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NAME: Maya
Deep Space Mystery Note Form 2
1. Complete one form for each website that you use.
2. Copy and paste the website URL here:
Resource 2- April 14th 2011 Supernovae
3. Complete the table below (add more rows for additional paragraphs. Underline key information in the
original paragraphs. Write bullet points (nuggets) in your own words in the summary/comment column. Use
the guide questions column to keep track of your questions as you read.
4. Complete the summary paragraph.
Original Paragraphs
A supernova is an energetic explosive event, the
death of a massive star. There are different types of
supernova, and they are created in two different
ways. Astronomers have witnessed supernovae in
many nearby galaxies; however, they are relatively
rare events in our galaxy.
The star goes bang in the cosmic night, and after a
luminous and colourful display that lasts for weeks
or months it fades away from view. The giant star
runs out of fuel and collapses in on itself, and
ultimately the explosion leads to its death. Our Sun
is not massive enough to blow itself into pieces.
The Sun will expand to a red giant, turn into a
planetary nebula, white dwarf and eventually end
its life as a black dwarf.
There are different types of supernova, and they
are created in two different ways. When a star with
a mass a few times larger than our Sun runs out of
fuel towards the end of its lifetime, it turns into a
red super giant that collapses. If the star’s iron core
is massive, enough it will become a supernova.
This star ends up as a neutron star or even a black
hole. A neutron star is extremely dense, and it
contains the remains of the star’s compressed core
of a star which has exploded.
 Two types
 Supernovae have been seen
in our solar system before
but the are rare here
 They see supernovae in
nearby galaxies.
 Lasts for weeks.
 Collapses on itself.
 Sun will expand to a red
giant then a planetary
nebula and then a white
dwarf and then and then a
black dwarf.
 It is not big enough.
Different types, created in
different ways.
Some of the less bigger stars
turn into red super giants.
Ends up as neutron star of
black hole
Guide Questions
A supernova can also be created when a white
dwarf star has drawn enough material from a
companion star to raise its core temperature
enough to ignite carbon fusion.
The violent explosion of a massive star makes the
expanding gases to glow briefly and brightly.
During this short interval, a supernova can radiate
as much energy as our Sun could emit over its life
span. The explosion expels much or all of the star’s
material and causes a shock wave into the
surrounding interstellar medium. The interstellar
medium is the gas and dust that exists between the
stars within a galaxy.
Astronomers have witnessed supernovae in many
nearby galaxies; however, they are relatively rare
events in our galaxy. In a galaxy like the Milky
Way, it only occurs about once every 50 years.
Supernovae have been recorded as far back as 185
A.D., when Chinese astronomers recorded a shortlived star. Supernovae have played an important
role in superstition, and the appearance of a
supernova was taken as a sign to the end of the
world, or as a punishment of an angry God.
The last supernovae to be seen in the Milky Way
was Kepler’s Supernova which was first observed
in 1604 (also known as Supernova 1604 or
Kepler’s Star). Since then no supernova has been
indisputably observed in our galaxy, though many
outside our galaxy has.
The supernova remnant from Kepler’s Star is still
studied. A supernova remnant is what is left after
the explosion. The remnants play an important role
and all the elements heavier than boron is made in
either a star or a supernova explosion. The
remnants heat up the gas and dust between stars,
and distribute heavy elements throughout the
Galaxy. If it were not for the remnants there would
be no Sun or Earth, so we are made of stardust. We
are made of the same elements that stars are made
of, and these elements are released when a star
Another famous remnant is the Crab Nebula, which
exploded in 1054, and the Cygnus Loop. In 1987
there was a supernova explosion in the Large
Magellanic Cloud – Supernova 1987 A.
Astronomers learn about the size of the universe
Another type when a dwarf
star has drawn enough
material from another star,
then it has enough core
temperature to ingnite
carbon fusion.
Outshine an entire galaxy
Give out as much energy as
the sun can in a life time.
Shock wave is produced.
Witnessed supernovae in
other nearby galaxies.
Occurs here once every 50
Keplers supernova- 1604
That was the last one.
Remnants from that star are
still studied.
Remnants are what is left of
a supernova explosion.
Remnats heat up the gases
and dusts between the stars.
Supernovae place heavy
With out Remnats there
would be no sun no earth
and no us, because we are
made of some of the same
elements that stars are made
of and that stuff is released
with a star explodes.
Crab Nebula- 1054
Large Magellanic Cloud 1987
Created a lot of materials in
and the bodies in it when they are studying
supernovae. Supernovae created the materials in
the Solar System, and a supernova will probably
destroy our solar system.
the universe and will
probably destroy our solar
Summary Information
What is a Supernova
 Dying star
 Witnessed supernovae in other nearby galaxies.
 Occurs here once every 50 years.
 Outshine an entire galaxy
 Give out as much energy as the sun can in a life time.
Type I
 Type 1
 When the core’s fusion process runs out of fuel, it messes with the constent gravitational pull.
 Outward pressure drops and then it is unbalanced with more gravity.
 The core starts to condense.
 Shrinking at the core continues
 Becomes red super giant.
 Shrinks too much, a series of nuclear reactions is unleashed.
 Says around for a bit.
 Start swelling and growing to become that.
 The core could have temperatures of billions of degrees Celsius.
 Iron atoms are so squeezed so much.
 The forces of their nuclei create a recoil of the squeezed core.
 Then is the supernova.
Type II
 Type II
 Binary stars are when there are two stars and they revolve around each other.
 In these systems supernovas occur also.
 Stars up to eight times the mass of our sun usually evolve into white dwarfs.
 A star that is condensed to this size has a very strong gravitational pull.
 With that gravity, if the second star is close enough, it can pull material from there.
 White dwarf gets a lot of mass
 Chandrasekhar Limit
 Pressure on the center will make the star explode.
 Thermonuclear means: nuclear reactions that occur only at very high temperatures.
Black holes and neutron stars
 Because of the big transfer of matter and energy, there is a different star.
 Small core of neutrons
 Spinning neutron star.
 Neutrons produce radio waves in a steady stream or random bursts.
Stars 10 times the sun will leave a black hole.
Leave behind a large core.
With no energy fuse, it doesn’t have any out ward pressure so it gets engulfed in it’s own gravity and it
turns into a Black hole
 Occurs here once every 50 years.
 Keplers supernova- 1604
 That was the last one.
 Crab Nebula- 1054
 Large Magellanic Cloud – 1987
 Remnants from that star are still studied.
 Remnants are what is left of a supernova explosion.
 Remnats heat up the gases and dusts between the stars.
 Supernovae place heavy elements.
 With out Remnats there would be no sun no earth and no us, because we are made of some of the same
elements that stars are made of and that stuff is released with a star explodes.
 Can be in the sky for weeks
 Throw matter into space 9000, to 25,000 miles per second.
 Produce a lot of the material in the universe
 Iron that is produced makes our planet and even ourselves.
 Add elements to space clouds.
 Helps new stars form
 will probably destroy our solar system.