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Aquatic Science Final Review (Semester 1)
1. In oceanography velocity is measured in_______.
2. The midge ocean ridge is found in the
A. continental margin
B. ocean basin
C. slope
D. rise
3.Which ocean is surrounded by the “Ring of Fire”?
4.What is a renewable resource? Give examples.
What is a nonrenewable resource? Give examples.
This ocean is shallower than the other oceans.
What percent of all water on earth is salt water?
Where is most of earth’s freshwater located?
When a cold glass “sweats” and water droplets form on the outside of the glass
this is an example of?
9. The deepest and largest ocean is the?
10. Water vapor condenses when it reaches the atmosphere because the atmosphere is
_____________ (cooler, warmer)
11. List the four basic divisions of oceanography.
12. How long ago did the solar system form?
13. The name of the theory that states that all matter was once compressed or
concentrated at a geometric point at the beginning of time and then exploded and
expanded outward is called____________.
14. What evidence do we have of an expanding universe?
15. If all objects are moving away from earth, their spectra or light would appear?
16. What evidence do we have that supports the Big Bang Theory?
17. Define Redshift.
18. Why does Venus have a runaway greenhouse effect?
19. Earth’s atmosphere was formed by ___________.
20. What planet do we live on?
21. Why does Mercury have extreme temperature ranges?
22. Define these:
Background radiation
Solar Nebula Theory
Big Bang Theory
Outer planets
Inner planets
23. Why is the inner core solid?
24. The Alps and Himalayas are examples of what type of plate boundary (convergent
, divergent)?
25. This type of boundary creates new crust.
26. Japan is an example of a(n).
27. The crust and upper most part of the mantle make up the_________.
28. These travel through solids only and give us evidence that the earth is layered.
29. The floating equilibrium of the earth is called ________.
30. These waves can go through both solids and liquids.
31. The upper part of the mantle that can behave plastically.
32. Oxygen diffuses from air into water because the concentration of oxygen in air is
33. How can the depleted oxygen poor subsurface waters easily become more
34. What are two sources of ammonia in a marine aquarium?
35. The specific gravity of aquariums should be?
36. How can the nitrate concentration be lowered?
37. The specific gravity in a marine aquarium is increased when:
a. salt-water is added to the tank
b. evaporation occurs
c. freshwater is added to the tank
d. a partial water change is done
38. Why do blennies stay near the bottom of the tank?
39. Partial water changes of 15% every two weeks serves the purpose of?
40. Alfred Wegener is best known for his hypothesis of _____________.
41. The belief that the continents were once together and later moved apart.
42. One of the main objectives to Wegener’s hypothesis was his inability to provide
an acceptable __________ for continental drift.
a. time
b. rate
c. mechanism
d. direction
e. place
43. Earth’s rigid outer layer is called the?
44. What factor is used to determine an areas climate?
45. ____________ left striations, or scars in the bedrock of continents giving
evidence of continetal drift.
46. As you move closer to mid-ocean ridge, the seafloor gets __________ in age.
47. The most prominent topographic feature on earth is the?
48. The sliding of oceanic crust beneath continental crust is called?
49. The mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of what type of boundary?
50. Lack of sediment at the ridge, mid-ocean ridges are hot and the ocean is deeper
farther from the ridge are all supporting evidence of ____________. Which was
proposed by Harry Hess.
51. Define convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries.
52. At what type of boundary do you have subduction (convergent, divergent, or
53. What are Benioff zones?
54. List 3 mechanisms of plate movement.
55. The early history of marine science is closely associated with?
56. First evidence we have of regular ocean traders comes from the?
57. Who was the first to calculate the circumference of the Earth?
58. During the Dark Ages much of the progress in medicine, astronomy, philosophy,
and mathematics came from what two groups of people?
59. During the Dark Ages in Europe who were the bands of Scandinavian adventures
who traveled up river and plundered villages?
60. What allowed these Scandinavian adventurers to travel up river so quickly?
61. Zheng He commanded the greatest fleet the world had ever known. What
technological innovations by the Chinese were used for this large undertaking?
62. The compass was invented by the?
63. This group voyaged and populated central and eastern Pacific, navigating the
open ocean while most other groups were staying within sight of land.
64. Darwin believed that atolls and reefs occurred from?
65. What is a chart?
66. Who was Ferdinard magelan?
67. Who was James Cook?
68. What was the chronometer? What did it allow sailors to do?
69. Christopher Columbus actually discovered the ____________.
70. History’s longest continuous oceanographic expedition was made by the
71. What contribution did the Glomar Challenger make (1968)?
72. What percent of all the earth’s water is drinkable?
73. The symbol 0/00 means part per?
74. Because a water molecule has a slightly positive and negative end, it is
75. The concept that assumes that the amount of an element introduced into the ocean
per unity time equals the amount deposited out as sediment per unit time on the
sea floor is called __________.
76. The person who discovered that the determination of the quantity of just a single
major component in seawater could be used to determine the total salinity of
seawater was?
77. The exchange of water between the ocean, atmosphere and land is called the
78. The bond that connects the hydrogen atoms to the oxygen atom forming a water
79. The bond that connects one water molecule to another water molecule.
80. Photosynthesis can take place at all depths of ocean .T/F
81. If you test your aquarium water and find that the hydrometer is floating too high,
then you must add more _________ to your tank.
82. By adding salt to water, the boiling point _________ and the freezing point
83. Carbon dioxide __________ with depth. (decreases, increases).
84. Why is there little Ca (calcium) and Si (Silicon) in the ocean?
85. List the colligative properties of seawater.
86. What is Forchammers’ principle?
87. Define residence time.
88. As you go deeper in the water column, does the amount of oxygen increase,
decrease, or stay the same?
89. The flooded extension of the continent is called the____________.
90. The Atlantic is considered __________ because of a ___________ boundary
(active, passive, divergent, convergent).
91. Why does the Pacific Ocean have fewer abyssal plains?
92. List three types of evidence that turbidity currents exist.
93. List three causes of turbidity currents.
94. What can cause a turbidity current? (three things)
95. What is the coastal region?
96. Why does the Atlantic Ocean have more sediment accumulation than the Pacific
Ocean? (3 reasons)
97. Which ocean is associated with the Java Trench?
98. A submarine mountain generally considered to be of volcanic origin is called a
99. Submarine canyons formed near the continental slope were formed by
a. by turbidity currents
b. at times of lower sea level and cut by rivers
c. upper parts were cut at times of lower sea level and subsequently
maintained and enlarged by turbidity currents
100. Type of sediment that contains greater than 30% skeletal material is called
101. This ocean has peaks of the mid ocean ridge which break through the surface and
form the Azores and Iceland.
102. Define:
a. Terrigenous sediment
b. Barrier reef
c. Fringing reef
d. Guyot
e. Turbidity current
f. Atoll
103. Define:
a. headland
b. isthmus
c. shoal
d. channel
e. delta
f. estuary
g. bay
104. Headlands get attacked by waves from multiple sides because of deposition of
sediment in the bays and_________________.
105. These are currents that move sand parallel to the coast.
106. A _____________ is placed to help prevent a harbor or inlet from being blocked
by deposition.
107. A______________ is a massive barrier usually made of granite, which is
intended to deflect waves. The result is erosion on the seaward side of it.
108. Type of coast formed by non-marine processes?
109. A shoreline will straighten over time because of ____________ and
110. Length of time wind blows is called ___________.
111. Distance wind has traveled over open ocean is called _____________.
112. Rocks hurled by waves, and sediments grinding and rounding rocks (type of
erosion) is called _____________.
113. Define:
a. sea stack
b. spit
c. coast
d. beach
e. tombolo
f. groin
115. Galveston Island is a _____________ island.