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Unit 5, Lesson 2 Quiz Document (5 points each)
Do NOT write on this document. Choose the BEST answer choice.
1. I am the name for a species that only has a small number of members left alive and is in
danger of dying out.
a. extinct
b. endangered
c. population
d. community
2. I am an animal that survives in my ecosystem by hunting other organisms.
a. predator
b. prey
c. parasite
d. disease
3. I am what happens when a long period of time goes by with much less rain than normal.
a. flood
b. drought
c. dry spell
d. tsunami
4. I am an organism that lives, grows, and feeds on other organisms.
a. predator
b. prey
c. parasite
d. disease
5. I am what happens to an entire species when its last member dies.
a. extinction
b. endangered
c. population
d. threatened
6. the living factors of an ecosystem
a. a biotic
b. biotic
c. living
d. none of these
7. I am the ability of some living things to survive changes in an ecosystem by changing
their behavior and habits.
a. predation
b. mutualism
c. accommodation
d. relocation
8. The growth and survival of organisms is controlled by
a. limiting factors
b. climate
Unit 5, Lesson 2 Quiz Document (5 points each)
Do NOT write on this document. Choose the BEST answer choice.
c. weather
d. none of these
9. Which are natural events that can change an ecosystem?
a. tsunami, hurricane, and road construction
b. urban development and flood
c. flood, drought, and tsunami
d. none of the above
10. If a species is endangered, then it may
a. find a new place to live
b. change its food source
c. become extinct
d. all of these
11. Which is least likely to happen when an ecosystem changes?
a. all organisms will survive the change
b. some organisms will leave
c. some organisms will die
d. some organisms will enter the changed ecosystem
12. How would you organize these: volcano, pollution, forest fire?
a. types of pollution
b. effects of overpopulation
c. causes of deforestation
d. events that change an ecosystem
13. Which is accommodation?
a. an environments response to its climate
b. the buildup of pollution
c. an ecosystem’s response to overpopulation
d. an individual organism’s response to change in its ecosystem
14. Which could be a limiting factor?
a. too little water in the water hole
b. too many deer in the herd
c. too many wolves in the pack
d. all of the above
15. Called nonnatives, these organisms come from another ecosystem and can damage its new
a. immigrants
b. exotic species
c. participants
d. none of these
Unit 5, Lesson 2 Quiz Document (5 points each)
Do NOT write on this document. Choose the BEST answer choice.
16. The greatest danger to native species from a nonnative species is that the nonnative species
the native species.
a. relocate
c. outcompete
b. remove
d. sit beside
17. Half a deer population is killed off by disease. Which is a likely outcome?
a. the wolf population will decrease
b. the grass will stop growing
c. more wolves will move into the ecosystem
d. the wolf population will increase
18. Which is not an example of an organism changing its ecosystem?
a. beavers building a dam
b. parasites killing off bees
c. locusts destroying plants d. a tree falling in the woods
19. Which is a change most likely caused by people?
a. drought
b. volcanic eruption
c. introduction of exotic species
d. swarm of locusts
20. How can human beings help endangered animals?
a. enact laws to protect animals
b. set aside special land areas called preserves
c. introduce new species into their ecosystem
d. both a and b