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10 pts. What is one of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous pieces of art? Mona Lisa, The Last Supper
**Why was Leonardo da Vinci known as a Renaissance man? Because he not only excelled in artistic pursuits, he
was also well educated and well rounded, he was a notable scientist
20 pts. Identify one of Michelangelo’s most famous pieces of art. The David, The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the
Pieta, etc.
**Identify one Renaissance value that is revealed in the “Creation of Adam”. Individualism, humanism, balance
and symmetry, imitation
30 pts. What was the most important invention of the Renaissance? The printing press
**Identify one effect of the printing press. More people could buy books, therefore it was more fashionable to
read, therefore education expanded. Ultimately, the Protestant Reformation was partially caused by the Printing
press. Luther’s idea about a “priesthood of all believers” requires people to study and read the Bible on their own.
Because bibles were now more widely available, the possibility that any individual could read and study the bible
became a real possibility.
40 pts. Pico della Mirandola was considered to be a humanist philosopher. Why? He valued and exhibited
classical learning, he believed in individualism and the idea that people can better themselves through education.
**Why did Pico della Mirandola believe that humans were better than angels? Because they could choose their
own nature, whether to be a philosopher and artist (and thus like an angel) or be sinful (like a beast).
50 pts. What Renaissance values did Machiavelli exhibit? Secularism, his philosophy was not at all based on
religion, Individualism, he believed that a king should rise above society and become a strong leader, Classicalism,
his work demonstrated a deep knowledge of Greek and roman works
**What was Machiavelli’s view of human nature? That people could not be trusted by their leaders and that
leaders must make laws assuming that people are essentially corrupt and evil.
60 pts. Identify two causes of the Renaissance and explain why they caused the renaissance. The Crusades
brought back new ideas from the east and also stimulated trade enriching Italy. A wealthier Italy made it possible
for merchants to become patrons of the arts. The Byzantine Empire declined and Greek scholars came with their
ideas and their Greek manuscripts which started a new neo-Classical fad. The Black Plague caused people to be
more appreciative of life and promoted a more secular mindset. The decline of the church allowed artists and
philosophers more freedom in order to pursue secular and humanist ideas. Decentralized authority in Italy allowed
for a profusion of new ideas- the wealthy urbanized city states whose central leaders were often not nobles, but the
“middle class” anxious to demonstrate their status through displaying art and wealth. The popes political
distractions as they both tried to control Italy and were constantly invaded also led to more political and religious
70 pts. The Renaissance value of humanism is really a combination of different Renaissance values. Name two of
them. Classicalism, Individualism, Education + valued acting in the world
**What is a good antonym for humanist (at least the Renaissance conception of a humanist)? Monastic
10 pts. In 1517, Martin Luther posted these on the door of the Catholic Church in Wittenberg Germany. The 95
**What was the purpose of the 95 Theses? They were criticisms of the Catholic church. Luther criticized the
corruption of the church as well as various interpretations of the Bible that he disagreed with.
20 pts. What was Leo X’s initial reaction to Martin Luther’s actions? He pretty much ignored him.
**True or False: As a result of being ignored, Martin Luther became more moderate in his views. False
30 pts. Identify one detail about families in Protestantism. Women are supposed to be obedient to men, the family
is considered the holiest institution in Protestantism (because there is no monasticism)
**Why might Protestantism had some negative effects for women. Because women had no escape from married
life. They could not join a convent. Also, many argue that the early Protestant Church was very sexually
40 pts. The Council of Trent was a part of this Reformation. The Catholic Reformation.
**True or False: The Council of Trent kept the sale of indulgences legal. False
50 pts. Identify one difference of opinion between Zwingli and Luther. Zwingli believed that communion was
merely symbolic, whereas Luther believed in cosubstantiation. Zwingli believed that the Bible must be read
literally, whereas Luther believed that some stories in the Bible could be symbolic.
**Both of these views contradicted the Catholic Church’s belief in transubstantiation. What is transubstantiation?
The belief that during communion the bread and wine actually turns into the body and blood of Christ, even though
it still tastes like bread and wine.
60 pts. Identify one reason why Germany was a good place to have a Reformation. It was disunited and so Luther
could ally himself with a German prince. It was far enough from Italy that the Pope didn’t have much control.
**True or False: Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. True
70 pts. Identify two causes of the Protestant Reformation and explain why they caused the Reformation.
Corruption in the Church, caused people to question the holy authority of the Church; Renaissance, brought values
of humanism; Printing press, allowed people to read the holy bible on their own and come to their own
conclusions; Erasmus, satirized the church; Exploration, showed that there were parts of the world that hadn’t
even heard of Jesus, despite what the Catholic Church said; Fall of Constantinople, “How could God let such a
thing happen? There must be something wrong with the Church!”
10 pts. Who was the monk who began the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther
**Who was the man whose actions spurred Luther to begin the Reformation? Tetzel
20 pts. This man began the English Reformation when he wanted to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon. Henry
**As a result of the English Reformation, this religion was created. The Anglican Religion (The Church of
30 pts. This woman became famous because she killed 300 Protestants in England. Bloody Mary
**Mary represented the conflict between these two religions in England. Catholicism and Protestantism
40 pts. This man was an advisor to Italian princes during the Renaissance. He wrote The Prince in order to give
advice to rulers about how best to rule. Machiavelli
50 pts. This was the man who brought Protestantism to Switzerland. Zwingli
**Who was Zwingli’s successor in Switzerland? Calvin
60 pts. This man most articulated the doctrine of predestination. Calvin
**According to Calvinists, why would heaven-bound people be good? Because the elect were given the grace of
God, and those who are graced by God are naturally good.
70 pts. Who began the Anabaptist movement? Grebel
**Name one belief common amongst Anabaptists that made them different from other Protestants at the time. Only
adults should be baptized, there should be a separation between Church and state, pacifism
10 pts. What does the word indulgences usually mean when we talk about the Protestant Reformation? The ability
to pay the church in order to be forgiven of one’s sins.
**Today, the Catholic Church still offers a sacrament that could be called an indulgence, what is it? Confession
20 pts. What is a good antonym for the word “secular”? Religious
**True or False: The Renaissance was an entirely secularist movement. False. While secularism was one value
that people had during the Renaissance, it was not the only value. There were plenty of devout Christians who
expressed their devotion through their art and writings in the Renaissance.
30 pts. What is the term for the reverence for all things from ancient Greece and Rome? Classicalism
**Identify one way that you would see Classicalism in a painting. Greek or Roman architecture or clothing, Greek
or Roman myths/themes
40 pts. What is the belief that an individual can better himself and achieve greatness in this world and that
individuals have inherent worth? Individualism
**True or False: The United States government is based off of the idea of individualism. True
50 pts. What is the term for the hierarchy posited during the Renaissance in which every being has its place. The
great chain of being
**Which philosopher that we read played with the notion of the Great Chain of Being? Pico della Mirandola
60 pts. What is the term for the notion that by study one thing in the universe, you will better be able to understand
the universe as a whole, because that individual is a reflection of the universe as a whole? Correspondence
**Point to the one picture in the room that most reveals correspondence. Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitrivian Man
70 pts. Mrs. Friend made a distinction between imitation in Renaissance Art and Detail. How would you tell the
difference? Imitation was the attempt to make objects, especially the human body, look exactly the way it does in
real life. Detail attempts to fill a painting up with all kinds of small details, either background or lots and lots of
various images, each of which are painted with preciseness and focus. Renaissance artists from Northern countries
are known for their use of detail.
**What was the Renaissance technique of painting scenes with a three dimensional quality? Perspective
10 pts. The Renaissance started in what modern day country? Italy
**How did art in the Northern renaissance differ from that in the Italian Renaissance? The art was much more
focused on detail.
20 pts. Under Henry VIII, which church did the Anglican church most look like? Catholic church
**The Anglican Church is known as what church in the United States? The Episcopalian Church
30 pts. Tell me two similarities between Protestantism and Catholicism. They both believe in God and Jesus as the
son of God. They both rely on the Bible as the primary holy text.
**Identify two sacraments that Protestants continued to use. Baptism, Eucharist ( aka The Lord’s Supper or Holy
Communion), (While obviously Protestants still believe in the importance and holiness of marriage, they do not
consider it a sacrament since it existed before the coming of Jesus. Protestants believe that the sacraments are
those rituals that Jesus specifically instituted during his lifetime).
40 pts. Luther believed in the “priesthood of all believers” which said that all Christians were essentially equal in
the eyes of God. This denied the ability of the church to do this. Grant people forgiveness, or get people into
**The priesthood of all believers most corresponds with this Renaissance value. Individualism (although
Protestants emphasized the idea of the corruption of humans because of original sin more than a typical
Renaissance Individualist would).
50 pts. Two differences Protestantism and Catholicism. Please see your Venn Diagram…the largest being
Protestants do not recognize the authority of the pope, whereas Catholics do. Also, Protestants do not recognize
the centrality of the church in ensuring a Christian gets into heaven. For example, protestant ministers have no
special authority to grant forgiveness for sins whereas Catholic priests do.
**Explain the role of art in the Protestant Reformation. In general, Protestants were suspicious of art, especially in
churches. They dislike the way that Leo X was using church funds to fund artists such as Michelangelo. They also
suspected the Catholic church’s use of art in churches amounted to idolatry. Part of the Protestant Reformation
was a move towards iconoclasm or the destruction or removal of religious images in churches.
60 pts. Explain why corruption in the church led to the Renaissance. Because artists had more freedom when the
popes and other church authorities were distracted with worldly issues.
**Explain why a lack of central authority caused the Protestant Reformation. Because Luther was able to hide
from the Holy Roman Emperor by taking shelter with a German prince.
70 pts. Tell me two similarities between the Reformation and the Renaissance. They both originated in areas
without a strong centralized secular authority. They both centered around notions of individualism. The
Renaissance and Reformation overlapped in the 16th century.
**Two differences. The Reformation centered entirely around religious ideas and controversies, whereas the
Renaissance, while deeply inspired by religion, also had secular elements and was not primarily a religious
movement. The Reformation originated in Germany whereas the Renaissance originated in Italy. The
Renaissance, especially with its ideas of individualism and the invention of the printing press, may have partially
caused the Reformation. It also started before the Reformation.