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- Fall of Rome to the Vikings
- Test Ver. 1.0
Total ____ / 50
Fall of Rome to the Vikings (Early Middle Ages)
Part I - Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the BEST answer.
1. In an attempt to better manage the affairs of the Roman Empire what was done?
a. The army was made bigger
b. More roads were built
c. Pax Romana was enforced
d. the Empire was spilt into two
2. The Roman’s considered their neighbours to be Barbarians, largely because they;
a. dressed funny
b. didn’t speak Latin
c. had no roads
d. only had one aqueduct
3. The Romans spent a considerable amount of time, money and labour to make and
maintain their roads. This is because the roads;
a. provided a quick and easy way to transport troops
b. helped encourage trade
c. improved communication with the far reaches of the empire
d. all of the above
e. a & c only
4. The Eastern Roman Empire was governed by the city of;
a. Constantinople
b. Rome
c. Egypt
d. London
5. Which Roman Empire fell into chaos the quickest?
a. Western
b. Eastern
c. Northern
d. Southern
6. All of the following are Germanic Kingdoms that helped contribute to the fall of Rome
a. Goths
b. Franks
c. Vandals
d. Vikings
Matching: Match the reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire under the correct
heading of either;
a. Economic
b. Social
c. Political
7. Contagious diseases, brought to Rome by soldiers in the Roman Legions, killed thousands.
a. Economic
b. Social
c. Political
8. Romans spent more money than they should have on entertainment and expensive
a. Economic
b. Social
c. Political
9. After the Roman republic ended in 30 B.C., Rome was ruled by emperors rather than a
government that respected individual freedom.
a. Economic
b. Social
c. Political
10. Small businesses suffered when Romans began using slaves to supply goods and services
a. Economic
b. Social
c. Political
11. New religions weakened the will of the Roman people to defend their empire, because
many chose their new religion over Rome.
a. Economic
b. Social
c. Political
12. The Franks were;
a. Romans
b. barbarians
c. a Germanic tribe
d. Britons
13. The Franks conquered much of what was the Roman province of Gaul. Gaul was what
modern day European country?
a. France
b. England
c. Germany
d. Britain
15. The Franks were a kingdom ruled by Royal families. The most famous Royal Frank
family was;
a. Saxons
b. Visigoths
c. Byzantines
d. Merovingians
16. The most famous and successful Frank ruler was;
a. Constantinople
b. Clovis the I
c. Richard the III
d. Leif Ericson
17. Although the Franks were a violent people they did have their own laws to govern
themselves. They called their law the;
a. Salic Code
b. Celtic Code
c. Saxon Pax
d. Pax Romana
18. The Saxons originally came from Britain.
a. True
b. False
19. Saxon boats were called;
a. longboats
b. keels
c. canoes
d. vessels
20. The Saxons push these native peoples out of England and into Wales and Scotland.
a. Franks
b. Merovingians
c. Vikings
d. Celts
21. The Saxons were farmers who rotated their crops and fields. When a field was left to
fallow it meant that it was;
a. being used
b. planted with wheat or barley
c. resting
d. not very deep
22. All of the following are tools that the Saxon farmers used EXCEPT;
a. rake
b. scythe
c. hoe
d. pruning knife
e. keel
23. A Saxon village moot was a ;
a. town meeting
b. celebrations
c. season
d. name of the leader
25. Saxon’s had their own laws and punishments. The Saxon punishments for crimes
include all of the following EXCEPT;
a. Ordeal by Fire
b. Ordeal by Air
c. Ordeal by Water
d. cutting off of hands or feet
26. A value was placed upon a person based on his or her worth. This value was called a;
a. Frank
b. Were-gild
c. Shilling
d. Dollar
27. Those people who were know as scholars and who were responsible for writing the
history of the Saxons were the;
a. monks
b. serfs
c. lords
d. moots.
28. The Vikings were;
a. peaceful farmers
b. French
c. Northern Heathen men
d. a Germanic Tribe
29. The Vikings came from all of the following modern European countries EXCEPT;
a. Sweden
b. Britain
c. Norway
d. Denmark
30. A fjord is;
a. a Viking sailboat
b. a Viking punishment
c. an inlet
d. a Viking battle ax
31. Vikings traveled the seas in their;
a. keels
b. sail boats
c. dingy
d. longboats
32. The Vikings were fine craftsman, particularly when working with;
a. wood
b. metal
c. stone
d. paper
33. The Vikings were sometimes called __________ because they came from the North.
a. Norsemen
b. Heathen Men
c. Sea Raiders
d. Storm Troopers
34. The Vikings traveled as far as;
a. South America
b. North America
c. Russia
d. Japan
35. The Viking who discovered and help set up a settlement in Newfoundland was;
a. Erik the Red
b. Thor
c. Leif Valhalla
d. Leif Ericson
Part II - Short Answers
Directions: Read and answer the following questions in COMPLETE
36. Describe why the Vikings probably became violent invaders of other countries
(3 marks)
37. Describe how the Merovingian family lost is power and prestige after the death of
their most famous King (1 mark for naming the famous King, and 2 marks for describing what
happened after he died.)
Part III - Geography
38. Label the following on the map provided. (9 marks)
a. North Sea
b. Baltic Sea
c. Atlantic Ocean
d. Mediterranean Sea
e. Black Sea
f. Italy
g. France
h. Britain
i. Spain