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US History Final Exam Review
1) Marbury v. Madison – established the Supreme Courts right of Judicial Review.
2) McCulloch v. Maryland – established that states could not interfere with Federal Institutions within their borders.
3) Gibbons v. Ogden – established the power of the Federal governments power to regulate interstate commerce.
4) Dred Scott v. Sanford – established that slaves were property and nullified the Missouri Compromise.
5) 13th Amendment – abolished slavery.
6) 14th Amendment – gave African Americans citizenship rights.
7) 15th Amendment – gave African Americans the right to vote.
8) Neutrality Proclamation – declared that the US would not support either side in the war in Europe.
9) Jay’s Treaty – called for Britain to pay for damages for seized American ships.
10) Kentucky and Virginia resolutions – claimed that states could determine if laws were constitutional or not.
11) Whiskey Rebellion – called for a protest against taxes by Backcountry farmers.
12) Judiciary Act – called for 1 chief justice and 5 associate justices on the Supreme Court.
13) Nonintercourse Act – allowed all trade except with Britain and France.
14) Pinckney Treaty – allowed shipment of American goods on the Mississippi River.
15) Treaty of Greenville – allowed Americans’ land claims in part of present day Ohio.
16) Treaty of Ghent – allowed restoration of pre-War of 1812 conditions.
17) Kitchen Cabinet – group of unofficial presidential advisors.
18) Nullification – act of canceling a law.
19) Spoils System – practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs.
20) Depression – period of declining business profits and lost jobs.
21) Mexican Cession – territory including New Mexico and California ceded to the US by Mexico in 1848.
22) Gadsden Purchase – strip of land in present day Arizona & New Mexico purchased by the US from Mexico for
$10 million.
23) Oregon Country – territory west of the Rockies including present day Washington state.
24) Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo - 1848 agreement where Mexico gave up California & New Mexico for $15 million.
25) Seneca Falls Convention – gathering at which delegates passed resolutions demanding equality for women.
26) Underground Railroad – network of abolitionists who helped slaves escape to freedom.
27) Temperance Movement – campaign to end alcohol abuse.
28) Second Great Awakening – religious movement that stressed free will rather than predestination.
29) Wilmot Proviso – attempted to ban slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico.
30) Compromise of 1850 – declared Congress unable to ban the slave trade between slave states.
31) Kansas-Nebraska Act – divided a territory into 2 parts.
32) Missouri Compromise – agreement proposed by Clay in an attempt to keep slave and free states equal.
33) Battle of Shiloh – Union victory. One of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.
34) Battle of Chancellorsville – Confederate victory & General Jackson’s last battle.
35) Battle of Vicksburg – Union victory. Union gained complete control of the Mississippi River.
36) Battle of Gettysburg – Union victory that ensured the South would not attempt to invade the North again. Also
considered the turning point battle of the Civil War.
37) Battle of Ft. Sumter – 1st battle of the Civil War.
38) Abraham Lincoln – President of the US.
39) Jefferson Davis – President of the Confederacy.
40) Robert E. Lee – Commander of the Confederate Army.
41) Ulysses S. Grant – Commander of the Union Army.
42) Appomattox Court House – Location of Lee’s surrender to Grant. Marked the end of the Civil War.
43) What precedent did Washington set during his 1st term – he named well-known, talented leaders to head
government departments.
44) What was Washington’s belief on foreign policy – the US should remain independent from disputes between
other nations.
45) How US neutrality was challenged during Washington’s Presidency – Britain & France seized cargoes from US
46) How did President Adam’s react to the XYZ Affair – Adams strengthened the Navy but kept the nation out of war.
47) What was Alexander Hamilton’s primary goal as Secretary of the Treasury – reducing the national debt.
48) Why did President Washington want the US to remain neutral – he did not want to disrupt relations with other
49) Why did the House of Representatives decide the election of 1800 – each elector cast 1 vote for Jefferson and 1
vote for Aaron Burr.
50) From which nation did the US buy Louisiana – France.
51) Describe Thomas Jefferson’s democratic style – he wore casual clothes and shook hands when greeting people.
52) What were the effects of the Lewis & Clark expedition – increased knowledge of plant & animal life in the West,
increased knowledge about Native American cultures, map showing a route to the Pacific Ocean.
53) What were the results of the Embargo Act – it badly hurt American shipping & agriculture activities.
54) How did Jefferson reduce the size of the Federal government – he cut the federal budget.
55) What is judicial review? Give an example – the supreme courts right to deem a law unconstitutional.
56) What formed the route that most western farmers used to ship goods in 1803 – Mississippi River.
57) What was the 1st thing factory owners needed to finance their businesses – capital.
58) How did steamboats improve the US economy – they allowed farmers to ship goods faster and cheaper.
59) How did Americans improve roads in the early 1800’s – private companies built turnpikes.
60) How did the US gain Florida from Spain – they bought it for $5 million.
61) What effect did sectionalism have on the Era of Good Feelings – it made national unity more difficult.
62) What was daily life like in factories in the early 1800’s – the employees, mostly women & children worked long
63) What did the 1st successful factory of the Industrial Revolution make – textiles.
64) Why was Lowell, Massachusetts called a factory town – factory owners housed & protected female employees.
65) Why did Henry Clay’s American system fail – Congress would not fund new roads, bridges & canals.
66) Why did President Monroe announce the Monroe Doctrine – to protect Latin American republics from European
67) How did Congress protect manufacturers after the War of 1812 – by raising tariffs on imported goods.
68) Why did President Jackson think the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional – they thought states should
charter banks.
69) How were voting rights affected by growing democratic values in the 1820’s – increasing numbers of people
participated in the voting process.
70) What group thought of Andrew Jackson as their champion – common people across the country.
71) Why was John Quincy Adams an unpopular President – he wanted to increase federal government spending.
72) What caused the Panic of 1837 – the large amount of money borrowed from banks by speculators.
73) Why did South Carolina pass the Nullification Act – to protest the tariff of 1832.
74) What new political party attracted supporters of Andrew Jackson – Democrat Party.
75) Why did Andrew Jackson accuse Henry Clay and John Quincy Adam’s of making a corrupt bargain – Clay
persuaded Congress to vote for Adams.
76) Who suffered financially from the Tariff of Abominations – Southern planters.
77) Why did settlers and trappers move to Oregon and the Far West in the 1820’s – the lure of fertile lands, plentiful
rainfall and mild climate.
78) Why did Mormons move west to settle in Utah – to escape religious persecution.
79) What was the BIGGEST threat to those who traveled west in Wagon trains – illnesses such as cholera.
80) What final incident caused President Polk to declare war on Mexico – US & Mexican troops clashed at the
81) What did most Forty-Niners end up doing in California – became farmers or found jobs.
82) How did the American belief in Manifest Destiny contribute to westward expansion – Americans believed they had
the right and the duty to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
83) What made it possible for Southern planters to boost their profits after1793 – workers cleaned more cotton in the
same amount of time using the cotton gin.
84) By the 1850’s, what linked many towns and cities with factories – new railroads.
85) How did steam powered machinery change manufacturing – factories could be built almost anywhere.
86) Why did an agricultural economy develop in the South – the land and climate were ideal for cotton, rice &
87) In what way was the South dependant on the North – Southern planters borrowed money from Northern banks to
buy farm tools and were dependent on northern manufactured goods
88) What did factory workers hope to achieve by forming trade unions – improvements in working conditions.
89) What was the primary purpose of the slave codes – to prevent slaves from running away.
90) What products did Southerners buy largely from the North – manufactured goods.
91) Which resolution of the Seneca Falls Convention barely passed – women’s right to vote.
92) What did educational reformers accomplish in the 1800’s – public elementary schools were built in most Northern
93) What were the results of Dorthea Dix’s efforts at social reform – insanity was treated as an illness, not a crime.
94) Why did Southerners defend slavery – the Southern economy had become dependant on cotton plantations.
95) What reform did Horace Mann achieve in Massachusetts – teachers were better prepared when they began their
96) What led to violence in Kansas in 1855 – the rivalry between pro and anti slavery settlers.
97) Why did the Republican Party form in the 1850’s – dissatisfaction with the weak stance on slavery by the Whigs &
the Democrats.
98) What effect did Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 have on national unity – the southern states felt they had no
power in the National government.
99) What was the outcome of the election of 1860 – Abe Lincoln won despite the fact that he did not carry a single
Southern state.
100) What was the goal of the Free-Soil party – to ban slavery in the western territories.
101) How did Northerners react to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 – They didn’t respect the law & refused to follow it.
102) What was the effect of Uncle Tom’s Cabin – the novel further heightened tensions between the North & the
103) How did Southerners react to Abraham Lincoln’s election – several Southern states seceded in protest.
104) What successful strategies did the Union employ during the Civil War – the Union took control of the Mississippi
105) What was the North’s official goal at the beginning of the Civil War – the preserve the Union.
106) What was the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation – it had no legal value but it encouraged abolitionist
107) How did the South deal with their economic problems during the war – the government created a tax-in-kind
forcing farmers to contribute 10% of their crops.
108) How did African Americans in the Union army contribute to the war effort – they formed their own units and
fought in major battles by 1863.
109) What problems did Northerners faced during the Civil War – certain rights were suspended to preserve public
110) What was Lincoln’s major goal after he was re-elected – to work towards peace & unity.
111) Why did Lincoln handle the slavery issue carefully at the beginning of the Civil War – he wanted border slave
states to remain with the Union.
112) What did both sides in the Civil War realize early on – both sides realized that their hopes for a short war were
113) What economic problem did both the North and the South face during the War – inflation.
114) How did slaves in the South contribute to the Union war effort – they refused to work on plantations.
115) What was army life like during the Civil War – combat was deadly but infection & disease were greater threats.
116) What was Grant’s plan for ending the war – destroy everything that might be useful to the army.
117) How did Radical Republicans gain power in Congress – joining forces with moderate Republicans to reduce the
power of Southern Democrats.
118) How did MOST Freedmen meet their basic needs after the Civil War ended – they returned to the land that they
had worked as slaves.
119) What Reconstruction measure led to the education of former slaves – the Freedman’s Bureau.
120) Why did the black codes infuriate Republican representatives – they thought they deprived African Americans
of equal opportunities.
121) Why did Abraham Lincoln continually replace his Generals – they refused to pursue the Confederates after
military victories.
Quotes, Maps & Chart Topics – study these topics.
Jefferson’s opinion of the Alien & Sedition Acts
War of 1812
Urbanization during the Industrial Revolution
Trail of Tears
The Underground Railroad
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Strengths of the North and South at the beginning of the Civil War.