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The First Four
First Four Caliphs
Abu Bakr Al siddiq RA
Umar Alkhattab RA
Uthman Ibn Affan RA
Ali Ibn Abi talib RA
These four Khulafaa (pl. for Caliph) are
called the "Khulafaa-e-Rashidun" or the
"Rightly Guided Caliphs." Together, these
four Khulafaa ruled the Islamic State for
about 29 years. They are called "Rightly
Guided"because they ruled the people of
that time exactly according to the Holy
Quran and the commands of Sayyiduna
Rasulullah SAW.
After the Prophet’s SAW
What happened…
 Many
people panicked
 followers held a meeting to decide
who would become “caliph”
Caliph=successor, leader of Muslim community
 Abu
Bakr al Siddiq RA was chosen
But a small group wanted Ali RA
‫ابو بكر الصديق‬
‫رضي هللا عنه‬
Abu Bakr (A.D 632-634)
Close friend, early believer, prophet
Muhammad’s SAW father-in-law
False prophets
Parts of the empire began to break away
Reunited and expanded the empire
Restored calm to the empire
Passed away due to illness
‫عمر بن الخطاب‬
‫رضي هللا عنه‬
Umar RA(A.D. 634-644)
Initially resistant to Islam, later became a
close friend of Muhammad
Organizing the expanding empire
Continued expansion of the Empire
used tax money to pay for police, army, education,
Prophet’s family, orphans etc.
Arabia, Iraq, western Persia, Syria, Palestine, northern
Egypt, and Part of North Africa
Passed away by assasination
In a short space of 10 years, Sayyiduna Umar (radi Allahu anhu) had been
well-known for his outstanding achievements and reforms in Islam. Some of
these reforms were:1. He established the "Baitul Maal" (People's treasury for the state and
2. Judicial courts of Justice were set in the country. Judges and Magistrates
handled all cases.
3. Establishment of an army headquarters for the defence of the country.
4. Construction of roads and canals.
5. Schools were established. Salaries for Imams, Mu'azzins and Ustaads
were organized.
6. Masjids were improved and built in Makkatul Mukarramah and Madinatul
Munawwarah. This included facilities for the Haajis.
7. Police Stations and prisons were built.
8. Establishment of the first Islamic Lunar calendar beginning from the
9. Proper weights and measures introduced.
10. Population census established.
11. Built orphanages and welfare homes.
12. Established proper punishment system and banned slavery.
‫عثمان بن عفان‬
‫; رضي هللا عنه‬
Uthman RA
wealthy merchant and Muhammad’s son-inlaw
big gap between rich and poor
(A.D. 644-
Organized writing of the Qur’an
Continued to expand the Empire
killed by a group of angry Egyptian
Ali’s RA Caliphate and the
Division Between Sunnis and
Clan Rivalries
Umayyad Clan
Hashim Clan
Civil War Between Muslims
Mu’awiya RA vs. Ali RA
negotiators decided both men should resign
both continue ruling as caliph anyways
Mu’awiya rules over Syria and Egypt
Ali rules over Persia
rebels tribe tried to kill both guys
Mu’awiya gets away
Ali is assassinated
A Pivotal Point in Muslim History
A Pivotal Point in Muslim History
disagreements over caliphs
created the split between
Sunni Muslims and Shi’a
any religious Muslim
can be leader
supported rule of first
four caliphs
80% of world Muslim
only relatives of
Muhammad can be
leaders or Imams
only supported rule of
Mostly in Iran