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Name: _______________________
Digestive System Research Summary
1. 1 pt. What is the function of the digestive system? _________________________
2. 6 pt. Briefly describe the roles of the following organs in digestion and absorption.
 Stomach _______________________________________________________
 Small intestine __________________________________________________
 Large intestine __________________________________________________
 Pancreas _______________________________________________________
 Liver _________________________________________________________
 Gall bladder ____________________________________________________
3. 2 pt. Trace the path of food through the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus.
mouth  pharynx  _________________________  _______________________
 __________________________  ______________________________ anus
4. 4 pt. For each of the following digestive enzymes, name the organ of the digestive
system where it is produced and the type of molecule it breaks down.
Type of molecule digested
_________________ ____________________________
_________________ ____________________________
_________________ ____________________________
_________________ ____________________________
5. 1 pt. The pH of the stomach is ____.
6. 2 pt. Briefly describe the structure and function of villi.
The surface area of the small intestine is the size of a tennis court. Explain how the
presence of villi in the small intestine offers an advantage compared to a flat surface.
7. 3 pt. Vitamins are organic molecules that are needed for good health. Name a food
rich in each of the following vitamins and identify the function of the vitamin.
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Food Source
8. 4pt. Choose ONE of these conditions and complete the questions. Each member of the
group will research one condition and complete the questions on this form. As a group,
you must complete the questions for ALL of the diseases/conditions.
Some common diseases or conditions of digestive system are:
1. Ulcers
2. Cirrhosis
3. Hepatitis
4. Celiac disease
Name of the disease: __________________________________________________
 What are the causes? _____________________________________________
 What are the symptoms? ___________________________________________
 How does it affect the digestive system? ______________________________
 How is the condition treated? _______________________________________
2 pts. Sources (minimum of 3 – use a text FIRST, then consult websites, articles, etc.)
Citations MUST be complete – see Media Center Works Cited page.