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Period Date
Archaeologists: Study all things from the greatest of monuments to the tiniest pin.
Excavated: Uncover by digging
Manuscripts: Something written by hand
Scrolls: A roll of paper with writing and pictures on it
Statues: A model in stone or metal of an animal, person etc.
Traders: Person or person who trade goods for profit.
How we know about the Greeks
about Although we sources
the Ancient Greeks lived
three thousand years ago,
lot about how they lived. Our information comes from a variety of
know a
tombs ships Marine colonized dug buildings traders
Archaeologists have
up many Ancient Greek objects and
. Important
sites have been excavated in Greece and in the places that the Greeks
archaeologists have found the wrecks of several Ancient Greek
, some with their cargoes
preserved. Greek objects have also been found in countries where they were taken by
. For
example, Minoan pots made on Crete have been dug up in Egyptian
homes These The Pots Greeks lived
are some of the most useful archaeological discoveries.
Greeks decorated many
of their pots with pictures of everyday life.
scenes have given experts much information about what
looked like, what they wore, what their
and furniture were like, and the kind of
lives they
buildings Romans many originals
When the
occupied Greece in the second century B.C., they were fascinated by the
, statues and paintings that they discovered there. They were
impressed by Greek art
that they made copies of
statues and paintings.
large number of these Roman copies have
survived, although the
have been lost.
evidence found papyrus poems The Greeks Roman
wrote on scrolls made out of a plant called
. This rots easily, so very
few original manuscripts have been
. However Greek writings have survived because people
times onwards made copies of them.
copies include works by many Greek
writers about history, philosophy and politics, as well as plays and
. Coins, clay tablets and
inscriptions on monuments and buildings provide other written
The First Greeks
Craftsmen: skilled person who works at a craft
Flint: A glassy hard mineral that is a form of quartz
Inhabitants: a person who lives in or inhabits a place or country. Prosperous: flourish, grow rich, be successful.
Mediterranean Sea: A large sea surrounded by three continents- Africa, Europe and Asia
Surplus: what is left over when need and or use are satisfied?
area now called
consisted of a land-mass on the north-eastern
edge of the Mediterranean
and the surrounding islands.
The first inhabitants
and gathered food.
groups of people from the
ago arrived Some Greece
in Greece about 40,000 years
. They lived in caves and
time before 6000 B.C., farming was introduced by new
who settled in eastern
Bronze age previous 3000 B.C. bronze The
, people in Greece discovered how to mix copper and tin to make
. They used it to make tools and weapons. These were harder and sharper than
ones, which had been made of bone or flint.
improved equipment made
farming and building easier. The period from 3000 B.C. to 1100 B.C. is known as the
Trade Some As exchanged goods grew
farming became more efficient, many farmers had a surplus of produce which could be
for goods.
people made a living as craftsmen by selling their
instead of growing food.
made people more prosperous, the population increased
and some villages
into towns.
civilization prosperous 2600 B.C. islands Crete
to 2000 B.C. the people of Cyclades were particularly
. Craftsmen
produced fine goods and there was much trade between the
. However, the Cyclades were
too small to develop further and it was the island of
that the first great European
Worksheet # 3
Words to know: Athenian = citizen of Athens. (or) having to do with Athens.
Britain = England (and other lands).
horizontal = running the same direction as the horizon. (The horizon is the line where the land seems to meet the sky.)
grew holy
The Acropolis is a flat-topped hill standing about √200 feet above the rest of the city of Athens. On it
stands the Parthenon, which is sometimes called the most ____________ building ever built by man.
The word Acropolis _____________ "higher city." Athens began as a fort _____________ on that hill. Later
a town ___________ at its base, and eventually the town became a city. In time the Acropolis was turned into a
__________ place with many fine temples.
At the base of the hill are the ruins of two outdoor theaters with ________ seats. Athenians, rich and poor,
loved to sit under the ___________, blue sky and watch plays. There was only one way up the rocky hillside,
through a fine _______________gateway and up a flight of stairs.
The marble of the Parthenon has ______________ yellow with age. _____________ all, the temple is about
2500 years old! It was built to honor Athena, the greatest _________________ of the ancient Greeks.
_______________ was the goddess of war and of wisdom. People said that she sprang, dressed in armor, from the
head of her father Zeus, after he had _____________________ her mother, Metis.
given Phidias
The Greeks believed that Athena protected their cities in war and in peace, and that she had
_____________ them the olive tree. In the middle of the Acropolis stood a huge _______________ statue of her.
Another statue of Athena, this one of ivory and gold, ____________ in the Parthenon. It was sculpted by
_________________ and was about 40 feet tall. The ______________ of the temple was only 2 inches above the top
of the statue!
Each lines other side
There are 8 columns across the front of the Parthenon, 17 on each _________, and 8 across the back, for a
total of 46. The middle of each column is slightly ____________ than the base. ___________ column is tilted
inward. The 4 corner columns are a bit fatter than the _____________ 42. All the horizontal ____________ of the
temple are slightly curved. But when we take a quick look at the Parthenon, all the lines seem ________________.
Running around the temple was a magnificent frieze with _______________ of people and horses.
However, in 1801, a man called the Earl of Elgin got permission from the Turks (who governed Greece at that
time) to remove the ________________and take it to England. Nowadays people can see these 88 beautiful pieces,
called the Elgin marbles, in the ______________ Museum in London. ____________ would like to have them back,
but the British argue that they can take better care of the sculptures.
Note: the answers to all of the following questions are found in Worksheet 3.
Which is about 2500 years old? (the temple
the hill)
The Acropolis first was a _ _ _ _ and later a _ _ _ _ place.
Greeks went to plays (in the daytime
at night).
The Parthenon was built of a fine stone called _______________.
Athena was often shown dressed in armor because she was the goddess of
The statue in the temple was made of
Which is right? (godess
The _______________ tree was very important to the Greeks.
17 + 17 + 8 + 8 = 50. Then how is it that there are 46 columns, not 50, around the edge of
the Parthenon?
(The Turks
The Greeks) allowed the Elgin marbles to go to Britain.
The Poems of Homer; Greek Gods and Goddesses
Worksheet 4:
Words to know: Mount Olympus = a mountain peak in northern Greece. It was believed to be the home of the gods.
Trojan= having to do with Troy. Or a person from Troy.
against attack delta
Long before either the Assyrians or the Persians became masters of great empires, the Greeks had sailed
forth to capture the rich palaces in Crete, to raid the _____________ in Egypt, and to _______________ the coasts of
what is now Turkey. The most famous of these journeys was the one _________________ the wealthy city of Troy.
poet told Troy
wife years
Greece's attack on ___________ took place about 1000 B. C. Many years later, the Greek ___________
Homer wove the tales and legends of the Trojan War into a book-length poem called The Iliad. He told how Paris,
a prince of Troy, stole Helen, the beautiful ___________ of a Greek king. Homer ___________ about the great sea
expedition the Greeks sent against the Trojans. He described 10 _____________ of fighting, bravery, and trickery,
the death of many heroes, and the final fall and destruction of Troy.
poem finally giants home like waiting
Another long ____________ by Homer, The Odyssey, tells of the adventures of Odysseus, one of the Greek
heroes of the war. The Odyssey is ___________ a collection of fairy tales. It tells about Odysseus on his way
___________ from Troy. He has 10 years of adventures with sea monsters, _____________, witches, and sirens. In
the end, he _________________ reaches home. His faithful wife, Penelope, is still _________________ for him.
anger enemy handsomer stories 3000 wanted
Homer's poems give us a picture, though not complete, of Greek society about __________ years ago. We
see heroes who were brave and generous friends, but quick to feel ____________ or hate. Personal glory was what
the Greek warrior _______________. In his chariot he cut through poorly-armed foot soldiers to fight singlehanded with champions from the _____________ side.
In these _________________, the gods play many important parts. As Homer described the gods, they are
very much like humans, but stronger, _____________________, and able to lead a life of ease forever on Mount
Olympus, their home.
adopted different Homer myths Over So statues story
By telling _____________ (stories) about the gods and goddesses, the Greeks explained their world and
the good and bad things that happened to people. Other poets besides _____________ often wrote about the gods.
______ did playwrights. Artists often made _________________ of the gods.
The Greeks worshiped many ________________ gods and goddesses. They also ______________ many of
the gods of the people among whom they settled. ___________ the years, the Greeks invented many stories about
their gods. Often there were 2, 3, or more versions of the same _____________.
condition marriage powerful queen supposed thunderbolt usually
The most ___________________ of the gods, and the one who ruled as king on Mount Olympus, was called
Zeus (rhymes with juice). He was god of the sky, god of the weather, and was often shown as holding a
______________ in his hand. He was pictured as a middle-aged man in excellent physical _______________, with
long flowing hair and a full beard. He was ___________________ to be very wise.
Hera was _____________ of the gods and the wife of Zeus. She was the goddess of ___________________
and of children. She was _________________ pictured as being motherly, beautiful, proud, sensitive, and jealous,
and Zeus was said to quarrel frequently with her.
***Now go back through Worksheet 4 and circle these words each time you find them:
Homer, Odysseus, Zeus, Hera.
List these terms in the chart below. One is done for you. Assyrians, Greeks, Helen, Hera, Homer, Odysseus,
Paris, Penelope, Persians, Troy, Zeus.
A City
A Man
A Woman
A God
A Goddess
A Group of People
Worksheet #5
The Role of Women
male society certain lives were could ancient√ property
Women in most states in ancient Greece led very sheltered lives and.
not permitted to play an
active role in
. They could not take part in the running of the city, inherit or own
, or conduct any legal transaction. They
not buy anything that cost over a
amount of money. Throughout their
they were always under the control of a
relative:. First their father, then their husbands, brother or son.
The Plato 15 Artemis husband age white
when she was married and her
was likely to be mush
said that 30-35 was the best
for a man to marry. The girls father chose
and provided her with money and goods, called a DOWRY The
was taken care of
by her husband, but was return to her
if she were divorced or left a widow without children.
day before her wedding the bride sacrificed her toys to the goddess
as a sign that her childhood was ending. On the wedding day, the bride wore
. Both families made sacrifices and feasted.
A girl was only
poor bridegroom day often
In the evening, the
went to the bride's house. This was
the first time that the bride and
met. The bride and groom then rode to his
, in a chariot if they were rich or a cart if they were
. On the following
both families met at the husbands house for a party and presents were given.
cloth house Spinning sick women household meals day
In a wealthy
, a bride had many duties. Each
she inspected the food
stores, and ensured that the
was clean and tidy and that
were ready on time.
She looked after the children and any
member of the household, and managed the family finances.
of the household produced all the
needed for clothes and furnishings.
and weaving therefore occupied a large amount of a wife's time.
accompanied parties allowed religious shopping. did not Athens had
, married women from good families
often leave the house.
They normally went out only for
festivals and family celebrations, or to do small bits of
. Whenever they went out they were
by slaves. Sometimes they
to visit their girlfriends. Men and women only mixed at strictly family
Generally, the richer the family the less freedom the wife
Government by the People in Athens
Worksheet 6:
Athenian = citizen of Athens, or: having to do with Athens.
unjust = unfair.
√by citizens city-states peace sorts them thousands 3 voted word
The Greeks called government by the people a democracy. We still use their ___________, but our
democracy is different from that of the Greeks.
The most democratic of the Greek _____________________ was Athens. In that city the
__________________ carried on the business of government themselves. They met in a large assembly
_ times a month to consider affairs of the city. During the all-day sessions, citizens discussed all
_____________ of public business. They debated and _____________ on laws. They declared war and decided
when to make _____________. Only male citizens could be in the assembly, and not all of ___________ actually
attended. Even so, the assembly had _____________________ of members.
first hole hours rules younger water Who
When a matter came before the assembly, a herald called out, "________ wishes to speak?" Older citizens
were heard _____________. Then the _________________ men had their chance. The right to be heard did not
mean the right to be heard for hours and _____________. Speeches were timed by a jar of water with a __________
in the bottom. When the _____________ had all run out, the speaker had to stop. Without such _____________ the
assembly would not have passed many laws.
decisions knew live new Should
Governing means that lots of _____________________ have to be made. Should there be a ________ law?
The man who voted for it knew he would have to ___________ under it. _______________ Athens go to war? The
man who voted for war ___________ that he or his sons would have to fight in it.
Athens money on twice used was watchmen winners
To carry out the laws, _______________ had committees of citizens. One committee collected
_____________ for the city. Another checked weights and measures __________ by the merchants in the market.
Still another committee made sure that __________________ walked the streets at night.
A Council of 500 ________ in charge of the city affairs. Citizens took turns serving ______ the Council.
Every year they drew names for the Council, just as we sometimes draw names to be ________________ of prizes.
Since no man could serve more than ____________ on the Council, most citizens had a chance to serve.
by chance elect meet never one people This wise
We may not think that drawing names was a __________ way to choose officials. But it gave everyone a
fair _______________. It was one kind of government ______ the people.
The Athenian kind of democracy
would _____________ work in a large country such as ours. All the citizens of the U. S. could never ___________ in
one huge assembly to make laws. In the U. S., the people _____________ representatives to govern for them.
__________ form of government is called a republic. It, too, is government by the _______________. It is
________ way to carry out the Greek idea in the modern world.
Athens believed in mean obey value
The Athenians believed in the _____________ of freedom. They proudly ___________________ that they
were "the freest of the free." They said that in _______________ men could "live as they pleased."
Such freedom did not __________ that there were no laws in Athens. A great Athenian leader named
Pericles explained, "We obey those whom we put ______ positions of authority, and we __________ the laws
Athens foolish is listen property themselves unwritten which wisely
There were 2 kinds of laws: those _____________ the people themselves made, and "the great unwritten
laws which it is known to be a shame to break." If you murdered someone or stole his ___________________, you
broke the unwritten law. Other places had written and _____________ laws very much like those in Athens. But in
Athens the people _______________________--not a king or a tyrant--had the responsibility of enforcing laws.
The Athenians did not always use their freedom _______________. They sometimes chose to do
___________________ or evil things rather than wise or good ones. _______________ declared some unjust wars.
At times the Athenians refused to _________________ to the advice of their wisest men. This _
____ the risk of
bare outnumbered question Why
________ do people want freedom? When a Persian asked a Greek why his people fought even when
greatly _________________________, the Greek replied: "You do not know what freedom is. If you did, you
would fight for it with __________ hands if you had no weapons." To people who have been free, there is no
___________________ of whether freedom is good.
In Athens, (everyone was perfect; people sometimes did bad or silly things).
In Athens, it was (a written law; an unwritten law) that you should not commit murder.
In those days, (Persians; Athenians) had freedom.
Copy these statements in the side of the chart where they belong.
All adults 18 and older, except prisoners, can vote.
All citizens met to make laws.
Representatives are elected: they meet and make laws.
Only free men, no slaves or women, could vote.
Democracy in Athens 2400 Years Ago
Democracy in the United States Today
Worksheet 7
Achilles: Greek hero of the Trojan ___________. was killed by a
poisoned _______________ that struck his heel.
Aesculapius: god of medicine and healing. ___________ of Apollo.
Aphrodite (Roman name Venus): goddess of __________. The Greeks said
she had no childhood but simply sprang, fully grown and beautiful, and
became ____________ of the sea.
Apollo (Roman name the same, Apollo). also called Helios or Phoebus. :
Father god of the ________, of music, poetry, truth, and prophecy. Loved
included Calliope (mother of Orpheus) and the nymph Clymene.
Aesculapius and the Heliades were ___________ his children
Ares (Roman name ___________): god of war.
Artemis (Roman. name Diana): twin _______________ of Apollo. goddess of
the moon and _______ hunting.
Athena, Athene, or Pallas. (_____________ name Minerva): goddess of
wisdom, of _________, & of arts & crafts. sprang from Zeus's head, fullgrown & wearing _____________.
Atlas: a Titan who had to ___________ the world on his shoulders.
Calliope : muse of epic poetry. mother _______ Orpheus.
Castor: and Pollux: twins hatched out of an _________. After they died,
they _______________ stars in the constellation Gemini.
Chiron: a centaur (had the head and _____________________ of a man
and the body of a horse). An _____________________ teacher. taught
Hercules, ___________________, Philoctetes, Aesculapius, and Jason.
Cronus : king of the Titans. Stomach was ________________________ by his son Zeus.
Cyclops : a giant with only one eye in the _______________ of his forehead.
Daphne: a _______________________ maiden who was chased by Apollo. Zeus
changed her into a ___________ so that Apollo could not marry her.
Demeter (Roman name Ceres): _________________ of growing plants. mother
______ Persephone.
Dryads: nymphs _________ lived in the woods.
Eris : goddess ______ discord (arguments).
Eros (_____________ name Cupid ): and Aphrodite's son.
Gorgons: 3 _________________ with snakes for hair. ___________
were so horrible that anyone who looked at them was turned to stone.
Hades (Roman name Pluto): ______________of the region under the earth.
God of the dead and of wealth, since dead people were _______________
in the earth, there were many minerals and precious stones were mined
from the ________________.
Hephaestus (Roman name Vulcan): son of Zeus and ____________. god
_______ fire. Usually worked as a _______________________.
Hera (Roman name Juno): queen of gods & ___________ of Zeus.
Heracles (Roman name Hercules): known for being ___________ strong.
Hermes (Roman name Mercury): Because he was so _____________, he often
served as a messenger for Zeus. wore a winged cap and winged
Hestia (Roman name Vesta): _________________ of the home and of the
Medusa: one of the Gorgons. Perseus
Minotaur: monster with the body of a man and the ___________ of a bull.
_______________. water nymphs.
Nereids: sea _______________.
Nymphs: lesser _____________________. daughters of ______ evening star.
Pandora: created _______ Hephaestus at Zeus's request. a beautiful woman
who opened the _________ containing all the troubles and desires known to
Poseidon (Roman. name __________________): god of _________ sea.
father of Polyphemus, the Cyclops.
Psyche : goddess _______ the soul.
Rhea. wife of _______________. Their children were Zeus, Poseidon, Hades,
Demeter, Hera, _________ Hestia.
Theseus. Greek hero who _______________ the Minotaur.
Titans: giant ___________ that were overthrown by the Olympian gods.
Zeus (Roman name Jupiter): king of the gods; god of the sky, _________ of
weather. Main wife was Hera. other _____________ included Alcmena; Danae
(mother of Perseus); Metis (mother of Athena).
The early Greeks are said to have been the most imaginative people ever. They made up fascinating stories about
gods, Titans, nymphs, and creatures that were part human, part animal. Later the Romans adopted many Greek
gods but changed most of their names.
fill in this chart.
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Goddess of love
God of love
demigod (his mother was a human)
Male or Female?
very strong
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
wife of P_ _ _ _
More Greek Gods
Worksheet 8:
Words to know: mortal = able to die. (immortal = will never die.)
Apollo arrow changed chased faster feeling laurel
Because Apollo had teased him, Eros shot ______________ with an arrow that
caused love. With another _____________ he shot a beautiful maiden called Daphne. Because of this act, Apollo
loved Daphne, but she did not return the ________________. When Apollo ______________ Daphne, she ran away.
The faster he chased her, the _______________ she ran. Finally, when he was about to overtake her, she prayed to
the gods to save her, and Daphne was __________________ into a laurel tree. In her memory, Apollo adopted the
_______________ tree as one of his symbols.
bathe buried chase earth He jar lost of overtook sister
Artemis. twin _______________ of Apollo. goddess of the moon and _____ hunting.
Once a young hunter was ___________ in the woods and wandered about looking for his friends. He came upon
Artemis as she was preparing to _____________ in a pool. She was so angry at being seen that she threw a
________ of water into his face and changed him into a deer. His own dogs began to _____________ him. He ran
for some time, but they ___________________ and killed him.
Pluto, also called Hades. ruler of the region under the _____________. god of the dead and of wealth, since dead
people were _______________ in the earth, and a great many minerals and precious stones were mined from the
earth. ______ was pictured as being gloomy and unpleasant.
eaten kingdom my of ordered
Persephone plants saw spend very what yearly
Demeter. goddess ______ growing plants. She had a beautiful daughter, Persephone,
whom she loved __________ much. One day Pluto ________ Persephone and fell in love with her. He kidnapped
her and carried her away to his ________________ under the earth. Demeter did not know ___________ had
happened to her daughter. She was very unhappy and stopped all the _______________ from growing. She said,
"They shall not grow again until ______ daughter returns." Finally, Zeus took pity on Demeter and
_________________ Pluto to restore Persephone to her mother. However, since Persephone had _____________ a
part of a pomegranate in the land of death, she had to return to that unpleasant place at regular intervals.
Persephone had to _____________1/3 of each year in the lower regions as Pluto's queen. This explained the rebirth
of plants in the spring (the _______________ return of Persephone to her mother) and the death of plants in the fall
(______________________ had gone to the underworld and Demeter was mourning her again).
careful carried fond
other sea
spear war
Ares. the powerful god of ________. He carried a shield and ____________ and wore a great shining helmet with a
long plume. He was __________ of bloodshed and often joined in the battles of mortal men. Ares was brutal and
pitiless and most of the ____________ gods disapproved of him.
Poseidon. god of the ________. had a great flowing beard, sometimes with bits of seaweed in it. In his hand he
_________________ a trident (a staff with 3 barbed prongs at the end.) He could make the sea rough or calm,
depending on his mood, and sailors were ________________ not to anger him.
every goddess Greek
protect winged
Hermes. god of the wind, trade, travelers, ________ shepherds. Because he was supposed to be the quickest of the
gods, he often served as a ____________________ for Zeus. He wore a cap with two wings on it and also
_______________ shoes. Hestia. ________________ of the homes of men. one of the gentlest and most loved of all
the ____________ goddesses. said to watch over every household and to _________________ the people in it. The
hearth fire in ____________ home was sacred to her.
eagle fire
grew lived rock
something This torch
Prometheus. a giant, or titan, who ______________ with the gods on Mount Olympus. was thought to be a great
benefactor of mankind and the one who stood up for men against the hot temper of ____________. When
Prometheus saw how helpless men were, he wanted to do _____________________ to make them stronger. He
knew that men needed fire, and there was ____________ on Mount Olympus. Although forbidden to do so,
Prometheus took a burning _____________ from Mount Olympus and gave fire to man. ____________ made Zeus
very angry. He had Prometheus chained to a huge ____________. Every day an ______________ came and sank its
beak into his flesh. Every day the eagle ate the liver of Prometheus, but every night the liver ____________back
again so that the eagle could eat it again the next day.
bottom create
Pandora. When Zeus found out that he was not able to take ____________ away from man, he decided to punish
man for having it. He had Hephaestus __________________ a beautiful woman whose name was Pandora. He sent
Pandora to the earth and gave her a _______________ box. In this box were ________ the troubles and desires that
ever bothered man. Pandora was told never to open the box, but as time went on she began to _________________
what was inside. Finally, determined to find out, she lifted the lid and with that all the ____________________
flew out. Luckily, Pandora shut the box before hope, which was down at the _______________, managed to escape.
Because of that, hope has always ___________________ to help man with his troubles.
everyday pictures was functional lived
Greek pottery
intended for everyday use. But as well as being
often beautifully decorated with paintings. The
on many pots show scenes from
life which have given us vital information about the Greeks
, it was
How Pots Were Made
artist jobs even Greeks storage decorative Athens only
were skilled craftsmen who made a variety of things, including large
jars, fine black and red figure ware, cooking pots, lamps and perhaps
roof tiles. The more
pots were usually made by two people, although
sometimes one man did both
. Pots were often signed on the bottom by both the potter
the potters had their own quarters, which was known as the Kerameikos.
workshops were usually small and employed
five or six men.
What Pottery Means
tombs ships Marine colonized dug buildings traders
Archaeologists have
up many Ancient Greek objects and
. Important sites have been excavated in Greece and in the places that the Greeks
archaeologists have found the wrecks of several Ancient Greek
, some with their cargoes preserved. Greek objects have also been found in countries
where they were taken by
. For example, Minoan pots made on Crete have been dug up in
homes These The Pots Greeks lived
are some of the most useful archaeological discoveries.
Greeks decorated many
of their pots with pictures of everyday life.
scenes have given experts much information about what
looked like, what they wore, what their
and furniture were like, and the kind of lives
A so buildings Romans many originals
When the
occupied Greece in the second century B.C., they were fascinated by the
, statues and paintings that they discovered there. They were
impressed by Greek art
that they made copies of
statues and paintings.
large number of these Roman
copies have survived, although the
have been lost.
found papyrus poems The Greeks Roman
wrote on scrolls made out of a plant called
This rots easily, so very few original manuscripts have been
. However Greek
writings have survived because people from
times onwards made copies of them.
copies include works by many Greek writers about history, philosophy and politics, as well as
plays and
. Coins, clay tablets and inscriptions on monuments and buildings provide other
them barbarians a northeast Zeus Greek
Macedonia lies in the
of Greece. The Macedonian people claimed to be descendants of
Macedon, son of
. Although they considered Macedonia to be
cultural and political
backwater, whose inhabitants were little better than
. Although the Macedonians spoke
, they had such a strong accent that it was said to be impossible to understand
territory of times During war country
the 6th and 5th centuries B.C., Macedonia was invaded many
. In 399 B.C. the king was murdered and the country entered 40 years of instability and
. This ended with the accession
Philip II in 359 B.C. When he came to the throne,
Macedonia had lost a lot of its
and was split by political rivalries. Many of their soldiers
had been killed and the
was impoverished.
independence speaker He years frontiers saw
However, within 25
Philip had united the country, extended the
and turned Macedonia into the greatest military power of the day.
was a brilliant soldier and organizer, a fine
and a cunning diplomat
with great personal charm. Even critics, such as the Athenian politician Demosthenes,
him as a
threat to democracy and
soon accepted Philip queen Cleopatra also
had several wives, but only one
, Olympias. Her son, Alexander,
as Philip's heir. In 337 B.C. Philip took another wife,
, and set
Olympias aside. He was assassinated
after. The assassin could have been a political opponent,
but it is
possible that Olympias or Alexander had paid
under hit hole skull remains discovered chamber that eye
In A.D. 1977 archaeologists
a new tomb in the royal graveyard at Vergina. In the
they found a casket, containing the cremated
of a man aged 40-50
years. Experts have since been able to piece together the
. It had a
near the
right eye. This proves
it was almost certainly Philip, who had been
in the face by an
arrow and lost his right
. Philip's tomb was buried
a mound of earth which
protected it from grave robbers.
Alexander the Great
Worksheet 11:
Words to know:
ancient = times long ago.
barbarian = in times of ancient Greece, anyone who could not speak Greek. Now barbarian means "uncivilized."
colony = group of people who settle in a distant land but remain under the government of their homeland.
Fertile Crescent = area extending from the eastern end of the
Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf.
Macedonian = citizen of Macedon, or: having to do with Macedon.
peninsula = area that is almost surrounded by water.
sword pronounced /sord/ The w is silent.
√maps together wealth
Macedon (called Macedonia on today's maps) was just northeast of the Greek peninsula. There were Greek colonies _____________
its coast. The people of Macedon spoke a ___________________ closely related to Greek.
Around 370 B. C., the king of Macedon, Philip, seized some ___________ mines. He used this great _______________ to keep the
tribesmen employed as his army. In this way he knit the tribes ___________________ into a powerful Macedonian kingdom.
barbarian others philosopher son young
As a _____________ man, Philip had spent 3 years in a Greek city. There he adopted
the Greek idea that the Greeks were "civilized" and all _______________ were "barbarians." Philip's ________,
Alexander, was given a Greek education. His teacher was Aristotle, the leading ________________________ in
Athens after the death of Plato. Philip's goal was to use his mostly "_____________________" army to make
himself leader and ruler of the "civilized" world.
against Alexander city knot lost Persia untie victory
Athens ___________ to Philip at the battle of Chaeronea in 338 B. C. The Greeks were forced to furnish
Philip with troops for war _________________ Persia. But Philip did not live to invade _______________. That
was done by his remarkable son, _____________________ the Great.
Alexander scored an important _________________ over the Persians. Then he traveled to a ___________
called Gordium, where the sacred chariot of an ancient king stood, fastened with a knot. It was said that whoever
could _____________ the knot would become master of Asia. Alexander puzzled a moment over the
___________, then cut through it with his sword.
Afghanistan armies around earth nothing power satisfied Valley want
Alexander's _______________ were on their way to spectacular victories. Each conquest only made
Alexander ___________ more. He was not ________________ with placing himself on the throne of the Persian
kings. Instead, Alexander pushed on toward what he thought were the ends of the _____________. (At this time
the Greeks knew _________________ about China.) From Asia Minor to Syria, to Egypt, and back again
_______________ the Fertile Crescent into Iran, he led his Greek and Macedonian armies. Alexander spent many
years conquering cities near the Roof of the World, in the region that is modern _________________________.
He also marched into India, conquering the Indus _______________. At the height of his __________ Alexander
ruled more territory and more people than any leader up to that time.
armies followed loyalty only parts
planning turn
Alexander depended on the soldiers who ___________________ him in the constant campaigns. His
_______________ were tremendously loyal to their dashing leader. But the greatest ________________ can be
pushed too far. After Alexander had conquered the Indus Valley and was about to go on east to the Ganges River,
his soldiers rebelled and he was forced to __________ back. While ___________________ new conquests,
Alexander died of a fever. He was __________ 33. The empire was divided among his generals, into 3 main
How did Alexander "untie" the Gordian knot?
Match by
drawing lines.
Philip died at age 46
Alexander the Great
died at age 33
Match by
drawing lines.
Philip died of a fever
Alexander the Great
was assassinated
Now go back through Worksheet 31 and circle these words each time you
find them: Philip, Alexander, Alexander the Great.
List these terms in the chart below.
Alexander, Aristotle, Egypt, Indus Valley, Persia,
Philip, Plato.
Military Leaders
Regions Conquered by Alexander
The Trojan War
Worksheet 12:
Words to know: warrior= a soldier.
Trojan= having to do with Troy. Or a person from Troy.
Use these terms to fill the blanks. Put a small, neat check by each one
as you use it. The first one is done for you.
fought known poem √writing years
The Greek poet Homer gets the credit for writing The Iliad. This very long ___________ (as long as a book) tells
the story of a very long war (10 _____________ long). It was _______________ between the Trojans and the Greeks, and
is_____________ as the Trojan War.
According heartbroken Menelaus
_____________________to the story, the king of Troy had a son named Paris. Paris fell in love with Helen, the
wife of a Greek king named ___________________, and took her back to Troy with him. Menelaus was
______________________and angry, and asked the other Greek leaders to help him _______________ Helen.
able collected easily fought last Trojans
For 2 years the Greeks _____________________ an army and many ships. At ___________ they set sail. Troy was
strong, however, and not to be taken _______________. For years, the Greeks camped near the city and _______________
with the people of Troy. Many fierce battles were fought, but in none of them were the Greeks __________ to capture the
city. The _________________, for their part, could not drive the Greeks away.
No one
The greatest fighter among the Greeks was a hero named _________________. _____________ in the Trojan army
could defeat him. There was a good _______________ for this. It was believed that Achilles was magically protected from
any wounds except those he might _________________ in his heel.
armor borrow friend hope said seemed warrior
One day, after a quarrel with one of the Greek leaders, Achilles ___________ that he would no longer fight against
the Trojans. Without him, the Greeks had no ___________ of defeating the Trojan army. They were forced back, and it
_______________ as if all were lost. Finally the best friend of Achilles, Patroclus, asked
if he might _______________ Achilles' armor. When the Trojans saw the man in Achilles' _____________, they thought
that the hero himself was again coming against them. Most of them ran away, but one great Trojan _________________,
Hector, stood his ground. The 2 men fought, and Hector killed Achilles' _______________.
dragging entered outside tied
When Achilles heard that Patroclus was dead, he _________________ the fight again. He fought Hector
_________________ the walls of Troy, and killed him.
Achilles took the armor from the body of Hector and
___________ the dead warrior behind his chariot. Then he drove around the city, ___________________
Hector's body after him, while the Trojans stood on the walls and cried.
arrow capturing himself horse only poisoned suggested
Soon afterward, Paris shot a ___________________ arrow at Achilles. It struck him in the heel, the ___________
place in which he could be wounded. Achilles died of the poison from the _____________. Then Paris _________________
was killed.
The Trojan War had been going on for more than 9 years, but the Greeks were no nearer to
_____________________ the city of Troy than when they had first landed.
Perhaps they never would have taken it except for an idea _____________________ by a Greek leader, Odysseus. That idea
was the famous wooden _____________.