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Learning-Focused Strategies
Learning Unit Planning Guide
Optional Instructional Tools
Tracy Beach
Date: 04-24-08 BEGIN
05-09-08 END
Unit Topic: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms 8-3.2, 8-3.3, 8-3.6, 8-3.7,8-3.8 Grade 8
Student Learning Map
Key Learnings:
Understand plate tectonics and how landforms change.
Key Unit Essential Question:
How do plates move and cause landforms to change.
Major Concepts/Skills
. Concept:
Plate tectonics
Plate tectonics
Plate tectonics
How were mid ocean
How does new seafloor
What are the general
ridges discovered?
form at mid-ocean
ways that plates
Plate tectonics
How do the inner and
outer cores differ?
Plate tectonics
Why do surface waves
damage buildings?
lithosphere, asthenosphere
surface waves
Plate tectonics
What features occur
when plates
What happens when
seismic energy is
released as rocks in
Earth’s crust break and
plate tectonics, plates, faults,
normal fault, reverse fault,
strike-slip fault
Plate tectonics
What is the difference
between primary and
secondary waves?
Plate tectonics
Why do seismic waves
change speed as they
travel through Earth?
Why do most
earthquakes occur near
plate boundaries?
primary waves, secondary
waves, seismic waves
focus, epicenter,
DECISION 3: What is the Performance/Product or Project that is the culminating activity of
this unit?
Higher order analytical and synthesis labs.
Student Assignments for the Culminating Activity:
Earthquakes Depths
PACT Questions
Answer critical thinking questions
Demonstrating Four Types of Stresses
Earthquake! Earthquake! Where is the Earthquake?
Essential Question of the Culminating Activity:
What types of stresses cause earthquakes and how can you determine where they originate?
Paragraph Description of the Culminating Activity:
The culminating activities require higher order thinking skills necessary to perform the labs without
notes, books or other resources. All work is completed using their thought processes and everything
they learned from knowledge and comprehension tasks prior to reaching this level.
Earthquake Depth’s has students plot and identify and earthquakes epicenter. PACT and Critical
Thinking Questions provoking higher order thinking skills. Demonstrating four types of stresses allows
students to recreate stresses using taffy and analyzing how they are created. Earthquake! Earthquake!
Where is the Earthquake? Allows students to utilize triangulation to locate the epicenter or focus of the
Steps or Task Analysis of the Culminating Activity:
Earthquake Depths
Lab Preview
Directions: Answer these questions before you begin the Lab.
1. What information is contained in the table?
2. Scan the data table to answer this question:Which earthquake originated at the deepest level?
You learned in this chapter that Earth's crust is broken into sections called plates. Stresses caused
by movement of plates generate energy within rocks that must be released. When this release is
sudden and rocks break, an earthquake occurs.
Real-World Question
Can a study of the foci of earthquakes tell you about plate movement in a particular region?
graph paper, pencil
Observe any connection between earthquakefocus depth and epicenter location using the data
provided on the next page.
Describe any observed relationship between earthquake-focus depth and the movement of plates at
Earth's surface.
Analyze Your Data
1. Use graph paper and the data table in your textbook to make a graph in your Science Journal plotting
the depths of earthquake foci and the distances from the coast of a continent for each earthquake
2. Follow the graph in your textbook. Place Distance from the coast and units on the x-axis. Begin
labeling at the far left with 100 km west. To the right of it should be 0 km, then 100 km east, 200 km
east, 300 km east, and so on through 700 km east. What point on your graph represents the coast?
3. Label the y-axis Depth below Earth's surface. Label the top of the graph 0 km to represent Earth's
surface. Label the bottom of the y-axis -800 km.
4. Plot the focus depths against the distance and direction from the coast for each earthquake in the
Data and Observations
Refer to the Focus and Epicenter Data Table in your textbook.
Conclude and Apply
1. Describe any observed relationship between the location of earthquake epicenters and the depth of
2. Explain why none of the plotted earthquakes occurred below 700 km.
3. Based on your graph, form a hypothesis to explain what is happening to the plates at Earth's surface
in the vicinity of the plotted earthquake foci. In what direction are the plates moving relative to each
4. Infer what process is causing the earthquakes you plotted on your graph.
5. Infer whether these earthquakes are occurring along the eastern side of a continent or along the
western side of a continent.
6. Draw and label a cross section of the Earth beneath this coast. Label the eastern plate, the western
plate, and use arrows to show the directions the plates are moving.
7. Form a hypothesis to predict which continent these data might apply to. Apply what you have
learned in this lab and the information in Figure 2. Explain your answer.
Demonstrating Four Types of Stress
1. With palms facing down at all times and your hands in contact with each other, clasp a large bar of
taffy with both hands. First push one hand forward 2 cm while simultaneously pulling the other
backward 2 cm. Return your hands to the original position.
2. Still holding your hands in contact, twist your hands in opposite directions and return them to the
original position.
3. Next, move your hands about 4 cm apart.
4. Finally, push your hands back together to the original position.
1. Which type of stress did you demonstrate in each of steps 1-4?
2. Describe the kinds of deformation you would expect to result from each of the four stresses.
Earthquake!Earthquake! Where's the earthquake?
Lab Preview
Directions: Answer these questions before you begin the Lab.
1. What are the safety precautions you should take while conducting this lab?
2. What is the difference between the focus of an earthquake and its epicenter?
Understanding earthquakes begins with locating them. To determine the epicenter of an earthquake,
scientists use a method called triangulation. If you know the locations of three points on a map, you
can determine a fourth point. Diagram 1 in your text shows how triangulation works.
Real-World Problem
You are on vacation in City A and experience an earthquake. The radio stations are broad-casting
information about the earthquake. Your home is in City B. Is your home near the epicenter?
Examine a table of seismic wave velocities.
Analyze data from the table.
Determine the location of the epicenter.
Possible Materials
plain white paper, graph paper, compass, metric ruler
1. Draw a 20-cm × 15-cm rectangle on a piece of plain white paper. Orient the rectangle so that the 20cm edge is vertical. This is your map.
2. Using a scale of 1 cm200 km, draw a distance scale just below the rectangle on the white paper.
Place an arrow parallel to one of the 20-cm vertical edges and label it North.
3. Within the rectangle, place City A 400 km from the north edge and 400 km from the west edge.
Locate City B 800 km from the north edge and 800 km from the east edge and place City C 1,200 km
from the south edge and 1,200 km from the west edge of the rectangle. Your map will look similar to
Diagram 2 in your text.
4. The earthquake happened at 08:37:00 PST. Copy and complete Table A on your own paper. Subtract
the P-wave and S-wave arrival times to find the time differences for cities B and C. Use the travel
time graph and the time differences to complete the last two columns.
5. Estimate the distance from each city from Table B.
6. Use the distance on map measurement for City A to set the compass width and draw the distance
circle around City A on your map. Your circle may go off the map but the epicenter is somewhere on
the arc you can draw on the map. Repeat for City B and City C.
Data and Observations
Table A
Earthquake Arrival Time Data for Cities A, B, and C
3 min/0sec
Distance to
Distance on
Analyze Your Data
1. Estimate the time difference for P-waves and S-waves coming from 2,500 km.
2. Estimate the distance for a P-wave and S-wave pair that measure a time difference of 3.3 minutes.
3. Determine how much closer to the epicenter City A is than City B. City A received waves 3.0 minutes
apart. City B received waves 4.2 minutes apart.
Conclude and Apply
1. Explain the relationship between body wave travel time differences and the distance to an
earthquake epicenter.
2. Evaluate the potential danger to your home City B. How far is your city from the epicenter?
3. Infer the arrival time difference for S-waves and P-waves at or very close to the epicenter.
4. List the possible sources of error in the methods you used to determine an epicenter. How can you
minimize errors?
DECISION 4: Student Assessments
Plan how students will indicate learning and understanding of the concepts in the unit. How will you
assess learning?
Personal Agenda, individual grading, consultation and feedback, oral defense, Key Terms Test and Unit
Test. I also ask the students to give me feedback on each unit such as, what they liked about the unit,
what they did not like about the unit, etc. See Agenda on next page:
Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms
Knowledge and Comprehension Layer: maximum 84 points. You may use your book on this Layer. No
talking unless your assignment has a partner or group. 2 and 3 must be completed before starting Layer. ~ means you can
do this work at home. All illustrations must be done on plain paper and in color to receive credit. All partners or
groups must write individual reports in their own words.
1. Parent signature for review of Agenda and internet use:______________________[5]
2.~Questions from direct instruction page 138-151 and answer 1-10. [10]
3.~Questions from direct instruction page 162-173 and answer question 11-20. [10]
4.~Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph. [8]
5. Key Terms Test. date: ________________ [10]
6. On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3. [6]
7. Illustrate at least four plate boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and
continental collision) include definitions. [8]
8. Earthquakes. [10]
9. Epicenter. [8]
10. Modeling Seismic Safe Structures. [6]
11. Foldable from page 161 in your text book. Include illustrations. [8]
12.~Modeling Lava Viscosity at home. [6]
13. Interpreting Seismic Wave Data. [6]
14. Do the Launch Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question.[4]
15.~Go to the and
complete the Task. [12]
16. Video Notes. Due the day after the video. Look in Orange Book for directions on how to turn
in the video notes.[10]
17. Answer Essential Questions. [5]
18. Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land Forms Unit Test. Points do not count toward this layer.
This will be a major grade. Test Date_________________
19. Oral Quiz. Must have 80 points. Quiz stops when you miss an answer. [1-4]
TOTAL POINTS up to 84 must be signed off before you move into the next Layer.
Thinking and Analysis Layer: maximum 16 points. There is no use of text books or notes. No talking to anyone on this
layer unless you are with a partner. Do not discuss your findings with other partners/groups. You can receive up to 16 points in
this Layer to achieve 100 point’s for the unit. Everything must be completed in one class period unless otherwise noted. Each
partner or group must submit individual reports in their own words.
Earthquakes Depths.[10]
PACT Questions. [4]
Answer critical thinking questions. Ask me for them. [4]
Demonstrating Four Types of Stresses. [4]
Earthquake! Earthquake! Where is the Earthquake? [12]
_____ TOTAL POINTS up to 100 for Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms.
Please write any comments or notes on the back of this sheet about the unit that you would like to bring to
my attention. Ex: What did you like most about this unit, the least, any suggestions, etc.
DECISION 5: Launch Activity
Interactive Flipchart with Discussion.
Unit Launch
Interactive Flipchart with discussion.
DECISION 6: Acquisition Lessons and Activities- (At the end of this document)
DECISION 7: What Extending/Refining Lessons/Activities will be in the Unit?
Students receive immediate feedback on all labs and work allowing me to clarify any misconceptions
HINT: The most important essential question should have thinking skills activities.
Error Analysis
Example to Idea
Construction Support
Idea to Example
Writing Prompts
DECISION 8: Differentiating the unit
What accommodations will you make to meet the varied interests, learning styles and ability levels of all
Personal Agendas that offer multiple activities and labs in multiple learning styles to meet student’s
individual needs.
DECISION 9: Lesson/Activity Sequence and Timeline:
Personal Agenda for this unit lasts 10 school days. Unit test on the 11th school day.
DECISION 10: Review and Revise:
Students receive immediate feedback on any misconceptions throughout the unit.
DECISION 11: What Resources or Materials will be needed for this unit?
Ruler, calculator, scale map of the Hawaiian Islands, taffy, graph paper, pencil, string, metric ruler, globe, chalk, building
blocks, rubber bands, plain white paper, graph paper, compass.
Learning-Focused Strategies
Lesson Planning Form
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 04-24-08
QUESTION: How were mid ocean ridges discovered?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Interactive Flipchart.
(focus on content
maps and key
TEACHING Questions from direct instruction page 171-173 and 192-206
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
SUMMARIZING Answers will be checked of the following day, and gone over Friday.
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 04-25-08
ESSENTIAL How does new seafloor form at mid-ocean ridges?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Interactive flipchart.
(focus on content
maps and key
TEACHING Questions from direct instruction page 208-212; 224-239; 241-245 and 268-272
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
SUMMARIZING Answers will be checked and gone over tomorrow. Once corrections have been
STRATEGIES: made each student will receive their personal agenda.
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 04-29-08
ESSENTIAL What are the general ways that plates interact?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
STRATEGIES: lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph, On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3, Illustrate at least four plate
STRATEGIES: boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and continental collision) include definitions,
(focus on content Earthquakes, Epicenter, Modeling Seismic Safe Structures, Foldable from page 161 in your text book.
maps and key Include illustrations, Modeling Lava Viscosity at home, Interpreting Seismic Wave Data, Do the Launch
vocabulary Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question, Go to the and complete the Task, Video
Notes, Answer Essential Questions, Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land Forms Unit Test. Points do not
count toward this layer, Oral Quiz.
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of
location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench
Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes
longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the
following school day.
Unit test and Key terms test are assigned and recorded on student’s Personal
Name: Beach Class:
(with key questions if
(focus on content
maps and key
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 04-30-08
What happens when seismic energy is released as rocks in Earth’s crust break
and move?
Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph, On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3, Illustrate at least four plate
boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and continental collision) include definitions,
Earthquakes, Epicenter, Modeling Seismic Safe Structures, Foldable from page 161 in your text book.
Include illustrations, Modeling Lava Viscosity at home, Interpreting Seismic Wave Data, Do the Launch
Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question, Go to the and complete the Task, Video
Notes, Answer Essential Questions, Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land Forms Unit Test. Points do not
count toward this layer, Oral Quiz.
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of
location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes
longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the
following school day.
Unit test and Key terms test are assigned and recorded on student’s Personal
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 05-01-08
ESSENTIAL How do the inner and outer cores differ?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
STRATEGIES: lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph, On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3, Illustrate at least four plate
STRATEGIES: boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and continental collision) include definitions,
(focus on content Earthquakes, Epicenter, Modeling Seismic Safe Structures, Foldable from page 161 in your text book.
maps and key Include illustrations, Modeling Lava Viscosity at home, Interpreting Seismic Wave Data, Do the Launch
vocabulary Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question, Go to the and complete the Task, Video
Notes, Answer Essential Questions, Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land Forms Unit Test. Points do not
count toward this layer, Oral Quiz.
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of
location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
Essential questions are answered. Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes
longer than 1 day. In such a case the work is held for the student/s to begin the
following school day.
Unit test and Key terms test are assigned and recorded on student’s Personal
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 05-02-08
ESSENTIAL Why do surface waves damage buildings?
QUESTION: Key Terms Test.
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
STRATEGIES: lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph, On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3, Illustrate at least four plate
STRATEGIES: boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and continental collision) include definitions,
(focus on content Earthquakes, Epicenter, Modeling Seismic Safe Structures, Foldable from page 161 in your text book.
maps and key Include illustrations, Modeling Lava Viscosity at home, Interpreting Seismic Wave Data, Do the Launch
vocabulary Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question, Go to the and complete the Task, Video
Notes, Answer Essential Questions, Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land Forms Unit Test. Points do not
count toward this layer, Oral Quiz.
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of
location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 05-05-08
ESSENTIAL How are oil and natural gas brought to Earth’s surface?
(with key questions
if necessary)
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
STRATEGIES: lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph, On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3, Illustrate at least four plate
STRATEGIES: boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and continental collision) include definitions,
(focus on content Earthquakes, Epicenter, Modeling Seismic Safe Structures, Foldable from page 161 in your text book.
maps and key Include illustrations, Modeling Lava Viscosity at home, Interpreting Seismic Wave Data, Do the Launch
vocabulary Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question, Go to the and complete the Task, Video
Notes, Answer Essential Questions, Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land Forms Unit Test. Points do not
count toward this layer, Oral Quiz.Earth’s Layers Lab
Earthquakes Depths
PACT Questions
Answer critical thinking questions
Demonstrating Four Types of Stresses
Earthquake! Earthquake! Where is the Earthquake?
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising and
scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check their
work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any misconceptions.
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they want.
All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of location
in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 05-06-08
ESSENTIAL What is the difference between primary and secondary waves?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
STRATEGIES: lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph, On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3, Illustrate at least four plate
STRATEGIES: boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and continental collision) include
(focus on content definitions, Earthquakes, Epicenter, Modeling Seismic Safe Structures, Foldable from page 161 in
maps and key your text book. Include illustrations, Modeling Lava Viscosity at home, Interpreting Seismic Wave
vocabulary Data, Do the Launch Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question, Go to the and
complete the Task, Video Notes, Answer Essential Questions, Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land
Forms Unit Test. Points do not count toward this layer, Oral Quiz.Earth’s Layers Lab
Earthquakes Depths
PACT Questions
Answer critical thinking questions
Demonstrating Four Types of Stresses
Earthquake! Earthquake! Where is the Earthquake?
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive
sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and
students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab
Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 05-07-08
ESSENTIAL Why do most earthquakes occur near plate boundaries?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
STRATEGIES: lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph, On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3, Illustrate at least four plate
STRATEGIES: boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and continental collision) include definitions,
(focus on content Earthquakes, Epicenter, Modeling Seismic Safe Structures, Foldable from page 161 in your text book.
maps and key Include illustrations, Modeling Lava Viscosity at home, Interpreting Seismic Wave Data, Do the Launch
vocabulary Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question, Go to the and complete the Task, Video
Notes, Answer Essential Questions, Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land Forms Unit Test. Points do not
count toward this layer, Oral Quiz.Earth’s Layers Lab
Earthquakes Depths
PACT Questions
Answer critical thinking questions
Demonstrating Four Types of Stresses
Earthquake! Earthquake! Where is the Earthquake?
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive sheets/Instructional
materials and lab supplies are readily available and students are aware of
location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab bench)
Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 05-08-08
QUESTION: Why do seismic waves change speed as they travel through Earth?
(with key questions if
ACTIVATING Copy and define Key Terms in a foldable, or on index cards: plate tectonics, plates,
STRATEGIES: lithosphere, asthenosphere, faults, earthquake, normal fault, reverse fault, strike-slip fault,
seismic waves, focus, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, epicenter,
seismograph, On page 154 read the poem and answer questions 1-3, Illustrate at least four plate
STRATEGIES: boundaries (ex. Seafloor spreading, rift valley, subduction, and continental collision) include
(focus on content definitions, Earthquakes, Epicenter, Modeling Seismic Safe Structures, Foldable from page 161 in
maps and key your text book. Include illustrations, Modeling Lava Viscosity at home, Interpreting Seismic Wave
vocabulary Data, Do the Launch Lab on page 161 and answer the critical thinking question, Go to the and
complete the Task, Video Notes, Answer Essential Questions, Plate Tectonicsand Changing Land
Forms Unit Test. Points do not count toward this layer, Oral Quiz.Earth’s Layers Lab
Earthquakes Depths
PACT Questions
Answer critical thinking questions
Demonstrating Four Types of Stresses
Earthquake! Earthquake! Where is the Earthquake?
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)
Differentiated. Multiple options to choose from in which to learn the standard.
As students work I will be observing, answering questions, modeling, praising
and scaffolding. Upon completion students sign up on the board and I check
their work (in order) providing immediate feedback to correct any
(Students create from the Personal Agenda provided the order in which they
want. All activity sheets/mini lab sheets/internet interactive
sheets/Instructional materials and lab supplies are readily available and
students are aware of location in the room, their notebook, or on the lab
Work is checked each day. Unless lab takes longer than 1 day. In such a case
the work is held for the student/s to begin the following school day.
Name: Beach Class: Science Unit: Plate Tectonics and Changing Landforms Date of lesson: 05-09-08
ESSENTIAL No essential question Today.
QUESTION: Unit Test.
(with key questions if
(focus on content
maps and key
(graphic organizers)
(distributed guided
practice and
(ex: Ticket out the
Door, 3-2-1, etc.
Answer the EQ)