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Endocrine System Multiple Choice- How Well Can You Do??
1 : Along with the nervous system, the ______
system coordinates the various activities of
body parts.
a. digestive
b. endocrine
c. circulatory
d. respiratory
e. excretory
2 : ______ are chemical messengers that are
produced in one body region but affect a
different body
a. Enzymes
b. Endocrines
c. Neurotransmitters
d. Nucleic acids
e. Hormones
3 : The endocrine system is quicker than the
nervous system.
a. True
b. False
4 : Certain cells respond to one hormone and
not to another, depending on their receptors.
a. True
b. False
5 : Endocrine glands secrete hormones into the
bloodstream for transport to target organs.
a. True
b. False
6 : Hormones are substances that fall into two
basic categories:___________.
a. stimulator hormones and receptor
b. proteins and sugars
c. male hormones and female hormones
d. non-steroid (peptide) hormones and
steroid hormones
e. inter-organ and inter-organismic
7 : The pituitary is located beneath the
thalamus in the brain.
a. True
b. False
8 : The hypothalamus regulates ___________.
a. heart rate
b. body temperature
c. water balance
d. glandular secretions
e. all of the above
9 : The pituitary gland is divided into two
portions: the posterior pituitary and the
anterior pituitary.
a. True
b. False
10 : The posterior pituitary stores and secretes
a. ADH and oxytocin
b. growth hormone and gonadotropinreleasing hormone
c. estrogen and testosterone
d. aldosterone and cortisone
e. adrenalin and insulin
11 : The function(s) of oxytocin is/are to _____.
a. cause the uterus to contract
b. induce labor
c. stimulate the release of milk from the
mother's mammary glands when her
baby is nursing.
d. all of the above
12 : Hypothalamic releasing and releaseinhibiting hormones are transported from the
hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary by way
of __________.
a. the general bloodstream
b. a portal system of blood vessels directly
connecting the two organs
c. direct contact between the two organs
d. a cascade of release-inhibit-release-etc.
13: Hormones produced by the anterior
pituitary that have a direct effect on the body,
rather than trigger another gland, are _____.
a. GH, prolactin, and MSH
b. TSH, ACTH, and gonadotropic hormones
c. testosterone and estrogen
d. FH, LSH and progesterone
20 : In addition to thyroxine and
triiodothyronine, the thyroid gland produces_.
a. TSH
c. calcitonin
d. FSH
e. gonadotropin-releasing hormone
14 : GH promotes __________.
a. cell division
b. protein synthesis
c. bone growth
d. all of the above
21 : Calcitonin ____________.
a. regulates the calcium level in blood
b. is balanced by the action of parathyroid
c. increases the deposit of calcium in bone
d. all of the above
15 : Which hormone dramatically affects
physical appearance?
a. gonadotropin-releasing hormone
b. growth
c. steroid
d. male and female
16 : Prolactin is produced in quantity
throughout every person's life.
a. True
b. False
17 : The parathyroid glands are located _____ .
a. below the thyroid, hence the name
b. above the thyroid, hence the name
c. imbedded in the posterior surface of the
thyroid gland
d. distant from the thyroid but named
because there are two and they
resemble the thyroid glands
18 : The thyroid gland is attached to the
trachea just above the larynx.
a. True
b. False
19: Thyroxine and triiodothyronine, the thyroid
hormones, do not have a specific target organ;
instead, they stimulate most of the cells of the
body to metabolize at a faster rate.
a. True
b. False
22 : Parathyroid hormone (PTH) ___________.
a. stops the absorption of calcium from the
b. stimulates the release of calcium by the
c. causes blood calcium level to decrease
d. causes blood phosphate level to
e. all of the above
23 : Calcium plays an important role in ______.
a. neural conduction
b. muscle contraction
c. blood clotting
d. all of the above
25 : The adrenal glands consist of _______.
a. the inner and outer layer of the kidney
b. the inner medulla and the outer cortex
c. lower adrenal and upper paradrenal
d. ACTH and BCTH sections
24 : The medulla and the cortex portions of the
adrenal glands function together as a
a. True
b. False
25 : The adrenal medulla secretes ______
under conditions of stress.
a. norepinephrine
b. epinephrine
c. both of the above
26 : The adrenal ______ secretes a small
amount of both sex hormones.
a. medulla
b. cortex
c. accessory gland
27 : Aldosterone regulates the blood sodium
and potassium levels.
a. True
b. False
28 : The primary target organ of aldosterone is
a. the liver
b. the pancreas
c. the kidney
d. all of the above
29 : The pancreas has both exocrine and
endocrine tissue.
a. True
b. False
30 : The pancreatic endocrine tissues are called
pancreatic islets
a. True
b. False
31 : There is/are ______ type(s) of diabetes
a. one
b. three
c. two
d. five
32 : The pancreatic islets produce __________.
a. insulin and glucagon
b. pancreatin
c. ACTH and aldosterone
d. pancreatic digestive enzymes
33 : Insulin functions to __________.
a. promote the storage of nutrients
b. lower the blood glucose level by
stimulating liver, fat and muscle cells to
metabolize glucose
c. stimulate uptake of glucose by cells
d. all of the above
34 : Glucagon increases the action of insulin.
a. True
b. False
35 : In __________ diabetes the pancreas is
NOT producing insulin.
a. type I
b. type II
c. type III
d. all forms of
36 : It is believed that type I diabetes is
brought on by an environmental agent,
probably a virus.
a. True
b. False
37 : Type II diabetes usually occurs in people
who are obese and inactive.
a. True
b. False
38 : In type II diabetes, insulin is produced but
the live and muscle cells do NOT respond to it.
a. True
b. False
39 : The ______ are the male sex hormones.
a. androgens
b. estrogens
c. aldosterones
d. insulins
e. pheromones
40 : Anabolic steroids are ______ forms of
a. natural
b. synthetic
c. super-active
d. ineffective
41 : The thymus increases in size with aging.
a. True
b. False
42 : The thymus aids the differentiation of
______ cells.
a. red blood
b. B
c. T
d. cancerous
43 : The _________ produces the hormone
a. pituitary gland
b. pineal gland
c. thyroid gland
d. pancreatic gland
e. hypothalamus
44 : Melatonin is involved with circadian
a. True
b. False
Your test will be on:
The cell cycle: interphase (3 parts), and mitosis (5 parts)
 What happens in each?
 You should be able to draw/explain each stage of mitosis for given diploid number
 Why does cell division take place?
 What happens when cells divide uncontrollably?
 Terms: chromosome, sister chromatids, diploid, somatic cell
Meiois: We have cut each part of meiosis into 4 stages each (no prometapahse I and II)
 Why do cell divide? Where does it occur in humans?
 Draw/explain what is happening in each stage of meiosis I and II
 Differentiate between the two stages
 What is chiasma and crossing-over?
 What is non-disjunction?
 Terms: tetrads, haploid cell, diploid cell, somatic cell, gametes, homologous pairs
 How many chromosomes are in a “normal” human (autosomes, sex chromosomes)
 What do karyotypes show and not show?
 Examples of trisomy or monosomy
Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
 Compare/contrast
 When, how often do they occur
 Explain each process (annotated diagrams allowed)
 Structure and function of sperm
Male and female reproductive systems
 Label each
 The path of sperm/egg through their respective reproductive organs
 Roles of all of the parts of the reproductive tracts
 Explain how hormones are controlled in male and in female reproductive systems
 Explain the menstrual cycle- annotate a diagram
Endocrine system
 Role in the body
 Organs associated with it
 Roles- what do they produce/ what does it do/what does it act on?