Download 1. Match the following items [a] 1. when a planet seems to reverse its

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1. Match the following items
[a] 1. when a planet seems to reverse its direction of
movement through the sky
[c] 2. cooler, darker regions on the photosphere of the Sun
[b] 3. group of stars that forms a pattern
[d] 4. a small rocky body that revolves magnitude around the
[e] 5. a device sent, with no human pilot, to another
celestial body to gather information
retrograde motion
sun spots
2. Match the following items:
[e] 1. huge ball of gas, held together by gravity, which gives
off light
[a] 2. low, flat areas of the Moon that appear dark from the
[d] 3. planetary theory that suggests the sun and other
planets revolve around the Earth
[b] 4. magnetic energy discharged from the Sun's corona in
streams of protons and electrons
[c] 5. the brightness of a star
lunar maria
solar flares
3. Match the following items:
[a] 1. huge ball of gas, held together by gravity, which gives
off light
[e] 2. huge cloud of thinly spread dust and gas where stars
are born
[b] 3. magnetic energy discharged from the Sun's corona in
streams of
protons and electrons
[c] 4. craggy mountains on the surface of the Moon that appear
light in colour
[d] 5. any body that orbits another body
solar flares
lunar highlands
4. Match the following items:
[b] 1. apparent shift of an object against the stationary
background due to a change in perspective
[c] 2. the brightness of a star
[e] 3. a device sent, with no human pilot, to another
celestial body to gather information
[a] 4. ball of rock and ice that orbits the sun and has a
glowing tail
[d] 5. planetary theory that proposes the planets revolve
around the sun
5. Which of the following is NOT a type of galaxy?
a. elliptical
b. spiral
*c. cylindrical
d. irregular
6. Which colour of light would a very hot star give off?
*a. blue
b. yellow
c. red
d. green
7. Copernicus is considered to be the founder of which theory?
a. geocentrism
*b. heliocentrism
c. The Big Bang
d. nebular theory
8. Which of the following are terrestrial planets?
1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3. Mercury
4. Earth
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 only
*d. 3 and 4
9. Which of the following evidence supports the Big Bang Theory?
1. The universe is constantly expanding.
2. Cosmic background radiation exists.
3. The density of the Moon is lower than the density of Earth.
a. 1 only
*b. 1 and 2
c. 2 only
d. 2 and 3
10. Which feature of the Sun is responsible for the Northern Lights?
*a. solar winds
b. sunspots
c. solar flares
d. solar prominences
11. Which factors cause the change of seasons in many places on Earth?
1. axial tilt
2. revolution
3. rotation
a. 1 only
*b. 1 and 2
c. 2 only
d. 2 and 3
12. Which of the following describes when a "full Moon" occurs?
a. the Sun lights up only the far side of the Moon
*b. the Sun lights up only the visible face of the Moon
c. the Earth is tilted away from the Moon
d. the Earth is tilted toward the Moon
13. Which factor causes the stars to change position from hour to hour?
a. the revolution of the Earth
*b. the rotation of the Earth
c. the retrograde motion of the stars
d. the movement of the stars in space
14. Which of the following best describes and explains the behavior of
Polaris, the North Star?
*a. Remains stationary - Polaris lines up exactly with the
Earth's axis, so it does not appear to move.
b. Remains stationary - Polaris moves in synchronous rotation
with Earth, so it does not appear to move
c. Apparent motion - The Earth rotates so our perspective of
Polaris changes and it appears to move.
d. Apparent motion - Polaris actually moves in space, so we see
it change position from Earth.
15. The surface of the Moon is scarred by craters. Which characteristic
of the Moon makes it susceptible to impact from asteroids, meteors and
*a. lack of atmosphere
b. composition of oxygen isotopes
c. lack of volatile material
d. lack of iron in the core
16. When is the Sun's corona visible?
a. during any type of solar eclipse
b. during any type of lunar eclipse
c. only during a total lunar eclipse
*d. only during a total solar eclipse
17. Orbiting debris from space shuttles and satellites is often called
a. a space elevator
b. a space sled
c. a rover
*d. space junk
18. The International Space Station is located
a. on the Moon
b. on Mars
*c. in orbit around the Earth
d. in orbit around the Moon.
19. Constellations are groups of stars with which of the following
a. are the same distance from Earth
*b. form patterns in the sky
c. formed at the same time and in the same place
d. orbit the Sun
20. Which of the following describes what the universe is made of?
1. All matter and space
2. All stars, planets, gases and dust
3. All energy
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 1 and 2
*d. 1, 2 and 3
21. Scientists can identify the elements that a star is composed of by
a. applying the Nebular Theory.
b. determining the star's distance from Earth.
*c. analyzing the spectra produced by the star's light.
d. analyzing the star's red shift.
22. Kepler was a well-known follower of which of the following
a. geocentrism
*b. heliocentrism
c. The Big Bang
d. nebular theory
23. Which of the following are jovian planets?
1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3. Mercury
4. Earth
a. 1 only
*b. 1 and 2
c. 3 only
d. 3 and 4
24. Which factors cause the Sun to rise in the east and set in the west
each day?
1. axial tilt
2. revolution
3. rotation
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 2 and 3
*d. 3 only
25. Which of the following is (are) characteristic(s) of sunspots?
1. appear darker than other areas of the Sun
2. occur when magnetic energy is discharged from the corona
3. are cooler regions of the Sun
4. generate a stream of charged particles
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
*c. 1 and 3
d. 3 and 4
26. According to a traditional aboriginal story, the tipping over of
the Big Dipper in the sky signaled what weather pattern?
a. sunshine
b. high winds
*c. rainy season
d. thick fog
27. Which factor causes the stars to change position from day to day?
*a. the revolution of the Earth
b. the rotation of the Earth
c. the direct motion of the stars
d. the retrograde motion of the stars
28. Which of the following pieces of evidence supports the giant impact
1. The universe is constantly expanding.
2. The surface of the Moon was heated more than that of the Earth.
3. The density of the Moon is lower than the density of Earth.
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
*c. 2 and 3
d. 3 only
29. Which of the following best describes the characteristics of lunar
*a. low, flat areas of the Moon
b. craggy mountains on the surface of the Moon
c. huge bodies of water on the Moon
d. craters on the surface of the Moon
30. A satellite is best described as
a. a device with a human pilot sent to gather information from
*b. any body that orbits another body in space
c. an instrument that creates a magnified image of a distant
d. a robotic device used to explore space.
31. Researchers are investigating new ways to send people into space.
One proposed technology involves attaching a long cable from a base on
Earth to a platform in Earth's orbit. This proposed technology is known
*a. a space elevator
b. a space sled
c. a rover
d. space junk