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Spanish 2 Spring Midterm Review
Vocabulary: 3B and 4A
Grammar: Present progressive, Tú commands, D.O.P, I.O.P., Imperfect
A) Present progressive
1. Present progressive tells what is happening right now_.
2. Present progressive is made of 2 parts:
Present tense of the verb __ESTAR_ + __PRESENT PARTICIPLE_
3. Write the 6 forms of “estar” in the present tense:
What are the 2 endings for the 2 nd verb?
-ar - - ando
__ estás_____
-er/-ir - -iendo
4. Examples: Write the following in the present progressive in Spanish:
She is waiting. ____Ella está esperando.________
We are offering. ___Nosotros estamos ofreciendo._______
5. Some verbs have irregular participle forms.
Group 1 – -ir stem-changing verbs (only have a single letter change e-i or o-u)
*Note - -ar and –er stem-changing verbs do NOT change in the present progressive.
Write the meaning of each verb. Then write the irregular participle.
Infinitive English meaning
irregular participle
1. decir to say/tell
6. vestir
to dress
2. pedir to ask for/order
7. mentir to lie
3. repetir to repeat
8. venir
to come
4. seguir to follow/continue
9. dormir to sleep
5. servir to serve
Group 2 – Verbs that end in –eer/-aer/-uir (change i-y)
10. leer
12. creer
11. traer
13. destruir destruyendo
6. When you use object pronouns (reflexive, direct, indirect) with the present progressive, you either
put them ____before “estar”________ or ____attached to the end of the present participle.
7. In the second case, you will need to add an __accent mark___ over the vowel that is normally
stressed in the present participle. (_2nd_ to last syllable BEFORE you added the pronoun)
Práctica - Write the correct form of the present progressive for each one.
1. Ella ___________________________________ el autobús. (esperar)
2. El policía me ________________________________. (seguir)
3. Yo __________________________________ el coche en la plaza. (dejar)
4. Nosotros ________________________________ la calle. (cruzar)
5. ¿(Tú) _______________________________? (mentir)
6. Ellos _______________________________sus muñecos. (traer)
7. Vosotras ____________________________ con el tren eléctrico. (jugar)
8. Mi hermana me ____________________________. (molestar)
9. Los niños __________________________________. (dormir)
10. Yo _____________________________ el vocabulario. (repetir)
11. Mis hermanos _______________________________ (pelearse)
12. El padre ___________________________ un triciclo nuevo a su hijo. (darle)
B) Direct object pronouns
1. What is a direct object?__tells who/what receives the action of the verb
2. Direct objects can refer to both ___objects____ & ____people_______.
2. To find a D.O. in the sentence, find the verb and ask the questions __Who___? or __What___?
Ex: I eat pizza every day DOP=__la (it- takes place of pizza)___
3. Direct object pronouns replace direct object __Nouns__.
4. List the direct object pronouns in Spanish:
_____nos__ us
_te___ you (informal)
you all (informal)
_lo____ him, it (masc.), you (formal) ______los_ them, you all (fem.)
_la____ her, it (fem.), you (formal)
them, you all (masc.)
5. Describe where to place the D.O.P. in the following cases:
a. in a sentence with one conjugated verb ____before the verb_______
b. in a sentence with 2 verbs ___before the 1st or attached to the end of the 2nd verb_________
c. with a positive tú command ____attached to the end of the command________
Práctica – Rewrite each sentence, replacing the direct object noun with a D.O.P.
1. Ella cruza el puente. _____________________________________________________
(She crosses the bridge.)
(She crosses it.)
2. Ellos están llamando a nosotros. ____________________________________________
3. Yo siempre visito a mis abuelos los sábados. ___________________________________
4. ¿Tú coleccionas muñecas? _________________________________________________
5. Mi hermano y yo no decimos la verdad. ______________________________________
C) Indirect Object pronouns
1. An indirect object tells to or for ___whom_____ an action is performed.
2. Indirect object __pronouns____ replace indirect object nouns.
3. What are the indirect object pronouns in Spanish?
___me____ (to/for) me
(to/for) us
___te____ (to/for) you (informal)
(to/for) you all (informal)
___le____ (to/for) him, it, you (formal)
____les___ (to/for) them, you all (fem.)
___le__ (to/for) her, it, you (formal)
(to/for) them, you all (masc.)
4. Since the third person pronouns can have more than one possible meaning, you need to include a
clarification phrase by adding a_ + name, noun, or pronoun.
4. Since the third person pronouns can have more than one possible meaning, you need to include a
clarification phrase by adding __a____ + name, noun, or pronoun.
5. Placement of IOP in a sentence? Follows same rules as DOP & reflexive pronouns!!
Práctica – Combine the following groups of words to create sentences using the present tense of
each verb and replacing the nouns with indirect object pronouns. Add clarification if needed.
Ex: Yo / dar / un oso de peluche / mi hermana Yo le doy un oso de peluche a mi hermana.
1. Rosa / comprar / un tren eléctrico / Mario
2. Marta y Juan / dar / sus muñecos / nosotros
3. El policía / poner / una multa / yo
4. Yo / no / ofrecer / mi coche / el vecino
D) Informal (tú) commands
1. What are commands?_Verbs that tell someone to do something__________________
2. To make a tú command, put the verb in __the he/she/it form of the present tense______________
3. When using a pronoun, __attach___________ it to the command.
*You will need to add an _accent mark_____ if the command has more than one syllable.
4. There are 8 irregular tú commands. List them below:
English meaning
1. venir
___to come___
2. decir
_to say, to tell__
3. salir
_to leave, to go out __sal_____
4. hacer
_to do, to make
5. tener
_to have______
6. ir
__to go_______
7. poner
_to put, to place
8. ser
_to be________
5. What is the phrase we talked about in class that can help you remember these irregular
__Ven DiSal Haz Ten VePonSé__________________________________
Práctica – Write the command form for each one.
1. _________ despacio. (ir)
2. _________ a la derecha en el semáforo. (doblar)
3. __________ en paz. (dejarme)
4. __________ cuidado. (tener)
5. Ana, ¡__________ bien! (portarte)
6. Leo, _________ bueno. (ser)
7. _____________ hasta el puente. (seguirme)
8. _____________ cómo se va al cine. (decirme)
E) Imperfect 1. The imperfect is another way to talk about the __past_______________.
2. The imperfect is used to talk about actions that happened repeatedly in the past and can be compared to
the phrase “__used _____ __to___” in English.
3. Some common expressions that are used with the imperfect include:
_generalmente ___________ - generally
_por lo general___________ - in general
_a menudo_______________ - often
_muchas veces___________ - many times
_todos los días____________ - every day
_de vez en cuando________ - once in a while
__siempre________________ - always
_nunca_________________ - never
4. List the verb endings for the regular imperfect:
manejar - _to drive______
_aba____ _ábamos_
_abas___ _abais___
_aba____ _aban___
_ía_____ _íamos__
_ías____ _íais____
_ía_____ _ían____
permitir - _to allow_______
5. There are ONLY 3 irregular verbs in the imperfect: ir, ser, and ver
ir - _to go___
_iba________ _íbamos_____
_ibas_______ _ibais_______
_iba________ _iban_______
ser - _to be____
_era________ _éramos____
_eras_______ __erais______
_era________ _eran_______
ver - _to see_____
_veía_______ _veíamos____
_veías______ _veíais______
_veía_______ _veían_______
Práctica – Write the correct imperfect form of each verb.
1. De niño, yo __________________ en el patio de recreo. (jugar)
2. Ella siempre ____________________ muy despacio. (conducir)
3. Mi padres no ____________________ a la escuela. (manejar)
4. Nosotros nunca ________________ a los vecinos. (ver)
5. Todos los días (tú) ______________ por la plaza. (ir)
6. Vosotros _____________ amigos. (ser)
Un poco de todo – (A little of everything) Translate the following to Spanish:
1. Be careful at the intersection! ___________________________________________________
2. She used to call me every day. ___________________________________________________
3. We are passing by the daycare center. _____________________________________________
4. The teachers used to allow us to watch movies. ______________________________________
5. Wait for me at the corner. _______________________________________________________
6. Give your driver’s license to the policeman. _________________________________________
7. My brothers always used to fight when they were children. _____________________________
8. My sister is sleeping with her teddy bear. _____________________________________________