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Subject: Science
Grade: 8
Teachers: Brown, Macedo, Tourkantonis
Common Unit Plan Template
Unit: Astronomy
Duration of Unit: 10-12 Weeks Preceding Unit: N/A
Enduring Understandings:
Essential Questions:
Gravity plays a major role in the formation of the
planets, stars, and solar system and in determining
their motions.
How does gravity effect life on
Tides, eclipses, and moon phases are due to the
relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun.
If the moon or sun were to
disappear what changes could we
The tilt and revolution of the Earth around the Sun
are responsible for uneven heating of the Earth
which causes the seasons.
What does the distance between
the earth and sun have to do with
the range of temperatures on
The properties and conditions of the planets and
other objects in the solar system share similarities
and differences with Earth.
Can humans survive beyond
Terrestrial planets, as well as gas giants, exist in the
solar system.
What makes a planet a planet?
The universe has a hierarchical structure.
How big is the universe?
Massachusetts Framework Standards Addressed:
1.8 Recognize that gravity is a force that pulls all things on and near the earth toward
the center of the earth. Gravity plays a major role in the formation of the planets, stars,
and solar system and in determining their motions.
1.9 Describe lunar and solar eclipses, the observed moon phases, and tides. Relate them
to the relative positions of the earth, moon, and sun.
1.10 Compare and contrast properties and conditions of objects in the solar system (i.e.,
sun, planets, and moons) to those on Earth (i.e., gravitational force, distance from the
sun, speed, movement, temperature, and atmospheric conditions).
1.11 Explain how the tilt of the earth and its revolution around the sun result in an
uneven heating of the earth, which in turn causes the seasons.
1.12 Recognize that the universe contains many billions of galaxies, and that each galaxy
contains many billions of stars.
 Gravity is force that all objects exert upon all
other objects in the universe.
 The strength of gravity is dependent upon
the distance between objects and the mass
of the objects.
 The spherical shape of planets is due to
 Gravity in combination with inertia keeps
the planets in orbit around the sun.
 Earth’s rotation on its axis causes night and
 At any given time one half the Earth’s
surface is illuminated and one half is in
 Earth’s tilt upon its axis as it revolves around
the sun causes uneven heating of Earth’s
surface (seasons).
 Near the equator sunlight strikes the Earth’s
surface more directly and is less spread out
than near the poles.
 As the Earth orbits the sun the northern part
of the axis tilts toward or away from the sun.
 The phase of the moon as seen from the
Earth is dependent upon the relative
positions of the Sun, Earth, and moon.
 At any given time one half the moon’s
surface is illuminated and one half is in
 The moon rotates upon its axis and revolves
around the Earth. Rotation and revolution
occur in the same amount of time.
 The gravitational pull of the moon upon
Earth’s waters is primarily responsible for
tidal fluctuations.
 The relative position either 90˚ or 180˚ of
the Sun, Earth, and moon creates neap tides
or spring tides respectively.
 Solar eclipses occur when the new moon
passes near the plane of the Earth’s orbit.
 Identify what determines
the strength of the force
of gravity between two
 Describe two factors that
keep the moon and Earth
in orbit.
Demonstrate how Earth
moves in space.
o Model Earth’s
rotation on its axis.
o Model Earth’s
orbit around the
o Model the relative
position of the
Earth with respect
to the sun’s rays.
Explain what causes the
phases of the moon.
Describes what causes
Describe the difference
between neap and spring
Describe lunar and solar
Lunar eclipses occur when the full moon
passes near the plane of the Earth’s orbit.
The moon landforms consist of craters,
maria, and highlands.
The moon has no atmosphere.
The moon has 1/6 the gravitational force of
The collision theory is the widely accepted
theory which explains the formation of the
Our solar system consists of the sun, four
terrestrial planets, four gas giants, dwarf
planets, comets, asteroids and meteoroids.
Compare and contrast the planets in the
solar system with Earth with respect to size,
composition, atmosphere, gravitational
force, temperature, and orbital period.
The hierarchy of the universe consists of
stars and star systems within galaxies
Describe features found
on the moon’s surface.
Identify some
characteristics of the
Explain how the moon
Identify the objects that
make up the solar system.
Describe the
characteristics that the
inner planets have in
common with each other
and Earth.
Describe the
characteristics that the
outer planets have in
common with each other
and Earth.
Arrange in order of size
objects in the universe.
Moon Log: Observations, Data, Conclusion
Culminating Final Unit Project
Section Quizzes
Chapter Tests
Learning Activities:
1. Building Background Knowledge
Changes in Daylight: Ask students to estimate what
Materials: daily newspaper
time the sun rises in the morning and sets at night.
Tell them the actual times from a daily newspaper.
Next, ask students to describe how the number of
hours of daylight changes during the winter and
summer. (There are fewer hours of daylight in
winter than in summer.)
2. Instruct
What Causes Day and Night?
Tips: Place the bulb at a height approximately level
with the globe’s equator. Alternatively, use
flashlights and have students work in pairs. One
student can hold the flashlight steady while the
other turns the globe. (Aries “Lab in a Box”)
Expected Outcome: The half of the globe facing the
bulb will be lit and will move into shadow as the
globe rotates.
Objectives: This project will enhance students’
observation and measurement skills as they keep
track of the moon’s appearance and position for
one month. After this Chapter Project, students will
be able to:
Materials: lamp, light bulb, globe
Materials: Moon Log provided
• observe the phases of the moon
• measure the direction and altitude of the moon in
the sky
• interpret data to explain why the moon has
• predict when and where one would expect to see
the moon on the basis of analysis of data
• Communicate their conclusions to the class
Determine how much class time you want to use to
introduce the project, and then adjust the class time
for this activity. For more information on this
Materials: Internet access,
project, click on the Targeted Resources link.
projector, United Streaming
United Streaming video/images of the movement of
Key Concepts: The word pair rotation and
revolution can be confusing. Provide examples
such as rotating a doorknob (it moves around its
center) Relate the expression of someone’s life
revolving around something; for example, “The
athlete’s life revolved around sports.” Point out
that "sports" is the center. Ask students to think
of other examples in their native language and
translate into English. learning modality: verbal
6. BUILD INQUIRY Comparing and Contrasting
Angles of Sunlight
Materials: Flashlight, graph
Have students work in groups to shine a flashlight
paper, colored pencils
directly above the paper and trace around the
lighted area. Next, have students shine the
flashlight at an angle and trace around the lighted
area. Ask: Which area represents sunlight at the
equator? (The smaller area)
Seasons: Place a lamp with a bare bulb on a
desk. Tilt a globe so that the Northern
Hemisphere is pointed toward the lamp. Ask:
Materials: lamp, bulb, & globe
Which season does this represent in the
Northern Hemisphere? (Summer) Walk around
the lamp in a circle, but keep the tilt of the globe
the same relative to the room, not the lamp.
Turn the globe so that the United States is facing
the sun. As you walk, stop every 90° to
represent Earth’s position at the equinoxes and
the winter solstice. Have students identify each
season and describe the conditions in the
United States. learning modality: visual
Adjust the class time based on your students'
abilities and your teaching style.
8. Gravitational Attraction: Ask: What is mass?
(The amount of matter in an object) What other
factor affects the strength of the force of
gravity? (Distance) Have students examine
Figure 7. Ask: What would increase the force of
gravity between two objects? (An increase in
mass or a decrease in distance)
9. Inertia: Ask: Why does a baseball continue to
move after a pitcher lets go of it and stops
applying force? (The ball has inertia.) Why
would the ball eventually hit the ground?
(Gravity pulls it down.)
10. Learn About Weight: Ask – what is weight?
Activity: Students learn that weight is the
Materials: tape measure or
measurement of the force of gravity. Have
meter stick, masking tape or
students measure the height of their jump.
post-it notes.
Take data and calculate what the height of the
jump would be on the moon, the sun, and other
11. Interactive Simulation: Demonstrate the
relationship between force of gravity and
distance and force of gravity and mass between
Relate gravitational force to masses of objects
and distance between objects.
Explain Newton's third law for gravitational
Design experiments that allow you to derive an
equation that relates mass, distance, and
gravitational force.
Use measurements to determine the universal
gravitational constant.
12. PRETEACH Building Background Knowledge, L1
Observing the Moon: Have students describe
observations they have made about the moon. Use
questions to help prompt their memories. For
example, ask: Have you ever seen the moon low on
the horizon? Was it full at the time? Have you ever
seen the moon in daytime? Encourage students to
think about their observations as they read this
13. DISCOVER ACTIVITY How Does the Moon
Move?, L1
Tips: Before students try this activity, have them
predict how many times the penny will rotate
during its revolution around the quarter.
Expected Outcome: The penny makes one complete
rotation on its axis as it revolves around the
14. INSTRUCT Teach Key Concepts: Phases of the
Materials: quarters, pennies
Moon, L2
Exploring Phases of the Moon: Tell students that
although the same side of the moon always faces
Earth, the moon’s position in relation to the sun is
not fixed. As the moon revolves around Earth,
sunlight shines on the near and far sides of the
moon at different times. Ask: Why can you not see
the far side of the moon from Earth? (The far side
always faces away from Earth.) Prompt students to
connect each phase with how the moon looks from
Earth. For example, Ask: What do you see in the
first quarter? (Half of the lighted side of the moon)
What is happening in the waning gibbous phase?
(You see more than half of the lighted side of the
moon. The amount you can see from Earth
decreases each day.)
INSTRUCT Teach Key Concepts: Eclipses, L2
Causes and Effects of Eclipses: Ask: What causes an
eclipse? (When an object in space moves between
the sun and a third object, it casts a shadow on the
third object.) Describe some events that might
occur when the moon blocks out the sun. (Possible
answer: Day becomes as dark as night, the air cools,
and the sky becomes an eerie color.)
15. INSTRUCT Use Visuals: Figure 13, L1
Ask: What causes a solar eclipse? (The moon passes
directly between the sun and Earth.) Which side of
the moon receives the light of the sun during a
solar eclipse? (The far side) Would people in the
moon’s penumbra experience a total or a partial
eclipse? (Partial)
16. INSTRUCT Use Visuals: Figure 14, L2
Ask: Why do lunar eclipses occur only during a full
moon? (Earth must come between the sun and
moon during a lunar eclipse; this happens only
during the full-moon phase.) Why does the moon
appear reddish during a lunar eclipse? (Some
sunlight is bent as it passes through Earth’s
atmosphere and then strikes the moon.)
17. INSTRUCT Help Students Read: Eclipses, L2
Visualizing: Instruct students to close their eyes and
form mental pictures as you slowly read aloud
Eclipses. Then tell students to read the passage by
themselves and recreate the mental images they
formed earlier. Explain that visualizing the text as
they read will be particularly useful throughout the
next two pages, which discuss the positions of the
moon, Earth, and the sun during solar and lunar
18. INSTRUCT Teach Key Concepts: Tides, L2
What Causes Tides: Explain that the moon’s gravity
is pulling Earth’s water at point A, and a high tide
forms. Ask: What happens at C? (The moon pulls
more strongly on the solid part of Earth than on the
water at C. Earth is pulled toward the moon and
water flows toward point C, causing a high tide
there.) What happens at B and D? (Water is flowing
away toward A and C, so low tides form at B and D.)
19. BUILD INQUIRY Comparing and Contrasting
Solar and Lunar Eclipses, L2
Organize students into small groups. Tell them to
make tables that compare and contrast the umbra
and penumbra of the moon during a total and
partial solar eclipse with the umbra and penumbra
of Earth during a total and partial lunar eclipse.
Groups should first decide what headings to use for
their tables—that is, which aspects of the umbra
and penumbra to compare and contrast. Suggested
headings might include: “Portion of the surface
covered by the umbra,” “Phase of the moon when
the eclipse occurs,” and “Portion of Earth from
which eclipse is visible.” Have students present their
tables to the class.
Modeling Eclipses: Give students three differentsized balls. Tell them that the largest ball represents
the sun, the second largest ball represents Earth,
and the smallest ball represents the moon. Have
students arrange the balls in proper order to model
the positions of the sun, the moon, and Earth during
a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. You might also
try using the natural light from a window as the sun.
(During a solar eclipse, the balls should be arranged
in the following order: sun, moon, Earth. During a
lunar eclipse the balls should be arranged in the
following order: sun, Earth, moon.)
Materials: spheres of various
sizes, light source (film-strip
21. A “Moonth” of Phases
projector, lamp, flashlight)
Students will make a model of the Earth-moon-sun
system to explore the phases of the moon
They will observe and record the phases of the
22. Modeling Tides
Give students three different-sized balls. Tell them
that the largest ball represents the sun, the second
largest ball represents Earth, and the smallest ball
represents the moon. Have students arrange the
balls in proper order to model the positions of the
sun, the moon, and Earth during a neap tide and a
spring tide. (During a neap tide, the balls should be
arranged in the following order: sun, Earth, moon at
a 90 degree angle with the Earth at the vertex.
During a spring tide the balls should be arranged in
the following order: sun, Earth, moon in a straight
Impact Craters: Hold up a rock. Tell students to
suppose that the rock is as large as a building
and is traveling through space. Ask them to
picture the rock falling through Earth’s
atmosphere and landing in an open desert. Ask:
What do you think would happen? (Possible
answer: The rock would leave a large depression
in the desert sand or explode on impact.)
24. INSTRUCT Teach Key Concepts: Characteristics
of the Moon
Moon Properties: Ask: How does the moon’s
diameter compare to Earth’s? (The moon is
about one-fourth Earth’s diameter.) Why do
temperatures on the moon vary so much? (The
moon has no atmosphere.) In which state of
matter would you likely find water on the
moon? (Solid
25. INSTRUCT Teach Key Concepts: The Moon's
Surface - Features on the Moon: Explain that
these areas are caused by maria and highlands.
Ask: Which moon features are linked to ancient
volcanic activity? (Maria) What are highlands?
(Mountains on the moon) What causes craters?
(The impacts of meteoroids, which are chunks of
-Styrofoam spheres
- flashlight (lamp, overhead
projector, or film-strip projector)
rock or dust from space)
26. INSTRUCT Teach Key Concepts: The Origin of
the Moon - How the Moon Formed: Have
students use the diagram to summarize the
collision-ring theory.
27. INSTRUCT Teach Key Concepts: The Hierarchy
of Objects in the Universe. Have students
create concentric circle diagrams with objects in
this order star – galaxy – universe, solar system
– galaxy – universe, or star-star system-galaxyuniverse.