد‪3‬‬
‫صور درماني‬
‫جوشانده ريش‬
‫اين گياه ب‬
‫در يك ليتر آ‬
‫مصرف دارد‬
‫م دار ‪ 40‬تا ‪ 100‬گرم‬
‫همچنين با ح‬
‫كردن پودر ريش‬
‫اين گيهاه در آ‬
‫مصرف خوراكي نيزدارد‬
‫محل رويش‬
‫در ايران اين جنس داراي ‪ 8‬گون‬
‫ودر نواحي خشك‬
‫و بياباني‪ :‬مانند نواحي خشك بهين يهزدو اراك‬
‫تهرانن كهوير اطهراف كرمهانن اطهراف خراسهانن‬
‫مناطق اطراف طبس و هراتن‬
‫زمين هاي اطراف دره‬
‫سفيد رود بين قزوين و منجيه‬
‫حههوالي بمنسههواح‬
‫كهوير انهاركن‬
‫در نههواحي‬
‫مركزي‪ :‬مانند اطراف اصفهانن كوير بهرام آبادن‬
‫هك اطهراف‬
‫هي نهواحي خشه‬
‫بلوچستان و بها خره برخه‬
‫تهران و كرج مي رويد د‪1‬‬
‫احمد قهرمان چ ‪1‬‬
‫‪1‬ه كورموفيت هاي ايران‬
‫‪2‬ه گياهان داروئي دكتر علي زرگري ج ‪4‬‬
‫‪ 3‬ه رده بندي گياههان دارويهي دكترمحمهد آزاد‬