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Ancient Rome
October 9, 2012
[The Republic]
•In 509 B.C. the Romans ________________________ their Etruscan ruler and ________________ the Roman state
•The Romans set up a _____________________
•Republic—A form of government where some officials are chosen by the people
•The Romans believed that a republic would prevent any individual from _____________________________
Review Questions
What type of government did the Romans initially set up?
In a republic, who chooses some of the officials?
[The Senate]
The ________________________ governing body of the Republic was the ________________, consisting of 300 Senators
The main responsibility of these Senators was to ________________________
Review Questions
Why did Romans chose to form a republic rather than a dictatorship?
What was the main responsibility of the senate?
Each year, the senate would elect two consuls to ______________________________________________ and ______________________
Consuls served only ________________ and were expected to ____________________________________
Review Questions
What were the duties of the consuls?
What were some limits placed on consuls?
In event of ________, the senate might grant a dictator the ________________________ for six months
Dictator—A ruler who has complete control over a government.
Review Questions
What is a dictator? Under what circumstances would a dictator take power?
At first, ________________________________ were patricians
Patricians—Members of the landholding upper class
Review Questions
What is a patrician? Describe their involvement in the Roman government
Plebeians, who made up the majority of the population, had _______________________ early in the republic
Plebeians—a member of the lower class including farmers, merchants, and traders
Review Questions
What is a plebeian? Describe their involvement in the Roman government.
Plebeians eventually gained the right to elect their own officials, called tribunes, to ______________________________
The tribunes could veto, or ________________, laws that were ________________________
Review Questions
What is the duty of a tribune?
What power did a tribune possess?
[Roman Expansion]
•As Rome’s political and social systems evolved at home, its armies _________________________________
•Rome’s success was largely due to ________________________________ and to its loyal, well-trained ________________
•At first, Roman armies consisted of _______________________ who fought _______________ and supplied their own ________________
•Rome generally treated its defeated enemies ________________
•Rome let conquered people ________________________ customs, money, and local government
•Most conquered lands remained ________________________ even in troubled times
Review Questions
What allowed the Roman to successfully expand Roman power?
What were citizen-soldiers?
How did Romans treat their enemies?
[The Punic Wars]
As Rome expanded westward, conflict arose between ________________ and ________________
These conflicts developed into a series of three wars which became known as the _____________________
Rome eventually ________________________ and gained control of the western Mediterranean
Review Questions
What were the Punic Wars?
Who fought in the Punic Wars? Who won the Punic Wars?
Effects of the Punic Wars
Conquests and control of busy trade routes __________________________ from loot, taxes, and commerce to Rome
A new class of ________________________ emerged
These Romans used ________________________ to help them produce grain ________________
Soon ________________________ were ________________ to produce food as ________________ as this new class of wealthy Romans
As the ________________________________, many farmers ________________________ and had to ________________________________
As the ________________ between rich and poor ________________, angry mobs of unemployed plebeians began to ________________
Moreover, the new wealth led to _______________________________
________________ and ________________________ replaced virtues such as simplicity, hard work, and devotion to duty which were all important in the
early republic
Unable to resolve their problems ________________, Rome was plunged into a series of ________________________
Review Questions
What allowed the wealthy Romans to produce grain cheap?
How did the emergence of a new class of wealthy Romans affect small farmers?
Describe the shift in virtues following the emergence of a new class of wealthy Romans?
[Julius Caesar]
Turmoil led to ______________________________
Caesar, a ________________ hero, defeated all opposition and forced the senate to make him dictator for life
He ______________________________ and put people to ________________
Caesar was ________________ to death by his best friend ________________
_____________________________ followed
Review Questions
How did Julius Caesar rise to power?
What caused Julius Caesar to lose power?
[Roman Empire & Roman Peace]
 Augustus, nephew of Julius, emerged as emperor after _________________________________
 Augustus created a _____________________________
 Pax Romana – “_____________________________” – time of peace and order
Review Question
What is meant by “Pax Romana”?
Draw the assassination of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar, Video Notes
1. What were two secrets to gaining power in Rome?
2. What modern day country is Gaul? How many Gauls did Caesar kill or
have enslaved?
4. Who was Cleopatra?
5. What was Caesar voted by the people?
6. How did Caesar die?
3. The video says that Caesar committed the ultimate act of treachery. What
act did Caesar commit?
7. How did the people react to the death of Julius Caesar?
[Roman Entertainment]
 Throughout the Roman Empire both _______________ and _______________ were entertained by spectacular games
[Circus Maximus]
 _________________________ took place at the ______________________________
 The turns at the Circus Maximus were _______________ and _______________
 These turns led to many _______________ and _______________
Review Questions
Describe the events of the Circus Maximus.
What events today are similar to the chariot races? How are they similar? How are they different?
[The Coliseum]
 _________________________ were even more _______________ and more _______________ than chariot races
 Most gladiators were ____________________ who would often ______________________________
 The biggest gladiator fights took place at the _________________________
 If a gladiator performed _______________ he would _______________
 However, if a gladiator performed particularly _______________, he may ___________________________
 ______________________________ would also take place at the Coliseum
 The floor of the Coliseum was about the size of a _________________________ and could hold ____________________ people
 The Coliseum also has a ____________________ to protect Romans from the sun
Review Questions
Describe the events of the Coliseum.
What events today are similar to the gladiator battles? How are they similar? How are they different?
[The Theatre]
 In addition to sporting events, Romans also enjoyed the ____________________
 However, even plays were filled with ____________________
 For instance, if the play called for someone to be ________________________, someone would actually be _______________________
Review Questions
How did Roman theatre differ from theatre today?
Do you believe that people still crave violence in movies?
[Entertainment and Politics]
 Many emperors used entertainment to __________________ Romans from __________________ and the ______________________________ of the
 Entertainment could only ______________________________ of the Roman Empire for so long
 Eventually, Rome would face a constant ____________________________________ from Germanic tribes which would help lead to the
Review Question
How did emperors use entertainment to their advantage?
[Causes of the Fall of Rome]
[Military Causes]
 The most obvious cause of Rome’s fall was ___________________________________
 By the end of the empire, the Roman army lacked ____________________ and ____________________
 Furthermore, Rome ___________________________________ to fill the need for soldiers
 Mercenaries—Foreign soldiers who were paid to fight.
 These soldiers __________________________________________________ to Rome.
Review Questions
How did the Roman armies near the end of the Roman Empire differ from the Roman armies toward the beginning of the Roman Empire?
What were mercenaries? What was the main problem in hiring mercenaries?
[Political Causes]
 The Roman government began to ________________________________ of the people as it became _______________________________
 Another major problem was that there was no reliable method of ___________________________________________________
 _____________________________ battled to have their leader become the next emperor, leading to frequent ______________________
Review Questions
What method was used most often to determine the next Roman Emperor? Describe how this led to conflict.
[Economic Causes]
 Emperors demanded _________________________________ to support the government, military and games
 The _________________________ of the Rome _________________________ due largely to war and disease
 The ______________________________ between rich and poor also contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire
Review Questions
What were some reasons for the heavy taxes of the Roman Empire?
What were the two main reasons why the population of the Roman Empire began to decline?
[Social Causes]
 Romans witnessed a ________________________________________ such as patriotism, discipline, and devotion to duty. Rome was built on these
 The __________________________________ and a _______________________________________ also contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire
Review Questions
What were the values that Rome was built upon? What happened to these values?
The upper class once provided Rome with leaders who looked out for the best interests of Rome. Describe the change in the interests of these leaders.
The Rise of Ancient Rome, Video Notes
What type of government did the Romans originally set up?
Ancient Rome’s Decline, Video Notes
What was one of the systems biggest problems?
Why did the Romans set up a large senate?
Describe the gap between rich and poor.
Describe how wealth affected Rome?
Why did people in the provinces begin to question Roman rule?
What did Caesar do to celebrate his victory in civil war?
What changes did Constantine make to the Roman Empires?
Give some examples of Julius Caesar using his power to help the poor?
What happened to Rome as Germanic tribes entered the Roman Empire?
What happened to Caesar on March 16th when Caesar arrived at the senate?
How did Caesar’s reign change the views of the Roman people?
In general, how did Augustus and his successors use their power?
Briefly describe the emperors Caligula and Nero?
Ancient Rome: Expansion and Conquest, Video Notes
[Rome’s Military Plan]
According to the video, what is one of the greatest rivalries of all-time?
Final Punic War
Which side won the Final Punic War?
What type of soldiers made up the Roman army?
What major change did Romans make due to the size of their empire?
[Ancient Rome: Battle Time]
First Punic War
What type of military was Carthage? Why was this problematic for Rome?
In a professional army, where was the soldier’s first loyalty?
[Leaders of Ancient Rome]
How did Sulla react to being recalled to Rome?
How was Rome able to develop a navy?
Describe Rome following Caesar’s assassination.
Describe the tactic Rome used against the Carthage navy.
Which side won the 1st Punic Wars?
Second Punic War
What did Hannibal promise his soldiers?
[Dangers of a Vast Empire]
What were the dangers of a vast empire?
What milestone did the attack of German tribes mark?
What was the “recipe for anarchy and disaster” in Rome?
Describe the journey of Hannibal to Rome.
What would be the deciding factor in the Second Punic War?
Hannibal –
What percent of Rome’s military was killed at the Battle of Canine?
In 204 B.C. Scipio decided to invade Carthage. How did Hannibal react to the
invasion of Carthage?
Which side won the Battle of Zama?
How did Hannibal die?
Draw the First Punic War
Draw the Second Punic War
Scipio –
Draw the Circus Maximus
Draw the Coliseum