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What does this picture reveal about the Sun?
A. The Moon orbits the Earth.
B. The Earth orbits the Sun.
C. The Sun orbits the Earth.
D. The position of Earth compared to the Sun makes night and day.
What is the best observation that can be made?
A. The Sun is larger than Earth.
B. The Sun is larger than Jupiter.
C. All of the planets are smaller than the Sun.
D. All of the planets are larger than the Sun.
Which planet is known for its ring system?
A. Mars
B. Neptune
C. Saturn
D. Venus
What is the “X” experiencing?
A. Night
B. Day
C. Winter
D. Summer
What can be determined based on the image?
A. The Moon has craters.
B. The Moon has no living things.
C. The Moon has no water.
D. All of the above
What observation can be made?
A. The Earth orbits the Sun.
B. The Sun orbits the Earth.
C. The Moon orbits the Earth.
D. The Earth orbits the Moon.
Which of the following is the best observation that can made?
A. Earth orbits the Sun.
B. Some of the planets orbit the Sun.
C. All of the planets orbit the Sun.
D. None of the planets orbit the Sun.
What is the opposite of a New Moon?
A. Crescent Moon
B. Full Moon
C. Half Moon
D. Gibbous Moon
Which planet is closest to the Sun? Which planet is farthest from the Sun?
A. Earth, Uranus
B. Mercury, Neptune
C. Mercury, Saturn
D. Mars, Neptune
Where is the best place to see stars?
A. In the city
B. In the country
C. Both
D. Neither
What time of day is it?
A. 8 am
B. 10 am
C. 5 pm
D. Any of the above
Why does the Sun appear so much brighter than other stars?
A. It is the brightest star in space.
B. It is the hottest star in space.
C. It is the closest star to Earth.
D. It is the biggest star in space.
Which observation about the Moon can be made?
A. The Moon orbits the Earth.
B. The Earth orbits the Moon.
C. The Moon orbits the Sun.
D. The Earth orbits the Sun.
Which planet is the coldest?
A. Uranus
B. Neptune
C. Mercury
D. Jupiter
The constellation Orion is known as the
A. Hunter
B. Warrior
C. Hero
D. Fighter
Which of the following is true?
A. The Moon is larger than the Earth.
B. The Moon is smaller than Earth.
C. The Moon is half the size of Earth.
D. The Moon is smaller than Pluto.
What is the name of this constellation?
A. The Giant Spoon
B. The Large Ladle
C. The Big Dipper
D. Ursa Minor
Why do we see the Moon?
A. It has its own light.
B. It gets its light from the Sun.
C. It gets its light from Earth’s cities.
D. Astronomers do not know the
Stars can be all different
A. Sizes
B. Colors
C. Temperatures
D. All of the above
Which planet is the largest?
A. Earth
B. Saturn
C. Neptune
D. Jupiter