Download The Fall of the Roman Empire: There are 3 main reasons for the

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The Fall of the Roman Empire:
There are 3 main reasons for the demise of the Roman Empire:
1) Threat of barbarian tribes:
Many tribes on the outskirts of Empire, jealous of Roman wealth.
Called Barbarians because they could not write and didn’t have
civilised cities.
Vandals, Goths, Saxons and Franks.
Germany was invaded by the Huns (a tribe from Asia).
This meant tribes in Germany were pushed into the Roman Empire.
2) Rome grows weaker:
By 400AD Rome was not as strong as it had been before, historians
are unsure why. Here are some suggestions:
o The Climate changed = less food grown = declining population.
o Lead poisoning from water pipes
o Loss of business in the city: Emperor Constantine moved a
lot of important business to Constantinople in the east,
taking the importance out of Rome the city.
3) The defeat of Rome:
City of Rome defeated by Goths tribe and treasure taken.
476AD a barbarian called Odoacer removed the last emperor.
More barbarian tribes moved in and took over different parts of
the Empire.
Barbarian tribes were not as organised as the Romans and a lot of
Roman builds (temples, aqueducts etc) went into ruin.
Roman Empire not complete lost: moved to the east and was known
as the Byzantine Empire.
The influence Ancient Rome has on us today:
There are many things in our lives that were influenced by the Romans.
1) The Alphabet:
We use the same alphabet as the Romans and our letters are shaped the
2) The Romance languages:
French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian all derive from Latin. Latin is
still taught in some schools today.
3) The Roman calendar:
We use the same calendar as the Romans. It was developed by Julius
4) Months of the year:
Many of the months have Roman names. E.g: March comes from the Roman
god Mars. Where do you think July and August came from?
5) Science:
All plants and animals have a name in Latin.
6) 30% of English words come from Latin:
Circus, villa, senate
7) Laws:
Many European laws are based on the Roman law. The court system here
in Ireland is the same as the Roman system & the names of the officials,
such as barrister, comes from Roman officials.
8) Engineering and Architecture:
Many of our building resemble the architecture and engineering style of
Roman buildings. For example, Romans had under-floor heating, the first
apartment blocks and shopping centres.