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Teaching Notes
Review: Don’t teach tense sequencing (they either get it or they don’t). Move exam up
by one week.
9/30—Practice Exam & Study List
Thursday, Day 9, 9/25/03
1. Homework/Cards—a few, then collect (didn’t get to this)
2. Practice Exam is up!
3. Participles:
Reginald, convinced of his greatness as a poet, stored all his sonnets in a safety
deposit box.
Reverend Cooper, having failed to win the argument by appealing to faith,
decided he had better appeal to reason.
The next customer, trying to show what a wise and knowing fellow he was,
insisted on telling the waitress about his investments in gold and silver.
4. Absolute Phrases
The robot, his strength failing, reached for a can of spinach.
His confidence broken, he doubted whether he could ever again appear before an
His head swimming with disjunctive syllogisms, he still couldn’t believe that
formal logic had any relation to real life.
5. Verb sequences with infinitives:
Identify the infinitive: Does the infinitive phrase happen before, during, or after
the main verb?
present infinitive = to + verb (same time or future)
perfect infinitive = to + have + past participle (before)
Verb sequences with participles
Identify the participle verb happen before or at the same time as the main verb?
present participle = base + -ing (same time)
past participle = 3rd form (before)
present perfect participle = having + 3rd form (before)
Understand idea of style as prescriptive rules and individual voice
Identify components of a sentence
Identify subjects & verbs so we can later demonstrate that you can choose them well
For Tuesday, 9/30 Unit I Clarity & Correctness (Subjects & Verbs)
Read SMH5 Ch. 42.
Do Ex. 42.1, 42.2
 Keep preparing for exam on 10/2
 No cards until after the exam . . . .
Tuesday, Day8, 9/23/03
1. Homework Cards
2. Suggestions Follow up (practice exam & list)
3. Example of : joining two sentences: “We can draw only one conclusion from
these laboratory tests: Mr. Bentley’s fondness for homemade wine has ruined his
stomach>” (Review other ways of joining.
4. Sentence Variety (inversion, antithesis0
a. A. Adjectives in apposition “The children finally came home home,
exhausted and hungry.” Or “The guru sat before them for the entire
morning—silent, serene, oblivious to their questions.” Or “Mark is a
gullible young man, helpless against the pronouncement of every used car
salesman, politician, and latter-day prophet.”
5. Phrases & clauses as subjects & objects, gerunds & participles, modifiers (adj. or
adv.) or objects (nouns)
6. Exam practice
a. “In other cities, the department store died from undernourishment, from
white flight and the death of the inner city.” From Adam Gopnik, “Under
One Roof.”
b. For more than half a century, in New York particularly, department stores
presided over everything from Thanksgiving Parades and patriotic lectures
to Cubist exhibitions”
c. The old Lord & Taylor implies a rhythm of time, of women’s time, in
particular, a pace not slowed but purposeful and expansive: it takes a
morning and lunch, or tea and an afternoon, to make a survey of the
place.” From Adam Gopnik, “Under One Roof” NYer 9/22/03, pp. 92-94,
96, 103.
For Thurday: SMHF Ch. 41. Do Ex. 41.1, 41.2, 41.3, 41.4; keep preparting for exam; no
cards until after the exam.
Thursday, Day 7, 9/18/03
6. Homework/Cards—a few, then collect (didn’t get to this)
7. Quiz Suggestions:
a. You
b. List & get a practice exam; I’ll also try to work in hw review with new
material, whenever possible.
8. Groups: (papers, consent) Need to officially be enrolled in the class (didn’t get to
9. Sentence Variety: (didn’t get to this)
a. Antithesis: “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the
vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence
of the good people.” MLK Jr.
10. Exam practice:
a. Although Paula and Sara are twins, Sara says that few sisters have less in
common than Paula and (she/her)
b. The two violinists, Sergei and (he/him), played as though they had a single
musical mind.
c. Tomorrow (we/us) raw recruits will have our first on-the-job test.
d. When he was twenty-one, he wanted to become a millionaire by the age of
the thirty.
11. Joining independent clauses
Understand idea of style as prescriptive rules and individual voice
Identify components of a sentence
Identify subjects & verbs so we can later demonstrate that you can choose them well
For Tuesday, 9/23 Unit I Clarity & Correctness (Subjects & Verbs)
will no longer take homework done in class.
Read SMH5 Ch. 40.
Do Ex. 40.2
Keep preparing for exam on 10/2 . . . What do you need to work on
most??? Keep checking the site for the practice exam & list of terms . . .
 Cards Work for more complex structures (don’t be content with the easily
scanned simple sentence)! Find sentences that sound good!
 Side 1 = copy, parse, & classify
 Side 2 = imitate, parse, & classify
Tuesday, Day 6, 9/16/03
12. Quiz:
a. Zinsser: Without looking at your book, pick piece of advice that Z. offers
or one issue that he discusses. Be as specific as possible and make clear
why the advice seems sound or unsound to you
b. In your own words/voice—or using examples—define the following
grammatical terms: Coordinating conjunctions, subordinating
conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, Inversion
c. How prepared do you feel for the exam on 10/2? What’s giving you the
most grief?
13. Groups: (papers, consent) Need to officially be enrolled in the class (didn’t get to
14. Sentence Variety: (didn’t get to this)
a. Antithesis: “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the
vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appaling silence
of the good people.” MLK Jr.
15. Exam practice: (a) About football, he never worried. (b) We were all told to go
home. We were telling him to come clean.
16. Joining independent clauses
17. Cards—a few, then collect (didn’t get to this)
Understand idea of style as prescriptive rules and individual voice
Identify components of a sentence
Identify subjects & verbs so we can later demonstrate that you can choose them well
For Thursday, 9/18 Unit I Clarity & Correctness (Subjects & Verbs)
will no longer take homework done in class.
Read SMH5 Ch. 39.
Do Ex. 39.1
Continue to review Zinsser, Part I, PrinciplesKeep preparing for exam
on 10/2 . . . What do you need to work on most???
 Cards:
 Side 1 = copy, parse, & classify
 Side 2 = imitate, parse, & classify
Tuesday, Day 4, 9/9/03
18. Groups: (papers, consent) Need to officially be enrolled in the class
19. Exam practice
20. Sentence Variety: Inversion: “We did not really expect honesty in a public
official”-- “Honesty we did not expect in a public official.”
21. Groups: sentence combining prep. & infinitive phrases.
22. Review SMH5 31.8 exercises
23. Readings:
a. Atwood: specialized language
b. Zinsser—what interests do they have?
c. Strunk & White (history)
24. Cards—a few, then collect
Understand idea of style as prescriptive rules and individual voice
Identify components of a sentence
Identify subjects & verbs so we can later demonstrate that you can choose them well
For Thursday, 9/11 Unit I Clarity & Correctness (Subjects & Verbs)
 Read SMH5 pp.616-35.
 Do Ex. 33.4, 33.5, 33.6
 Reading “Thinking about Your Own Use of Verbs” & identify a passage
from your own work
 Start preparing for exam on 10/2 . . .
 Cards:
 Side 1 = copy, parse, & classify
 Side 2 = imitate, parse, & classify
Thursday, Day 3, 9/4/03
25. Collect Consent of Instructor (Written questions & papers)
26. Groups: sentence combining prep. & infinitive phrases.
27. Readings:
a. Atwood: specialized language
b. Zinsser—what interests do they have?
c. Strunk & White (history)
28. Review SMH5 31.7 exercises
29. Cards—a few, then collect
Understand idea of style as prescriptive rules and individual voice
Identify components of a sentence
Identify subjects & verbs so we can later demonstrate that you can choose them well
For Tuesday, 9/9 Unit I Clarity & Correctness (Subjects & Verbs)
 Read SMH5 pp.589-591.
 Do Ex. 31.8
 Type (classify) sentences in exercises 31.8
 Combine Sentences
 Cards:
 Side 1 = copy, parse, & classify
 Side 2 = imitate, parse, & classify
Tuesday, Day 2, 9/2/03
30. Consent of Instructor (Written questions back; collect papers)
31. Readings (many won’t have read; return to these on Thursday. Have those that
have alert others about what to look for, what’s interesting, etc.; review White &
Atwood, save Zinsser for Thursday.
32. Typing sentences
33. Review SMH5 31 exercises (1/2)
34. Cards—a few, then collect
Understand idea of style as prescriptive rules and individual voice
Identify components of a sentence
Identify subjects & verbs so we can later demonstrate that you can choose them well
For Thursday, 9/4 Unit I Clarity & Correctness (Subjects & Verbs)
 Type (classify) sentences in exercises 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, & 31.7
 Review Zinsser: Locate issues/places you want to discuss or highlight.
 Cards:
 Side 1 = copy, parse, & classify
 Side 2 = imitate, parse, & classify
Thursday, Day 1, 8/28/03
35. Review Syllabus
36. Consent of Instructor (Written questions
37. Start work on parsing
38. Group Work (Parse/imitate sentences from Atwood); introductions
Understand idea of style as prescriptive rules
Identify components of a sentence
Identify subjects & verbs so we can later demonstrate that you can choose them well