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3.1 Reproduction and Heredity Exam - PreAP
2015 - 2016
1. (7.14 A) Which statement best defines heredity?
A. Heredity is the passing of genetic information from one generation to the next.
B. Heredity is when a sperm combines with an egg.
C. Heredity is when organisms exhibit different traits in their genetic makeup.
D. Heredity is when an organism reproduces asexually.
2. (7.14 C) Which of the following are contained and stored within this structure?
A. chloroplasts
B. the genetic material
C. an organ
D. a cell
3. (7.14 A) Which of the following is NOT an inherited trait?
A. Color of corn kernels on an ear of corn
B. Fire scar on the bark of a tree
C. Shape and color of the scales of a fish
D. Length of a dog’s tail and ears
4. (7.14 C) Genes are found…
A. in all cells
B. in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
C. on chromosomes
D. all of these
5. (7.14 A) Which of these is an inherited trait?
A. the ability to speak English
B. naturally curly hair
C. the ability to read
D. the liking of fast cars
6. (7.14 B) A paramecium (pictured below) is a single-celled organism. During asexual reproduction
in paramecia, a paramecium becomes two new paramecia. The genetic material of the new
paramecia is usually –
A. identical to the original
B. half the amount of the original
C. double the amount of the original
D. similar to the original
7. (7.14 B) In one student’s family, two of the children have curly hair, one child has wavy hair, and
the fourth child has straight hair. Which of these processes is responsible for the variety of hair
texture in this family?
A. Binary fission
B. Sexual reproduction
C. Asexual reproduction
D. Vegetative Propagation
8. (7.14 B) Which of the following is an advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?
A. It produces many individuals quickly.
B. It ensures that all offspring will survive if disease strikes.
C. It allows species to be more adaptable to environmental changes.
D. It creates an exact copy with no variations.
9. (7.14 C) When looking under a microscope, which level of organization would you be able to see
FIRST when moving from low to high magnification considering the size of each one?
A. a gene
B. a chromosome
C. a nucleus
D. all of these would be visible at same time
10. (7.14 C) Most cats have 5 toes on each foot, but every once in a while, a kitten will be born with 6
toes on each foot. Other kittens in the same litter will have only 5 toes on each foot. A change in
which of the following most likely caused 6 toes in the kitten?
A. food
B. water
C. nesting site
D. genetic material
11. (7.14 C) Which of the following is the correct organization of genetic material from smallest to
A. DNA, genes, chromosomes, nucleus, cell
B. Genes, chromosomes, DNA, cell, nucleus
C. Cell, nucleus, genes, DNA, chromosomes
D. Chromosomes, DNA, cell, nucleus, genes
12. (7.14 C) Pictured above is …
A. an illustration of centrifugal force
B. a freeway system
C. DNA, which carries the genetic instructions
D. a type of cell
13. (7.14B) In the diagram above, the steps taken for a Hydra to reproduce are shown. Which of the
following provides the type of reproduction taking place and the correct evidence supporting the
A. sexual reproduction because there is evidence of offspring
B. sexual reproduction because the offspring is growing off the parent organism forming an
exact genetic copy
C. asexual reproduction because there is evidence of offspring
D. asexual reproduction because the offspring is growing off the parent organism forming an
exact genetic copy
14. (7.14 A) A baby spider leaves its mother very soon after birth, yet it is able to make a web very
similar to the webs made by its mother. Why is this?
A. Not all inherited traits are part of the organism’s appearance. The ability to spin a web is
an innate trait that is inherited.
B. The young spider quickly observes other webs and happens to make its web very similar.
C. The mother quickly taught the spider how to spin a web before it left.
D. Spiders don’t spin webs anymore.
15. (7.14 A) Which of the following is an example of an inherited trait?
A. a child with red hair
B. a mother with blue eyes
C. a lion with thick fur
D. all of the above
16. (7.14 A) Why are some deer able to jump higher and run faster than other deer?
A. They train by running and jumping every day.
B. They inherit physical genetic traits that enable that ability.
C. All deer have the same abilities; the lucky ones survive.
D. Some deer try harder than the deer that are lazier.
17. (7.14 B) Some marine organisms have the ability to reproduce sexually and asexually. How do
these processes compare?
A. Sexual reproduction results from an exchange of genetic material between organisms,
whereas asexual reproduction involves a single organism and no change in genetic
B. Sexual reproduction does not involve exchanging genetic material, whereas asexual
reproduction involves an exchange of genetic material between organisms.
C. Sexual reproduction does not cause a change in the offspring from the parent, whereas
asexual reproduction causes the offspring to be different from the parent.
D. Sexual reproduction involves only a single organism, whereas asexual reproduction
involves 2 or more organisms.
18. (7.14 B) Some organisms are capable of reproducing both sexually and asexually. Compared to
the offspring produced asexually, the sexually produced offspring will MOST likely have which
A. a shorter life cycle
B. a variety of genetic traits from their 2 parents
C. a lower ability to survive and reproduce
D. no internal structures
19. (7.14 B) Organisms in a particular species can only reproduce asexually. Which statement
accurately describes how well the species will be able to survive any changes in its environment?
A. The species cannot adapt very easily because each offspring is identical to the parent.
B. The species can adapt very easily because each offspring can acquire traits different from
those of the parent.
C. The ability of the species to survive is not related to its method of reproduction.
D. The species will survive easily because, as an asexually reproducing species, it has a very
simple structure.
20. (7.14 B) Which of the following best explains why sexual reproduction results in diverse offspring?
A. offspring are exact genetic copies
B. DNA changes after fertilization and continues to change during different life stages
C. forms of each gene from mother and father combine randomly at fertilization
D. there is no explanation for why offspring have variety in their traits
21. (7.14 B) Using the diagram, observe where cuts were made in the parent organism and how it
changes over a 7 day period. What kind of reproduction is shown?
A. sexual reproduction
B. asexual reproduction
C. not enough information
D. parthenogenesis