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Unit 1: Ecology
 What is an ecosystem?
 How does biodiversity affect an ecosystem?
 What types of ecosystems are there?
 What organisms typically reside in these ecosystems?
 What is the relationship between ecosystems and latitude?
 How are ecosystems organized? (matter cycling, populations, energy pyramid,
food web)
 What was our ecosystem?
 How do humans impact ecosystems?
 What is habitat and how is it being destroyed?
 What must be done in order to help sustain surviving ecosystems?
 What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
 How would succession look different in a desert biome and a pond?
 What human activities could harm the natural process of succession?
 Draw a timeline and explain what happens to a seed that has landed on a
newly created piece of land.
 Will succession be more likely to occur at a divergent boundary or convergent
 What type of succession is most likely to occur in Hawaii or hot spots, why?
 Why would it take longer succession to take place inland?
 Can you observe succession?
 What type of succession will a Tsunami cause?
 How does the food web change during the process of succession?
Unit 2: Evolution of the Cell, Species, Earth
 What is evolution?
 Establishing a case for the evolutionary theory
 What is the story of the evolution of the cell?
 Where did all of the organelles come from anyhow?
 Why is DNA so important?
 How genetic changes occur?
 Looking at meiosis
 Do I know my gene sequence?
 What happens when gene sequences change?
 How did evolutionary relationships come about?
 What is comparative embryology?
 How to use DNA and Protein sequencing to show evolutionary relationships.
 Looking at evolutionary time
 How are fossils made?
How can you use the geologic record to establish the variation in biodiversity
over time?
Are extinction events normal in the life cycle?
What major changes in the earth’s history have occurred that have spurred
genetic change?
Unit 3: Dynamic Earth Processes
 Using topographic maps to understand volcanoes
 What is the structure of the earth?
 What are the materials that compose the earth’s crust, mantle, core?
 What dynamic processes helped to create volcanoes?
 What other physical features were created through these dynamic processes?
 What are lithospheric plates?
 What do you mean the continents are moving?
 What if the plates crashed?
 How can we tell that the continents were a part of one supercontinent?
 How do ocean basins grow?
 Simulating the breakup of the supercontinent
 Let’s go back in time & recreate the earth’s history: A rock story.
 Evidence that we are still moving: Using GPS
Unit 4: Biogeochemical Cycles
 Why is the earth’s atmosphere unique?
 What are the components of the earth’s atmosphere?
 What essential matter is cycled through the air and through water?
 How can matter cycle through atmosphere: A look at sources of energy
 What matter is necessary for life?
 How does water cycle through the earth?
 Why the earth is unique: A water story
 How do the dynamic processes of the earth facilitate matter cycling?
 What is organic matter?
 Taking a look at the biomolecules
 What are the building blocks of life?
 Let’s make an organism
 What if we removed all the carbon from the earth?
 Does carbon get cycled like water?
 What are the different forms of carbon?
 What role does carbon play in an ecosystem?
 What about nitrogen?
 Biochemical relationships to essential matter
 Matter cycling: The crucial link between the living and nonliving
 The buildup of matter within earth’s reservoirs
The earth as a system of interrelated & interconnected parts
How do humans interrupt matter cycling?
Unit 5: California Geology
 What are the physical features of California?
 How have the physical features of California changed over the last 20,000 years?
 How do these physical features affect ecosystem distribution, weather patterns, matter
 Is California moving?
 Where does our water come from?
 Water is a precious natural resource: How should we protect it?
 Why is it dangerous to live in California?
 How does water affect the physical geology?
How does physical geology affect water supply?
Unit 6: Atomic & Molecular Structure
 How is the periodic table organized?
 Who organized the table anyhow?
 How do we know there are atoms and subatomic particles?
 What is the significance of an element’s position on the table?
 Elements and their importance to humans
 How can I use the table to identify types of elements?
 What is an atom?
 Why are electrons so important?
 How electrons affect the size of an atom
 What would earth be like if there were no charged atoms?
 Atoms and Life
 Making molecules from atoms
 Are there patterns in the table?
 How can I make use of these patterns?
Unit 7: Chemical Bonds
 What types of bonds are there?
 How do we break bonds?
 Looking at the molecules around us
 Matter recycling & the Law of Conservation of Matter
 What are the forces holding me together?
 How can I harness the energy in bonds to use in other ways?
 Does it matter if a molecule is held together by ionic or covalent bonds?
 How is the structure of the earth dependent on covalent bonds?
 How is the structure of the earth dependent on ionic bonds?
 What are the most important crystalline structures?
 Are certain structural patterns in matter related to bonding?
What types of bonds are prevalent in various biological reactions?
What are the important atoms and ions in biological reactions and abiotic reactions?
Unit 8: Acids and Bases
 What is an acid?
 What is a base?
 How are acids and bases used?
 Measurements of acidity and alkalinity through pH
 What is the importance of acidity & alkalinity in a biological system?
 What is the importance of acidity & alkalinity in an organism?
 What does it mean to be pH balanced?
 Why is water the universal solvent?
 Everyday uses of acids and bases
Using pH to determine the balance of an ecosystem
Unit 9: Chemical Thermodynamics
 How is energy exchanged during chemical reaction?
 How is energy transformed during a chemical reaction?
 Is energy involved when there is a physical change in matter?
 What is happening at a molecular and atomic level when there are chemical
What is thermal energy?
Unit 10: Waves
 What is a wave?
 What types of waves are there?
 What are the properties of waves?
 What is the difference between an electromagnetic wave and a seismic wave?
 How can we determine a wave’s speed?
 How can I determine what the properties of a wave are?
 How has technology evolved to aid me in determining these properties?
 What are typical phenomena that are the result of wave action?
 How do the earth’s materials facilitate the movement of waves?
 What electromagnetic waves are important in biological systems?
 How is photosynthesis related to electromagnetic radiation?
 Is there energy associated with different wavelengths of light?
 Can molecules vibrate?
 More about sound and light: What about hearing and sight?
Unit 11: Electric and Magnetic Phenomena
 What is an electric circuit?
 How can I make an electric circuit?
 What is an electromagnetic field?
 How are charged atoms affected by an electric field?
 Can I disrupt an electric field?
 What are practical applications for the use of charged atoms?
 What are transistors?
 If I place a transistor in an electric circuit what will happen?
 What is a conductor?
 How can conductors be used to propagate current?
 What are innovative ways to get current to flow?
How can different materials be used in a circuit?