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Chapter Outline # 1
Chapter 7 / Lesson 2
Name: __________________
Date: ___________________
The Roman Republic
Directions: Read pages 222 – 229 in your social studies textbook. Answer the following
questions in complete sentences where appropriate.
Essential Question: How did Rome become a Republic?
Early Rome P. 223
1. According to the legend, Rome was founded by twin brothers _____________ and
2. Society in Rome was divided into two groups, the _______________ and the
3. What were the differences between the plebeians and the patricians?
The plebeians were ___________________________________________________
The patricians were __________________________________________________
4. TRUE OR FALSE ~ Only patricians could belong to the ruling assembly or become
government leaders.
5. How did the Plebeians gain a voice in Rome?
6. TRUE OR FALSE ~ “Republic” means “public thing” in Latin, the language of ancient
7. Rome’s republic lasted for __________ years.
Government of the Republic P. 224
8. The citizens of Rome elected ___________________, or people to represent (act
for them) in government.
9. How did the power of a vote in the Roman republic differ from the power of a vote in
the United States? _________________________________________________
The Branches of Rome’s Republic P.224
10. The _____________ was the most powerful branch of the republic. It was
controlled by Rome’s patricians.
11. TRUE OR FALSE ~ The Roman Senate determined how Rome would act towards
other governments.
12. The second branch of government, the citizen assembly, had less power than the
Senate, but was able to elect _________________ who were representatives of the
_______________ and leaders of the citizen assembly.
13. What were the responsibilities of the consuls, the republic’s third branch of
government? ________________________________________________________
14. Who did the consuls get elected by? __________________________________
15. Why were the Twelve Tables important to the plebeians? ___________________
16. Read the Primary Source on P.225, an excerpt from the Twelve Tables in order to
answer the following question:
* From the passage, what can you tell about the people who lived in Rome?
17. How did the revolt of 494 B.C. affect the plebeians? ________________
18. Look at the diagram on the bottom of page 224 Rome’s Early Years, for the next
three questions:
* What event led to the founding of the Republic? __________________
* In which year was Rome unified into a city? __________
* How many years passed between the founding of Rome’s Republic and the end
of the Etruscan rule? ___________
The Wars with Carthage P.226-227
19. Roman soldiers landed on the island of Sicily in 264 B.C., this led to a series of
conflicts with the powerful empire of _________________.
20. Romans called the first war with Carthage the ______________________War.
Carthage and Rome fought over the island of __________________.
21. What was the result of the First Punic War? ____________________________
22. Why do you think Carthage and Rome became rivals? _______________________
23. In 218 B.C. the ________________ War began, when Hannibal and a Carthaginian
army attacked Rome.
24. TRUE OR FALSE ~ Scipio Africanus was defeated by Hannibal near Carthage in the
Third Punic War at the battle of Zama.
25. What happened to Roman culture after Rome conquered Greece? ______________
26. Look at the map on the top of page 226 to answer the following questions:
* What were the lands of the Carthaginians? ___________________________
* In which two battles was Rome victorious? ___________________________
* Which mountain range did Hannibal cross to enter Italy? ________________
* From where did Hannibal begin to march against Rome? __________________
Problems in Italy P. 228
27. What problems did the Republic face? _________________________________