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The Digestive System—Notes and Discussion—Use with Powerpoint!
I. Major Functions
A. Break down _________ ___________
B. Put ____________ into bloodstream
C. Remove ____________ from the body
II. Organs
A. __________B. __________ C. Stomach
D. ___________ E. _______________
III. Mouth-Digestion begins here!
A. Teeth and tongue are used in ______________ _______________to ________________________
B. Saliva with enzymes(amylase) begins __________________ ______________
to break down _______________________________________.
IV. Esophagus and
A. Muscular tube that connects _________ (
) to _____________
B. Moves food downward by ________________, or muscular contractions
C. ________________ seals off windpipe during swallowing to prevent _________________________
D. What are sphincters? _______________________________________________________________
V. Stomach - the mechanical digestion of proteins begins here.
A. This is a muscular pouch that expands to hold food
B. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and the enzyme __________ combine to form ____________ _____________
C. A gummy coating of ____________ protects the stomach lining from the strong chemicals
(____________)D. _______________, a thick liquid containing partially digested food, is produced here
E. Most _______________ are killed here but not all!
VI. Small Intestine: ______________ portion of the digestive tract
A. Most chemical digestion occurs here. In the 1st section or ___________, chemicals from the accessory
organs (food never touches or travels through these) aid digestion.
Liver: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Gall Bladder(tiny sac below liver): stores _______ that _____________________________________________
Pancreas: sends _________________ to the duodenum to _____________and__________________________
Acid neutralizing action in the pancreas:
A. The Inner surface of small intestine is covered in _________ and ____________ which increase the
__________________ to absorb nutrients from the chyme.
B. How does it look inside the small intestine? Draw the diagram:
C. If there were no villi or they were damaged what would occur?
VII. Large Intestine or _____________
A. __________ digestion occurs here
B. ____________ is absorbed from remaining food to prevent dehydration.
C. Bacteria feed on material passing through and produce _________ which are vital to our health
D. The Waste material, ____________, is prepared for elimination from the body. It is stored in the _______
until it leaves the body through the _________.
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