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‫المميز في قواعد اللغة اإلنجليزية ‪ -‬لالستاذ كفاح حمدان المصري‬
‫حروف اللغة االنجليزية الصغيرة‬
‫( ‪) Small Letters‬‬
‫حروف اللغة االنجليزية الكبيرة‬
‫( ‪) Capital Letters‬‬
‫*** تنقسم حروف اللغة االنجليزية إلى حروف ساكنة وحروف متحركة‬
‫‪- : consonants and vowels‬‬
‫‪ -1‬الحروف الساكنة‬
‫( ‪) consonants‬‬
‫‪ -2‬الحروف المتحركة‬
‫( ‪) vowels‬‬
‫*** ينقسم الكالم إلى تسعة أقسام وهي كاآلتي ‪-:‬‬
‫‪-: Noun -1‬‬
‫االسم هو كلمة تدل على ( شخص ‪ ،‬حيوان ‪،‬نبات ‪ ،‬مكان ‪ ،‬شي ‪ ،‬فكرة مجردة )‬
‫‪teacher - city – Soha – Ali – dog – table – widow – happiness – pencil‬‬
‫‪-: Pronoun -2‬‬
. ‫الضمير هو كلمة يحل محل االسم لتجنب التكرار في الجملة‬
. .……………………… I – he – she – it – we
-: Verb -3
. ‫الفعل عبارة عن كلمة توضح لنا حدوث شي ما في وقت ما‬
. ………………………… go – went – will go – worked – eat – swim – drive
-: Adjective -4
. ‫الصفة هي كلمة تصف لنا االسم وتأتي قبله‬
. ………… important – dangerous – old – new – short – tall – expensive
-: Adverb -5
. ‫الحال هو كلمة تصف لنا الفعل أو الصفة أو الحال‬
. ………………………slowly – quickly – badly – happily - very
-: Preposition -6
‫حرف الجر هو عبارة عن كلمة تأتي مع االسم أو الضمير لتوضح مدي عالقته بكلمة‬
. ‫أخرى‬
. …………………………… in – of – on – at – about
-: Conjunction -7
‫حرف العطف هو عبارة عن كلمة نربط بها كلمتين ( كلمة وكلمة أخرى ) أو جملتين‬
) ‫( جملة وجملة أخرى‬
. .………………… but – so – and – because – although
-: Articles -8
. ‫أدوات المعرفة والنكرة وهي عبارة عن ثالث أدوات في اللغة االنجليزية‬
. a – an – the
-: Interjection -9
. ‫كلمة التعجب هي عبارة عن أصوات نستخدمها للتعبير عن التعجب‬
. .………………………… ! Oh ! – Alas ! – Hey
-: speech Put each one of these word in front of its part of
– order to speak – they – ouch ! – the – and – chair – fluently – bad – in
– old – on – happy – a – happy – go – badly – so – we – quick – quickly
– Ali – of – an – meat – meet – mad – tree – because – slowly – slow
. drink – doctor – will play – played
‫*** سوف يتم شرح كل قسم من أقسام الكالم السابقة بالتفصيل في هذا الكتاب‬
( ‫*** االسم قسم من أقسام الكالم وهو عبارة عن كلمة تدل على أي شيء‬
‫إنسان ( شخص ) – حيوان – شيء – مكان – نبات ‪ -‬نشاط ) ‪-:‬‬
‫أمثلة ‪-: Examples‬‬
‫شيء ‪ thing‬رجل ‪man‬‬
‫مسطرة ‪ ruler‬امرأة ‪woman‬‬
‫كتاب ‪ book‬شخص ‪person‬‬
‫شباك ‪ window‬ولد ‪boy‬‬
‫باب ‪ door‬بنت ‪girl‬‬
‫خريطة ‪ map‬رئيس ‪president‬‬
‫قلم رصاص ‪ pencil‬ملك ‪king‬‬
‫طاولة ‪ table‬علي ‪Ali‬‬
‫ممحاة ‪ rubber‬هدى ‪Huda‬‬
‫تلفاز ‪ television‬أخ ‪brother‬‬
‫مكان ‪ place‬أخت ‪sister‬‬
‫فلسطين ‪ Palestine‬حيوان ‪animal‬‬
‫مصر ‪ Egypt‬حصان ‪horse‬‬
‫مدينة ‪ city‬حمار ‪donkey‬‬
‫قرية ‪ village‬جمل ‪camel‬‬
‫شارع ‪ street‬قطة ‪cat‬‬
‫منزل ‪ house‬كلب ‪dog‬‬
‫حديقة ‪ garden‬أسد ‪lion‬‬
‫شجرة ‪ tree‬ثعلب ‪fox‬‬
‫رياضة ‪ sport‬قرد ‪monkey‬‬
‫تجارة ‪ commerce‬غزال ‪deer‬‬
‫أنواع األسماء ‪- : Kinds of Nouns‬‬
‫*** تنقسم األسماء إلى أربع أقسام ‪-:‬‬
‫االسم النكرة ‪Noun Common -1‬‬
‫اسم علم ‪Proper Noun -2‬‬
‫اسم مجرد ‪Abstract Noun -3‬‬
‫اسم جمع ‪Collective Noun -4‬‬
‫االسم النكرة ‪Common Noun -1‬‬
‫*** هي عبارة عن أسماء عامة تدل على عموم الجنس دون تعيين ‪-:‬‬
‫بحر ‪ A sea‬رجل ‪A man‬‬
‫نهر ‪ A river‬امرأة ‪A woman‬‬
‫قرية ‪ A village‬بنت ‪A girl‬‬
‫مدينة ‪ A city‬ولد ‪A boy‬‬
‫لعبة ‪ game A‬جمل ‪A camel‬‬
‫طاولة ‪ A table‬كلب ‪A dog‬‬
‫اسم علم ‪Noun Proper -2‬‬
‫*** هو اسم يدل على شخص أو أي شيء معين ومحدد ‪-:‬‬
‫نهر النيل ‪ River Nile‬علي ‪Ali‬‬
‫جبال هماليا ‪ Himalaya‬رشا ‪Rasha‬‬
‫غزة ‪ Gaza‬جاك ‪Jack‬‬
‫لبنان ‪ Lebanon‬القدس ‪Jerusalem‬‬
‫بيروت ‪ Beirut‬فلسطين ‪Palestine‬‬
‫انجلترا ‪ England‬األردن ‪Jordan‬‬
‫اسم مجرد ‪Abstract Noun -3‬‬
‫*** هو اسم معنوي غير ملموس ‪-:‬‬
‫األمل ‪ hope‬الشجاعة ‪courage‬‬
‫الخوف ‪ fear‬الديمقراطية ‪democracy‬‬
‫اسم جمع ‪Collective Noun -4‬‬
‫*** هو اسم يدل على عدد من األشياء ككل ( تندرج تحت هذا النوع من األسماء‬
‫جماعة أو فريق‬
‫من جنس واحد )‬
‫حشد ‪ crowd‬جيش ‪army‬‬
‫قطيع ‪ herd‬فريق ‪team‬‬
‫*** ‪-: Uncountable Nouns Countable and‬‬
‫*** األسماء المعدودة هي األسماء الذي يمكن عدها ‪books / book :‬‬
‫*** األسماء غير المعدودة هي األسماء التي ال تعد ‪ milk / gold :‬وال يمكن جمعها‬
‫أجناس األسماء ‪Nouns Genders‬‬
‫*** ينقسم الجنس في األسماء إلى ثالث أقسام ‪-:‬‬
‫المذكر ‪Masculine -1‬‬
‫المؤنث ‪Feminine -2‬‬
‫المحايد ‪Neuter -3‬‬
‫المذكر ‪Masculine -1‬‬
‫*** هو االسم الذي يدل على مذكر ( الرجال ‪ /‬األوالد ‪ /‬ذكور الحيوانات ) ‪-:‬‬
‫أب ‪ father‬رجل ‪man‬‬
‫زوج ‪ husband‬ولد ‪boy‬‬
‫ملك ‪ king‬عم ‪ /‬خال ‪uncle‬‬
‫أسد ‪ lion‬ابن ‪son‬‬
‫المؤنث ‪Feminine -2‬‬
‫*** هو االسم الذي يدل على مؤنث النساء ‪ /‬البنات ‪ /‬إناث الحيوانات ) ‪-:‬‬
‫أم ‪ mother‬امرأة ‪woman‬‬
‫عمة ‪ /‬خالة ‪ aunt‬بنت ‪girl‬‬
‫أميرة ‪ princess‬أخت ‪sister‬‬
‫لبوه ‪ lioness‬ابنة ‪daughter‬‬
‫المحايد ‪Neuter -3‬‬
‫*** هو االسم الذي ال يكون مذكر وال مؤنث ‪-:‬‬
‫‪pencil / book‬‬
‫*** هناك اسم مشترك يدل على المذكر والمؤنث معا ‪:‬‬
‫‪friend / driver / student / pupil / parent / teacher / singer / child‬‬
‫‪-: plurals We add ( s ) to the singular nouns to form -1‬‬
‫*** عادة نضيف إلى االسم المفرد حرف ( ‪ ) s‬لتحويله إلى جمع ‪.‬‬
‫الجمع ‪ Plural‬المفرد ‪Singular‬‬
‫حقائب ‪ bags‬حقيبة ‪bag‬‬
‫مدارس ‪ schools‬مدرسة ‪school‬‬
‫أطباء ‪ doctors‬طبيب ‪doctor‬‬
‫طالب ‪ students‬طالب ‪student‬‬
‫كتب ‪ books‬كتاب ‪book‬‬
‫‪- : ) Nouns which end with ( ch / sh / s / z / x -2‬‬
‫*** إذا انتهى االسم بـ ( ‪ ) ch / sh / s / z / x‬نضيف له ( ‪ ) es‬عند الجمع ‪.‬‬
‫الجمع ‪ Plural‬المفرد ‪Singular‬‬
‫ساعات ‪ watches‬ساعة ‪watch‬‬
‫أطباق ‪ dishes‬طبق ‪dish‬‬
‫أكواب ‪ glasses‬كوب ‪glass‬‬
‫اختبارات ‪ quizzes‬اختبار ‪quiz‬‬
‫ثعالب ‪ foxes‬ثعلب ‪fox‬‬
‫فراشي ‪ brushes‬فرشاة ‪brush‬‬
‫صناديق ‪ boxes‬صندوق ‪box‬‬
‫‪- : ) Nouns which end with ( o -3‬‬
‫*** إذا انتهى االسم بـ ( ‪ ) o‬وجاء قبله حرف ساكن نضيف له ( ‪ ) es‬عند الجمع ‪.‬‬
‫الجمع ‪ Plural‬المفرد ‪Singular‬‬
‫طماطم ‪ tomatoes‬حبة طماطم ‪tomato‬‬
‫براكين ‪ volcanoes‬بركان ‪volcano‬‬
‫جواميس ‪ buffaloes‬جاموسة ‪buffalo‬‬
‫أبطال ‪ heroes‬بطل ‪hero‬‬
‫‪- : ) Nouns which end with ( o -4‬‬
‫*** إذا انتهى االسم بـ ( ‪ ) o‬وجاء قبله حرف متحرك نضيف له ( ‪ ) s‬عند الجمع ‪.‬‬
‫الجمع ‪ Plural‬المفرد ‪Singular‬‬
‫حدائق الحيوان ‪ zoos‬حديقة الحيوان ‪zoo‬‬
‫‪- : ) Nouns which end with ( y -5‬‬
‫*** إذا انتهى االسم بـ ( ‪ ) y‬وجاء قبله حرف ساكن ‪ ،‬نحذف حرف ( ‪ ) y‬ثم نضيف‬
‫له ( ‪ ) ies‬عند الجمع ‪.‬‬
‫الجمع ‪ Plural‬المفرد ‪Singular‬‬
‫عائالت ‪ families‬عائلة ‪family‬‬
‫سيدات ‪ ladies‬سيدة ‪lady‬‬
army ‫ جيش‬armies ‫جيوش‬
sky ‫ سماء‬skies ‫سماوات‬
country ‫ بلد‬countries ‫بلدان‬
- : ) which end with ( y Nouns -6
a / e / i / o / u (( ‫ ) وجاء قبله حرف من حروف العلة‬y ( ‫*** إذا انتهى االسم بـ‬
. ‫ ) عند الجمع‬s( ‫نضيف له‬
Singular ‫ المفرد‬Plural ‫الجمع‬
boy ‫ ولد‬boys ‫أوالد‬
day ‫ يوم‬days ‫أيام‬
donkey ‫ حمار‬donkeys ‫حمير‬
- : ) Nouns which end with ( f / fe -7
. ‫ ) عند الجمع‬ves ( ‫ ) نقوم بحذفهم ثم نضيف له‬f / fe ( ‫*** إذا انتهى االسم بـ‬
Singular ‫ المفرد‬Plural ‫الجمع‬
wolf ‫ ذئب‬wolves ‫ذئاب‬
knife ‫ سكينة‬knives ‫سكاكين‬
leaf ‫ ورقة الشجر‬leaves ‫أوراق الشجر‬
wife ‫ زوجة‬wives ‫زوجات‬
‫ ) عند الجمع ( أسماء غير‬s ( ‫ ) نضيف لها‬f / fe ( ‫*** هناك أسماء تنتهي بــ‬
-: ) ‫مرتبطة بالقاعدة السابقة‬
cliffs / chief – chiefs / roof / roofs – Gulf / Gulfs – proof / proofs – cliff
-: Irregular nouns -8
- : ‫*** األسماء الشاذة‬
Singular ‫ المفرد‬Plural ‫الجمع‬
tooth ‫ سن‬teeth ‫أسنان‬
mouse ‫ فأر‬mice ‫فئران‬
man ‫ رجل‬men ‫رجال‬
woman ‫ امرأة‬women ‫نساء‬
foot ‫ قدم‬feet ‫أقدام‬
goose ‫ وزه‬geese ‫وز‬
child ‫ طفل‬children ‫أطفال‬
ox ‫ ثور‬oxen ‫ثيران‬
louse ‫ قملة‬lice ‫قمل‬
crisis ‫ أزمة‬crises ‫أزمات‬
fish ‫ سمك‬fish ‫سمك‬
appendix ‫ فهرس‬/ ‫ ملحق‬appendices ‫ فهارس‬/ ‫مالحق‬
phenomenon ‫ ظاهرة‬phenomena ‫ظواهر‬
: ‫*** هناك أسماء ال تتغير في المفرد والجمع‬
swine / Deer / sheep / cattle
-: Compound nouns -9
-: ‫ نجمع األسماء المركبة طبقا لالسم المفرد الرئيسي‬-: ‫*** األسماء المركبة‬
Singular ‫ المفرد‬Plural ‫الجمع‬
classroom ‫ غرفة دراسية‬classrooms ‫غرف دراسية‬
policeman ‫ شرطي‬policemen ‫رجال الشرطة‬
son – in – law ‫ صهر‬sons – in – law ‫أصهار‬
grand – son ‫ حفيد‬grand – sons ‫أحفاد‬
looker – on ‫ متفرج‬lookers – on ‫متفرجون‬
armchair ‫ كرسي بمساند‬armchairs ‫كراسي بمساند‬
- : ‫*** األسماء الرئيسية فى الجدول السابق‬
room / man / son / son / looker / chair
-: ‫*** مالحــــــــــظـــــــــــــــة‬
/ coffee ‫ قهوة‬/ sugar ‫ سكر‬: ‫ هناك أسماء جمع ولكنها تعامل معاملة المفرد‬-1
/ tea ‫شاي‬
. ............................ honey ‫ عسل‬/ rice ‫أرز‬
. ‫ ) فان هذا يدل على أنواع الشاي‬tea ) ( teas ‫ لو جمعنا كلمة ( شاي‬-2
. ‫ ) فان هذا يدل على أنواع القهوة‬coffee ) ( coffees ‫ لو جمعنا كلمة ( قهوة‬-3
? following nouns What kinds are the ***
..…………………… : man : ………………………. 2- mountain -1
…………………………… : dog -4 ….…………………… : table -3 .
…………………… : Amjad : ……………………. 6- Khanyounis -5
………………………… : Palestine : ………………….. 8- London -7
………………………… : sadness -10 ……………………… : anger -9
..………………………… : army : ……………………… 12- crowd -11
-: Give the plural of these words ***
Plural Singular
cup – tea
law – father – in
. Compound Nouns are nouns joined to make one word ***
. ‫*** األسماء المركبة عبارة عن أسماء ترتبط مع بعضها لتكون كلمة واحدة‬
-: different ways Compound Nouns are written in ***
-: ‫*** تكتب األسماء المركبة بطرق مختلفة‬
One word -1 ‫ كلمة واحدة‬football
Two words -2 ‫ كلمتين منفصلتين‬police station
Two words joined by a hyphen -3 ‫ كلمتان بينهما شرطة‬riding – horse
Words joined by a hyphens -4 ‫ كلمات بينهما شرطة‬father – in – law
-: Types of Compound Nouns *** ‫أنواع األسماء المركبة‬
football 1- Noun + Noun
Verb + rainfall 2- Noun
sightseeing 3- Noun + Gerund
Noun + drinking water 4- Gerund
blackboard 5- Adjective + Noun
-: Compound Noun The plural of *** ‫جمع األسماء المركبة‬
classrooms classroom
notebooks notebook
sticks walking stick walking
‫ ) عند الجمع كما موضح‬s ( ‫*** إذا كانت الكلمة المركبة تنتهي باسم يعد يضاف‬
. ‫في الجدول‬
law – fathers – in – law / father – in -: ‫*** الحظ‬
form Take a word from column ( A ) and another from column ( B ) to ***
-: a compound word
-: ‫ ) لتكون اسم مركب‬b ( ‫ ) وكلمة أخرى من العمود‬A ( ‫*** خذ كلمة من العمود‬
Compound word B A
fall film
ache police
note riding
station rain
star tooth
pot horse
bike boat
paste old
bus man
brush shoe
based earth
box tooth
stop police
age motor
fire way
man tooth
friend motor
man wild
book quiz
life tea
‫‪pen master‬‬
‫*** الضمير قسم من أقسام الكالم ‪ .‬وهو عبارة عن كلمة تحل محل االسم تجنبا‬
‫لتكرار االسم ‪ .‬وتنقسم الضمائر إلى سبعة أقسام ‪:‬‬
‫الضمائر الشخصية ‪ Personal Pronouns -1‬ضمائر الملكية ‪Pronouns Possessive-2‬‬
‫ضمائر اإلشارة ‪Demonstrative Pronouns -3‬‬
‫ضمائر انعكاسية ‪Reflexive Pronouns -4‬‬
‫ضمائر استفهامية ‪Interrogative Pronouns -5‬‬
‫ضمائر غير محددة ( نكرة ) ‪Indefinite Pronouns -6‬‬
‫ضمائر الوصل ‪Relative Pronouns -7‬‬
‫الضمائر الشخصية ‪Personal Pronouns -1‬‬
‫*** الضمائر الشخصية لها حالتين ‪ -1 -:‬حالة الرفع ( ‪ -nominative ) 2‬حالة النصب‬
‫( ‪: ) accusative‬‬
‫حالة النصب ‪ Accusative‬حالة الرفع ‪Nominative‬‬
‫نى ‪ me‬أنا ‪I‬‬
‫ـــك ‪ you‬أنت ‪You‬‬
‫ـــه ‪ him‬هو ‪He‬‬
‫ـــها ‪ her‬هي ‪She‬‬
‫ــه ‪ /‬ــها لغير العاقل ‪ it‬هو ‪ /‬هي لغير العاقل ‪It‬‬
‫ــنا ‪ /‬لنا ‪ us‬نحن ‪We‬‬
‫ــكما ‪ /‬ــكم ‪ /‬ــكن ‪ you‬أنتم ‪ /‬أنتن ‪ /‬أنتما ‪You‬‬
‫ـــهم ‪ /‬ـــهن ‪ them‬هم ‪ /‬هن ‪They‬‬
‫*** ‪-: Examples‬‬
‫استخدام الضمائر الشخصية في حالة الرفع في جمل‬
‫أنا ذاهب إلى المدرسة ‪. I go to school .‬‬
‫أنت تذهب إلى النادي ‪. You go to the club .‬‬
‫هو ذكي ‪is intelligent He . .‬‬
‫هي تذهب إلى المدرسة ‪. She goes to school .‬‬
‫انه كتاب ‪. is a book It .‬‬
‫نحن طالب ‪. We are students .‬‬
‫أنتم طالب جيدون ‪. students You are good .‬‬
‫هم كتبوا الرسالة ‪. They wrote a letter‬‬
‫استخدام الضمائر الشخصية في حالة الرفع في جمل‬
‫أخبرتني الحقيقة ‪. She told me the truth .‬‬
‫رايتك في المطار ‪. I saw you in the airport .‬‬
‫نحن تحدثنا معه ‪. We speak to him .‬‬
‫سها تذهب معها ‪. Soha goes with her .‬‬
‫هي اشترته ‪. She bought it .‬‬
‫هو يلعب معنا ‪. He play with us .‬‬
‫رأيتكم تلعبون كرة السلة ‪. I saw you playing basketball .‬‬
‫هي تكتب لهم ‪. She writes to them .‬‬
‫*** الضمائر الشخصية في حالة الرفع تسبق الفعل وال تأتي بعد الفعل اال في‬
‫حالة االستفهام ‪-:‬‬
‫‪? good job ? / You aren't student , are you Has he got a‬‬
‫*** الضمائر الشخصية في حالة النصب تأتي مفعوال به بعد الفعل مباشرة أو يأتي‬
‫بين الفعل والضمير حرف جر مثل ‪-:‬‬
‫‪to / at / with / from / for‬‬
‫*** الضمائر الشخصية أنواع ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬الضمير الشخصي األول في حالة الرفع للمفرد والجمع ( ‪) I / we‬‬
‫‪ -2‬الضمير الشخصي األول في حالة النصب للمفرد والجمع ( ‪) me / us‬‬
‫‪ -3‬الضمير الشخصي الثاني في حالة الرفع للمفرد والجمع ( ‪) you / you‬‬
‫‪ -4‬الضمير الشخصي الثاني في حالة النصب للمفرد والجمع ( ‪) you / you‬‬
‫‪ -5‬الضمير الشخصي الثالث في حالة للمفرد والجمع ( ‪) he / she / it / they‬‬
‫‪ -6‬الضمير الشخصي الثالث في حالة النصب للمفرد والجمع ( ‪him / her / it /‬‬
‫‪) them‬‬
‫ضمائر الملكية ‪Pronouns Possessive-2‬‬
‫*** تنقسم ضمائر الملكية إلى قسمين ‪:‬‬
‫صفات الملكية ‪ Possessive Adjective -2‬ضمائر الملكية ‪Possessive Pronouns -1‬‬
‫‪ -1‬ضمائر الملكية عبارة عن ضمائر ال يأتي بعدها أسماء ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬صفات الملكية عبارة عن صفات تأتى قبل االسم وتصفه ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬هذا الجدول يوضح لك ضمائر الملكية وصفات الملكية ‪-:‬‬
‫الملكية ‪ Possessive Adjectives‬ضمائر‬
‫الملكية ‪Pronouns Possessive‬‬
‫ي ‪ /‬خاصتى ‪ my‬خاصتى ‪ /‬لى ‪mine‬‬
‫ك ‪ /‬خاصتك ‪ your‬لك ‪yours‬‬
‫ــه ‪ /‬خاصته ‪ his‬له ‪his‬‬
‫ــها ‪ /‬خاصتها ‪ her‬لها ‪hers‬‬
‫ــه ‪ /‬ــها لغير العاقل ‪ its‬له ‪ /‬لها لغير العاقل ‪its‬‬
‫ـــنا ‪ our‬لنا ‪ours‬‬
‫ــكم ‪ /‬ــكما ‪ /‬ــكن ‪ your‬لكم ‪yours‬‬
‫ــهم ‪ /‬ــهما ‪ /‬ــهن ‪ their‬لهم ‪theirs‬‬
‫أمثلة ‪Examples‬‬
‫‪. car is mine This -1‬‬
‫‪. This car is yours -2‬‬
‫‪. This book is his -3‬‬
‫‪. is hers This book -4‬‬
‫‪. These cars are theirs -5‬‬
‫‪. My pencil is on the table -6‬‬
‫‪. My name is Ali -7‬‬
‫‪. This is your car -8‬‬
‫‪. I saw his brother -9‬‬
‫‪. name is Amjad His -10‬‬
‫ضمائر اإلشارة ( أسماء اإلشارة ) ‪Pronouns Demonstrative -3‬‬
‫*** تشير إلى األشياء وتدل عليها أو تدل على األشياء لتحديدها ‪.‬‬
‫ضمائر اإلشارة ‪Demonstrative Pronouns‬‬
‫‪ -1‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) This‬بمعنى ( هذا ‪ /‬هذه ) كاسم إشارة للمفرد القريب للمذكر‬
‫والمؤنث ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) That‬بمعنى ( ذاك ‪ /‬تلك ) كاسم إشارة للمفرد البعيد للمذكر‬
‫والمؤنث ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) These‬بمعنى ( هؤالء ) كاسم إشارة للجمع القريب للمذكر‬
‫والمؤنث ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) These‬بمعنى ( أولئك ) كاسم إشارة للجمع البعيد للمذكر‬
‫والمؤنث ‪.‬‬
‫‪. This is a book -1‬‬
‫‪. This is my car -2‬‬
‫‪. home This is my -3‬‬
‫‪. This is a picture -4‬‬
‫‪. That is an elephant -5‬‬
‫‪. monkey That is a -6‬‬
‫‪. That is your home -7‬‬
‫‪. These are monkeys -8‬‬
‫‪. chickens These are -9‬‬
‫‪. Those are your books -10‬‬
‫‪. Those are my friends -11‬‬
‫*** تصبح هذه الضمائر صفات إشارة إذا جاء االسم بعدها مباشرة ‪-:‬‬
‫‪. for my brother This book is -1‬‬
‫‪. That book is his -2‬‬
‫‪. These girls are my friends -3‬‬
‫‪. Those stories are interesting -4‬‬
‫ضمائر انعكاسية ‪Pronouns Reflexive -4‬‬
‫الضمائر االنعكاسية ‪Reflexive Pronouns‬‬
‫نفسي ‪myself‬‬
‫نفسك ‪yourself‬‬
‫نفسه ‪himself‬‬
‫نفسها ‪herself‬‬
‫نفسه ‪ /‬نفسها لغير العاقل ‪itself‬‬
‫أنفسنا ‪ourselves‬‬
‫أنفسكم ‪yourselves‬‬
‫أنفسهم ‪themselves‬‬
‫*** الضمائر االنعكاسية تدل على أن الفاعل هو الفاعل والمفعول به للفعل نفسه‬
. I hurt myself -1
. himself He hurt -2
. She looks at herself the mirror -3
. You can blame yourself -4
. The dog looks at itself in the mirror -5
. We can blame ourselves -6
. They look at themselves in the mirror -7
. You can blame yourselves -8
‫*** إذا جاءت الضمائر السابقة لتؤكد االسم أو الضمير فنننا نسميها بالضمائر‬
: ‫التوكيدية‬
) Emphasizing Pronouns (
. write the letter Ali himself -1
. Amjad himself read the story -2
. the lesson Huda herself write -3
. He himself was ill -4
Pronouns Interrogative -5 ‫ضمائر استفهامية‬
‫*** ضمائر االستفهام عبارة عن ضمائر تستخدم للسؤال ( تبدأ بها الجمل‬
) ‫االستفهام لنستفسر عن شخص أو شيء‬
Pronouns Interrogative ‫الضمائر االنعكاسية‬
Who ) ‫ من ( للفاعل‬/ ‫للعاقل‬
Whose ) ‫ لمن ( مضاف‬/ ‫للعاقل‬
Whom ) ‫ من ( منصوب – مجرور‬/ ‫للعاقل‬
Which ) ‫ أي ( للتمييز‬/ ‫للعاقل وغير العاقل‬
What ‫ ماذا‬/ ‫لألشياء ــــ لألشخاص‬
? Who is here -1
? Whose bicycle did he take -2
? What do you want -3
? Who did it -4
? Who took my pen -5
? Who are you -6
? Whose pencils are these -7
? Whom did you invite -8
? What letters did you write -9
? book do you want Which -10
? What time is it -11
. ‫ ) إذا سبقت األسماء سميا صفتين استفهاميتين‬What / Which ( ‫*** كل من‬
? Which book do you want ) ** (
? What time is it ) ** (
Indefinite Pronouns -6 ) ‫ضمائر غير محددة ( نكرة‬
something somebody someone some
anyone any anything anybody
nothing none nobody no
every everything everybody everyone
enough many much ‫ـــــ‬
neither either ‫ـــــ ـــــ‬
another other ‫ـــــ ـــــ‬
both each all ‫ـــــ‬
‫ ما دون ذلك‬، ‫*** الضمائر النكرة إذا سبقت األسماء مباشرة لتصفها نعتبرها صفات‬
. ‫تعتبر ضمائر‬
. ) ‫ ) مع السماء المعدودة وغير المعدودة بمعنى ( بعض‬some ( ‫*** نستخدم‬
‫ أي شخص‬/ everyone ‫ كل واحد‬/ everybody ‫*** نستخدم ( كل شخص‬
/ anybody
‫ للتعبير عن‬somebody ( ‫ شخص ما‬/ someone ‫ أحد ما‬/ anyone ‫أي أحد‬
. ‫األشخاص‬
. ‫ ) لألشياء في حالة االستفهام‬anything ‫*** نستخدم ( أي شيء‬
. ‫ ) في حالة النفي والسؤال‬any ‫*** نستخدم ( أي‬
. ‫ ) لألشخاص واألشياء‬none ‫*** نستخدم ( ال أحد‬
. ‫ ) لألشياء‬everything ‫*** نستخدم ( كل شيء‬
. ‫ ) لألشياء‬nothing ‫*** نستخدم ( ال شيء‬
. ‫ ) للكمية‬much ‫*** نستخدم ( الكثير‬
. ‫ ) للعدد‬many ‫*** نستخدم العديد‬
. ‫ ) للعدد والكمية‬enough ‫*** نستخدم ( يكفى‬
. There are some books on the table -1
. some sugar in the kitchen There is -2
. Some of the bananas are good and some are bad -3
. There is somebody in the classroom -4
? fridge Is there any thing in the -5
. There isn't any sugar in the kitchen -6
. None of them was sad -7
. There is nothing in the fridge-8
. I have much money -9
. students came early and many of them came late Some -10
Pronouns Relative -7 ‫ضمائر الوصل‬
Relative Pronouns ‫ضمائر الوصل‬
Who ‫ التي ( للعاقل ) الفاعل‬/ ‫الذي‬
Whose ) ‫ التي ( للملكية‬/ ‫الذي‬
Whom ) ‫ التي ( مفعول به‬/ ‫الذي‬
Which ‫ التي ( لغير العاقل ) فاعل أو مفعول به‬/ ‫الذي‬
That ‫ التي ( للعاقل وغير العاقل ) فاعل أو مفعول به‬/ ‫الذي‬
. ‫*** ضمير الوصل يحل محل اسم أو ضمير ويصل بين جملتين‬
. The boy who plays there , is my brother -1
. The girl who plays there , is my daughter -2
. I bought I have lost book which -3
. The boys who came are my friends -4
. my friend The girls who came are -5
. The student whose bicycle broke down asked for help -6
. This is the boy whose bike was stolen -7
. of noise This is the dog that makes a lot -8
. The man who came is my teacher -9
‫‪. don't like This the cat which I -10‬‬
‫‪) Exercise ( 1‬‬
‫ضع هذه الضمائر في الجمل اآلتية *** ‪Put ( he / she / it / they ) in the‬‬
‫‪-: following sentences‬‬
‫‪. is a doctor -1‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a father -2‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a teacher -3‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is an engineer -4‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a husband -5‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a wife -6‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a woman -7‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a book -8‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a picture -9‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a widow -10‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. are students -11‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. are teachers -12‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a king -13‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is queen -14‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a lion -15‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is a mother -16‬‬
‫‪ .‬ــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. are people -17‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. are doctors -18‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. is on the table -19‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. are in the club -20‬‬
‫‪ .‬ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪) 2 ( Exercise‬‬
‫*** ‪) Answer these questions affirmatively . Use ( he / she / it / they‬‬
‫‪-: in the answers‬‬
‫*** أجب هذه األسئلة بصيغة اإلثبات ‪ .‬استخدم ( ‪ ) it / they / he / she‬في‬
‫اإلجابات ‪.‬‬
‫‪? Is this a book -1‬‬
‫‪.‬ــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪? Is this a pen -2‬‬
‫‪? Is this a car -3‬‬
‫‪? Is the student in the classroom -4‬‬
‫‪? Are the pupils in the classroom -5‬‬
‫‪? Is the girl in the classroom -6‬‬
‫‪? Is a chair a thing -7‬‬
‫‪? Are the tables things -8‬‬
‫‪? Is the doctor in the clinic -9‬‬
‫‪? Is the teacher in the bus -10‬‬
‫‪) 3 ( Exercise‬‬
‫*** ‪) Answer these questions negatively . Use ( he / she / it / they‬‬
‫‪-: in the answers‬‬
‫*** أجب هذه األسئلة بصيغة النفي ‪ .‬استخدم ( ‪ ) it / they / he / she‬في‬
‫اإلجابات ‪.‬‬
‫‪? Is this a car -1‬‬
‫‪? Is this a train -2‬‬
‫‪? Is this a picture -3‬‬
‫‪? Are these pictures -4‬‬
‫‪? Are these cars -5‬‬
‫‪? Is a girl a thing -6‬‬
‫‪? Are tables people -7‬‬
‫‪? Is the teacher in the classroom -8‬‬
‫‪? Is the door open -9‬‬
‫‪? Is the doctor in the clinic -10‬‬
‫‪) 4 ( Exercise‬‬
‫*** ‪-: Choose the correct pronoun‬‬
‫‪. ) Amjad goes with ( he – him – I Ali goes to the sea and -1‬‬
. ) I see ( she – him – her Heba see ( I – he – me ) in the bus and -2
speak English to He speaks Arabic to ( I – me – him ) and I -3
. ) him – he – she (
she ) and ( she – we – us ) speak – He speaks Arabic to ( we – us -4
. ) English to ( he – I – him
them – they – we ) very well and they know ( We know -5
. ) we – us – them (
) Exercise ( 5
-: ) Put ( Possessive Pronoun ***
. ..…………………… I have a care , that car is -1
. ……………………… that car is , He has a car -2
. ..………………… She has a book , that book is -3
. ..……………………… We have a car , that car is -4
. ..……………………… that car is , They have a car -5
. .………………………… You have a car , that car is -6
) 6 ( Exercise
-: ) Put ( Reflexive Pronoun ***
. the mirror The cat saw ……………….. in -1
. ..………………… Ahmed has hurt -2
. ………………… She hurt -3
. The children saw ………………….. in the mirror -4
. In the mirror .………………… We saw -5
Past Participle Past Present Pronouns
been was am I
been was is He
been was is She
been was is It
been were are We
been were are You
been were are They
-: Examples ***
. I am a teacher -1
. I am a student -2
. He is a doctor -3
.She is a nurse -4
.They are students -5
. We are in the school -6
I was in England last month -7
. We were in England last month -8
. He will be 22 next month -9
. I will be in the university next year -10
Past Participle Past Present Pronouns
done did do I
done did does He
done did does She
done did does It
done did do We
done did do You
done did do They
-: Examples ***
. I do my homework -1
. He does his homework -2
. homework She does her -3
. We do our work -4
. They do their work -5
. I did my work -6
. He did his homework yesterday -7
. She did her homework last week -8
. We did our work -9
. They will do their work tomorrow -10
Pronouns Past Participle Past Present
had had have I
had had has He
had had has She
has It had had
had had have We
had had have You
had had have They
-: Examples ***
. I have a new house -1
. I have a car -2
. He has a computer -3
. She has a car-4
. We have a new house-5
. have a new television They-6
. I had a car last year -7
. He had a computer -8
. She had a new house -9
. We will have a new house next month -10
-: Choose the correct verb
. did – does ) my work everyday – I ( do -1
. month He ( has – have – had ) a car last -2
. I ( am – was – is ) a student last year -3
. will be – is ) a nurse next year – she ( be -4
. He ( is – were – be ) a teacher -5
. I ( have – had – has ) a car last year -6
. had ) a new house yesterday – We ( has – have -7
. I ( do – does – did ) my work yesterday -8
. We ( will have – have – had ) a new house next month -9
. They ( had – have – has ) a bus last month-10
. am ) a student – I ( was – is -11
. He ( had – has – have ) a computer yesterday -12
. She ( does – did – do ) her homework yesterday -13
. do – does – did ) her work every month ( She -14
. our work tomorrow ) We ( do – will do – did -15
. They ( did – do – does ) their work everyday -16
. They ( did – do – does ) their work yesterday -17
. was – were ) a teacher last month – She ( is -18
. nurse next month She ( is – was – will be ) a -19
. We ( are – were – was ) students last year -20
-: We use this tense to express about ***
-: ‫*** نستخدم زمن المضارع البسيط لنعبر عن‬
‫ العادات‬-2 ‫ الحقائق‬-1
-: FACTS -1
. It rains in winter ***
. The earth is round ***
-: HABITS -2
. We play football every week ***
. everyday She goes to school ***
-: Formation ***
play verb + I
plays s + verb + He
s + verb + She plays
plays s + verb + It
play verb + We
You + play verb
play verb + They
-: ‫*** يتكون زمن المضارع البسيط من‬
Ali / cat ‫ أو اسم يحل محل الضمير مثل‬he / she / it ‫ )مع‬es ( ‫ ) أو‬s ( + ‫ الفعل‬-1
………… / Huda
. ‫ ) مع بقية الضمائر‬s ( ‫ الفعل بدون‬-2
he / ( ‫ ) مع‬es ( ‫ ) نضيف إلى أخره‬ch / sh / x / o / ss ( ‫ إذا انتهى الفعل بــ‬-3
………… Ali / cat / Huda ‫ ) أو مع اسم يحل محل هذه الضمائر مثل‬she / it
crosses : go : goes watch : watches cross
box : boxes wash : washes
‫ ) ثم‬y ( ‫ ) بدال من‬i ( ‫ ) وجاء قبله حرف ساكن نقوم بوضع‬y ( ‫ إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬-4
‫ ) مع‬es ( ‫نضيف‬
study / studies - : he / she / it
) s ( ‫ ) نضيف‬i / o / u / a / e ( ‫ ) وجاء قبله حرف متحرك‬y ( ‫ إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬-5
he / she / it : - play / plays
-: which come with present simple tense Some words ***
always ‫دائما‬
usually ‫عادة‬
) ………… every ( day / week ) .................... ‫ أسبوع‬/ ‫كل ( يوم‬
often ‫غالبا‬
sometimes ‫أحيانا‬
generally ‫عموما‬
daily ‫يوميا‬
weekly ‫أسبوعيا‬
monthly ‫شهريا‬
yearly ‫سنويا‬
frequently ‫مرارا‬
rarely ‫نادرا‬
scarcely ‫نادرا‬
-: ‫*** بعض الكلمات التي تستخدم مع زمن المضارع البسيط‬
-: Examples ***
. We always spend our holidays abroad -1
. I get up at 5.30 everyday -2
. The dog often sits there -3
. tennis every month He plays -4
. He generally wears a dark suit -5
) Simple Tense ( Negative Present ***
) ‫*** زمن المضارع البسيط ( النفي‬
-: Negative
. from England
come don't I
come doesn't He
come doesn't She
come doesn't It
come don't We
come don't You
come don't They
( ‫ نستخدم عند النفي ) المصدر‬s ( ( ‫*** إذا كان الفعل في زمن مضارع بدون‬
) do not ( ‫ أو‬+ don't
. I speak Arabic -1
. I don't speak Arabic
. football They play -2
. They don't play football
( ‫ نستخدم عند النفي ) المصدر‬s ( ( ‫*** إذا كان الفعل في زمن مضارع مضافا له‬
) does not ( ‫ أو‬+ doesn't
. He speaks Arabic -1
. He doesn't speak Arabic
. He plays football -2
. He doesn't play football
) Interrogative ( Present Simple Tense ***
) ‫*** زمن المضارع البسيط ( االستفهام‬
-: Interrogative
? work
I Do
he Does
she Does
it Does
we Do
you Do
they Do
+ ‫ نستخدم عند االستفهام ) المصدر‬s ( ( ‫*** إذا كان الفعل في زمن مضارع بدون‬
+ Do ( ‫الفاعل‬
. I speak Arabic -1
? Do I speak Arabic
. football They play -2
? Do they play football
) ‫ نستخدم عند االستفهام‬s ( ( ‫*** إذا كان الفعل في زمن مضارع مضافا له‬
+ Does ( ‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫المصدر‬
. speaks Arabic He -1
? Does he speak Arabic
. He plays football -2
? he play football Does
-: We use this tense to express about ***
. An action that started and finished in the past
-: ‫*** نستخدم زمن الماضي البسيط لنعبر عن‬
. ‫حدث بدأ وانتهى في الماضي‬
. month I went to Gaza last -1
. We played tennis yesterday -2
-: Formation ***
Participle Past Present Past
‫التصريف الثالث الماضي المضارع‬
go gone went
played played play
worked worked work
eaten ate eat
speak spoken spoke
written wrote write
met met meet
walked walked walk
-: ‫*** يتكون زمن الماضي البسيط من‬
) ‫ التصريف الثاني للفعل ( كما هو موضح في العمود الثاني من الجدول السابق‬-1
. ‫ )ما عدا األفعال الشاذة‬ed ( ‫*** نضيف للفعل‬
d ) : live / lived hate / hated ( ‫ ) نضيف له‬e ( ‫***إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬
( ‫ )ثم نضيف‬y ( ‫ ) وجاء قبله حرف ساكن نقوم بحذف‬y ( ‫*** إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬
: ) ied
cry / cried study / studied
( ‫ ) نضيف‬a / e / i / o / u ( ‫ ) وجاء قبله حرف متحرك‬y ( ‫*** إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬
: ) ed
borrow / borrowed enjoy / enjoyed
: d ) die / died ( ‫ ) نضيف له‬ie ( ‫*** إذا انتهى الفعل بـ‬
. ‫*** في نهاية هذا الدرس سوف تجد جدوال لألفعال الشاذة فيجب حفظها‬
-: Some words which come with past simple tense ***
-: ‫*** بعض الكلمات التي تستخدم مع زمن الماضي البسيط‬
yesterday ‫باألمس‬
ago ‫منذ‬
weeks ago three ‫منذ ثالث أسابيع‬
four months ago ‫منذ أربع أشهر‬
ago three years ‫منذ ثالث سنوات‬
last ‫الماضي‬
last night ‫الليلة الماضية‬
week last ‫األسبوع الماضي‬
last month ‫الشهر الماضي‬
last year ‫السنة الماضية‬
past in the ‫في الماضي‬
-: Examples ***
. I met her last week -1
. yesterday We played football -2
. I went to the club last week -3
. summer I swam in the sea last -4
. She wrote her letter yesterday -5
. weeks ago I visited my uncle two -6
. She lived in Gaza last year -7
. yesterday He wrote his lesson -8
. Ali and Ahmed visited me last summer -9
) Tense ( Negative Past Simple ***
) ‫*** زمن الماضي البسيط ( النفي‬
-: Negative
. football
play didn't I
didn't He play
play didn't She
play didn't It
play didn't We
didn't You play
play didn't They
) did not ( ‫ أو‬+ didn't ( ‫*** ننفي زمن الماضي البسيط باستخدام ) المصدر‬
. I spoke Arabic -1
. Arabic I didn't speak
. They played football -2
. They didn't play football
------------------------------------------------------------. Arabic I spoke -1
. I did not speak Arabic
. They played football -2
. did not play football They
) Interrogative ( Past Simple Tense ***
) ‫*** زمن الماضي البسيط ( االستفهام‬
-: Interrogative
? work
+ Did ( ‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫*** نستخدم عند االستفهام صيغة ) المصدر‬
. speak Arabic I -1
? Did I speak Arabic
-------------------------------------------------------. play football They -2
? Did they play football
Participle Past
Past Simple ‫اسم المفعول‬
Meaning ‫الماضي البسيط‬
Present Simple ‫المعنى‬
‫المضارع البسيط‬
be ‫ يكون‬been was / were
beat ‫ يضرب‬beaten beat
become ‫ يصبح‬become became
begin ‫ يبدأ‬begun began
bend ‫ ينحني‬/ ‫ يثنى‬bent bent
bite ‫ يعض‬bitten bit
bleed ‫ يدمى‬bled bled
blow ‫ يهب‬blown blew
break ‫ يكسر‬broken broke
bring ‫ يحضر‬brought brought
build ‫ يبني‬built built
burn ‫ يشتعل‬/ ‫ يحرق‬burned / burnt burned / burnt
buy ‫ يشترى‬bought bought
catch ‫ يمسك‬caught caught
choose ‫ يختار‬chosen chose
come ‫ يأتي‬come came
cost ‫ يكلف‬cost cost
cut ‫ يقطع‬cut cut
deal ‫ يتعامل‬dealt dealt
die ‫ يموت‬died died
dig ‫ يحفر‬dug dug
do ‫ يفعل‬done did
draw ‫ يرسم‬drawn drew
dream ‫ يحلم‬dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt
drink ‫ يشرب‬drunk drank
drive ‫ يقود‬driven drove
eat ‫ يأكل‬eaten ate
fall ‫ يقع‬fallen fell
feed ‫ يطعم‬fed fed
feel ‫ يشعر‬felt felt
fight ‫ يحارب‬fought fought
find ‫ يجد‬found found
fly ‫ يطير‬flown flew
forbid ‫ يحرم‬/ ‫ يمنع‬forbidden forbade
forecast ‫ يتنبأ‬/ ‫ يتوقع‬forecast forecast
forget ‫ ينسى‬forgotten forgot
freeze ‫ يجمد‬/ ‫ يتجمد‬frozen froze
get ‫ يحصل‬got got
give ‫ يعطي‬given gave
go ‫ يذهب‬gone went
grow ‫ يزرع‬/ ‫ ينمو‬grown grew
hang ‫ يشنق‬/ ‫ يعلق‬hung hung
have / has ‫ يملك‬had had
hear ‫ يسمع‬heard heard
hide ‫ يخفى‬/ ‫ يختبئ‬hidden hid
hit ‫ يضرب‬/ ‫ يصدم‬hit hit
hold ‫ يمسك‬held held
hurt ‫ يجرح‬/ ‫ يؤذى‬hurt hurt
keep ‫ يحفظ‬kept kept
know ‫ يعرف‬known knew
lay ‫ يضع‬/ ‫ تبيض‬laid laid
lead ‫ يقود‬led led
learn ‫ يتعلم‬learned / learnt learned / learnt
leave ‫ يترك‬/ ‫ يغادر‬left left
lend ‫ يقرض‬/ ‫ يعير‬lent lent
let ‫ يدع‬let let
lie ‫ يرقد‬lain lay
lie ‫ يكذب‬lied lied
light ‫ يضئ‬lit lit
lose ‫ يخسر‬/ ‫ يفقد‬lost lost
make ‫ يصنع‬/ ‫ يعمل‬made made
mean ‫ يعنى‬meant meant
meet ‫ يقابل‬met met
pay ‫ يدفع‬paid paid
put ‫ يضع‬put put
read ‫ يقرأ‬read read
ride ‫ يركب‬ridden rode
ring ‫ يقرع‬/ ‫ يرن‬rung rang
rise ‫ تشرق‬/ ‫ ينهض‬risen rose
run ‫ يجرى‬run ran
say ‫ يقول‬said said
see ‫ يرى‬seen saw
sell ‫ يبيع‬sold sold
seek ‫ يبحث عن‬sought sought
send ‫ يرسل‬sent sent
set ‫ تغرب‬/ ‫ يضع‬set set
sew ‫ يخيط‬sewn sewed
shake ‫ يرتعش‬/ ‫ يهز‬shaken shook
shine ‫ يتألق‬/ ‫ يضئ‬shone shone
shoot ) ‫ يطلق ( الرصاص‬shot shot
show ‫ يعرض‬shown showed
shrink ‫ ينكمش‬shrunk shrank
shut ‫ يقفل‬shut shut
sing ‫ يغنى‬sung sang
sink ‫ يغطس‬sunk sank
sit ‫ يجلس‬sat sat
sleep ‫ ينام‬slept slept
smell ‫ يشم‬smelled / smelt smelled / smelt
speak ‫ يتكلم‬spoken spoke
spell ‫ يهجى‬spelled / spelt spelled / spelt
spend ‫ يقضى وقتا‬/ ‫ ينفق‬spent spent
spill ‫ يسكب‬spilled / spilt spilled / spilt
spoil ‫ يتلف‬spoilt spoilt
spread ‫ ينتشر‬spread spread
stand ‫ يقف‬stood stood
steal ‫ يسرق‬stole stolen
stick ‫ يلتصق‬/ ‫ يلصق‬stuck stuck
strike ‫ يضرب عن‬struck struck
sweep ‫ يكتسح‬/ ‫ يكنس‬swept swept
swim ‫ يسبح‬swum swam
swing ‫ يؤرجح‬swung swung
take ‫ يأخذ‬taken took
teach ‫ يعلم‬taught taught
tear ‫ يمزق‬torn tore
tell ‫ يخبر‬told told
think ‫ يفكر‬/ ‫ يظن‬thought thought
throw ‫ يلقى‬/ ‫ يرمى‬threw thrown
understand ‫ يفهم‬understood understood
wake ‫ يستيقظ‬/ ‫ يوقظ‬woke / waked woke / waked
wear ‫ يلبس‬/ ‫ يرتدى‬worn wore
weep ‫ يبكى‬wept wept
win ‫ يربح‬/ ‫ يفوز‬won won
write ‫ يكتب‬written wrote
-: Complete the table ***
Past Participle
Past Simple ‫اسم المفعول‬
Meaning ‫الماضي البسيط‬
Present Simple ‫المعنى‬
‫المضارع البسيط‬
-: about We use this tense to express ***
) An action which are happening at the time of speaking ( now
-: ‫*** نستخدم زمن المضارع المستمر لنعبر عن‬
) ‫حدث يحدث لحظة التكلم ( اآلن‬
. am speaking at this moment I -1
. He is writing now -2
. She is reading now -3
. They are playing are this moment -4
-: Formation ***
verb + am + I + ing
ing + verb + is + He
ing + verb + is + She
is + It + ing + verb
ing + verb + are + We
ing + verb + are + You
They + ing + verb + are
-: ‫*** يتكون زمن المضارع المستمر من‬
. ‫ ) على حسب الفاعل‬am / is / are + verb + ing (
-: tense Some words which come with present continuous ***
-: ‫*** بعض الكلمات التي تستخدم مع زمن المضارع المستمر‬
now ‫اآلن‬
at this moment ‫في هذه اللحظة‬
! look ! ‫أنظر‬
! listen ! ‫استمع‬
at present time ‫في الوقت الحاضر‬
at present ‫في الحاضر‬
still ‫ال يزال‬
-: Examples ***
. He is singing now -1
. newspaper at this moment She is reading the -2
. Look ! the teacher is coming -3
. girls are singing ! Listen -4
. It is raining now -5
. I am writing at this moment -6
-: Note ***
perception and possessing , Verbs of senses , thinking , emotion ***
. aren't used in the continuous forms
، ‫ العاطفة‬، ‫ التفكير‬، ‫*** ال نستخدم زمن المضارع المستمر مع أفعال الحواس‬
-: ‫اإلدراك والملكية‬
think detest mean see
posses belong seem hear
suppose smell believe contain
forget desire know notice
taste refuse want remember
forgive hope agree feel
own mind understand like
recognize hate realize appear
matter need dislike consist
trust recall care owe
gather love wish keep
) Negative ( Present Continuous Tense ***
) ‫*** زمن المضارع المستمر ( النفي‬
-: Negative
. playing
not am I
not is He
not is She
not is It
not are We
not are You
not are They
am / is / are + not + verb + ing ( ‫*** ننفي زمن المضارع المستمر باستخدام‬
. I am writing -1
. I am not writing
. He is working -2
. is not working He
. We are playing -3
. We are not playing
. She is reading -4
. She is not reading
) Continuous Tense ( Interrogative Present ***
) ‫*** زمن المضارع المستمر ( االستفهام‬
-: Interrogative
? working
I Am
are / am / is ( + ‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫ الفعل‬+ ) ing‫*** نستخدم عند االستفهام صيغة‬
. He is working -1
? Is he working
. We are playing -2
? Are we playing
. She is reading -3
? Is she reading
-: We use this tense to express about ***
. the past which was interrupted by another action action in
-: ‫*** نستخدم زمن الماضي المستمر لنعبر عن‬
. ‫حدث في الماضي قطع بواسطة حدث آخر‬
. reading , the telephone rang While I was -1
. accident As we were coming to school , we saw an -2
-: Formation ***
ing + verb + was + I
He + ing + verb + was
ing + verb + was + She
ing + verb + was + It
We + ing + verb + were
ing + verb + were + You
ing + verb + were + They
-: ‫*** يتكون زمن الماضي المستمر من‬
. ‫ ) على حسب الفاعل كما هو موضح في الجدول‬was / were + verb + ing (
-: continuous tense Some words which come with past ***
-: ‫*** بعض الكلمات التي تستخدم مع زمن الماضي المستمر‬
while ‫بينما‬
as ‫بينما‬
when ‫عندما‬
-: Examples ***
. was climbing a tree , I hurt my leg As I -1
. she found her ring , While she was sweeping the floor -2
We were writing when the telephone rang -3
. coming here , a policeman stop us As we -4
. the phone When I arrived , Hany was talking on -5
. My uncle came while I was reading a story -6
‫*** يعبر زمن الماضي المستمر عن حدث استمر في الماضي قبل وقوع حدث آخر‬
-: ‫*** مـالحــــــــــــــظــــــــــــــــــــــــة‬
‫ الحدث اآلخر عبارة عن فعل في زمن الماضي البسيط كما هو موضح في األمثلة‬-1
. ‫ ) فعل في زمن الماضي البسيط‬when ( ‫ يأتي بعد‬-2
. ‫ ) فعل في زمن الماضي المستمر‬when ( ‫ يأتي قبل‬-3
‫ في وسط الجملة فال نستخدم الفاصلة كما هو موضح‬while ( ‫ )أو‬as ‫ إذا جاءت‬-4
. ‫فى المثال السادس‬
) Past Continuous Tense ( Negative ***
) ‫*** زمن الماضي المستمر ( النفي‬
-: Negative
. playing
not was I
not was He
not was She
not was It
not were We
not were You
They not were
) ing + was / were + not + verb ( ‫*** ننفي زمن الماضي المستمر باستخدام‬
. I was writing -1
. I was not writing
. He was working -2
. He was not working
. We were playing -3
. We were not playing
. She was reading -4
. She was not reading
) Past Continuous Tense ( Interrogative ***
) ‫*** زمن الماضي المستمر ( االستفهام‬
-: Interrogative
? working
were / was ( + ‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫ الفعل‬+ ) ing‫*** نستخدم عند االستفهام صيغة‬
. He was working -1
? Was he working
. We were playing -2
? Were we playing
. She was reading -3
? Was she reading
-: We use this tense to express about **
completed a very short time ago / An action which began in the An action
. may be continuing in the present and future past and which
-: ‫*** نستخدم زمن المضارع التام لنعبر عن‬
‫ حدث بدأ في الماضي وربما يستمر في الحاضر‬/ ‫حدث تم منذ وقت قصير‬
. ‫والمستقبل‬
. He has just arrived home -1
. since 1990 We have lived in Khanyounis -2
. He has been in Jordan for three years -3
-: Formation ***
past participle + have + I
past participle + has + He
has + She + past participle
past participle + has + It
past participle + have + We
participle + have + You past
past participle + have + They
-: ‫*** يتكون زمن المضارع التام من‬
. ‫ ) على حسب الفاعل‬has / have + p.p (
-: Some words which come with present perfect tense ***
-: ‫*** بعض الكلمات التي تستخدم مع زمن المضارع التام‬
since ‫منذ‬
for ‫لمدة‬
just ‫توا‬
already ‫بالفعل‬
yet ‫بعد‬
never ) ‫ابدآ ( للنفي‬
ever ) ‫الي األبد ( للسؤال‬
lately ‫ منذ عهد قريب‬/ ‫ حديثا‬/ ‫مؤخرا‬
recently ‫حديثا‬
-: Examples ***
. father has just arrived home My -1
. He has already done his homework -2
. have just received a letter from my mother I -3
. The train hasn't arrived yet -4
? Has she arrived yet -5
? Hasn't he come yet -6
. gone to Lebanon We have never -7
? Have you ever been to Jordan -8
. been a lot of changes recently The manager has -9
. He has never learned Hebrew -10
‫ ) في النفي كما هو موضح في‬never ( ‫*** نستخدم زمن المضارع التام مع‬
. ‫األمثلة‬
‫ ) في السؤال كما هو موضح في‬ever ( ‫*** نستخدم زمن المضارع التام مع‬
. ‫األمثلة‬
. ‫ ) في النفي والسؤال كما هو موضح في األمثلة‬yet ( ‫*** نستخدم‬
‫ ) مع توقيت زمني منذ ذلك الوقت وحتى وقت الكالم كما هو‬since ( ‫*** نستخدم‬
. ‫موضح في األمثلة‬
‫لفترة زمنية تمتد إلى الوقت الحاضر كما هو موضح في األمثلة‬for ( ( ‫***نستخدم‬
) Present perfect Tense ( Negative ***
) ‫*** زمن المضارع التام ( النفي‬
-: Negative
. played
have I not
not has He
not has She
not has It
not have We
have You not
not have They
) have + not + p.p / has ( ‫*** ننفي زمن المضارع التام باستخدام‬
. I have written -1
. I have not written
. He has worked -2
. He has not worked
. We have played -3
. played We have not
. She has read -4
. She has not read
) Present Perfect Tense ( Interrogative ***
) ‫*** زمن المضارع التام ( االستفهام‬
-: Interrogative
? worked
I Have
has / have ( + ‫ الفاعل‬+ ) p.p‫*** نستخدم عند االستفهام صيغة‬
. He has worked -1
? Has he worked
. have played We -2
? Have we played
.She has read -3
? Has she read
-: We use this tense to express about ***
before another action in the past . ( show which of two events An action
) happened first
-: ‫*** نستخدم زمن الماضي التام لنعبر عن‬
. ) ‫** حدث قبل حدث آخر في الماضي ( يعرض أي من الحدثين حدث أوال‬
. ‫** حدث تام في الماضي قبل حدث آخر وهو الماضي البسيط‬
. After he had finished work, he went home-1
. finished work before he went home He had -2
-: Formation ***
had + I + past participle
past participle + had + He
past participle + had + She
participle + had + It past
past participle + had + We
You + past participle + had
past participle + had + They
-: ‫*** يتكون زمن الماضي التام من‬
) had + p.p (
-: Some words which come with past perfect tense ***
-: ‫*** بعض الكلمات التي تستخدم مع زمن الماضي التام‬
after ‫بعد‬
before ‫قبل‬
till ‫حتى‬
until ‫حتى‬
as soon as ‫بمجرد ان‬
by the time ‫في نفس الوقت‬
-: Examples ***
. seen all the documents He refused to go until he had -1
. As soon as I had eaten , I left the house -2
. He refused to go till he had seen all the papers -3
. report till he had read the documents He didn't write his -4
. he had read the papers He didn't write his report until -5
) after ( ‫*** نستخدم الماضي التام بعد كلمة‬
) before ( ‫*** نستخدم الماضي التام قبل كلمة‬
) before ( ‫*** نستخدم الماضي البسيط بعد كلمة‬
‫ ماضي بسيط‬-2 ‫ ماضي تام‬-1 : ‫*** في الجملة يكون زمنين‬
. ‫*** زمن الماضي التام حدث واكتمل حدوثه قبل حدوث زمن الماضي البسيط‬
. ‫*** زمن الماضي التام يحدث أوال ثم يليه زمن الماضي التام‬
simple Past perfect past
‫ماضي بسيط ماضي تام‬
Past simple past perfect
‫ماضي تام ماضي بسيط‬
) Past Perfect Tense ( Negative ***
) ‫*** زمن الماضي التام ( النفي‬
-: Negative
. played
not had I
not had He
not had She
not had It
not had We
not had You
not had They
) had + not + p.p ( ‫*** ننفي زمن الماضي التام باستخدام‬
. written I had -1
. I had not written
. He had worked -2
. He had not worked
. We had played -3
. We had not played
. She had read -4
. She had not read
) Interrogative ( Past Perfect Tense ***
) ‫*** زمن الماضي التام ( االستفهام‬
-: Interrogative
? worked
had ( + ‫ الفاعل‬+ ) p.p‫*** نستخدم عند االستفهام صيغة‬
. worked He had -1
? Had he worked
. We had played -2
? Had we played
.She had read -3
? Had she read
-: tense to express about We use this ***
*** - : Action will happen in the future
prediction 4- offer 7- promises -1
future facts 5- arrangements -2
decision 6- threat quick -3
-: ‫*** نستخدم زمن الماضي التام لنعبر عن‬
-: ‫*** حدث سوف يحدث في المستقبل‬
‫ عرض‬-4 ‫ التنبؤ‬-1
‫ ترتيبات‬-5 ‫ حقائق مستقبلية‬-2
‫ تهديد‬-6 ‫ قرار سريع‬-3
‫ وعود‬-7
-: Formation ***
I + infinitive + will
infinitive + will + He
infinitive + will + She
infinitive + will + It
infinitive + will + We
infinitive + will + You
They + infinitive + will
-: ‫*** يتكون زمن المستقبل البسيط من‬
) will + ‫( المصدر‬
-: words which come with future simple tense Some ***
-: ‫*** بعض الكلمات التي تستخدم مع زمن المستقبل البسيط‬
tomorrow ‫غدا‬
next ‫ التالي‬/ ‫القادم‬
…………… Next week / month .............. ‫ الشهر القادم‬/ ‫األسبوع القادم‬
In the future ‫في المستقبل‬
soon ‫قريبا‬
in a few days / weeks ........ ‫ خالل األسابيع القليلة‬/ ‫خالل األيام القليلة‬
tonight ‫هذه الليلة‬
-: Examples ***
. goals to one Our class will beat your class , three -1
. I will be 17 next year -2
? orange juice or an apple juice Maher : Would you like an -3
. Kamal : I will have an apple juice , please
. I will cook dinner tonight -4
. I will see you on Saturday -5
. will tell his teacher if he does it again I -6
. month We will visit our uncle next -7
. They will soon speak Arabic well -8
. tomorrow We will travel abroad -9
. They will visit me in the future -10
. week I will do it next -11
) Future Simple Tense ( Negative ***
-: Negative
. play
I not will
not will He
not will She
not will It
not will We
You not will
not will They
) . inf + will + not ( ‫*** ننفي زمن المستقبل البسيط باستخدام‬
. I will write -1
. I will not write
. He will work -2
. He will not work
. We will play -3
. We will not play
. She will read -4
. She will not read
. ‫ ) في اإلثبات‬II' ( ‫ ) الي‬will ( ‫*** يمكن أن نختصر‬
. ‫ ) في النفي‬won't ( ‫ ) الي‬will not ( ‫*** يمكن أن نختصر‬
) Future Simple Tense ( Interrogative ***
) ‫*** زمن المستقبل البسيط ( االستفهام‬
-: Interrogative
? work
will ( + ‫ الفاعل‬+ ) .inf‫*** نستخدم عند االستفهام صيغة‬
. work He will -1
? Will he work
. We will play -2
? Will we play
.She will read -3
? Will she read
: express about ) We use (going to ***
evidence 2- personal plan 3- intention -1
: ‫ ) للتعبير عن‬going to ( ‫*** نستخدم‬
‫ نية‬-3 ‫ خطة شخصية‬-2 ‫ دليل‬-1
Formation ***
infinitive + going to + am I
He infinitive + going to + is
infinitive + going to + is She
It infinitive + going to + is
infinitive + going to + are We
You infinitive + going to + are
infinitive + going to + are They
. to rain Look at the sky . It is going **
: ‫معني الجملة السابقة‬
. ‫ إنها سوف تمطر‬. ‫أنظر إلى السماء‬
) . ‫ ألن هناك دليل على المطر وهو الغيوم‬going to ‫( في هذه الجملة استخدمنا‬
) am / is / are ( ‫ ) بعد‬not ( ‫ نستخدم كلمة‬/ ‫*** للنفي‬
. ‫ ) قبل الفاعل‬am / is / are ( ‫ نضع‬/ ‫*** للسؤال‬
) Exercise ( 1
-: in brackets into the correct form Put the verb ***
. I usually ( gets ) up at 6.30 -1
. We ( plays ) football everyday -2
. He always ( go ) to bed at 9.30 o'clock -3
. Butchers ( sell ) meat -4
. The boy and girls ( go ) to the sea every week -5
. Cats ( eat ) mice -6
. The sun ( rise ) in the east -7
. market last week I ( go ) to the -8
. yesterday He (finish) his homework -9
. We ( visit ) our uncle two weeks ago -10
. The boys ( play ) football at this moment -11
. ) Listen ! The child ( sing -12
. I ( read ) now -13
. while he ( sleeps ) , Ali opened the door -14
. we ( eat ) , Soha (come ) in While -15
. since 1998 I ( live ) in Nablus -16
. it ( rain ) yet -17
. After Ali ( go ) , my friends arrived -18
. friend As soon as he ( leave ) home , he ( see ) a -19
. Huda ( arrive ) to Egypt next week -20
. She ( read ) the story tomorrow -21
. What you ( read ) now -22
. We ( visit ) the museum next month -23
. He ( leaves ) in a few days -24
. I ( buy ) a car last week -25
. He ( buy ) a car next month -26
. I ( sing ) at this moment -27
. They ( watch ) the television yesterday -28
. While I ( swim ) , someone ( steal ) my car -29
. She ( cleans ) the classroom now -30
. Ali ( visit ) me yesterday -31
. While we ( play ) , my father came -32
. I ( travel ) to Cairo next year -33
. He ( played ) tennis every month -34
. I ( meet ) my friend two years ago -35
. it ( rain ) in winter -36
. Students ( come ) to school everyday -37
. I ( write ) my letter yesterday -38
. ) While I ( read ) , my friend ( come -39
. The girls ( sing ) at this moment -40
) Exercise ( 2
) following ( Negative and Interrogative Put the ***
. He plays football -1
. I drink tea -2
. coffee Hany likes -3
. I speak Arabic -4
. He speaks Arabic -5
. is reading He -6
. She is working -7
. We are playing -8
. will go I -9
. He will sing -10
. She will read -11
. played football I -12
. We worked hard -13
. Ali drank coffee -14
. Ali wrote a letter -15
. I was playing -16
. They were playing -17
. I have played football -18
. He has worked hard -19
. I had worked hard -20
. They had played football -21
. He has cleaned the car -22
. He played tennis -23
. She traveled abroad -24
. He had written his letter -25
: Transitive Verbs ) 1 ( - ‫األفعال المتعدية‬
. followed by an object Verbs *** ‫األفعال التي يتبعها مفعول به‬
Subject ‫ فاعل‬Verb ‫ فعل‬object ‫مفعول به‬
door . opened He the
the key . found Ali
tea . likes She
- : ‫*** الفعل الذي يأخذ مفعول به يسمى بالفعل المتعدي‬
. ‫ ) عبارة عن أفعال متعدية ألنه يأتي بعدها مفعول به‬open / find / like (
. ) T ( ‫*** يرمز للفعل المتعدي في القاموس بحرف‬
: Verbs Intransitive ) 2 ( - ‫األفعال الالزمة‬
. Verbs never take an object *** ‫األفعال التي ال تأخذ مفعول به‬
Subject ‫ فاعل‬Verb ‫فعل‬
arrived . The bus
smiled . She
- : ‫*** الفعل الذي ال يأخذ مفعول به يسمى بالفعل الالزم‬
. ‫ ) عبارة عن أفعال الزمة ألنه ال يأتى بعدها مفعول به‬arrive / smile (
. ) I ( ‫*** يرمز للفعل المتعدي في القاموس بحرف‬
‫هناك أفعال يمكن أن تكون متعدية ويمكن أن تكون الزمة *** ‪Transitive and‬‬
‫‪: Intransitive Verbs‬‬
‫‪-T) 1 ( . I can't see you‬‬
‫‪) I can't see . ( I -2‬‬
‫*** ‪. a word which describes a noun and come before it Adjective : - is‬‬
‫*** الصفة ‪ -:‬عبارة عن كلمة تصف لنا االسم وتأتي قبله ‪- :‬‬
‫االسم ‪ Noun‬الصفة ‪Adjective‬‬
‫سيارة ‪ car‬جديد ‪new‬‬
‫ولد ‪ boy‬قصير ‪short‬‬
‫منزل ‪ house‬غالي الثمن ‪expensive‬‬
‫رجل ‪ man‬طويل ‪tall‬‬
‫مبنى ‪ building‬قديم ‪old‬‬
‫شارع ‪ street‬طويل ‪long‬‬
‫ولد ‪ boy‬جيد ‪good‬‬
‫*** مالحــــــــظــــــــــــة ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬بنمكاننا أن نصف االسم بصفة واحدة كما هو موضح في الجدول السابق فنقول ‪:‬‬
‫‬‫**‪. a tall man . ** a long street ** . a new car . **a short boy‬‬
‫شارع طويل رجل طويل ولد قصير سيارة جديدة‬
‫‪ -2‬بنمكاننا أن نصف االسم بأكثر من صفة ‪- :‬‬
‫** ‪. a new beautiful car ** . an old dirty house‬‬
‫سيارة جديدة جميلة منزل قديم متسخ‬
‫‪ -3‬إذا كان في الجملة فعل يكون ( ‪ ) verb to be‬فمن الممكن أن تأتى الصفة بعده‬
‫*** ‪. tall . ** She is slim . ** We are tall He is‬‬
‫نحن طوال القامة هي نحيفة هو طويل‬
‫*** ‪-: Comparison of Adjectives‬‬
‫مقارنة الصفات‬
‫*** ‪-: adjectives Kinds of‬‬
‫‪. Short Adjectives -1‬‬
‫‪. Long Adjectives -2‬‬
‫‪. Adjectives Irregular -3‬‬
‫*** أنواع الصفات ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬الصفات القصيرة ‪ - :‬تتكون من مقطع واحد ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬الصفات الطويلة ‪ -:‬تتكون من أكثر من مقطع ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬الصفات الشاذة ‪ -:‬ال توجد لها قاعدة ‪.‬‬
‫‪Short Adjectives -1‬‬
‫المقارنة العليا ( التفضيل ) ‪Comparative‬‬
‫المقارنة بين شخصيين أو شيئين ‪Adjective‬‬
‫‪the longest‬‬
‫األطول ‪longer than‬‬
‫أطول من ‪long‬‬
‫‪shortest the‬‬
‫األقصر ‪shorter than‬‬
‫أقصر من ‪short‬‬
‫‪largest the‬‬
‫األوسع ‪larger than‬‬
‫أوسع من ‪large‬‬
‫‪cleverest the‬‬
‫األذكى ‪cleverer than‬‬
‫أذكى من ‪clever‬‬
‫‪the hottest‬‬
‫األسخن ‪hotter than‬‬
‫أسخن من ‪hot‬‬
‫‪the biggest‬‬
‫األكبر ‪than bigger‬‬
‫أكبر من ‪big‬‬
‫‪the happiest‬‬
‫األسعد ‪happier than‬‬
‫أسعد من ‪happy‬‬
‫‪the heaviest‬‬
‫األثقل ‪heavier than‬‬
‫أثقل من ‪heavy‬‬
‫‪ -1‬إذا أردنا مقارنة الصفة القصيرة بين شخصين أو شيئين نضيف إلى نهاية الصفة (‬
‫‪ ) er‬ثم نضع كلمة ( ‪) than‬‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا أردنا مقارنة الصفة القصيرة بين أكثر من شخصين أو شيئين نضع قبل الصفة (‬
‫‪ ) the‬ثم نضيف إلى نهاية الصفة ( ‪) est‬‬
‫‪ -3‬إذا انتهت الصفة القصيرة بحرف ساكن وجاء قبلها حرف متحرك فيجب أن نضاعف‬
‫الحرف األخير ثم نتبع القاعدة السابقة عند المقارنة ‪ .‬الحظ كلمة ( ‪) hot / big‬في‬
‫الجدول السابق ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬إذا انتهت الصفة القصيرة بحرف ( ‪ ) y‬فان هذا الحرف يحول إلى ( ‪ ) i‬ثم نتبع‬
‫القاعدة السابقة عند المقارنة ‪ .‬الحظ كلمة ( ‪ ) happy / heavy‬في الجدول‬
‫السابق ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬إذا انتهت الصفة القصيرة بحرف ( ‪ ) e‬فاننا نضيف لنهايتها ( ‪ ) r‬عند المقارنة بين‬
‫شخصين أو شيئين ونضيف ( ‪ ) st‬عند المقارنة بين أكثر من شخصين أو شيئين ‪.‬‬
‫الحظ كلمة ( ‪) large‬في الجدول السابق ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬إذا انتهت الصفة القصيرة بحرف ( ‪ ) er‬فاننا نضيف لنهايتها ( ‪ ) er‬عند المقارنة‬
‫بين شخصين أو شيئين ونضيف (‪ ) est‬عند المقارنة بين أكثر من شخصين أو‬
‫شيئين ‪ .‬الحظ كلمة ( ‪) clever‬في الجدول السابق ‪.‬‬
‫**** هناك مقارنة بسيطة وأداتها ‪:‬‬
‫( ‪) as + as + adjective‬‬
‫‪. Ali is as tall as Amjad -1‬‬
‫**** في حالة النفى ‪:‬‬
‫( ‪) adjective + as + not as‬‬
‫‪. I am not as tall as my brother -1‬‬
‫‪Adjectives Long -2‬‬
‫المقارنة العليا ( التفضيل ) ‪Comparative‬‬
‫المقارنة بين شخصيين أو شيئين ‪Adjective‬‬
‫‪the most dangerous‬‬
‫األكثر خطورة ‪more dangerous than‬‬
‫أكثر خطورة من ‪dangerous‬‬
‫‪most wonderful the‬‬
‫األكثر روعة ‪more wonderful than‬‬
‫أكثر روعة من ‪wonderful‬‬
‫‪the most exciting‬‬
‫األكثر إثارة ‪more exciting than‬‬
‫أكثر إثارة من ‪exciting‬‬
‫‪the most beautiful‬‬
‫األكثر جماال ‪beautiful than more‬‬
‫أكثر جماال من ‪beautiful‬‬
‫‪ -1‬إذا أردنا مقارنة الصفة الطويلة بين شخصين أو شيئين نضع قبل الصفة( ‪) more‬‬
‫ثم نضع الصفة ثم نضع كلمة ( ‪) than‬‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا أردنا مقارنة الصفة الطويلة بين أكثر من شخصين أو شيئين نضع قبل الصفة (‬
‫‪) the most‬‬
‫‪Irregular Adjectives -1‬‬
‫المقارنة العليا ( التفضيل ) ‪Comparative‬‬
‫المقارنة بين شخصيين أو شيئين ‪Adjective‬‬
‫‪good best better‬‬
‫‪worst worse bad‬‬
‫‪worst worse ill‬‬
most more many
much most more
least less little
far farthest / furthest farther / further
. ‫*** الصفات السابقة عبارة عن صفات شاذة ال توجد لها قاعدة فيجب حفظها‬
. Adverb :- is a word which describes a verb ***
) ‫ ( سوف يتم شرحها بالتفصيل‬. ‫الحال هو عبارة عن كلمة تصف الفعل‬
. Ahmed speaks fluently -1 ‫يتكلم أحمد بطالقة‬
Hany drives quickly -2 . ‫يقود هاني بسرعة‬
. The boy wrote slowly -3 ‫كتب الولد ببطء‬
Adverbs Kinds of *** ‫أنواع األحوال‬
-: Adverbs of manner -1 ‫ ظروف الطريقة أو الحال‬-1
. verb + adverb ) *** The boy ran quickly ( ‫*** جرى الولد بسرعة‬
) brother is very clever ( adverb + adjective My *** ‫*** أخي ذكي جدا‬
hard ‫ بجد‬quickly ‫ بسرعة‬fast ‫ بسرعة‬- : ‫*** ظروف الحال على سبيل المثال‬
. slowly ‫ببطء‬
: Adverbs of place -2- ‫ ظروف المكان‬-2
They work abroad. They live *** ‫ هم يعيشون في األردن‬. ‫هم يعملون بالخارج‬
in Jordan
‫ أسفل‬her ‫ هنا‬there ‫ هناك‬near ‫ بالقرب‬- : ‫*** ظروف المكان على سبيل المثال‬
-: Adverbs of time -3 ‫ ظروف الزمن‬-3
*** . My father gets up early ‫أبى يستيقظ مبكرا‬
. now ‫ اآلن‬today ‫ اليوم‬early ‫ مبكرا‬- : ‫*** ظروف الزمن على سبيل المثال‬
- : Adverbs of frequency -4 ‫ ظروف التكرار أو العدد‬-4
.I go to the sea twice a month *** ‫أنا أذهب إلى البحر مرتين في الشهر‬
‫ أحيانا‬always ‫ دائما‬once ‫ مرة‬- : ‫*** ظروف التكرار والعدد على سبيل المثال‬
.never ‫ أبدا‬sometimes
- : degree Adverbs of -5 ‫ ظروف الدرجة أو الكمية‬-5
. He is extremely nice *** ‫هو جميل للغاية‬
. degree can modify adjective , adverb or verb Adverbs of ) * (
. ‫ الظرف أو الفعل‬، ‫*** ظروف الدرجة أو الكمية توضح الصفة‬
Adjective -1 ) ‫( الصفة‬.It's quite good -:
Adverb -2 ) ‫( الظرف‬. He ran quite quickly -:
Verb -3 ) ‫( الفعل‬. I quite like it -:
extremely ‫ للغاية‬very ‫ جدا‬- : ‫*** ظروف الدرجة أو الكمية على سبيل المثال‬
exactly ‫بالضبط‬
. quite ‫ تماما‬little ‫ قليال‬enough ‫كاف‬
-: Interrogative adverbs -6 ‫ الظروف االستفهامية‬-6
? Where are they going *** ‫إلى أين هم ذاهبون‬
‫*** الظروف االستفهامية على سبيل المثال ‪ - :‬لماذا ‪ ? why‬أين ‪ ? where‬كيف‬
‫‪ ? how‬متى ‪? when‬‬
‫‪ -7‬ظروف الوصل أو الربط ‪-: Relative adverbs -7‬‬
‫هذا هو المكان الذي وضعت فيه كتابي *** ‪This is the place where I put my‬‬
‫‪. in it book‬‬
‫*** ظروف الوصل أو الربط على سبيل المثال ‪ - :‬لماذا ‪ ? why‬أين ‪ ? where‬كيف‬
‫‪ ? how‬متى ‪? when‬‬
‫‪The formation of Adverbs from Adjective‬‬
‫تكوين األحوال ( الظروف ) من الصفات‬
‫*** ‪are formed by adding ( Many adverbs , especially adverbs of manner‬‬
‫‪-: ly ) to an adjective‬‬
‫العديد من الظروف وخصوصا ظروف الحال يتم تكوينها بنضافة ( ‪ ) ly‬إلى نهاية الصفة‬
‫سريع ‪ quick‬بسرعة ‪ quickly‬بطء ‪ slow‬ببطء ‪slowly‬‬
‫‪ -1‬إذا انتهت الصفة بحرف ( ‪ ) l‬نضيف لهل ( ‪/ ly ) : beautifully beautiful‬‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا انتهت الصفة بــ ( ‪ ) le‬نحذف ( ‪ ) e‬ثم نضيف ( ‪y ) : horrible / horribly‬‬
‫‪ -3‬إذا انتهت الصفة بــ ( ‪ ) y‬نحذف ( ‪ ) y‬ثم نضيف ( ‪ily ) : funny / funnily‬‬
‫‪ -4‬إذا انتهت الصفة بــ ( ‪ ) e‬نضيف ( ‪ ly ) : sincere / sincerely‬ما عدا الصفات التي‬
‫تنتهي بأحد المقطعين ‪ able / ible-‬نحذف ( ‪ ) e‬ثم نضيف ( ‪y ) : capably /‬‬
‫‪ -5‬بعض الظروف ال تتشكل من الصفات ‪her / however / often / perhaps / :‬‬
‫‪ -6‬هناك بعض الكلمات نستخدمها كظروف وكصفات أيضا ‪low / high / far / near :‬‬
‫‪fast / much / / early / hard / late‬‬
‫‪ -1‬الظرف الذي يتكون من مقطع واحد نضيف لها ( ‪ ) er‬عند المقارنة بين شخصين‬
‫أو شيئين ونضيف لها ( ‪ ) est‬عند المقارنة بين أكثر من شخصيين أو شيئين ‪.‬‬
‫‪earliest / hard / harder / hardest early / earlier‬‬
‫‪ -2‬الظرف الذي يتكون من أكثر من مقطع نضع قبل الصفة ( ‪ ) more‬عند المقارنة‬
‫بين شخصين أو شيئين ونضع قبلها ( ‪ ) the most‬عند المقارنة بين أكثر من‬
‫شخصيين أو شيئين ‪.‬‬
‫‪quickly / more quickly / the most quickly‬‬
‫‪ -3‬الظروف الشاذة ‪:‬‬
‫‪well / better / best‬‬
‫‪badly / worse / worst‬‬
‫‪most / much / more‬‬
‫‪many / more / most‬‬
‫‪little / less / least‬‬
‫‪furthest – furthest / far / farther – further‬‬
‫*** حرف الجر هو عبارة عن كلمة تأتي مع االسم أو الضمير لتوضح مدي عالقته‬
‫بكلمة أخرى ‪.‬‬
‫*** حرف الجر يربط األسماء والضمائر والعبارات بكلمات أخرى في الجملة ‪.‬‬
‫‪. few minutes The doctor will arrive in a -1‬‬
‫‪. Huda spoke to me -2‬‬
‫‪. The book is on the table-3‬‬
‫*** حروف الجر الدالة على المكان مثل ‪-:‬‬
in ‫ في‬/ under ‫ تحت‬/ between ‫ بين‬/ above ‫ فوق‬/ beneath ‫أدنى‬
among ‫ وسط‬/ over ‫ أعلى‬/ below ‫ أسفل‬/ at ‫عند‬
-: ‫*** حروف الجر الدالة على الزمان مثل‬
after ‫ بعد‬/ before ‫ قبل‬/ during ‫ خالل‬/ until ‫حتى‬
-: ‫*** حروف الجر الدالة على هدف مثل‬
for ‫ لــ‬/ to ‫لــ‬
-: ‫*** توجد حروف جر كثيرة مثل‬
until – up – with – without – within – under – underneath
against – upon – about – above – after – across – beneath
among – along – at – around – below – behind – before
till – over – outside – since – through – towards
out – on – onto – off – throughout – to – for – from – in
during – of – like – near – inside – into – beside – between
beyond – by – down – next to – on the right – on the left
of – opposite on top
. The cat is beside the table-1
. friend Ali left before his -2
. She arrive for work -3
. The cat under the table -4
. spoke during the meal She -5
‫حرف العطف هو عبارة عن كلمة نربط بها كلمتين أو جملتين أو أشباه الجمل بعضها‬
. ‫ببعض‬
. visited me yesterday Ali and his brother -1
. Your car is quite little , but mine isn't -2
-: ‫*** هناك العديد من حروف العطف ومن أهمها‬
or – and – but – so
-: ‫*** هناك حروف عطف تستخدم معا‬
Either ……… or
nor .…… Neither
Both ………. and
Not only ………. but also
. her friend are in the garden Soha and -1
. Soha succeeded but her friend failed -2
. Dogs like meat , so do the cat -3
. or that I must write this letter -4
. Either Ali or Ahmed stole the money -5
‫*** التعجب عبارة عن صوت أو تعبير نستخدمه للتعبير عن شعور مفاجئ أو عاطفة‬
-: ‫حادة‬
-: ‫*** هناك العديد من كلمات التعجب‬
! Alas ! / O ! / Hey ! / Oh ! / Ah ! / Bravo
! Shame ! / Bad luck ! / Silence / ! Good
! heavens ! / Ouch Good Lord ! / Good / ! Well done
. Good heavens ! I have never met such a man -1
. Alas ! my friend died -2
-: ‫*** هناك جمل تعجبية‬
) How / What ( ‫ جمل تبدأ بـــ‬-1
) Here / There ( ‫ جمل تبدأ بــ‬-2
! day is How cold his -1
! There she is -2
! What a good day we have -3
! Here we are -4
) Indefinite Articles ( a / an *** ‫أدوات النكرة‬
) Definite Article ( the *** ‫أداة المعرفة‬
-: ) a ( ‫*** نستدم أداة النكرة‬
‫ والحروف‬. ‫ قبل االسم النكرة المفرد المعدود الذي يبدأ بصوت حرف ساكن‬-1
) ‫الساكنة هي جميع أحرف اللغة االنجليزية ما عدا الحروف المتحركة ( حروف العلة‬
-: ) a / e / i / o / u ( ‫وهي‬
/ a dog / a week / a book / a boy / a car / a cat / a teacher / a woman
a million / a / a headache / a doctor / a kilo / a hundred / a thousand
-: ) an ( ‫*** نستدم أداة النكرة‬
) ‫ قبل االسم النكرة المفرد المعدود الذي يبدأ بصوت حرف متحرك ( حرف علة‬-1
-: ) a / e / i / o / u ( ‫والحروف المتحركة في اللغة االنجليزية هي‬
an Italian / an orange / an eye / an axe / an engineer / an hour / an idea
an accident / an umbrella / an apple / an egg
: ‫*** نستخدم أدوات النكرة قبل الصفة ان جاءت قبل االسم‬
new car / a n old man / a beautiful girl / an unpleasant film a
‫ )قبل االسم عند ذكره ألول مرة وبعد ذلك نستخدم‬a ( ‫*** نستخدم أداة النكرة‬
: ) the ( ‫أداة المعرفة‬
I bought a book . The book was interesting ) * (
a university : ‫*** إذا بدأت الكلمة بحرف متحرك ولكن بصوت ساكن‬
: ) an / a ( ‫*** ال نستخدم أدوات النكرة‬
‫ قبل الوجبات وقبل االسم المفرد‬، ‫ المعنوي‬/ ‫ قبل االسم المجرد‬، ‫( * ) قبل الجمع‬
-:‫الذي ال يعد وقبل الجنسيات‬
teachers / doctors / students / dogs / cats / children / women / men
lunch / dinner / hunger / fear / happiness / anger / breakfast
Egyptian / tea / coffee / rice / milk / wood / Palestinian / French
) Definite Article ( the *** ‫أداة المعرفة‬
-: ) the ( ‫*** نستدم أداة المعرفة‬
: ‫ قبل االسم المعرفة الذي أصبح معرف ألنه ذكر للمرة الثانية‬-1
. I bought a car . the car was beautiful ) * (
- : ‫ قبل االختراعات واالكتشافات وأجزاء الجسم البشري‬-2
the radio / the lungs / the heart / the head the telephone / the internet /
) television ( ‫ولكن نستثنى من االختراعات التلفاز‬
- : ‫ قبل أجزاء الزمن واليوم‬-3
morning / in the afternoon / in the evening the past / the future / in the
-: ‫ قبل االسم الذي يوجد كشئ واحد‬-4
of The sun / the earth / the moon / the world / Jerusalem is the capital
. Palestine
- : ‫ قبل أسماء البحار واألنهار والجبال والسفن والكتب المقدسة‬-5
the Red Sea / the Nile / the Himalayas
Middle East / the East / the West / the North the : ‫ مع المناطق الجغرافية‬-6
/ the South
-: ) the ( ‫*** ال نستدم أداة المعرفة‬
‫ قبل أسماء العلم وأسماء الدول و أسماء المدن والجنسيات وأسماء الشوارع‬-1
-: ‫وأسماء القارات‬
Egypt / Gaza / Palestinian / / Ahmed / Ali / Huda / Jack / Bill / Palestine
Bahar Street / Asia / Africa / Europe – Alexandria / Jamal Naser Street / Al
United States of America The Sudan / The -: ‫ويستثنى من الدول‬
-: ‫ قبل أسماء الوجبات‬-2
dinner / breakfast / lunch
-: ‫ المعنوية‬/ ‫ قبل األسماء المجردة‬-3
truth / democracy / love / beauty / sadness / happiness / death / fear
-: ‫ قبل الجمع‬-4
books / scientists / teachers / trees / beans / cars
- : ‫ قبل اللغات و المواد الدراسية‬-5
Arabic / English / Hebrew / technology / mathematics
-: ‫ قبل الرياضة واألنشطة‬-6
smoking / Football / basketball / running / judo
-: ‫ قبل األسماء الغير معدودة‬-7
coffee / Tea / milk / rice / oil
. ‫ ) بمعنى اإلنسان عموما‬man ( ‫ قبل كلمة‬-8
‫السؤال المذيل هو عبارة عن سؤال قصير يستخدم في اللغة االنجليزية المتحدثة‬
‫ المتحدثين يستخدمون هذا النوع من األسئلة للتأكد من‬. ‫ويضاف الي نهاية الجملة‬
. ‫صحة المعلومات أو للحصول على موافقة‬
Formation ‫التكوين‬
Affirmative Sentence -1 ‫ جملة مثبتة‬+ Negative Tag ‫سؤال منفي‬
Negative Sentence -2 ‫ جملة منفية‬+ Affirmative Sentence ‫سؤال مثبت‬
. ‫*** إذا كانت الجملة منفية يكون السؤال مثبتا‬
. ‫*** إذا كانت الجملة مثبتة يكون السؤال منفيا‬
Note the following *** ‫الحظ األتي‬
Tag Affirmative Sentence Answer expected Negative
, Yes , I do . don't you ? You like coffee
, she is . isn't she ? Soha is her , Yes
Tag Negative Sentence Answer expected Affirmative
, No , I don't . do you ? You don't like coffee
, she isn't . is she ? Soha isn't her ,No
Note the following *** ‫الحظ األتي‬
? He is a teacher , isn't he -1
? He isn't a teacher , is he -2
? are students , aren't we We -3
? We aren't students , are we -4
? like coffee , do you You don't -5
? He plays football , doesn't he -6
? football , don't you We play -7
? They played football , didn't they -8
? been in Jordan , haven't you You have -9
? She will help us later , won't she -10
? I am right , aren't I -11
? Don't make any noise , will you -12
? Let's sit in the garden , shall we -13
? This is your book , isn't it -14
? that is your bag , isn't it -15
? These are yours , aren't they -16
? Those are yours , aren't they -17
? they There aren't any problems , are -18
? Everything is wrong today , isn't it -19
? didn't they , Everyone played well -20
: ‫*** الجمل التي تحتوى على كلمات مثل‬
No / none / no one / seldom / hardly
nobody / neither / never / Scarcely / nothing
-: ‫ مثبت‬Tag ‫تعامل كأنها جمل منفية ويتبعها‬
? Nothing was said , Was it -1
? Ali hardly ever goes to coffee shop , Does he -2
-: Exercise
-: Add question tag to the following ***
..………………… , She is a nurse -1
……………… , She isn't a dentist -2
…………………… , You have been invited -3
…………………… , your books You didn't forget -4
.……………………… , She is never late to the class -5
.……………………… , He is a doctor -6
…………………… , He isn't a teacher -7
.……………………… , He is an engineer -8
………………………… , We are teachers -9
..…………………… , We aren't teachers -10
.……………………… , her They won't be -11
……………………………… , I am invited -12
..…………………… , with us He can come -13
..………………… , She can't come with us -14
..…………………… , writes the lesson He -15
..…………………… , He wrote the lesson -16
..…………………… , We write the lesson -17
.…………………………… , cheated in the exam Nobody -18
…………………………… , He will buy a car -19
.……………………… , She won't buy a book -20
..………………………… , in the street Don't play -21
…….……………………… , I am happy -22
…………………………… , Let's sit in the park -23
.………………………… , Everyone attended the lecture -24
..……………………… , There isn't a test next week -25
………………………… , was student last month He -26
..………………………… , She is a dentist -27
..…………………………… , We were students last year -28
..……………………………… , are doctors We -29
…………………………… , She have worked hard -30
……………………… , You are English -31
..……………………… , English She doesn't speak -32
..………………………… , You like swimming -33
..………………… , have heard about it You -34
………………………… , You have been to Jordan -35
……………………… , You haven’t been to Jordan -36
..…………………… , famous all over the world It is -37
.………………………………… , She speaks Arabic -38
.………………………………… , She spoke Arabic -39
.………………………………… , Arabic We speak -40
‫*** إذا أردنا أن نكون سؤال من جملة خبرية يجب أن نضع إحدى األفعال المساعدة‬
- : ‫في البداية‬
to ought
must can will were am
could would has is
are may shall have
might should had was
. He is a teacher -1
? Is he a teacher
. They are students -2
? Are they students
. She is a nurse -3
? she a nurse Is
. I will go to the coffee shop -4
? shop Will you go to the coffee
. They can visit us -5
? Can they visit us
‫*** إذا لم يكن في الجملة الخبرية فعل من األفعال الموجودة في الجدول السابق‬
-: ‫أن نستخدم‬
- : ) does ( ‫ ) فيجب أن نستخدم‬s ( ‫ إذا كان الفعل في الزمن المضارع مضافا له‬-1
. He plays football -1
? Does he play football
. letter She writes a -2
? Does she write a letter
. Ali watches TV -3
? TV Does Ali watch
. Soha reads the story -4
? Does Soha read the story
. to the market Amjad goes -5
? Does Amjad go to the market
‫ ) في السؤال فيجب إعادة الفعل إلى أصله كما موضح‬does ( ‫*** عندما نستخدم‬
-: ‫في األمثلة السابقة‬
/ play / writes – write / watches – watch – plays
reads – read / goes – go
‫ ) ألنها لم‬Yes OR No ( ‫*** عندما نجيب عن األسئلة السابقة فتكون اإلجابة بــ‬
. ‫تبدأ بأداة سؤال‬
- : ) do ( ‫ ) فيجب أن نستخدم‬s ( ‫ إذا كان الفعل في الزمن المضارع بدون‬-2
. They write a letter -1
? Do they write a letter
. football I play -2
? Do you play football
. They go to the market -3
? go to the market Do they
. Ali and Ahmed watch TV -4
? Do Ali and Ahmed watch TV
. They read a letter -5
? Do they read a letter
‫ ) ألنها لم‬Yes OR No ( ‫*** عندما نجيب عن األسئلة السابقة فتكون اإلجابة بــ‬
. ‫تبدأ بأداة سؤال‬
- : ) did ( ‫ إذا كان الفعل في الزمن الماضي فيجب أن نستخدم‬-3
. letter They wrote a -1
? Did they write a letter
. I played football -2
? football Did you play
‫‪. They went to the market -3‬‬
‫‪? Did they go to the market‬‬
‫‪. Ali and Ahmed watched TV -4‬‬
‫‪? Did Ali and Ahmed watch TV‬‬
‫‪. letter They read a -5‬‬
‫‪? Did they read a letter‬‬
‫*** عندما نستخدم ( ‪ ) did‬في السؤال فيجب إعادة الفعل إلى أصله ( التصريف‬
‫األول ) كما موضح في األمثلة السابقة ‪-:‬‬
‫‪write / played – play / went – go / watched – watch – wrote‬‬
‫*** عندما نجيب عن األسئلة السابقة فتكون اإلجابة بــ ( ‪ ) Yes OR No‬ألنها لم‬
‫تبدأ بأداة سؤال ‪.‬‬
‫*** هناك أدوات للسؤال نستخدمها إذا كان السؤال يتطلب معلومات فلذلك يجب‬
‫أن نبدأ بنحدى‬
‫هذه األدوات ‪-:‬‬
‫من ( للسؤال عن فاعل عاقل ) ‪Who‬‬
‫من ( للسؤال عن مفعول به غير عاقل ) ‪Whom‬‬
‫لمن ( للسؤال عن الملكية ) ‪Whose‬‬
‫أي ( للتمييز بين شخصين أو شيئين أو أكثر ) ‪Which‬‬
‫ما ‪ /‬ماذا ( للسؤال عن شيء ) ‪What‬‬
‫متى ( للسؤال عن الزمان ) ‪When‬‬
‫أين ( للسؤال عن المكان ) ‪Where‬‬
‫لماذا ( للسؤال عن السبب أو الغرض ) ‪Why‬‬
‫كيف ( للسؤال عن الحالة أو الكيفية ) ‪How‬‬
‫كم عدد ( للسؤال عن العدد ) ‪How many‬‬
‫كم ثمن ( للسؤال عن الثمن ) ‪How much‬‬
‫كم كمية ( للسؤال عن الكمية ) ‪How much‬‬
‫كم عمر ( للسؤال عن العمر ) ‪How old‬‬
‫كم طول ( للسؤال عن األطول ‪How long‬‬
‫كم بعد ( للسؤال عن المسافة ) ‪How far‬‬
‫كم طول (للسؤال عن أطوال لألشخاص ) ‪How tall‬‬
‫كم مرة ( للسؤال عدد المرات ) ‪often How‬‬
‫كم ارتفاع ( للسؤال عن االرتفاعات ) ‪How high‬‬
‫*** تكوين السؤال من أدوات السؤال السابقة ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬نختار إحدى أدوات السابقة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬إذا كان الفعل المساعد موجود نضعه قبل الفاعل ( بعد أداة السؤال مباشرة ) ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬إذا لم يكن في الجملة فعل من األفعال المساعدة فيجب أن نستخدم ‪-:‬‬
‫( * ) إذا كان الفعل في الزمن المضارع مضافا له ( ‪ ) s‬فيجب أن نستخدم ( ‪) does‬‬
‫( * ) إذا كان الفعل في الزمن المضارع بدون ( ‪ ) s‬فيجب أن نستخدم ( ‪- : ) do‬‬
‫( * ) إذا كان الفعل في الزمن الماضي فيجب أن نستخدم ( ‪- : ) did‬‬
‫‪ -4‬نضع الفاعل بعد الفعل المساعد ( ان وجد ) أو بعد األفعال المذكورة سابقا ‪-:‬‬
‫( ‪) do / does / did‬‬
‫‪ -4‬نحذف الجزء الذي سئل عنه ألنه يكون جواب السؤال ‪.‬‬
‫‪. the party Soha is coming to -1‬‬
‫‪? Who is coming to the party‬‬
) did (
) did (
) does (
) did (
. I met Hesham yesterday -2
? Whom did you meet yesterday
‫*** يجب إعادة الفعل الي أصله ( التصريف األول ) ألننا استخدمنا‬
. This is Ali's car -3
? Whose car is this
. I drink tea -4
? What do you drink
. I want Ali's car -5
? car do you want Whose
. It is half past nine -6
? What time is it
. prefer tea to milk I -7
?Which do you prefer : tea or milk
. o'clock He came at five -8
? When did he come
‫*** يجب إعادة الفعل الي أصله ( التصريف األول ) ألننا استخدمنا‬
. The pen is in the car -9
? Where is the pen
. Ali was absent because he was ill -10
? Why was he absent
. go to school in order to learn They -11
? Why do they go to school
. to school by bus Ali comes -12
? How does Ali come to school
‫*** يجب إعادة الفعل الي أصله ( التصريف األول ) ألننا استخدمنا‬
. in the class There are forty students -13
? How many students are there in the class
. spoons of in my tea I like two -14
? How much sugar do you like in your tea
. kilo of tomatoes is one dollar The -15
? How much is the kilo of tomatoes
. Ali is twenty years old -16
? How old is Ali
. She is four years old -17
? How old is she
. I go to the market twice a week -18
? you go to the market How often do
. Kanyounis is thirty kilometers from Gaza -19
? far is Khanyounis from Gaza How
. This building is thirty meters high -20
? How high is this building
. They played football at school -21
? Where did they play football
‫*** يجب إعادة الفعل الي أصله ( التصريف األول ) ألننا استخدمنا‬
. This road is ninety meters long -23
. long is this road How
. Ali stole the car -24
? Who stole the car
. film describes the accident The -25
? What describes accident
‫*** إذا كان السؤال عن الفاعل العاقل ال نستخدم فعال مساعدا من عندنا ولكن‬
‫نضع أداة‬
‫السؤال ( ‪ ) who‬ونستخدم ( ‪ ) what‬إذا كان الفاعل غير عاقل ثم نكمل الجملة كما‬
‫موضح في مثال رقم ( ‪. ) 25 / 24‬‬
‫*** هناك بعض التغيير في الضمائر مثل ‪ ) I ( :‬تصبح ‪) you ( .....................‬‬
‫( ‪ ) we‬تصبح ( ‪ ) you )……….. ( my‬تصبح ‪) your ( ...................‬‬
‫*** ‪-: using the question words in brackets Form suitable questions‬‬
‫‪) Where ( . He goes to cinema every month -1‬‬
‫‪) It's five o'clock . ( What -2‬‬
‫‪) She arrived to airport last week . ( When -3‬‬
‫‪) Ali is a meter and a half tall . ( How tall -4‬‬
‫‪) They went to Gaza by car . ( How -5‬‬
‫‪) Chairs is usually made of wood . ( What -6‬‬
‫‪) I have twenty dollars . ( How much -7‬‬
‫‪) He is writing to his brother . ( Whom -8‬‬
‫‪) He put his book on the table . ( Where -9‬‬
‫‪) I am thirty years old . ( How old -10‬‬
‫‪) I meet Soha's father . ( Whose -11‬‬
‫‪) We come at five o'clock . ( When -12‬‬
‫*** ‪-: Ask questions about underlined word‬‬
‫‪. He is wearing a new jacket -1‬‬
‫‪. They watched television -2‬‬
‫‪. She paid a dollar for her new book -3‬‬
‫‪. Ali studies hard to get high marks -4‬‬
‫‪. They visited their uncle once a week -5‬‬
‫*** يوجد في اللغة االنجليزية ثالث أنواع من الجمل ‪-:‬‬
‫*** الجملة البسيطة هي الجملة التي تتكون من فاعل و فعل ‪-:‬‬
‫*** ‪. The bus arrived‬‬
‫*** الجملة البسيطة هي الجملة التي تتكون أيضآ من فاعل و فعل ومفعول به ‪-:‬‬
. I wrote my homework -1
. I saw three cars in the street -2
‫*** هناك طرق عديدة لربط الجمل البسيطة مع بعضها البعض لنكون جملة بسيطة‬
-: ‫واحدة‬
-: ‫ باستخدام اسم الفاعل‬-1
. He felt happy . He began to swim ) * (
. Feeling happy , he began to swim
-: ) ing ( ‫ الفعل مضافا له‬+ ‫ االسم أو حرف الجر‬+ ‫ باستخدام حرف الجر‬-2
. money Ali helped them . He gave them ) * (
. Ali helped them by giving them money
. Ali helped them with money
. Ali worked for many days . He didn't eat . He didn't sleep ) * (
. Ali worked for many days without eating or sleeping
-: ) to + ‫ باستخدام المصدر ( الفعل‬-3
. He has a car . He wishes to sell it ) * (
. He has a car to sell
. mother Ali went to Gaza . He visited his ) * (
. Ali went to Gaza to visit his mother
-: ‫ باستخدام الصفة أو العبارة الوصفية‬-4
. Ali bought a watch . It is made of gold ) * (
) bought a golden watch . ( adjective Ali
) adjectival phrase ( . Ali bought a watch made of gold
-: ‫ باستخدام الظرف أو العبارة الظرفية‬-5
. He is the best student in the school . This is certain ) * (
. best student in the school Certainly he is the
-: ‫ باستخدام االسم أو العبارة االسمية في البدل‬-6
. Ahmed Ramy is here . He is the owner of the shop ) * (
. Ahmed Ramy , the owner of the shop , is here
‫*** هي عبارة عن جملة تتركب من جملتين بسيطتين أو أكثر مرتبطتان ببعضهما‬
. ‫البعض بحرف عطف ولكل منهما معنى منفصل‬
-: ‫*** يمكن أن نربط الجمل البسيطة معا لنكون جمل مركبة باستخدام‬
-and ) 1 (
. the cinema Ali finished his work . He went to ) 1 (
. Ali finished his work and went to the cinema
. did her work . Huda helped her Soha ) 2 (
. Soha did her work and Huda helped her
) but ( -2
. I ran to the station . I missed the bus ) 1 (
. ran to the station but missed the bus I
. did not agree me I saw him yesterday . He ) 2 (
. I saw him yesterday but he did not agree me
) or ( -3
. We can watch television . We can play tennis ) 1 (
. television or we play tennis We can watch
‫ إذا كان الفاعل في جزئي الجملة المركبة‬: ) and / but / or ( ‫*** عند الربط بــ‬
‫واحد فليس من الضروري تكراره أو تكرار األفعال الناقصة كما موضح في المثال رقم‬
. ) 2 ( ‫ أما إذا اختلف فيجب ذكره كما موضح في مثال رقم‬. ) 1 (
) both …….. and ( -4
. Arabic He studies Arabic . I study ) 1 (
. Both he and I study Arabic
. teaches French He teaches English . He ) 2 (
. He teaches both English and French
) either …….. or ( -5
. He plays tennis . He plays football ) 1 (
. or football He plays either tennis
. You must tell him . I must tell him ) 2 (
. or I must tell him Either you
) neither …….. nor ( -6
. speak English . I don't speak English He doesn't ) 1 (
. Neither he nor I speak English
. Ali doesn't speak English . He doesn't speak French ) 2 (
. speaks neither English nor French He
. football He can't swim . He can't play ) 3 (
. He can neither swim nor play football
-: ‫ ) تربط‬nor ..……… neither ( ***
) ‫ فاعلين ( كما في المثال األول‬-1
) ‫ مفعولين ( كما في المثال الثاني‬-2
) ‫ فعلين ( كما في المثال الثالث‬-3
) but ….. as well ) ( not only ……. but also ..… not only ( -7
. dishes . You must sweep the floor You must wash up the ) 1 (
. dishes but sweep the floor as well You must not only wash up the***
. dishes but also sweep the floor You must not only wash up the***
-: ) ‫*** تتكون الجملة المعقدة من عبارة رئيسية وعبارة ثانوية ( شبه جملة ثانوي‬
. car is mine . You saw it The ***
. The car which you saw is mine
-: ‫*** الجمل الثانوية ثالث أنواع‬
. ‫ شبه الجملة االسمية‬-1
. ‫ شبه الجملة الوصفية‬-2
. ‫ شبه الجملة الظرفية‬-3
Noun Clauses -1 ‫أشباه الجمل االسمية‬
. ‫*** أشباه الجمل االسمية تقوم مقام األسماء‬
-: ‫*** شبه الجملة االسمية يمكن أن يكون‬
. Who makes no mistakes makes nothing -: ‫ فاعال‬-1
. Climbing high mountains is a dangerous sport
-: ‫ مفعوال به‬-2
. said that she is pleased to visit you Soha
-: ‫ مفعوال به بعد حرف الجر‬-3
. Ali surprised at what she said
-: ‫ تكملة لفعل‬-4
. he is not ready to go now It seems that
‫ أو بصفة أو بظرف أو بضمير استفهام كما‬that ‫*** تبدأ أشباه الجمل االسمية بــ‬
. 4 / 2 ‫موضح في رقم‬
. that ‫*** من الممكن حذف كلمة‬
Adjectival Clauses -2 ‫أشباه الجمل الوصفية‬
-: ‫*** أشباه الجمل الوصفية تأتي بعد االسم لتصفه‬
. bought This is the car that my brother ***
-: ‫*** أشباه الجمل الوصفية تبدأ عادة بضمائر الوصل‬
whom / which / whose / that / who
-: ‫*** أشباه الجمل تنقسم إلى نوعين‬
‫ شبه جملة ضروري في الجمل لو حذفته لم يبقى للجملة معنى واضح‬-1
-: ) ‫( أشباه جمل حصرية‬
. The story which you lent me was interesting
‫ شبه جملة لو حذفته يبقى لباقي الجمل معانيها التامة‬-2
-: ) ‫( أشباه جمل غير حصرية‬
. The car – which I am going to buy – is not black
-: ‫***أشباه الجمل الوصفية يمكن أن تبدأ‬
but / where / why / when
. reason why he got so kind I know the
Adverbial Clauses -3 ‫أشباه الجمل الظرفية‬
. ‫*** أشباه الجمل الظرفية تقوم مقام الظروف‬
-: ‫*** تنقسم الجمل الظرفية إلى‬
-: ‫ وتبدأ بــ‬. ‫ تدل على زمن حدوث الفعل‬: ‫ الزمان‬-1
/ when / while / as / until / till / since / before / after / as soon as
no sooner ….. than / scarcely … when / hardly …. when
. trouble . His father was absent He made
. He made trouble when his father was absent
. I was sleeping . The telephone rang
. telephone rang While I was sleeping , the
. Ali went to bed . He had arrived home
. bed as soon as he had arrived home Ali went to
. She returned home . Soha had arrived at the station
. home She had hardly arrived at the station when she returned
‫ ) نقلب الفعل بوضع الفعل‬No sooner / Hardly / Scarcely ( ‫عندما تبدأ الجملة بــ‬
. ‫المساعد قبل الفاعل‬
. when she returned home Hardly had she arrived at the station
-: ‫ وتبدأ بــ‬. ‫ تدل على موقع حدوث الفعل‬: ‫ المكان‬-2
where / everywhere / wherever
. Ali goes wherever I go
-: ‫ تحدد الغرض وتبدأ بــ‬: ‫ الهدف‬-3
that / so that / in order that
. He works hard . He wants to pass his exams
. so that he may pass his exams He works hard
. catch the train He ran to the station . He wanted to
. He ran to the station so that he might catch the train
-: ‫ تدل على الطريقة التي يحدث بها الفعل وتبدأ بــ‬: ‫ الحال‬-4
as if / as though / as
. Ali spends the money as he likes
-: ‫ وتبدأ بـ‬: ‫ النتيجة‬-5
so that / such that
. question He is very clever boy . He can answer any
. He is such a clever boy that he can answer any question
-: ‫ وتبدأ بــ‬: ‫ السبب‬-6
because / as / since
. He didn't hurry . He missed the train
. He missed the train because he didn't hurry
-: ‫ تبدأ بــ‬: ‫ التضاد‬/ ‫ التناقض‬-7
even if / however / though / although / whatever
. he ran fast . He failed to win the race
. he failed to win the race , Although he ran fast
. Though he ran fast , he failed to win the race
-: ‫ ويبدأ بــ‬: ‫ الشرط‬-8
If / unless / supposing / whether
. swim in the sea if he goes to Alexandria He will
-: ‫***تحويل الفعل من المبنى للمعلوم إلى المبنى للمجهول‬
+ ‫ ) على حسب زمن الفعل الموجود في الجملة‬to be ( ‫ باستخدام فعل‬-1
. ‫التصريف الثالث‬
‫ الجملة الذى يكون فاعلها معلوم تسمي بالمبنى للمعلوم فعند التحويل إلى‬-2
‫صيغة المبنى للمجهول يجب أن نحدد أوال زمن الفعل ثم نحدد الفاعل والفعل‬
‫والمفعول به ثم نضع المفعول به في بداية الجملة ثم نتبع هذه القواعد على‬
-: ‫حسب زمن الجملة‬
. ‫ ) إذا كان الفاعل ال يضيف شيئا جديدا للمعنى‬by ( ‫ يمكن أن نحذف‬-3
-: ) Present Simple Passive : ( is / are + p.p -1
) He writes the lesson . ( active ***
) passive ( . ) The lesson is written ( by him
) She writes the lessons . ( active ***
) written ( by her ) . ( passive The lessons are
-: ) p.p + Past Simple Passive : ( was / were -2
) She wrote the lesson . ( active ***
) her ) . ( passive The lesson was written ( by
) She wrote some letters . ( active ***
) were written ( by her ) . ( passive Some letters
-: ) is / are + being + p.p ( : Present Continuous Passive -3
) She is writing a letter . ( active ***
) letter is being written . ( passive A
) active ( . They are writing some letters***
) Some letters are being written . ( passive
-: ) Continuous Passive : ( was / were + being + p.p Past -4
) jacket . ( active He was wearing a ***
) A jacket was being wearing ( by him ) . ( passive
) She was writing some letters . ( active ***
) written . ( passive Some letters were being
-: ) Present Perfect Passive : ( has / have + been + p.p -5
) He has eaten an apple . ( active ***
) him ) . ( passive An apple has been eaten ( by
) I have written some letters . ( active ***
) letters have been written ( by me ) . ( passive Some
-: ) had + been + p.p ( : Past Perfect Passive -6
) He had eaten an apple . ( active ***
) had been eaten . ( passive An apple
-: ) Future Simple Passive : ( will + be + p.p -7
) He will play a match . ( active ***
) passive ( . ) A match will be played ( by him
-: ‫ ) عند التحويل‬will ( ‫*** جميع األفعال الناقصة تعامل مثل‬
. shall …….…….…………………………………...…be worked
. be worked…….………………………………….….…… should
. be worked ………..............................................………… would
. be worked…..………..……………………………………… can
. could ………………………………………….....……be worked
. may ………………….…………………………….…be worked
. worked might …………………….………………………...…be
. must ……………………….……………………….…be worked
. be worked……..………………..…………….………… ought to
-: ) will ( ‫*** التركيبات اآلتية تعامل مثل‬
‫‪. have to / has to / had to ………………………………be worked‬‬
‫‪going to / are going to ……………… be worked am going to / is‬‬
‫*** ‪) active ( . He can play football‬‬
‫‪) Football can be played ( by him ) . ( passive‬‬
‫*** ‪) our teachers . ( active We must obey‬‬
‫‪) Our teachers must be obeyed ( by us ) . ( passive‬‬
‫‪***) He has to respect the law . ( active‬‬
‫‪) by him ) . ( passive ( The law has to be respected‬‬
‫*** هذا الجدول عبارة عن مثال لكل زمن سوف يوضح لك عملية التحويل بسهولة‬
‫‪ -1‬العمود األول من الجدول عبارة عن األزمنة ‪:‬‬
‫*** المضارع البسيط ‪.‬‬
‫*** الماضي البسيط ‪.‬‬
‫*** المضارع المستمر ‪.‬‬
‫*** الماضي المستمر ‪.‬‬
‫*** المضارع التام ‪.‬‬
‫*** الماضي التام ‪.‬‬
‫*** المستقبل البسيط ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬العمود الثاني من الجدول هو المبنى للمعلوم ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬العمود الثالث واألخير عبارة عن المبنى للمجهول ‪.‬‬
‫‪Passive Active Tense‬‬
‫‪works Present Simple – is – are worked work‬‬
‫‪was – were worked worked Past Simple‬‬
‫‪worked am / is / are working Present Continuous is / are being‬‬
‫‪were working Past continuous / was / were being worked was‬‬
‫‪Perfect has / have been worked has / have worked Present‬‬
‫‪had been worked had worked Past Perfect‬‬
‫‪Future simple will be worked will work‬‬
‫*** تحويل الضمائر يكون كاآلتي‪-:‬‬
‫‪me I‬‬
‫‪He him‬‬
‫‪her She‬‬
‫‪it It‬‬
‫‪us We‬‬
‫‪you You‬‬
‫‪them They‬‬
‫*** ‪-: Change into passive‬‬
‫‪. He ate an apple -1‬‬
‫‪. She eats an apple -2‬‬
‫‪. He bought two cars -3‬‬
‫‪. She writes two letters -4‬‬
‫‪. She is cleaning the room -5‬‬
‫‪. They were writing a letter -6‬‬
‫‪. They are cleaning the rooms -7‬‬
‫‪. She was writing two letters -8‬‬
‫‪. He has opened the window -9‬‬
‫‪. He had written the lesson -10‬‬
‫‪.‬ــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪. She has cleaned the rooms -11‬‬
‫‪. They had cleaned the rooms -12‬‬
‫‪. They will buy a car -13‬‬
‫‪. He will buy a new house -14‬‬
‫‪. He will buy two cars -15‬‬
‫‪. He can buy a new house -16‬‬
‫‪. She can answer the exercise well -17‬‬
‫‪. We ought to defend our country -18‬‬
‫‪. He is going to buy a car -19‬‬
‫‪. We have to respect the law -20‬‬
‫تحويل السؤال إلى صيغة المبنى للمجهول‬
‫‪ -1‬نحول السؤال إلى إثبات مع المحافظة على زمن الجملة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬نحول الجملة الجديدة إلى صيغة المبنى للمجهول ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬نحول الجملة المنية للمجهول إلى السؤال مرة أخرى ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬إذا كان السؤال يتضمن كلمة استفهامية نضعها في أول السؤال ‪.‬‬
‫( * ) ‪? Did you bring the book‬‬
‫‪. the book You brought -1‬‬
‫‪. The book was brought by you -2‬‬
‫‪? Was the book brought by you -3‬‬
‫( * ) ‪? Do people speak Arabic all over the world‬‬
‫‪. Arabic all over the world People speak -1‬‬
‫‪. Arabic is spoken all over the world -2‬‬
‫‪? Arabic spoken all over the world Is -3‬‬
‫( * ) ‪? Who bought the car‬‬
‫‪. car was bought The -1‬‬
‫‪? Was the car bought -2‬‬
‫‪? By whom was the car bought -3‬‬
‫*** إذا بدأ السؤال بأداة االستفهام ( ‪ ) who‬نحولها إلى ( ‪. ) by whom‬‬
‫( * ) ‪? Whom did the headmaster punish yesterday‬‬
‫‪. punished the boy yesterday The headmaster -1‬‬
‫‪. yesterday The boy was punished by the headmaster -2‬‬
‫‪. Who was punished by the headmaster yesterday -3‬‬
‫*** إذا بدأ السؤال بأداة االستفهام ( ‪ ) whom‬نحولها إلى ( ‪. ) who‬‬
‫( * ) ‪? finish the letter Did they‬‬
‫‪. They finished the letter -1‬‬
‫‪. finished The letter was -2‬‬
‫‪? Was the letter finished -3‬‬
‫( * ) ‪? Has he mended the door‬‬
‫‪. He has mended the door -1‬‬
‫‪. The door has been mended -2‬‬
‫‪? door been mended Has the -3‬‬
‫( * ) ‪? Does he writes a letter‬‬
‫‪. He writes a letter -1‬‬
‫‪. A letter is written -2‬‬
‫‪? Is a letter written -3‬‬
‫( * ) ‪? he bought a car Why has‬‬
‫‪. He has bought a car -1‬‬
‫‪. A car has been bought -2‬‬
‫‪? Why has a car been bought -3‬‬
‫*** ‪-: Change into passive‬‬
‫‪? Do people speak French all over the world -1‬‬
‫‪? Did you bring the car -2‬‬
‫‪? Does he play football -3‬‬
‫‪? Who answered the question -4‬‬
‫ـــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪? Whom did they gave the books -5‬‬
‫‪? Why does he buy a car -6‬‬
‫‪? Can he solve the problem -7‬‬
‫ــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫تحويل األمر إلى صيغة المبنى للمجهول‬
‫*** نحول صيغة األمر إلى صيغة المبنى للمجهول باستخدام هذه الطريقة ‪-:‬‬
‫التصريف الثالث ‪ be + +‬مفعول به ‪Let +‬‬
‫‪. door Close the -1‬‬
‫‪. Let the door be closed‬‬
‫‪. Open the window -2‬‬
‫‪. opened Let the window be‬‬
‫‪. Write the letter -3‬‬
‫‪. Let the letter be written‬‬
‫‪. homework Do your -4‬‬
‫‪. Let your homework be done‬‬
‫‪. Give this pen to Ali -5‬‬
‫‪. this pen be given to Ali Let‬‬
‫‪. Read the letter -6‬‬
‫‪. Let the letter be read‬‬
‫‪. Clean the blackboard -7‬‬
‫‪. Let the blackboard be cleaned‬‬
‫‪. this question Write -8‬‬
‫‪. Let this question be written‬‬
‫‪. Help your mother -9‬‬
‫‪. Let your mother be helped‬‬
‫‪. Don't waste your time -10‬‬
‫‪. your time be wasted . OR Let your time not to be wasted Don't let‬‬
‫*** ‪-: Change into passive‬‬
‫‪. Close the window -1‬‬
‫‪. Open the door -2‬‬
‫‪. Write this exercise -3‬‬
‫‪. Don’t move the table -4‬‬
‫‪. Write the question -5‬‬
‫‪. Listen to the doctor -6‬‬
‫‪-: The Zero Conditional -1‬‬
‫‪. If + Present Simple …………………………. Present Simple‬‬
‫‪. If water cools to 0C , it freezes and become ice -1‬‬
‫‪. freezes , it turn into ice If the water -2‬‬
‫*** هذا النوع من الجمل يعبر عن شيء ما يكون صحيح أو حقيقي ‪.‬‬
‫*** إذا كان فعل الشرط في زمن المضارع البسيط فيجب أن يكون جواب الشرط‬
‫مضارع بسيط ‪.‬‬
‫‪-: The First Conditional -2‬‬
‫‪. If + Present Simple …………………………. will + infinitive‬‬
‫‪. If I get up early , I will catch the bus -1‬‬
‫‪. Palestine , he will visit Jerusalem If he lives in -2‬‬
‫‪. visit her uncle If she has some free time , she will -3‬‬
‫*** هذا النوع من الجمل يعبر عن شيء ما نسب حدوثه ‪ % 50‬في المستقبل ‪.‬‬
‫*** إذا كان فعل الشرط في زمن المضارع البسيط فيجب أن يكون جواب الشرط ‪+‬‬
‫‪ will‬المصدر‬
‫‪-: The Second Conditional -3‬‬
‫‪. If + Past Simple …………………………… would + infinitive‬‬
‫‪. If I studied hard , I would succeed -1‬‬
‫‪. would buy a new house If I had a lot of money , I -2‬‬
‫‪. If he bought a car , he would visit me -3‬‬
‫*** هذا النوع من الجمل يعبر عن شيء ما غير حقيقي أو خيالي في المستقبل ‪.‬‬
‫*** إذا كان فعل الشرط في زمن الماضي البسيط فيجب أن يكون جواب الشرط ‪+‬‬
‫‪ would‬المصدر‬
‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪-: The third Conditional -4‬‬
‫‪.p.p + If + Past Perfect ………………… ………… would + have‬‬
‫‪. If I met her before , I wouldn't have forgotten her name -1‬‬
‫‪. he had run faster , he would have won the race If -2‬‬
‫‪were coming , I would have met you If I had known that you -3‬‬
‫‪. at the station‬‬
‫*** هذا النوع من الجمل يعبر عن شيء ما غير حقيقي أو خيالي في الماضي ‪.‬‬
‫*** إذا كان فعل الشرط في زمن الماضي التام فيجب أن يكون جواب الشرط‬
‫‪ Have + would +‬التصريف الثالث للفعل ‪.‬‬
‫‪. Direct Speech : is the speaker's actual words -1‬‬
‫الكالم المباشر هو كالم المتحدث نفسه ‪.‬‬
‫‪as its reported with some necessary Indirect Speech : is the speech -2‬‬
‫‪.etc , changes in tenses and pronouns‬‬
‫الكالم غير المباشر هو الكالم المنقول ( كما نقل ) مع بعض التغييرات الضرورية في‬
‫األزمنة والضمائر ‪. .............‬‬
‫*** هناك عدة أنواع للكالم المباشر والكالم غير المباشر ‪-:‬‬
‫*** عند تحويل الجملة الخبرية من الكالم المباشر إلى الكالم غير المباشر يجب‬
‫أن نتبع األتي ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬نحول ( ‪ ) said to‬إلى ‪. ) ) told‬‬
‫‪ -2‬كلمة ( ‪ ) said‬تبقى كما هي ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬نحذف األقواس وعالمات التخصيص ونضع أداة الربط (‪ ) that‬ويمكن االستغناء‬
‫عنها ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬نحول الضمائر حسب المتكلم والمخاطب ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬ال يحدث أي تغيير إذا كان فعل القول في المضارع ‪- :‬‬
‫*** ‪". feel thirsty He says , " I‬‬
‫‪. He says that he feels thirsty‬‬
‫‪ -6‬يجب أن نتبع الجدول األتي عند التحويل ‪-:‬‬
‫‪Indirect Direct‬‬
‫‪Simple Past Simple Present‬‬
‫‪Past Continuous Present Continuous‬‬
‫‪Perfect Past Perfect Present‬‬
Past Perfect / Past Simple Past Simple
following day tomorrow the next day / the
the day before / the previous day yesterday
day today that
then now
the ……….. before
the week before last
week last
could can
would will
should shall
might may
this that
there here
before / previously ago
he / she I
they we
to must had
his / her me
his / her my
his / hers mine
them us
our their
theirs ours
was going to am going to
to was going to is going
were going to are going to
those these
" . says , " I finish my homework Ali -1
. says ( that ) he finishes his homework Ali
" . Huda says , " This exam is not difficult -2
. this exam is not difficult ) Huda says (that
" . He said , " I do my homework -3
. said ( that ) he did his homework He
" . Ali said , " I am reading a story -4
. Ali said (that ) he was reading a story
" . visited my uncle He said , " I have -5
. He said ( that ) he had visited his uncle
" . Huda said , " I bought a new car -6
. car Huda said ( that ) she had bought a new
" . Amjad said , " I will buy a car -7
. buy a car Amjad said that he would
‫‪" . Ali said to Ahmed , " I am going to buy a new car -8‬‬
‫‪. Ali told Ahmed that he was going to buy a new car‬‬
‫*** عند تحويل السؤال من الكالم المباشر إلى الكالم غير المباشر يجب أن نتبع‬
‫األتي ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬هناك نوعين من األسئلة ‪-:‬‬
‫*** أسئلة تبدأ بكلمات استفهام ‪Wh- Questions‬‬
‫*** أسئلة يجاب عليها بنعم أو ال ‪Yes OR No Questions‬‬
‫‪ -2‬نستخدم كلمة (‪. ) asked‬‬
‫‪ -3‬إذا كان السؤال يحتوى على أداة السؤال ‪ ،‬نستخدم األداة نفسها كأداة ربط ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬إذا كان السؤال ال يحتوى على أداة سؤال ‪ ،‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) if‬أو ( ‪ ) whether‬كأداة‬
‫ربط ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬نحول السؤال إلى جملة خبرية بتقديم الفاعل على الفعل ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬نحول الضمائر حسب المتكلم والمخاطب ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬يجب أن نتبع الجدول السابق الموجود في صفحة ( ‪. ) 119 – 118 – 117‬‬
‫‪" ? Ahmed , " Where are you going Ali said to -1‬‬
‫‪. Ali asked Ahmed Where he was going‬‬
‫‪. How long have you been here ? " they asked him " -2‬‬
‫‪. had been there They asked him How long he‬‬
‫‪. Are you staying long , Hany ? " asked Ali " -1‬‬
‫‪. staying long Ali asked Hany if he was‬‬
‫‪" . Are the apples ripe " -2‬‬
‫‪. apples were ripe I asked the gardener if the‬‬
‫*** عند تحويل األمر من الكالم المباشر إلى الكالم غير المباشر يجب أن نتبع‬
‫األتي ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) advised‬للنصيحة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) ordered‬لألمر ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) begged‬للرجاء والتوسل ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬نستخدم ( ‪ ) told‬عندما يكون الكالم موجه من شخص الشخص يساويه في‬
‫المرتبة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬نحذف عالمات التخصيص ونستخدم ( ‪ ) to‬كأداة ربط ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬نضع بعد ( ‪ ) to‬فعل األمر كما هو ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬نحول الضمائر حسب المتكلم والمخاطب ‪.‬‬
. ) not to ( ‫ إذا كان األمر منفى نستخدم‬-8
. ‫ ) من الجملة‬please ( ‫ نحذف كلمة‬-9
" . of water The doctor said to me , " Drink a lot -1
. The doctor advised me to drink a lot of water
" . said to his brother , " Don't make any noise Ali -2
. make any noise Ali told his brother not to
) money . " ( request Soha said to her mother , " Please , give me some -3
. Soha begged to her mother to give her some money
" . The manager said to Ali , " Clean the car -4
. Ali to clean the car The manager ordered
. ) not to ( ‫ ) من الجملة ونضع‬don't ( ‫ ) نحذف كلمة‬2 ( ‫*** الحظ المثال رقم‬
‫*** عند تحويل التعجب من الكالم المباشر إلى الكالم غير المباشر يجب أن نتبع‬
-: ‫األتي‬
: ‫ نحذف كلمة التعجب ونضع كلمة تدل عليها‬-1
with joy ‫ ببهجة‬with regret ‫بندم‬
with sorrow ‫ بحزن‬sadness with ‫بحزن‬
with anger ‫ بغضب‬with admiration ‫بنعجاب‬
. ) that ( ‫ نحذف األقواس ونضع‬-2
. ) ( ‫ نحول الضمائر و األزمنة والتغييرات األخرى الموجود في صفحة‬-3
" . Ali said , " Alas ! I will not find my car ***
. Ali said with sorrow that he would not find his car
-1 ) .Capital Letters ( A , B , C , D , etc
‫الحروف الكبيرة‬
-: ‫*** نستخدم الحرف الكبير‬
. ‫ أول حرف في الجملة‬-1
. This is my car . *** We go there every year ***
-: ‫ مع أسماء األيام واألشهر والديانات واللغات واألعياد‬-2
January / February / Arabic / Islam / Christmas / Saturday / Sunday
-: ‫ مع أسماء األشخاص‬-3
Ali / Ahmed / Soha / Jack / Susan / Bill
-: ‫ مع اسماء األماكن و الجنسيات والمنظمات‬-4
‫‪the United Nation / Khanyounis / Gaza / Ramallah / Palestinian / Syrian‬‬
‫‪ -5‬مع األلقاب وأسماء العلم ‪-:‬‬
‫‪/ Mahmoud Abas / Al –Azhar University President‬‬
‫‪King Abdullah / Dr. Ali‬‬
‫‪ -6‬مع االختصارات ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -7‬مع عناوين برامج التلفاز ‪ ،‬عناوين الكتب والمجالت و الصحف و األعمال الفنية ‪-:‬‬
‫‪King Oedipus / King Lear / The Times / English Grammar‬‬
‫‪ -8‬مع أسماء البحار واألنهار والبحيرات والشوارع ‪-:‬‬
‫‪/ The Red Sea / The Mediterranean Sea / The Nile‬‬
‫‪Great Lakes / Al-Bahar Street‬‬
‫‪) . ( Full Stop -2‬‬
‫*** نستخدم النقطة ‪-:‬‬
‫*** في نهاية الجملة ‪-:‬‬
‫*** ‪. We go there every year *** . This is my car‬‬
‫*** بعد رموز االختصارات ‪-:‬‬
‫‪.Mr. Jack / 2nd. / Dec. Tue / U.S.A / Dr. Ali‬‬
‫*** بين كميات النقود ‪-:‬‬
‫‪) dollars twenty five three ( 3.25$‬‬
‫*** بين البريد االلكتروني وعناوين المواقع ‪-:‬‬
‫‪org . Ibd @ eol‬‬
‫‪) ? ( Question Mark -3‬‬
‫عالمة السؤال‬
‫*** نستخدم عالمة االستفهام ‪-:‬‬
‫*** في صيغة السؤال المباشر ‪-:‬‬
‫‪? Did you see it ? Are you happy‬‬
‫‪-Mark ( ! ) 4 Exclamation‬‬
‫عالمة التعجب‬
‫*** تأتى بعد الكلمة التعجبية أو العبارة التعجبية عالمة ( ! ) للتعبير عن الشعور‬
‫المفاجئ أو الدهشة ‪-:‬‬
‫‪!wonderful! / Alas! / Ouch That's‬‬
‫‪) , ( Comma -5‬‬
‫*** نستخدم الفاصلة ‪-:‬‬
‫*** بين الصفات أو أي أشياء أخرى في قوائم ( سرد قائمة من األشياء ) ‪-:‬‬
‫*** ‪. potatoes I bought carrot , oranges , cabbages , tomatoes , eggs and‬‬
‫*** ‪. It was a dark , wet and cold night‬‬
‫*** قبل السؤال المذيل ‪-:‬‬
‫‪? He is a student , isn't he‬‬
‫*** قبل الكالم المباشر ‪-:‬‬
‫‪" .Ali said , " I'm tired‬‬
‫*** لنفصل بين الفكرة الرئيسية والفكرة الثانوية في الجملة ‪-:‬‬
‫‪.interesting Although it was winter , the party was‬‬
‫‪) ' ( Apostrophe -6‬‬
‫الفاصلة العليا‬
‫*** نستخدم الفاصلة العليا ‪-:‬‬
‫*** لتوضح األحرف الناقصة وأيضا تستخدم للملكية ‪-:‬‬
‫‪. beautiful girl . / We'll go to the market He's here , isn't he? / It's a‬‬
‫‪The boys' bike . / Nilsons' car / . Ali's car . / Amjad's bike‬‬
‫‪I'm / I've / he's / we're‬‬
‫*** عندما تكون الكلمة منتهية بــ ( ‪ ) s‬تقع بعدها ‪car 'the boys -:‬‬
‫‪) : ( Colon -7‬‬
‫*** نستخدم النقطتان ‪-:‬‬
‫*** قبل تقديم أو سرد أشياء في قائمة ‪-:‬‬
‫‪. Part three : Thing to bring : gas , tent , pans and boot‬‬
‫‪) ; ( Semi-colon -8‬‬
‫الفاصلة المنقوطة‬
‫*** نستخدم الفاصلة المنقوطة ‪-:‬‬
‫*** لفصل أجزاء الجمل المرتبطة فكريا ‪- :‬‬
‫‪. therefore everybody is busy ; We are going to Jerusalem‬‬
‫ـــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪) - ( Hyphen -9‬‬
‫الشرطة القصيرة‬
‫*** نستخدم الشرطة القصيرة ‪-:‬‬
‫لربط كلمتين و لتفصل كلمة في نهاية السطر ‪-:‬‬
‫‪. machine It's a well - made‬‬
‫‪-Ali has rad about the compli‬‬
‫‪. cated history of Iraq‬‬
‫‪) _ ( Dash -10‬‬
‫*** نستخدم القاطعة ‪-:‬‬
‫*** لفصل أجزاء الجملة أو قبل شرح الجملة ‪- :‬‬
‫‪. The book – mine , not yours – was on the table‬‬
‫‪. You know Soha – Ali's wife – she is never on time‬‬
‫‪" ……… "Quotation Marks -11‬‬
‫عالمات االقتباس‬
‫*** نستخدم عالمات االقتباس ‪-:‬‬
‫*** لحصر الكالم المباشر أو إلبراز الكالم المنطوق في النص ‪:‬‬
‫‪" . Ali said , " I am tired‬‬
‫" ‪. We can swim! " he shouted‬‬
‫ــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫‪) ..……… ( Brackets -12‬‬
‫*** نستخدم األقواس ‪-:‬‬
‫لفصل المعلومات اإلضافية من الجزء الرئيسي للجملة ‪ .‬توضح المعلومات المتعلقة‬
‫بالمكان ‪-:‬‬
‫‪Jack Nilson ( 1925 – 2000 ) was born in France and visit Palestine in 1998‬‬
‫( ‪) see Unit 7 ) / ( see Lesson 8‬‬
‫‪Week The Days of the‬‬
‫أيام األسبوع‬
‫األربعاء ‪ Wednesday‬السبت ‪Saturday‬‬
‫الخميس ‪ Thursday‬األحد ‪Sunday‬‬
‫الجمعة ‪ Friday‬االثنين ‪Monday‬‬
‫الثالثاء ‪Tuesday‬‬
‫اختصار أيام األسبوع‬
. ‫*** عند االختصار يجب أن نضع نقطة في نهاية االختصار‬
Wed. Wednesday Sat. Saturday
Sunday .Thurs. Thursday Sun
Fri. Friday Mon Monday
Tue. Tuesday
Year The Seasons of the
‫فصول السنة‬
‫ الصيف‬Autumn ‫ الخريف‬Winter ‫الشتاء‬
‫ الربيع‬Summer
The Months of the Year
‫أشهر السنة‬
January ‫ يناير‬July ‫يوليو‬
February ‫ فبراير‬August ‫أغسطس‬
March ‫ مارس‬September ‫سبتمبر‬
April ‫ ابريل‬October ‫أكتوبر‬
May ‫ مايو‬November ‫نوفمبر‬
June ‫ يونيو‬December ‫ديسمبر‬
‫اختصار أشهر السنة‬
. ‫*** عند االختصار يجب أن نضع نقطة في نهاية االختصار‬
July Jan. January .Jul
Aug. August Feb. February
Sep. September Mar. March
Oct. October Apr. April
May ‫ ــــــ‬Nov. November
June .Dec. December Jun
Numbers ‫األرقام‬
st1 seventeenth 17th first
eighteenth 18th second 2nd
nineteenth 19th third 3rd
fourth 4th twentieth 20th
twenty - first 21st fifth 5th
th6 twenty – second 22nd sixth
twenty - third 23rd seventh 7th
th8 twenty – fourth 24th eighth
twenty - fifth 25th ninth 9th
twenty - sixth 26th tenth 10th
seventh 27th eleventh 11th - twenty
twenty - eighth 28th twelfth 12th
ninth 29th thirteenth 13th - twenty
thirtieth 30th fourteenth 14th
st fifteenth 15th31 thirty – first
th16 sixteenth
Dates ‫التواريخ‬
. ‫*** عندما نقرأ التاريخ نبدأ باليوم ثم الشهر ثم السنة‬
-: ‫*** قراءة التاريخ تختلف عن كتابته‬
-: 2007 / 9 / 03 ) * (
. seven The third of September , two thousand and
-: 2004 / 2 / 14 ) * (
. and four The fourteenth of February , two thousand
-: 1994 / 3 / 15 ) * (
. four – The fifteenth of March , nineteen ninety
-: 2005 / 1 / 02 ) * (
. five The second of January , two thousand and
-: 2007 / 3 / 22 ) * (
. and seven The twenty – second of March , two thousand
-: 1994 / 7 / 23 ) * (
. ninety – four The twenty – third of July , nineteen
-: 1997 / 4 / 30 ) * (
. ninety – seven The thirtieth of April , nineteen
-: 2015 / 6 / 12 ) * (
. and fifteen The twelfth of June , two thousand
-: 2003 / 5 / 13 ) * (
. and three The thirteenth of May , two thousand
-: 1999 / 8 / 10 ) * (
. nine – The tenth of August , nineteen ninety
-: 2009 / 9 / 06 ) * (
. nine The sixth of September , two thousand and
-: 1977 / 1 / 09 ) * (
. seven – The ninth of January , nineteen seventy
-: 2004 / 12 / 21 ) * (
. thousand and four The twenty – first of December , two
-: ‫ التاريخ يبدأ بالشهر ثم اليوم ثم السنة‬، ‫*** في الواليات المتحدة األمريكية‬
-: 1993 / 7 / 14 ) * (
. nineteen ninety – three , July the fourteenth
2004 / 9 / 04 ) * (
. thousand and four September the fourth , two
-: Write the following dates ***
..………………………………………………………………… : 1888 / 1 / 01 ) * (
..………………………………………………………………… : 1997 / 2 / 02 ) * (
..………………………………………………… : 1992 / 3 / 03 ) * (
..………………………………………………… : 1993 / 4 / 04 ) * (
..……………………………………………… : 1995 / 5 / 05 ) * (
..………………………………………… : 1997 / 6 / 06 ) * (
..…………………………………… : 1999 / 7 / 07 ) * (
..……………………………………… : 2000 / 8 / 08 ) * (
..………………………………………… : 2001 / 9 / 09 ) * (
..………………………………… : 2002 / 10 / 10 ) * (
..……………………………………… : 2003 / 11 / 11 ) * (
..…………………………………………… : 2004 / 12 / 12 ) * (
..……………………………………… : 2005 / 1 / 13 ) * (
..………………………………………… : 2006 / 2 / 14 ) * (
..……………………………………………… : 2007 / 3 / 15 ) * (
..…………………………………………… : 2008 / 4 / 16 ) * (
..…………………………………… : 2009 / 5 / 17 ) * (
..………………………………………… : 2010 / 6 / 18 ) * (
..……………………………………… : 2017 / 7 / 19 ) * (
..………………………………………… : 2020 / 8 / 20 ) * (
..……………………………………… : 2022 / 9 / 21 ) * (
..…..……………………… : 2025 / 10 / 22 ) * (
.…………………………………………… : 2028 / 11 / 23 ) * (
…………………………………………… : 2040 / 12 / 24 ) * (
.………………………………………… : 2045 / 1 / 25 ) * (
……………………………………………… : 2055 / 2 / 26 ) * (
……………………………………………… : 2060 / 3 / 27 ) * (
……………………………………………… : 2066 / 4 / 28 ) * (
……………………………………………… : 2077 / 5 / 29 ) * (
…………………………………………… : 2088 / 6 / 30 ) * (
……………………………………………… : 3013 / 1 / 31 ) * (
) Exercise ( 1
-: Write the nouns in the table below ***
Gaza - Amjad - teacher - Ali - cat - door
Cairo - businessman - Jordan - chicken
Jerusalem - cinema - Huda - doctor
London - window - camel - desk - Jack
dog - chair - nurse - Palestine - Soha
ship - engineer - paper - computer - sheep
. goat - shirt - Baghdad - Susan - singer
) Exercise ( 2
: the correct forms of the verbs Complete the table with ***
) he / she / it (
es + s +
play go
pass eat
watch drink
do hope
wash sleep
ies .….………… Irregular Y
have carry
be hurry
-: past and past participle , Write twenty verbs in present ****
gone / play / played / played . 2- go / went -1
-4 -3
-6 -5
-8 -7
-10 -9
-12 -11
) Exercise ( 3
: Complete the table ***
Adjective Superlative Comparative
) 4 ( Exercise
-:square Find the opposites of these adjectives in the word ***
.……………… : high : ……………… 6- difficult -1
…………………… : kind -old : ………………. 7 -2
.………………… : slow : …………….. 8- untrue -3
..………………… : lucky -9 …………… : strong -4
...………………… : thin : ……………… 10- quite -5
) Exercise ( 5
-: Read and find the words in the word square ***
…………………………… ) give ( past simple of -1
……………………… ) past participle of ( watch -2
.………………………………… ) of ( wife plural -3
…………………………………… ) plural of ( cat -4
..……………………… ) adjective from ( quickly -5
. …………………… play / swim and read are all -6
.…………………………… ) adverb from ( slowly -7
……………………… noun word which describes -8
.………………………… ) past participle of ( write -9
..…………………… describes verb word which -10
..…………………………… ) the opposite of ( sad -11
.…………………………… ) the opposite of ( take -12
) Exercise ( 6
-: words in the word square Read and find the ***
. ) noun made from the verb ( pollute -1
. ) noun made from the verb ( measure -2
. ) noun from the verb ( erupt -3
. ) noun made from the adjective ( funny -4
. ) luck ( adjective made from the noun -5
. ) noun made from the verb ( explode -6
. ) verb ( evaporate noun made from the -7
. ) verb made from the noun ( irrigation -8
. ) made from the adjective ( bad adverb -9
. ) adverb made from the adjective ( quick -10
) Exercise ( 7
: Complete the table ***
Adverb Adjective
) Exercise ( 8
Find ten verbs of the past simple tense in the word square , and write ***
-: infinitive form of each verb the
. …………………………… …………………… -1
. …………………………… …………………… -2
. …………………………… …………………… -3
. …………………………… …………………… -4
. …………………………… …………………… -5
. …………………………… …………………… -6
. …………………………… …………………… -7
. …………………………… …………………… -8
. …………………………… …………………… -9
. …………………………… …………………… -10
) Exercise ( 9
-: square Find ten words for jobs in the word ***
. …………………………… …………………… -1
. …………………………… …………………… -2
. …………………………… …………………… -3
. …………………………… …………………… -4
. …………………………… …………………… -5
. …………………………… …………………… -6
. …………………………… …………………… -7
. …………………………… …………………… -8
. …………………………… …………………… -9
. …………………………… …………………… -10
) Exercise ( 10
-: Put these adjectives in the correct boxes below ***
) Exercise ( 11
-: front of its part of speech Put each one of these word in
) Exercise ( 12
-: Choose the correct answer ***
. goes – went ) to school everyday – Ramy ( go -1
. driving ) fast – He usually ( drive – drives -2
. He ( is writing – writing – writes ) a letter now -3
. ) Look at her ! she ( sings – sing – is singing -4
. ) the boys ( sing – sang – are singing ! Listen -5
. going ) to the sea – We sometimes ( go – goes -6
. moment What ( see – are you seeing – you see ) at this -7
. Ali rarely ( get – gets – getting ) up early -8
. baby ( cry – is crying – crying ) now The -9
. going ) to the club – He usually ( go – goes -10
. ) Look ! it ( rains – raining – is raining -11
. I ( am speak – am speaking – speak ) at this moment -12
. is ( read – reading – reads ) now He -13
. tennis every week ) She ( play – plays – played -14
. summer in Cairo The sometimes ( spend – spends – spending ) the -15
. holy places He has already ( visit – visits – visited ) the -16
. The bus ( has arrived – hasn't arrived – arrived ) yet -17
? Has – Have – Is ) he arrived yet ( -18
? Isn't ) he come yet – Hasn't – Haven't ( -19
. for three years He ( been – have been – has been ) in Jordan -20
. 1999 They ( has lived – have lived – lived ) here since -21
. mother I have just ( received – receives – receive ) a letter from my -22
. They have never ( going – is going – gone ) to Lebanon -23
. I haven't ( see – saw – seen ) her lately -24
. rise – rises – rising ) in the east ( The sun -25
. to work by car ) Ali always ( going – go – goes -26
. bus We always ( go – goes – is going ) to school by -27
. He ( go – went – gone ) to Lebanon last year -28
. reads – reading – read ) the magazine at this moment ( I am -29
. is going – went ) to Jerusalem last summer – Ali ( go -30
. Soha three weeks ago ) I ( meet – meets – met -31
. book yesterday Soha ( give – gave – given ) me an interesting -32
. We once ( lives – lived – live ) in Jericho -33
. Ali ( visit – visited – visits ) his uncle yesterday -34
. The wind ( blew – blow – blows ) strongly last week -35
. bought – buying ) a car yesterday – Soha ( buy -36
. me a month ago ) She ( visit – visits – visited -37
. weeks ago Ali and Amjad ( come – came – are coming ) here two -38
ringing – ( While we ( were eating – eating – eat ) , the telephone -39
. ) rang – ring
the telephone ( rings – I was ( sleep – sleeping – sleeps ) when -40
. ) ringing – rang
. climbing – climb ) a tree , I hurt my leg – As I ( was climbing -41
– found ) her ring while she ( clean – Soha ( finding – find -42
. was cleaning – cleaned ) the room
. ) I was ( eats – eat – eating ) when he ( come – came – coming -43
– While I was ( wrote – write – writing ) a letter , my aunt ( came -44
. ) come – coming
he ( go – gone – , After he ( finished – finish – had finished ) work -45
. went ) to the cinema
finished ) work before he ( go – gone – – He ( had finished – finish -46
. went ) to the cinema
boys ( escapes – escaped – escape ) after they ( had broken – The -47
. the window ) broken – break
go – went – gone ( I ( reading – had read – reads ) the story before I -48
. ) to school
tennis before they ( come – came ) We ( had played – plays – played -49
. ) – is coming
. ) had eaten ) before she ( come – came – is coming – I ( eat – eaten -50
. meet – met ) her next week I ( meet – will -51
. your class two goals to one ) Our class ( beat – beats – will beat -52
. I ( will see – saw – see ) him tomorrow -53
is – was – The bus ( arrive – arrived – will arrive ) at 5.30 . It ( will be -54
. ) here soon
. story at the moment I am ( read – reads – reading ) an interesting -55
. now Soha ( is learning – learning – learn ) English -56
. The earth ( going – go – goes ) round the sun -57
. Doctors ( look – looks – looking ) after patients in hospitals -58
. usually ( play – is playing – plays ) tennis twice a week Ali -59
. do you ( go – goes – going ) to the cinema How often -60
live ) in Qatar , I ( works – worked – work ) in – When I ( living – lived -61
. a bank
. President Yasser Arafat ( die – dies – died ) three years ago The -62
. Does – Did ) you ( go – goes – went ) out last night – Do ( -63
. raining – was raining ) when I ( gets – get – got ) up – It ( rains -64
having – have – had ) breakfast when Ali ( arrives – arrived We ( were -65
. ) – arrive
) Exercise ( 13
-: Add suitable question tags ***
? ..………………………………… , It's too hot today-1
? ..………………………… , stories She prefers funny -2
? .………………………………… , You aren't happy -3
? ..…………………………… , I am right -4
? ..…………………………… , I am your best friend -5
? ……………………………… , Soha doesn't sing well -6
? ………………………… , music We are learning -7
? ……………………………… , They like ice-cream -8
? ..………………………………… , am very clever I -9
? ……………………………… , Ali is good student -10
? ..………………………… , We are engineers -11
? ..……………………… , yesterday Ali watched television -12
? ……………………………… , We never play in the street -13
? ..……………………… , He isn't a pilot -14
? ……………………… , house He has a beautiful -15
? ……………………………… , We were students last year -16
? .……………………… , He wasn't a student -17
) Exercise ( 14
-: Change into passive voice ***
. She reads a story every week -1
. .……………………………………………
. We read many stories everyday -2
. .…………………………………………………
. He broke the window last week -3
. .…………………………………………………
. He will visit his uncle next month -4
. .…………………………………………………
. Ali broke the windows yesterday -5
. .……………………………………
. We are singing a beautiful song at this moment -6
. .…………………………………………………
. She is singing many songs -7
. .………………………………………………
. Ali was writing his homework -8
. .………………………………………………
. Soha was writing many letters -9
. .……………………………………………
. He bought a new car last month -10
. .………………………………………………
. He has bought a beautiful house yesterday -11
. .…………………………………………………
. We have written the lesson -12
. .…………………………………………………
. Ali has written two letters -13
. .…………………………………………………
. Ahmed had visited his uncle -14
. .…………………………………………………
. We must obey our teachers -15
. .…………………………………………………
. Ali can play tennis -16
. .…………………………………………………
. We are writing our lessons -17
. .………………………………………………
. door Open the -18
. .………………………………………………
. Close the window -19
. .…………………………………………………
. Clean the classroom -20
. .……………………………………………
. Wash your hand -21
. .………………………………………………
. Read the letter -22
. .………………………………………………
. Write the lesson -23
. .……………………………………………
. Write your homework -24
. .……………………………………………
. Help old woman -25
. .………………………………………………
. Answer this question -26
. .………………………………………………
. smoke the cigarette -27
. .………………………………………………
. Send this message -28
. .……………………………………………
. Clean the car -29
. .………………………………………………
. Read the lesson -30
. .……………………………………………………
. Shut the window -31
. .…………………………………………………
. close the door -32
. .……………………………………………
. Shut the door -33
. .……………………………………………………
. Complete the sentence -34
. .……………………………………………………
. Write this sentence -35
. .………………….……………………………
. Explain the sentence -36
. .………………….………………………………
) Exercise ( 15
-: Complete the table ***
Plural Singular
) Exercise ( 16
-: Complete the table ***
Plural Singular
) Exercise ( 17
-: the table Complete ***
Past Participle
Past Simple ‫اسم المفعول‬
Meaning ‫الماضي البسيط‬
Present Simple ‫المعنى‬
‫المضارع البسيط‬
) 18 ( Exercise
-: Complete the table ***
Past Participle
Simple Past ‫اسم المفعول‬
Meaning ‫الماضي البسيط‬
Present Simple ‫المعنى‬
‫المضارع البسيط‬
) Exercise ( 19
-: Complete the table ***
Past Participle
Past Simple ‫اسم المفعول‬
Meaning ‫الماضي البسيط‬
Present Simple ‫المعنى‬
‫المضارع البسيط‬
) Exercise ( 20
-: Complete the table ***
Participle Past
Past Simple ‫اسم المفعول‬
Meaning ‫الماضي البسيط‬
Present Simple ‫المعنى‬
‫المضارع البسيط‬
) Exercise ( 21
-: Punctuate the following ***
france many people call it the paris is the capital and the largest city of -1
lovely parks and trees in many most beautiful city in the world it contains
of the city streets
i am palestinian and i live in khanyounis i am a student at mohammed -2
high school i live in an apartment on the third floor it's got three al – dora
sitting room two bathrooms and a kitchen there is a bedrooms a
building so we buy all our needs from it there are supermarket next to our
of the town where we usually go shopping near lots of shops in the middle
coffee shop there is a park in its south but them there are restaurants and
too far from our house there are all means we rarely go to it because it is
buses and taxis however it is too crowded of transport in our town such as
especially in rush hour and traffic is very difficult
telephoned mr ali mr jack -3
flight number is ja144 it leaves at 11.30 he mr ali is going to Jordan his -4
will go through gate no 1
works at a school in gaza he teaches ali is a teacher of english he -5
students english to high school
palestine next tuesday is dr amr coming to -6
take her to jerusalem hoda's father said that he would -7
next week asked soha are you going to visit mrs huda -8
gaza he said ive been to -9
asia elephants are found in africa and -10
haven’t have you ever been to the zoo in rafah no i -11
bus what will happen if ali doesn’t catch the -12
hasn’t has ali fed the chickens yet no he -13
today ahmed isn’t at school -14
ben london has a big clock called big -15
china is a huge country in asia -16
elkhateeb have you heard of -17
team in the elkhateeb was the manager of the Egyptian -18
world cup in 1990
you go in holidays jamal maher wher did -19
palestine farming is very important in -20
whats the problem -21
) Exercise ( 22
-: complete sentences Use the following verbs in ***
..………………………………: plays -1
.…………………………………………: play -2
.………………………………: go -3
.………………………………: goes -4
.………………………………: went -5
……………………………: write -6
………………………………: wrote -7
…………………………………: swim -8
.……………………………………………: is speaking -9
..……………………………………………: have lived -10
...……………………………………………: had arrived -11
.…………………………………………………: will visit -12
...………………………………………………: was reading -13
……………………………………………: send -14
...…………………………………………: can climb -15
...………………………………………: should go -16
...……………………………………………: open -17
.………………………………………: closed -18
……………………………………………: sing -19
.………………………………………: buy -20
...……………………………………………: bought -21
..………………………………………………: will buy -22
.…………………………………………: has visited -23
………………………………………………: were sleeping -24
.…………………………………: sell -25
.………………………………………: drank -26
..…………………………………: leave -27
.………………………………………: live -28
.…………………………………………: travel -29
………………………………………: visit -30
.…………………………………………: drink -31
...………………………………………: read -32
..…………………………………………: sleep -33
………………………………………: dream -34
.………………………………………… : eat -35
) Exercise ( 23
- : Complete the table ***
Pronouns Possessive
Possessive Pronouns
Adjectives Object
Pronouns Subject Pronouns
I mine
yourself you You
his He
her She
itself its It
We us
theirs They
) Exercise ( 24
- : Complete the table ***
Noun Adjective Noun Adjective
animal dangerous clever
mad beautiful man
tall hot
good sad
expensive happy
film exciting long
short big girl
) Exercise ( 25
-: Read the descriptions and fill in the table ***
and very Ali is a cheerful , thirteen years old Palestinian . He is quite tall -1
big well-built . He has got a round face and short black hair . He has got
. brown eyes and strong white teeth . He likes sport and music
Size and shape
etc , Face , Hair
and has got an Soha is small , slim Lebanese . She is fourteen years -2
is very oval with a small nose and mouth . Her hair is quite short . She
hard-working and gets high marks at school . She likes History and
. Geography
Size and shape
Hair , etc , Face
He is twelve years old and he . Hany is a friendly , young , English boy -3
round face and quite long red is very tall and extremely thin . He has got a
He doesn't like sport , but . hair . He has got blue eyes and quite big ears
. he likes reading
Size and shape
Hair , etc , Face
Egyptian boy . He is tall and quite Basel is very polite , fifteen years old -4
very short black hair . He has got well-built . He has got a square face and
interested in Mathematics and big brown eyes and a small nose . He is
. science
Size and shape
Hair , etc , Face
) Exercise ( 26
-: questionnaire and answer the questions Look at Ali's answer to a ***
. Fri. Thurs. Wed. Tue. Mon. Sun. Sat
X X / / / / / Get up early
X X X X X X Play football /
Eat meat X X / X X X /
X X X X Eat fruits / / /
X X X / Eat vegetables / / /
X X X Eat sweets / X X /
X / X X X X X Go to cinema
dinner X X X X X X Cook /
Watch television / / / / / / /
X X X X X Read stories / /
X X X X Listen music X / X
X X / X X X Read magazines /
. get up early ? He gets up early five times a week How often does he -1
? play football How often does he -2
? How often does he eat meat -3
? fruits How often does he eat -4
? How often does he eat vegetables -5
? sweets How often does he eat -6
? How often does he go to cinema -7
? dinner How often does he cook -8
? How often does he watch television -9
? read stories How often does he -10
? How often does he listen music -11
? read magazines How often does he -12
) Exercise ( 27
-: questionnaire and answer the questions Look at Hany's answer to a ***
. Fri. Thurs. Wed. Tue. Mon. Sun. Sat
X X X X X X / Get up early
X X / / / / Play basketball /
X Eat meat X X / X X /
X X Eat fruits / / / / /
X X X / Eat vegetables / / /
X / X X X Eat sweets X /
Go to cinema / / / / / / /
dinner X X Cook / / / / /
Watch television / / / / / / /
X X X X X X X Read stories
X Listen music / / / / / X
X X X X X X X Read magazines
. get up early ? He gets up early once a week How often does he -1
? football How often does he play -2
? How often does he eat meat -3
? fruits How often does he eat -4
? How often does he eat vegetables -5
? sweets How often does he eat -6
? How often does he go to cinema -7
? dinner How often does he cook -8
? How often does he watch television -9
? read stories How often does he -10
? How often does he listen music -11
? read magazines How often does he -12
) Exercise ( 28
-: questionnaire and answer the questions Look at Soha's answer to a ***
. Fri. Thurs. Wed. Tue. Mon. Sun. Sat
X / / / / / / Get up early
X X X X X X Play tennis /
Eat meat X / / X / X /
X / / X X Eat fruits / /
Eat vegetables / / / / / / /
X Eat sweets / / / X X /
X X X X X X X Go to cinema
dinner Cook / / / / / / /
X X X X X X / Watch television
Read stories / / / / / / /
X Listen music / / / / / X
X X X Read magazines / / / /
. she get up early ? She gets up early six times a week How often does -1
? she play football How often does -2
? How often does she eat meat -3
? she eat fruits How often does -4
? How often does she eat vegetables -5
? she eat sweets How often does -6
? How often does she go to cinema -7
? she cook dinner How often does -8
? How often does she watch television -9
? does she read stories How often -10
? How often does she listen music -11
? often does she read magazines How -12
) Exercise ( 29
-: to a questionnaire and answer the questions Look at Huda's answer ***
. Sun. Sat .Fri. Thurs. Wed. Tue. Mon
X X / / / / / Get up early
X X / / / / Play tennis /
X X X Eat meat / X X /
X X Eat fruits / / / / /
X X X / Eat vegetables / / /
X X / X X X Eat sweets /
X / X X X X X Go to cinema
dinner X X Cook / / / / /
Watch television / / / / / / /
X X Read stories / / / / /
X Listen music / / / / / X
X X Read magazines / / / / /
. she get up early ? She gets up early five times a week How often does -1
? she play football How often does -2
? How often does she eat meat -3
? she eat fruits How often does -4
? How often does she eat vegetables -5
? she eat sweets How often does -6
? How often does she go to cinema -7
? she cook dinner How often does -8
? How often does she watch television -9
? does she read stories How often -10
? How often does she listen music -11
? often does she read magazines How -12
) Exercise ( 30
-: join the two parts of the word Draw a line to ***
) 31 ( Exercise
‫ الصيف‬Autumn ‫ الخريف‬Winter ‫الشتاء‬
‫ الربيع‬Summer
-: Write the months according to their seasons ***
) Exercise ( 32
- : following words in the table Write the ***
desk – Afghanistan – doctor – – Palestine – teacher – student – monkey
farmer – cat – Egypt – – classroom – nurse – secretary – laboratory – dog
- mechanic – cow – tables – chairs
– soldier – Libya – computer – actor – engineer – Jordan
. Qatar – ox – USA – fox – France – lion – carpenter
-: Write ( 6 ) Arab countries ***
-4 -1
-5 -2
-6 -3
-: Write ( 6 ) Foreign countries ***
-4 -1
-5 -2
-6 -3
) Exercise ( 33
- : Find the names of seven languages ***
. ..……………………………… -1
. ..………………………………-2
. ..………………………………-3
. ..………………………………-4
. ..………………………………-5
. ..………………………………-6
. ..………………………………-7
) Exercise ( 34
-: correct boxes Write the plural of these nouns in the ***
) 35 ( Exercise
-: Write the plural of these nouns in the correct boxes ***
) Exercise ( 36
-: Write four words that are ***
………….…… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : People -1
….…………… .…………… ..……… ................... : Languages -2
……………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Things -3
……….……… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Nouns -4
………………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Verbs -5
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Preposition -6
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Adjectives -7
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Adverbs -8
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Pronouns -9
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Animals -10
……….… .………… ..…………… ..................... : Nationalities -11
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Hospitals -12
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Fruits -13
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Vegetables -14
….……………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Sports -15
…………… .…………… ..…………… ..................... : Furniture -16
.……………… .……………… ..…………… ..................... : Days -17
) Exercise ( 37
-: Write the short forms of these words ***
. .………………………… : I + am -1
. .………………………… : is + He -2
. .………………………… : She + is -3
. .………………………… : It + is -4
. .………………………… : You + are -5
. .………………………… : We + are -6
. .………………………… : are + They -7
. .………………………… : I + have -8
. .………………………… : He + has -9
. .………………………… : She + has -10
. .………………………… : It + has -11
. .………………………… : will + I -12
. .………………………… : He + will -13
. .………………………… : She + will -14
. .………………………… : It + will-15
. .………………………… : I + would -16
. .………………………… : I + had -17
. .………………………… : We + have -18
. .………………………… : have + You -19
. .………………………… : They + have -20
. .………………………… : is + not -21
. .………………………… : are + not -22
. .………………………… : will + not -23
. .………………………… : has + not -24
. .………………………… : have + not -25
. .………………………… : not + had -26
. .………………………… : was + not -27
. .………………………… : were + not -28
. .………………………… : would + not -29
. .………………………… : shall + not -30
. .………………………… : can + not -31
. .………………………… : that + is -32
. .………………………… : there + is -33
) Exercise ( 38
-: the spelling of these words Correct ***
.……………………… : biger : …………….............. 2- hoter -1
.…………………… : heavyer : ………………….. 4- happyer -3
.…………………… : noisyest -6 ……………………: coldder -5
.…………………… : fater : ……………………… 8- angryer -7
.……………………… : angryest : ………………….10- thiner -9
..…………………… : longger -12 ...……………… : shortter -11
.……………………… : largeer : …………………. 14- sadest -13
.…………………… : lateer : …………………… 16- largeest -15
‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
) 39 ( Exercise
-: Complete the table ***
Adjective Verb Noun Conjunction Preposition Adverb
) 40 ( Exercise
-: Find eight words in your city ***
) Exercise ( 41
adjectives , three pronouns and Find three nouns , three verbs , three ***
-: three prepositions
) Nouns ) ( Adjectives (
. .………………………… -1 . ……………………… -1
. .………………………… -2 . ……………………… -2
. ..………………………… -3 . ……………………… -3
) Verbs ) ( Pronouns (
. .………………………… -1 . ……………………… -1
. ..………………………… -2 . ……………………… -2
. ..………………………… -3 . ……………………… -3
) Prepositions (
. ……………………… -1
. ……………………… -2
. ……………………… -3
) Exercise ( 42
-: complete What are they interested in :- Read and ***
. cooking Ali is interested in music and History but he isn't interested in
in fishing Ramy is interested Art , music and English but he isn't interested
interested in Amjad is interested in Science and English but he isn't
. cooking
she isn't interested in Huda is interested in cooking , Math and History but
. fishing
Geography but she isn't Soha is interested in cooking , reading and
. interested in music and Art
Ramy Ali Soha Huda Amjad
) Exercise ( 43
-: Change into reported speech ***
" . Ali said , " I hate tea -1
" . phone is ringing Hud said , The -2
" . doctor Hany Ali said , " I have just seen -3
" ? He asked , " Do you like History -4
" ? Hany asked , " Have you ever been to USA -5
" ? Amjad asked , " Where do you live -6
job at Directorate of Ali asked Hesham ," Why did you apply for the -7
? Don't forget your books " , The teacher said -8
" ? repeat the question Ali said , " Please -9
. Huda asked me " ? Are you coming with us " -10
. I can swim . " he said " -11
" . Ahmed said to his brother , " Clean the car -12
..…………………………………………… Hany said to Ali , " Where are you go -14
" . Ali said to Ahmed , " I am going to play football -15
) 44 ( Exercise
-: Complete the following ***
. …….……………………………………………… , If it rains -1
. ..…………………………………… , If I lived in Alexandria -2
. …………………………………………… , If you study hard -3
. .……………………………… , house If I had bought a new -4
. ……………………………………………… , If he had a car -5
-: then answer the questions below , Read the following passage ***
from many different countries . A zoo is a place where we can see animals
country . In England there are There is usually at least one zoo in every
. five zoos . The biggest is in London
people don't like zoos . They think that it is cruel to keep wild Some
cages . Other people think that if the cage is large , the animals animals in
The animals have good food everyday and if they are ill . are not happy
. medicine . They don't have to worry a bout enemies they are given
animals often don't live for many years because they In the jungle small
larger animals . In a zoo these small animals are are killed and eaten by
. safe
therefore only the very large animals – lions , tigers and , It is probably
unhappy . They miss the wide open spaces where they bears - that are
. roam
enjoy a visit to a zoo . They usually prefer to look at large Most children
. in fact , these aren't always the most interesting animals although
zoo are very unkind to the animals . They throw Sometimes visitors to a
. things at them and tease them
-: A) Answer the following questions
? jungle not live for many years Why do small animals in the -1
? unhappiest animals in a zoo What are the -2
underlined word ( they ) in the second paragraph refers What does the -3
? to
? Why do some people dislike zoos -4
-: B) Choose the correct answer
.………………………… visiting a zoo usually prefer to look at Children -5
small animals -a- large animals b
c- fierce animals d- plants
..………………………………… are small animals in a zoo -6
a- safe b- unhappy c- in danger d- cruel
.………………… visitors to a zoo are cruel to animals because they some -7
b- open some of the cages a- look at cage
cages c- throw things at them d- put statues inside their
-: questions below Read the following passage , then answer the ***
a dog One evening a hungry fox came to a farm house . There was
outside it owner's house . It was tied to a rope . There was food near the
. dog . perhaps the dog wasn't hungry , so food remained long before it
hungry fox wanted to eat but it was afraid of the dog . The fox The
trick . It began to walk round the tree slowly . The angry wanted to play a
it but the rope wasn't long enough to reach the fox . dog wanted to attack
round the tree and the dog did the same thing As The fox went on walking
the tree , the rope got shorter and the dog walked round and round
the dog to reach the food . shorter . At last the rope was too short for
. Then the fox ate it up quickly and ran away
-: questions A) Answer the following
? the fox Why didn't the dog attack -1
? How can you prove that the fox was wise -2
? When did the fox eat the dog's food -3
? What does the underlined pronoun ( it ) refers to -4
-: B) Choose the correct answer
.………………………… put Food was -5
a- round the tree b- far from the dog
near the fox -c- near the dog d
.……………………… The fox wanted to -6
round the tree a- eat anything b- walk
c- attack the dog d- enter the farm house
. was intelligent enough to ………………….. the dog The fox -7
a- accompany b- attack
help d- trick -c
-: passage , then answer the questions below Read the following ***
becoming famous one day or another . Everyone of us dreams of
enjoy great fame . Film Sportsmen and champions of games and sports
world . They have stars , singers and musicians are known all over the
photographs on admires and fans who send them letters and hang their
. the walls of their houses
presidents , politicians and great men are The rulers of the world , kings
and wide . Anyhow , fame isn't famous people and their fame goes far
. and suffering easily obtained but it is the result of hard work
busy and full of But the life of famous people isn't an easy one . It is very
they are troubles and responsibilities . They appear smiling but in fact
unhappy , and their time is arranged for them . Newspapers and
magazines write about them and sometimes about their private lives and
annoys them . Though fame has its troubles , a great number of this
. get fame people desire to
-: A) Answer the following questions
? become famous When does a person -1
? Why it is not easy to become famous -2
? Why are the famous people not happy sometimes -3
? What does the underlined pronoun ( it ) refers to -4
-: B) Choose the correct answer
…………………………… people may appear smiling although Famous -5
b- their fame has gone far and wide a- they have admires and fans
. time is arranged for them c- they are far from being happy d- their
..………………………… Famous people are annoyed when -6
and fans a- they are well known all over the world b- they have admirers
hung on the c- their private lives are talked about d- their photographs are
..……………………… Their time is arranged for them . This means -7
wide a- they are free to do what they like b- their freedom is far and
like c- they have free time as they like d- they aren't free to do what they
-: the questions below Read the following passage , then answer ***
records are common People often collect things . Stamps , books and
have ever seen things they like to collect . But the strangest collection I
. belongs to a man who possess 1500 clocks
every room of his house . the Living room is There are clocks in
been filled with clocks . As there is not surrounded by shelves which have
has filled several trunks and enough room for so many clocks the man
everyday about the work store them in the garage . His wife complains
clocks . She also she has to do for it isn't easy to dust several hundreds
her opinion complains about the noise . Each clock keeps its own time . In
, however , there is sometimes even worse than dust and noise . Even
. with so many clocks around , she never knows what time it is
-: the following questions A) Answer
? Does each clock keep the same time -1
? What does his wife complain of -2
? What is the main idea in this passage -3
? What does the underlined word ( them ) refers to -4
-: B) Choose the correct answer
often like to collect ( birds and clocks – records and clothes – People -5
) records – shelves and trunks stamps and
room – in every room – in more The man has put the clocks ( in one -6
) than one room – in no room
. has to ( dust – keep – store – sell ) hundreds of clocks The wife -7
-: then answer the questions below , Read the following passage ***
a light meal and some drinks . Once I invited some of my friends to have
We went into the first . They agreed to my idea as all of us were hungry
a cool drink . cafeteria on the way . Each of us had some sandwiches and
money Then came the time of payment . To my astonishment , I found no
in my pocket . I had changed my trousers and forgot to take the money .
face turned red . I didn't know what to do . I asked my friends if they My
money , but the money they had wasn't enough to pay the pill . The had
angry and wanted to take us to the police . To our good waiter became
to have coffee . I told him about our bad luck , my cousin came in
waiter who thought that we were situation . He smiled and paid the
. thieves
-: questions A) Answer the following
? Why did the writer and his friends get into the cafeteria -1
? How did the writer find himself without money -2
? How did the cousin help them -3
? What does the underlined word ( they ) refers to -4
-: B) Choose the correct answer
…………………… wanted to take them to the police because The waiter -5
they were thieves -a- they ate sandwiches b
sandwiches and the c- they had a cool drink d- they didn't pay for the
..…………………… because At first the writer couldn't pay the pill -6
a- he forgot the money at the cafeteria
the money at home in other trousers b- he forgot
cousin c- he forgot the money with his
d- he forgot the money with his friends
..……………………… came into the cafeteria The writer's cousin -7
a- to help his cousin
thieves b- to catch the
c- to have coffee
d- to meet his cousin
-: Read the following passage , then answer the questions below ***
Buses have a number and name of their destination on the front .
like 6 or 27 are pronounced in the normal way but 143 for Numbers
. three example is one four
because When you pay your money you get a ticket , you must keep this
fare an inspector might want to see it . Try to give the conductor the exact
. You tell the conductor or the driver where you want to go and tells you
how much it costs . If you already know how much it costs you can just
ticket of that price . In some towns , tickets are more expensive ask for a
. at rush hour
. The extra price is called a surcharge
services between large towns . Coach There is also a network of coach
rail , but may take longer . The journeys are often cheaper than going by
station in most towns , where national coach service has offices at the bus
. you can get information
-: following questions A) Answer the
? What is the difference between a bus and a coach -1
? has on the front What use are the number and the name which a bus -2
? pronounced Write this bus number as it is -3
? Give suitable title to the passage -4
-: B) Choose the correct answer
. the driver is also the ………………………… on the bus Sometimes -5
a- inspector b- station master
c- conductor d- mechanic
..……………………… Rush hour " , line 8 , means " -6
a- last hour b- heavy traffic
hour c- first hour d- sleeping
.…………………………… The word ( this ) in line 4 , refers to -7
money b- the ticket a- the
c- the fare d- the bus
-: Read the following passage , then answer the questions below ***
having a car has many advantages . Cars also have brought No doubt
such as accidents , parking and pollution . Scientists about some problems
. them hard to solve always try
you Many studies have shown that it is better to wear your seat belt when
injury are traveling in a car . Seat belts greatly reduce the risk of death or
. in an accident . However many people still don't wear seat belts
Researchers have found several reasons for this . Some people feel
with the seat belt . They are afraid of being trapped in the uncomfortable
Others don't think that the seat belt can protect them . . car in an accident
. people have no power over their fate they believe that
new . A number of different car The idea of a small electric car isn't
a French company has , manufacturers already sell such cars . But now
button , you can designed a very special kind of electric car . By pushing a
These cars . make it fold up . The back of the car folds into the car body
were designed mainly for use in cities . They have several advantages
over regular cars . Their small size makes them much easier to drive
narrow streets . They are also much easier to park in city around busy
. parking spaces
Like other electric cars these cars don't pollute the air . This is an
important consideration these days when many cities have serious
. problems pollution
-: A) Answer the following questions
? not wear seat belts Why do some people -1
? environment How do electric cars benefit -2
? cars over regular ones – What are the advantages of new folding -3
? are useful ? Why Do you think seat belt -4
-: B) Choose the correct answer
.……………………………… Folding cars are -5
c- electric d- battery – driven a- petrol – powered b- old fashioned
.………………………… The passage states that many people -6
belts a- always wear seat belts b- are agreed about using seat
belts c- are convinced of using seat belts d- have great doubts about seat
The underlined word ( risk ) in the second paragraph means -7
a- danger b- crime c- event d- robbery
-: Read the following passage , then answer the questions below ***
The present age has witnessed a great change in the ways of living , no
longer do young men depend on the government jobs . Builders ,
plumbers and electrician earn a lot of money . Therefore , we , carpenters
. in what young men aim to find great change
those who find The Ministry of Education tries to give a hand to
technical themselves ready to work in these fields by training them in
schools . They require the right way to get skill in a job and become
efficient in it . However , they have to bear in mind that success isn't easy
get . They should not lose hope quickly . They should have enough to
. continue until they reach their goals patience to
-: questions A) Answer the following
? Which is better to find work in the government or outside it -1
the problem of lack of How does the Ministry of Education try to solve -2
? skilled labour
? of advice does the writer give the young men What piece -3
-: Choose the correct answer )B
. more money According to the passage …………………. Earns much -4
a- a government employee b- a plumber
d- a student c- a company official
…………………… What the Ministry of Education is carrying out is -5
a- completely right b- wholly wrong
somewhat wrong -c- of no great value d
..………………………………… An electrician is the person who -6
fixes pipes b- paint walls -a
technology c- fits lights d- teaches
-: passage , then answer the questions below Read the following ***
good manners " from the time we are very " Our parents try to train us in
with our mouths full , not to reach young . So we are taught not to speak
and so on . But the essence of , across the table in front of someone else
visiting or telephoning good consideration for other people . If we avoid
to disturb them . people at unsuitable times , it is because we don't want
needs help and If we help an old lady in the bus it is because we see she
taught we are willing and able to give it . Good manners can't always be
– people who had very little advice from their parents may be better
mannered than those who had a great deal . Consideration for others
naturally to some people and is the mark of civilization as the old comes
" . proverb says : " Manners make a man English
-: questions A) Answer the following
? When do parents train us in good manners -1
? What is the essence of good manners -2
? What shows that a person is civilized -3
-: B) Choose the correct answer
……………………… across the table in a front of someone else is Reaching -4
bad manners -a- good manners b
c- consideration for him d- the best manners
.…………………………… Consideration for others -5
taught a- is always taught b- is never
c- comes naturally d- is bad manners
.…………………… It is good manners -6
the bus a- to visit people at unsuitable times b- to help an old lady in
times c- to speak with our mouths full d- to telephone people at unsuitable
..………………………… A person who considered others is -7
b- uncivilized a- civilized
c- bad – mannered d- ill – mannered
) 10 (
-: Read the following , then complete the table ***
to England . His flight number is HI 211 . It leaves at 11.30 Mr. Ali is going
. through gate No 3 . He will go
It leaves at . Mr. Samy is going to London . His flight number is NB 300
. 12.55 . He will go through gate No 4
Destination Flight Name Gate Departure time
) 11 (
-: following then complete the table Read the ***
afternoon , four o'clock her in Hello . My name is Mary . It's Saturday
booking for a party of London . I am ringing to ask Heba to confirm a
th to the 20th . 9 thirty people at the International Hotel from December
. My number is 0022115984654 . Thanks a lot
to Message
Contact number
) 12 (
-: Read the following , then complete the table ***
message to Mr. Ali at nine o'clock a.m. He wants to meet Mr. John sends a
p.m. to discuss the best way of exporting paper to at his hotel at four
. is 002589674325 . Thanks a lot London . His telephone number
Message to
Contact number
) 13 (
-: complete the table Read the following , then ***
a table and three , Ali booked a single room at a hotel . It has a big bed
hotel because it chairs . He wanted to stay for three weeks . He liked this
. it was near the supermarket . Taxis and buses are available near
Kind of room
The length of stay
room Contents of the
Why he liked it
Means of transport
) 14 (
-: the following passage , then answer the questions below Read ***
a king decided to give a great reward to the man who , Once upon a time
A lot of people went to the kin's palace to . had served his country most
king a gold gun another a box of jewelry watch that . A man brought the
king liked other three men the best . and a third an Arab Horse . But the
successful teacher and the third The fires was clever doctor , the second a
discoveries . While the king was a great scientist who had many useful
the reward , a woman came thinking about which of the three men to get
. near to him . He asked her
anything to show us ?" " She answered ," No , but these Have you got "
and I've come to see who will win the reward . " three men are my sons
Give these great presents to this lady " , The king , at once , called out
. men ! " It was a big real diamond who has given birth to these great
-: A) Answer the following questions
? Why did the king give the woman a big diamond -1
? What are the jobs of the woman's three sons -2
? What did the first men bring the king -3
-: B) Choose the correct answer
……………… wanted to give a reward to the best man who had The king -4
most b- brought him jewelry c- brought him a gold a- served his country
..…………………… to the king's palace to The woman went -5
getting the reward c- show the king a- get the reward b- watch her sons
…………………………… refers to ) The underlined word ( It -6
present a- the gold gun b- the Arab horse c- the king's
) 15 (
-: answer the questions below Read the following passage , then ***
a way . The dog ran fast Once a dog took a loaf from the baker's and ran
passed by a canal because it didn't want to be chased . On his way it
had to cross where there was a bridge . In order to get to other bank , it
looked into the canal on the bridge . While it was on the bridge , the dog
It . the water . Of course it saw itself there with a loaf in its mouth
thought that there was another dog with a loaf of bread . The dog was
so it opened its mouth to take the other piece of bread . Doing this greedy
loaf fell into the water and so instead of two loaves for itself , the ,its own
. dog got none foolish
-: A) Answer the following questions
? fast Why did the dog run -1
? to What does the underlined word ( this )refers -2
-: B) Choose the correct answer
..………………… get to the other bank , the dog had to In order to -3
run on the bridge -a- swim across the canal b
c- jumped into the water d- drink all the water
. greedy dog thought that there was …….. dog with a loaf of bread The -4
b- other c- others d- the other a- another
………………… should not be This story teaches us a good lesson . One -5
a- good b- greedy c- gentle d- great
) 16 (
-: Read the following and complete the table ***
an engineer in London was born in Khanyounis in Ali Kamal who works as
and swimming , he spends most holidays 1965 . As he very fond of music
. on the beach
of work Place
Place of birth
) 17 (
-: following passage , then answer the questions below Read the ***
was very successful and has brought Egypt great The Aswan Dam project
side effects. These effects were well benefits, but it has had major
Several resulted from holding .understood but others were unexpected
fertile. Without these back the rich sediments that used to keep the land
.fertilizers farmers have to spend money heavily on artificial
the coast Some of the sediments had previously traveled all the way to
sea and had added to the natural sea defenses every year. Moreover, tiny
.creatures had fed on them and fish had gathered to feed on them in turn
When the sediments disappeared, this food chain collapsed and so did the
.industry fish
weigh these ' Today, we try to work out effects, before a project starts and
to Egypt costs carefully against' the likely benefits. In fact, the benefits
.have been far greater than the problems
-: following questions A) Answer the
?fertilizers Why do Egyptian farmers have to buy artificial.1
had three benefits according Before building the Aswan Dam sediments.2
……………………………………………… ?the text . What are these benefits
-:B) Do as required
: what do the following words refer to A. According to the text
…………………… : ) these" line (3".2 ………………………… :)others" line(2".1
.........………………… : )7 (them" line(7 ) : ………………………… 4."did" line".3
: ) lines(9,10 "weigh these costs against the likely benefits"5
-: mean the following B. Find word(s) in the text that
not natural 3…………..…….. : advantages : .………………1
.system by which living things feed on others : .…..…………………2
Decide whether this statement is true or false : T F .C
sediments used to save money for the farmers. T F According to the text.1
) 18 (
-: Read the following passage , then answer the questions below ***
change. Normal life never stays normal for long simply because it is full of
positively Stress is our reaction to change – all change, whether we see it
.or negatively
leading to feeling like Most people think stress is a negative reaction
that helps us deal well anxiety. However, it can also be a positive reaction
.with change
situation, but also on attitudes to Stress reactions depend not only on the
can affect two people very – it. The same situation - a driving test, say
experiences a positive stress differently. One person is confident, so he
to success. The other lacks reaction – active concentration – and this leads
worry – take over. These confidence. Negative stress reactions – fear and
likely. We need emotions easily turn to panic, and failure becomes more
energetic. some stress in our lives. It can make us feel more alive and
there is Without it, life would be very boring. Problems only develop when
.too much negative stress
-: A) Answer the following questions
?What is meant by stress .1
?stress What creates .2
?life Why is stress part of everyday .3
...……………………………………What does stress do to .4
?What happened to the confident driver .5
?need stress Why do we .6
?refer to What does the underlined pronoun It .7
?facing stress situations Why is it important to be confident in .8
-: correct answer B) Choose the
According to the passage stress is considered very .9
a. unnecessary b. unimportant c. normal d. suitable
closest meaning for the word "anxiety" in the third line is A .10
worry b. happiness c. sadness d. refusal .a
have a lot of positive stress, you will According to the passage, if you .11
.……………… be very
annoyed c. embarrassed d. pleased .a. furious b
:c. Find from the passage
..……………… word that means: a. usual ……………….… b. Pressure A .12
…………… d. attentiveness ..………………… c. lively
.……………… happiness .The opposite of: a. difficult ……………….. b .13
..……...…………… c. interesting …………….. d. death
) 19 (
-: then complete the table below , Read the following passage .2
earth. We know about them Dinosaurs lived before man existed on
lived near the water. because we have found their bones. Some dinosaurs
grass while Some lived on dry land. We know that some dinosaurs ate
and others ate animals. Most dinosaurs are gigantic. They had long necks
.very long tails. They liked water and stayed in it as much as they could
They found much of their food in the water. After millions of years,
happened to them. Suddenly they died out and no one knows something
Dinosaurs existed .1
Dinosaurs shape .2
Place of their living .3
Their food .4
Reasons for their death .5
) 20 (
-: then answer the questions , Read the notes ***
Soha Message to
Sara From
day Tuesday
Eight o'clock Time
Message Recommended a five Star Hotel downtown Cairo
Contact number 002255899685858
-: A) Answer the following questions
? Who sent the message and to whom -1
? When was the message sent -2
? What did Sara want -3
? How could Soha contact her -4
) 21 (
-: Read the following passage , then complete the table below .2
tall . .Ali Kamal is a Palestinian . He is forty – five years old . He is 1.91m
He works as an engineer in an oil company . He is interested in drawing
and playing tennis . His wife is a housewife . He has got Four sons and a
. daughter
Number of family
) 22 (
-: complete the table Read the following , then ***
It leaves at . 200 Mr. Ramy is going to France . His flight number is GY
. 13.25. He will go through gate No 5
to England . His flight number is KJ 240 . It leaves at Mr. Ashraf is going
. through gate No 6 14.00 . He will go
Gate Departure time Destination Flight Name
) 23 (
-: the questions below Read the following passage , then answer ***
houses are Dangerous fires take place in Egyptian villages . Most
fire constructed of wood and the roofs are made of straw which catches
easily . Moreover the houses are near one another , so the wind carries
sparks from one burning into the roofs of the others , thus causing the the
spread rapidly . The villagers themselves are careless in lighting fire to
and in the use of lamps , besides , they have little training in their ovens
. fire fighting
-: Choose the correct answer ***
..……………………… because Fire often take place in village -1
. a- the houses are near one another
. carries sparks b- the wind
. c- most houses are built of wood and straw
..………………………… farmers are sometimes to blame for The -2
. a- helping fires to spread
. b- lighting the fire
. c- being careless in using their ovens
..…………………………… The fire spread rapidly because -3
the villagers are careless c- the fire is strong -a- the wind helps to do so b
..…………………………… The wind carries -4
a- fire b- sparks c- burning
..………………………… trained in The farmers should be -5
their lamps a- fire fighting b- lighting their ovens c- using
) 24 (
-: questions below Read the following passage , then answer the ***
cottage with a big Many people like to lead a quiet life in a small country
live in tired garden where they can grow all they need to eat . People who
breathe of rushing to work with others in crowded buses or trains . They
. air mixed with the smoke of factories and traffic
on the other hand is easier . People who live there can Life in a village
their vegetables and fruits , keep chickens to walk to work . They grow
goat to supply them with fresh milk provide them with eggs and even a
-: questions A) Answer the following
? What kind of life do people in towns like to live -1
? daily life How do people in towns suffer during their -2
? in this passage What two kinds of life are contrasted -3
. passage in two sentences in about 30 words Give the substance of the -4
The parts of the letter *** <
: consists of the following parts A letter ***
Ending Body Beginning Heading
How to write a letter
: The Heading -1
the date ) appears at the top right – hand corner of the the address and (
. page
-: address consists of The ***
. street a- the number of the house and the name of the
. b- the name of the quarter
. c- the name of the city
name of the country ( only when you are writing to someone who d- the
) lives abroad
-: The date in full comes under the address ***
th Jan , 2007 OR Jan 17th , 200714 : Examples ***
-: follows The days of the month are written as
st 2nd 3rd 21st 22nd 23rd 31st1
-: ) of the month end with (- th The remaining days ***
th 5th 6th 12th 20th 24th 30th4
-: The following months of the year are written in full ***
July June May April March
-: The remaining months are written ***
.Dec. Nov. Oct. Sep. Aug. Feb. Jan
. ) , ( address is followed by Each line of the ***
. ) . ( followed by The last line of the address is ***
. We don't put ( , / . ) after the date ***
-: The Beginning -2
the page . It always It is written below the date on the left – hand of ***
) , ( end with
-: How to begin a letter ***
-: Friends should be addressed by their first names -1
Examples :- Dear Ramy / Dear Ali / Dear Huda / Dear John ***
) a letter with the words ( Dear Friend Don't begin ***
-: relatives , you may begin When you are writing to our -2
, Dear Father , / Dear mother , / Dear brother
, Dear Sister , / Dear Uncle Ali , / Dear Aunt Rasha
) Dear Cousin ) OR ( Dear Cousin Ali ) BUT ( Dear Ali ( But never ***
-: you don't know very well For a person ***
, Miss Brown Dear Mr. John , / Dear Mrs. Smith , / Dear
-: The Body -3
-: a) The Introduction (
. first paragraph of your letter . It comes after the beginning It is the
-: Opening Phrases Some ***
. I have some wonderful news for you -1
..……………………………………… glad to hear from you I was -2
. you are well I was very pleased to learn that -3
………………………………… I am very much obliged to you for -4
.……………………………… you for letting me know that Thank -5
…………………………………………… What a surprise it was to -6
..………………………………………… It gives me much pleasure -7
.……………………………… Forgive me for letting me know that -8
……………………………………………… I was glad to learn that -9
. I was glad to receive your kind letter -10
..………………………………………… very kind of you to It was -11
…………………………… but , Forgive me for not writing earlier -12
.…………………………………………… I beg to inform you that -13
………………………… was grieved me very much to learn that It -14
-: Example ***
,Ali Dear
. I was very pleased to learn that you are well
-: b ) The Purpose (
( . It comes after the introduction . you must explain why you are writing
) . It is the most important part of the letter
-: c ) The Conclusion (
. The last paragraph of the letter should take the form of a polite wish
-: Some Phrases for Conclusion ***
. Remember me to all -1
. best wishes With my -2
. I am looking forward to see / hear you soon -3
. regards to all at home My best -4
..…………………………… Please give me love to -5
. very sorry for all troubles has caused you I am -6
.………………………… I am anxious about your -7
. With my hearty good wishes -8
-: The Ending -4
-: For Friends -1
. Yours sincerely , OR Yours
-: Relatives For -2
) ..…………………… / Your loving ( son / brother
A letter
. ‫*** العنوان الذي يكتب هو عنوان المرسل‬
letters Model
: Reply
-: write a suitable reply Read the following letter and ***
. Gaza , Ali's address is 14 Al – Bahar Street , Khanyounis
The Reply
-: Exercise
letter to your friend Hany telling him a bout the hobbies you Write a -1
. spare time practise in your
Garden City , Your name is Ahmed and you live at 12 Ahmed Sabry Street
. , Cairo
Write a letter to your pen friend Jack inviting him to visit Palestine -2
. the summer holiday during
Rafah , Gaza , Your name is Shady and you live at 11 Al – Bahar Street
. Strip
Write a letter to your friend Jamal who lives in Aswan inviting him -3
. party you will make on the occasion of your birthday to a
and you live at 12 Omar Al – Moukhtar Street , Gaza Your name is Tarek
. Strip
Write a letter to your uncle Ali thanking him for the present he sent to -4
. the occasion of your success you on
Palestine Street , Rafah , Gaza you live at 15 Your name is Maher and
. Strip
. Your classmate Ali is ill at home . Write a letter to him -5
Ashraf and you live at 13 Naser Street , Khanyounis , Gaza Your name is
. Strip
. Read the following letter from Ali , then write a reply to it -6
. Amjad and you live at 13 Al – Remal Street , Gaza Your name is
. your birthday , and I wish to offer you a present Next Friday will be
would prefer . Think it over and tell me about your I don't know which you
. forward to see you choice . I am looking
, Yours sincerely
Write a letter to your English friend John, inviting him to visit you in -7
Palestine and spend two weeks with you in Gaza. Tell him about some of
places and sights that you are going to show him in Gaza famous
..Gaza ,you live at 50 Al Nasser Street Your name is Ali and
Your friend Adel has passed the exam getting very high marks . Write a -8
. congratulate him on his success letter to
. Sabra Street , Gaza Your name is Majed and you live at 18
-: Translate into Arabic -1
some young men to do Money is the source of every evil . It encourages
crimes such as bad habits . Moreover , it urges some people to commit
they do such , theft , violence , forgery and murder . For obtaining money
. things which may lead them to prison
money ‫ المال‬commit ‫يرتكب‬
source ‫ مصدر‬evil ‫شر‬
violence ‫ العنف‬forgery ‫التزوير‬
murder ‫ القتل‬prison ‫السجن‬
encourages ‫ يشجع‬urges ‫ يدفع‬/ ‫يحث‬
-: Translate into Arabic -2
our teachers and all those who are old and , We must obey our parents
longer in the world than we have and wiser than we are . They have lived
They have learnt by experience . have learned the best and what is right
. and can lead us in the right way
obey ‫ يطيع‬lead ‫يقود‬
right ‫ صواب‬right way ‫الطريق الصحيح‬
experience ‫ خبرة‬lived ‫عاشوا‬
-: Arabic Translate into -3
like People spend their spare time in different ways . While some people
. watching TV , others enjoy reading books and magazines
spend ‫ يقضى‬different ‫مختلف‬
ways ‫ طرق‬magazines ‫مجالت‬
-: Translate into Arabic -4
encourages students to read more and more so Ministry of Reading of all
. the school libraries with different useful books Education has provided
encourage ‫ يشجع‬library ‫مكتبة‬
ministry ‫ وزارة‬provide ‫يزود‬
-: Translate into Arabic -5
the most important thing in our life . Therefore , we should spend Time is
. time in a useful way to succeed in life our spare
time ‫ الوقت‬life ‫الحياة‬
succeed ‫ ينجح‬spare time ‫وقت الفراغ‬
-: Translate into Arabic -6
is trying to help the youth to depend on themselves . It The government
their small projects which they can successfully carry offers them fund for
. out
government ‫ الحكومة‬depend ‫يعتمد‬
help ‫ تساعد‬project ‫مشروع‬
-: Translate into Arabic -7
learn a lot by traveling abroad . At school we learn geography We can
us about other countries . When we visit a foreign country , we and it tell
. different kind of life and listen to new ideas a
learn ‫ يتعلم‬foreign ‫أجنبي‬
travel ‫ يسافر‬ideas ‫أفكار‬
-: Translate into Arabic -8
and work have The conditions of education , housing , transport
job , have changed all over the world . Now it is very difficult to find a
a house or flat of you own
education ‫ التعليم‬transport ‫المواصالت‬
housing ‫ اإلسكان‬difficult ‫صعب‬
-: Translate into Arabic -9
the real power of any country . They should serve their Youth are
war . In peace , they take an active part in the battle country in peace and
. time of war , they fight bravely of production . In
youth ‫ شباب‬peace ‫سالم‬
serve ‫ يخدم‬war ‫حرب‬
-: Arabic Translate into-10
services The progress of any nation depends greatly on its youth and the
in they do for the good of their country . A youth can serve his country
. various ways . He can take part in the industrial projects of his country
progress ‫ تقدم‬industrial ‫صناعى‬
nation ‫ أمة‬project ‫مشروع‬
-: Translate into Arabic -11
wrong if you think money can buy You are
-: Arabic Translate into -12
. Folk stories often teach us something about life
-: Translate into Arabic -13
goal in life . First decide what your goal is . Then think It is good to have a
. achieve it about how you can
>/ br
-: Translate into Arabic -14
. Money makes the world go round . Everybody wants it and works for it
Nobody can live without it . Our simplest needs and our wildest dreams
connected with money . Although everyone agrees that there is are often
some people think that it is the root of all evil . , never enough money
all the world's problems . Money , however , can't Others think it will solve
make you comfortable , even if you are buy love or happiness but it
. unhappy
-: Translate into Arabic -15
his freedom makes Man is free by nature and everything that threatens
liberty ; liberty him angry . History is full of examples of man's struggle for
own way and to govern his country in his own way ; liberty to live in his
. liberty to express about his own thoughts
>/ br
-: Translate into Arabic -16
is a protection against hunger idleness is a source misery . Work hard
we enjoy a happy life . Foolish people don't , When we work hard
. work and industry understand the importance of hard
-: Translate into Arabic -16
There are lovely things . When you are in England , you must go sopping
clothes . A good you can buy to take home , like English material and
long and place to shop for clothes and souvenir is Oxford Street . This
. famous street in the centre of London