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Internatio nal Union of Forest Research Organizations
Recherches Forestières
Unión Internacional
de Organizaciones de
Investigación Forestal
Verband Forstlicher
IUFRO Meeting Report Form
Organizers of IUFRO meetings and IUFRO focal persons at IUFRO co-sponsored meetings,
respectively, are kindly requested to fill in and return this form within two weeks after the meeting
by email ([email protected]), fax (+43-1-877 01 51-50) or mail (IUFRO Headquarters, c/o BFW,
Hauptstrasse 7, 1140 Vienna, Austria). This information will be posted at the relevant IUFRO web
pages and may be used for IUFRO News and the IUFRO Annual Report.
(Note: Save this file under a new name and write directly into the form.)
1) IUFRO focal person/meeting organizer:
Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seca Gandaseca
Function in IUFRO: Coordinator IUFRO RG 3.07 Forest Operation in the Tropics
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
2) Meeting report (max. 100 words per paragraph)
Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) is organising the International Conference on
Sustainable Forest Development in View of Climate Change (SFDCC2016) on 8-11 August 2016 at
Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia to discuss issues of sustainable forest development taking into
account the factor of climate change strategies and development plans. The Conference was
organized in collaboration with the International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO),
Asia-Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions (APAFRI), Ministry of natural Resources and
Environment (NRE), Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia (JPSM), Forest Research Institute
Malaysia (FRIM), Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP) and sponsored by the
Sarawak Timber Association (STA) and the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC).
Climate change affects the increase in temperature, changes in rainfall regime and ecological forests
for long term. Any forest development should take into consideration the factors that effects to climate
change to ensure the supply of sustainable forest and forest functions are not affected. The studies
related to climate change and the strategies how to mitigate the climate change are being carried out
around the world. Realising the importance of the issue of climate change and sustainable forest
development, Faculty of Forestry UPM felt important to organize this conference in order to provide a
platform to discuss the findings of the studies deeply from over the world.
The chairman of this conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seca Gandaseca said that: “This international
conference will involve 200 participants from 17 countries, including two Keynote Speakers, ten Invited
Speakers, parallel sessions of 130 Oral and Poster Presenters, and has eight conference themes
during two days conference 9-10 August 2016. The aims of this conference are to provide a platform
for exchange of ideas and information amongst scientists and practitioners, to discuss relevant
information related to forest research and development in view of climate change and to promote
international co-operation and networking amongst practitioners and researchers. Also, this
conference consists of 1 day Pre-conference Workshop regarding the Drones Technology in forest
management held in Ayer Hitam forest reserve, Selangor and the Post-conference Tour to Putrajaya
and Mangroves in Matang, Perak for exposing forest development and function of mangroves forest to
the participants of the conference.”
The Honorable Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia - YB. Dato Sri Dr. Haji Wan
Junaidi Bin Tuanku Jaafar mentioned that: "This year conference will address how our tropical rain
forest ecosystem can be developed sustainably on the climate change condition and this international
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
conference was held timely. Issues related forest degradation and climate change is one of the current
world agenda. Also, this conference will address how tropical rain forest ecosystem can be developed
and managed sustainably to adapt to climate change. So, in this conference, all participants can take
the opportunity to foster good relationship in developing cooperation and collaboration towards a
cumulative global effort towards addressing issue related to tropical rainforest ecosystem facing global
issue of climate change as well as enhancing through research and development.”
Key issues discussed/latest findings in the field:
a) Forest Operation and Ergonomics in the Tropic in View of Climate Change
b) Tropical Forest Hydrology and Climate Change
c) Forest Sustainable Management and Development in View of Climate Change
d) Biodiversity and Ecology in View Climate Change
e) Forest Product and Services in View of Climate Change
Conclusions (if possible, summarize key conclusions across presentations):
An encouraging response was showed by the participants originated from Malaysia, Indonesia,
Pakistan, Japan etc as a total of 130 abstracts were received. The number of abstracts received were
exceeded our anticipated amount of 100. All of the reviewers gave a very prompt and efficient
response to the assigned abstracts. The reviewers also had provided a very high quality review and
valuable comments and decision on time to the received abstracts. After the conference, the
committee are now preparing to publish the received extended abstract in proceedings and featured
journals, The Malaysian Forester. Issues related forest degradation and climate change has been
presented and discussed in this conference and how tropical rain forest ecosystem can be developed
and managed sustainably to adapt to climate change. One proceeding has been produced for this
conference and has been distributed towards the participants, universities and countries of the
Outlook to future activities (proceedings, future meetings, other):
This conference will be continued and the next conference will be held on 2018.
To anticipate the participants who submit their abstracts after the deadline and subsequently caused
some confusing and inconvenience for the reviewing process, so a better control on submission
deadline are of utmost importance for the coming conference.
Background information (meeting context):
The Intenational Conference on Sustainable Forest Development in View of Climate Change
(SFDCC2016) from 8-11 August 2016 at Bangi-, Putrajaya Hotel, Malaysia. The conference is
expected to benefit participants, organizer (Faculty of Forestry, UPM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia as
a whole in terms of research development, networking establishment, and disseminating scientific
knowledge especially in sustainable forest development in view of climate change. The proposed
reasonable conference fees will attract interested local and international participants to participate in
this 2 days scientific conference and post conference tour to relevant sites that have successfully
demonstrated the outcome of sustainable forest development and management. The conference will
also accommodate one day pre-conference workshop for local and international students who will be
given the opportunity to learn and experience outdoor activities related to fundamental issues of
sustainability of tropical forest ecosystem. The proposed fee for the conference is kept at a reasonable
rate as to allow greater participation by local and international participants.
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
3) Other information:
This pre-conference was held successfully on 8 August 2016 at SISFEC-UPM with 20 participants
from 8 countries, i.e., Japan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Korea, Myamar, Phillippines and
Malaysia. The potential application of UAVs in the forestry sector is of increasing interest to many
forest managers due to the possibility of acquiring high resolution aerial imagery (<0.05m) and high
density image-based or LiDAR point clouds at a relatively low cost and increased temporal resolution.
UAV technology could change the face of the forestry sector in many ways. Small-scale administrative
strategies can be enhanced with an up-to-date birds-eye view of a management area and money can
be saved with a minimization of costly aerial imagery acquired from satellite and manned aircraft
missions. Furthermore, valuable time can be conserved in field surveys while insuring the safety of
crews by reducing the need for “boots on the ground” in hard to reach areas.
Besides as an alternative Remote Sensing platform to satellite and piloted aircraft, understanding and
choosing suitable UAV sensors capabilities is another step in UAV industry as well as image
processing. This workshop hence will address this requirements relating to forest management.
The objectives of this Pre-Conference are:
The overall objective of this workshop is to provide participants with an introductory theory
on this new, exciting UAV application particularly for forestry. Participants will have the
opportunity experiencing hands-on image processing with real UAV datasets and case studios of
real applications explained by the professionals that carried them.
Ground truthing exercise will allow high performance participant to explore the lush green
lowland dipterocarp forest and the mystery that surrounds the jungle before reaching the pristine
beauty blue lagoon. Besides, participant will learn to verify the validity, nature and location of
UAV image
At the end of this workshop, participants anticipated to have acquire basic knowledge they
need to select the UAV system that best suits to their application, appreciate easy handling and
which remote-sensing techniques can be used to obtain information from the images
Meeting data:
Full title of the meeting: International Conference on Sustainable Forest Development in View of
Climate Change 2016
Date and venue: 8-11 August 2016, Bangi Putrajaya Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Meeting website:
Number of participants: 200 Participants
Countries represented: 17 countries (Japan, USA, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, Nigeria,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei, India, Bangladesh, Turkey,
Cambodia, Saudi Arabia and South Korea).
Organization of the meeting:
All IUFRO Units involved: IUFRO RG 3.03 Forest Ergonomics
Host organization(s) and sponsor(s): Faculty of Forestry – Universiti Putra Malaysia in Collaboration
with International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO), Asia-Pacific Association of
Forestry Research Institutions (APAFRI), Ministry of natural Resources and Environment (NRE),
Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia (DPPM), Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM),
Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP), and sponsored by the Sarawak Timber
Association (STA) and the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC).
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
Study tour(s) to: Forest Operations of Matang Mangrove Forests Perak Malaysia and Charcoal
Industry which using the mangrove tree as a material resource.
Communication activities (dissemination of information about the meeting; promotion of IUFRO):
The promoting of IUFRO was done vary through distributing brochure, program book, backdrop and
The IUFRO has been promoted by Prof. Hans Rudolf Heinimann Coordinator IUFRO Division 3 (20102014) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seca Gandaseca Coordinator IUFRO RG 3.07 Forest Operation in the
An informal meeting was held by IUFRO Coordinator and Member during the conference and has
been agreed and decided to get involved and collaborate the IUFRO All Division Meeting in Freiburg,
Germany on 2017.
Related publications /websites:
4) Photos of International Conference of SFDCC2016:
1. Opening Ceremony – Officiating by The Honorable Minister of Natural Resources and
Environment, Malaysia, YB. Dato Sri Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi Bin Tuanku Jaafar
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
Opening Ceremony – Officiating by The Honorable Minister of Natural Resources and
Environment, Malaysia, YB. Dato Sri Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi Bin Tuanku Jaafar
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
2. Poster Presentation and Booth Exhibition
3. Keynote Speaker – Prof. Dr. Hans Rudolf Heinimann, ETZ University, Zurich,
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
4. Sessions of Oral Presentations
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
5. Dinner of SFDCC2016
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
6. Pre-Conference Workshop
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!
7. Post-Conference Tour
Legend: 2016 SFDCC Conference, Pre-Conference and Post Conference.
Reported by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seca Gandaseca, Chairman SFDCC2016, Coordinator IUFRO RG 3.07
Copyright: Universiti Putra Malaysia
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation!