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Name _______________________ date ___________
Evolution and Plate
A. Continental Drift
1. Evolution - Evidence of Change are evidence that changes to the Earth’s
_______________ plates are still occurring
2. As lithospheric plates _______________, they create environmental change for the
organisms that live on and near them
3. Environmental changes caused by moving plates can lead to the development of and
extinction of _______________
B. Geographic Isolation
1. _______________ isolation occurs when populations of species are divided or
separated by a physical barrier
a. Geographic isolation can occur when lithospheric plate collide and form
b. _______________ and large bodies of _______________ can also cause
geographic isolation of species
c. Once separated by geographic isolation, species may follow different
_______________ paths if they are in different environments over time
2. Darwin’s observations in _______________ and Ecuador led to the idea of evolution by
natural selection
C. Convergent Evolution
1. When species evolve _______________ under similar conditions and develop structural
and functional similarities, the process is known as _______________
a. Convergent evolution results in very distantly related species that appear
b. Geographic isolation leads to closely related species that appear _______________
Relative Ages of Rocks
A. The Beginning of Modern Geology
1. geologist learn about Earth’s history by studying _______________Scientist
_______________ _______________ realized two process were at work on Earth –
one that forms rock and one that tears it down
a. Hutton developed the principle of _______________, which states that the
processes at work _______________ are the same processes that have been at
work in the Earth’s past
b. Uniformitarianism can be restated as “the _______________ is the key to the
c. Hutton realized that changes on Earth occur so _______________ that direct
observation of them is not possible
B. The Rock Cycle
1. The _______________ _______________ is a series of processes that make and
change rocs through heating, melting, cooling, uplift, weathering, burial, and increasing
2. Geologist categorize rock into three group based on how the rock _______________
a. The three rock types are _______________, _______________, and
3. Igneous rock forms when _______________ solidifies
a. Different types of igneous rocks are identified by the size of the
_______________ from rapid cooling
b. _______________ crystals form from slow cooling, whereas small
_______________ form from rapid cooling
4. _______________ rock is any rock subjected to extreme pressure or heat
a. _______________ can cause minerals to become more tightly packed
b. Heat can cause minerals to _______________ and form a new rock mineral
5. Sedimentary rocks form from sediments
a. Sediments are tiny particles of eroded _______________
C. Sediment Formation and Layering
1. Sedimentary rocs form in a four-step process: _______________,
_______________, _______________, and _______________Weathering is the
physical or chemical breakdown of rock into smaller pieces
2. Weathering is the _______________ or _______________ breakdown of rocks
into smaller pieces
3. _______________ occurs when sediments are moved downhill by running water, wind,
moving ice, and gravity
a. Individual sediment grains are called _______________
b. During transportation, clast become _______________ as they wear down and
break apart
c. As the speed of the sediment carrier _______________, larger-sized clast drop
4. _______________ occurs when sediment carried by water, wind, and glaciers stop
a. The sediment from _______________, horizontal layers
5. _______________ occurs when sediments become compacted and cementation
changes the sediments into rock
D. Superposition and the Fossil Record
1. Layers of rock are called _______________
2. Danish physician _______________ _______________ presented four principles to
help geologist study strata and interpret the rock’s history
a. The four principles are _______________, original horizontality, original lateral
continuity, and crosscutting relationship
3. The principle of _______________ states that in a stack of undisturbed
sedimentary rock layers, the layers on the bottom were deposited before the layers
on the top
a. The rock layers on the bottom are the _______________ than the layers farther
b. _______________ age tells how old something is compared to something else
4. The principle of original horizontality states that the rock layers are original
deposited in _______________, or nearly _______________, layers
5. The principle of original lateral continuity states that sedimentary rocks form layers
that cover _______________ areas
6. The principle of crosscutting relationships states that a rock layer or feature that
cuts across another rock layer is _______________ than the ones being cut (dykes)
Absolute Ages of Rocks
A. Atoms and Isotopes
1. Atoms are made of _______________, _______________, and _______________
2. Isotopes of an atom have the same number of _______________, but different
number of _______________
a. Isotopes of an element can be _______________ or _______________
B. Dating and Tree Rings
1. _______________is the science of comparing the annual tree ring growth to date
events and changes in past environments
a. A _______________ is a layer of wood cells produced in one year
b. Some of the factors affecting the width of tree rings are _______________,
temperature, sunlight, and _______________
c. _______________ is a technique that gives each tree ring an exact-year to date
of formation
C. Half-Life
1. Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy discovered that parent isotopes decay into
daughter isotopes at a _______________ rate
2. A _______________is the amount of time for half of a specific amount of parent
isotopes to decay into daughter isotopes
a. Geologist can determine the _______________ age of rock by calculating the
absolute age of the _______________ that compose it
b. The absolute age of a mineral is determined by measuring its
_______________to _______________ isotope ratio
D. Determining Earth’s Age
1. The decay of radioactive isotopes is used by geologist as a “_______________”
2. _______________ dating is a procedure used to calculate the ages of rocks and
a. _______________ rocks are most commonly used for radiometric dating
b. Determining the age of _______________ rocks is difficult
c. Geologist rarely use radiometric dating for _______________ rocks
E. The Absolute Age of Earth
1. The oldest rocks on Earth are part or areas called _______________ shields
2. Earth is at least as old as the zircon discovered in Australia in 2001, which was
estimated to be _______________ years old
3. Meteorites collected in _______________ have been calculated to be between 4.48
and 4.56 billion years old
4. Rocks from the _______________ have been calculated to be approximately 4.6
billion years old