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Preface for
Mastering the World of Psychology, 1st edition
Samuel E. Wood
Lindenwood University
Ellen Green Wood
Denise Boyd
Houston Community College System
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology
An Introduction
The Scientific Method
The Goals of Psychology
Critical Thinking
Descriptive Research Methods
Naturalistic and Laboratory Observation
The Case Study Method
Survey Research
Selecting a Sample
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Survey Research
The Experimental Method
Independent and Dependent Variables
Experimental and Control Groups
Generalizing Experimental Findings
Potential Problems in Experimental Research
Selection Bias
The Placebo Effect
Experimenter Bias
Advantages and Limitations of the
Experimental Method
The Correlational Method
The Correlation Coefficient
Correlation and Prediction
Psychological Tests
Participants in Psychological Research
Ethics in Research
Participant-Related Bias in Psychological Research
The Use of Animals in Research
Exploring Psychology's Roots
The Founding of Psychology
Women and Minorities
Schools of Thought in Psychology
Humanistic Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Gestalt Psychology
Information-Processing Theory
Cognitive Psychology Today
Current Trends in Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology
Biological (Physiological) Psychology
Sociocultural Approaches
Psychological Perspectives
Psychologists at Work
Apply It! Studying: When, Where, and How?
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 1
Practice Tests for Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Biology and Behavior
The Neurons and the Neurotransmitters
The Neurons
The Effects of Drugs on Neural Transmission
The Variety of Neurotransmitters
The Central Nervous System
The Spinal Cord
The Brainstem
The Cerebellum
The Midbrain
The Thalamus and Hypothalamus
The Limbic System
The Cerebral Hemispheres
The Frontal Lobes
The Parietal Lobes
The Occipital Lobes
The Temporal Lobes
Specialized Functions of the Left Hemisphere:
Specialized Functions of the Right
The Split Brain
Discovering the Brain's Mysteries
The EEG and the Microelectrode
The CT Scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The PET Scan, fMRI, and Other Imaging Techniques
The Peripheral Nervous System
The Endocrine System
Apply It! Handedness: Genes or Culture?
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 2
Practice Tests for Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Sensation and Perception
The Process of Sensation
The Absolute Threshold
The Difference Threshold
Sensory Adaptation
The Eye
Color Vision
The Ear
Theories of Hearing
Smell and Taste
The Other Senses
The Skin Senses
Psychological and Cultural Influences on the
Experience of Pain
The Kinesthetic and Vestibular Senses Perception
The Gestalt Principles of Perceptual Organization
Perceptual Constancy
Depth Perception
Extraordinary Perceptions
Cultural Differences in the Perception of Visual
Additional Influences on Perception
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing
Perceptual Set
Apply It! Noise and Hearing Loss
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 3
Practice Tests for Chapter 3
Chapter 4: States of Consciousness
What Is Consciousness?
Circadian Rhythms
Jet Lag and Shift Work Sleep
NREM and REM Sleep
Sleep Cycles
Variations in Sleep
The Functions of Sleep
Sleep Deprivation
Interpreting Dreams
Major Sleep Disorders
Altering Consciousness through Concentration
and Suggestion
Culture and Altered States of Consciousness
Altered States of Consciousness and Psychoactive
Substance Abuse
Drug Dependence
Types of Psychoactive Drugs and Their Effects
Apply It! Should You Kick Your Caffeine Habit?
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 4
Practice Tests for Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Learning
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov and Classical Conditioning
John Watson, Little Albert, and Peter
Contemporary Views of Classical Conditioning
The Cognitive Perspective
Biological Predispositions
Classical Conditioning in Everyday Life
Operant Conditioning
Thorndike and the Law of Effect
B. F. Skinner and Operant Conditioning
Schedules of Reinforcement
Making Punishment More Effective
Culture and Punishment
Escape and Avoidance Learning
Applications of Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Learning
Insight and Latent Learning
Observational Learning
Apply It! How to Win the Battle against Procrastination
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 5
Practice Tests for Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Memory
The Three Processes in Memory
The Three Memory Systems
The Levels-of-Processing Model
Three Kinds of Memory Tasks
The Nature of Remembering
Memory as a Reconstruction
Eyewitness Testimony
Recovering Repressed Memories
Flashbulb Memories
Memory and Culture
Factors Influencing Retrieval
The Serial Position Effect
Environmental Context and Memory
The State-Dependent Memory Effect
Biology and Memory
Brain Damage
Neuronal Changes in Memory
Hormones and Memory
Ebbinghaus and the First Experimental Studies on
The Causes of Forgetting
Improving Memory
Apply It! Improving Memory with Mnemonic Devices
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 6
Practice Tests for Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Cognition, Language, and Creativity
Imagery and Concepts
The Additive Strategy 203
Problem Solving
Impediments to Problem Solving
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
The Structure of Language
Animal Language
Language and Thinking
Language and the Brain
The Nature of Intelligence
The Search for a Useful Definition of Intelligence
Measuring Intelligence
Requirements of Good Tests
The Range of Intelligence
The IQ Testing Controversy
The Heritability of IQ Scores
Environmental Effects on IQ
Gender Differences in Cognitive Abilities
Cultural Beliefs, Expectations, Effort, and Academic
Emotional Intelligence
Apply It! How to Build a Powerful Vocabulary
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 7
Practice Tests for Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Human Development
Issues in Developmental Psychology
Stage Theories of Development
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
Cultural Influences on Cognitive Development
An Evaluation of Piaget’s Contribution
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Levels of Moral Development
Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory
Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development
Research on Erikson’s Theory
Heredity and Prenatal Development
The Mechanism of Heredity: Genes and
The Stages of Prenatal Development
Negative Influences on Prenatal Development
Perceptual Development
Learning and Motor Development
The Process of Forming an Attachment
Variations in Security of Attachment
The Father-Child Relationship
Early and Middle Childhood
Language Development
Stages of Language Development
Theories of Language Development
Learning to Read
The Parents' Role in Socialization
Group Differences in Parenting Styles
Peer Relationships
Gender-Role Development
The Influence of Television
Sexuality and Adolescence
Teenage Pregnancy
Adolescent Thought
Social Relationships
Early and Middle Adulthood
Physical Changes
Intellectual Capacity
Personality and Social Development
Later Adulthood
Physical Changes
Cognitive Changes
Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Types of Dementia
Social Adjustment
Cultural Differences in Care for the Elderly
Death and Dying
Apply It! The Importance of Prenatal Care
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 8
Practice Tests for Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Motivation and Emotion
What Is Motivation?
Defining Motivation
Instinct Theories
Drive-Reduction Theory
Arousal Theory
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Internal and External Cues
Explaining Variations in Body Weight
Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Sexual Motives
Sexual Attitudes and Behavior
Sexual Desire and Arousal
Sexual Orientation
Determinants of Sexual Orientation
The Developmental Experiences of Gay Men
and Lesbians
Social Motives
The What and Why of Emotions
Explaining the Components of Emotions
Emotion and the Brain
The Expression of Emotion
The Range of Emotion
Facial Expressions
Cultural Rules for Displaying Emotion
Experiencing Emotion
The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis
Gender Differences in Experiencing Emotion
Apply It! The Quest for Happiness
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 9
Practice Tests for Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Health and Stress
Sources of Stress
Holmes and Rahe's Social Readjustment Rating
Daily Hassles of Life
Making Choices
Unpredictability and Lack of Control
Stress in the Workplace
Catastrophic Events
Racism and Stress
Responding to Stress
Selye and the General Adaptation Syndrome
Lazarus's Cognitive Theory of Stress
Coping Strategies
Health and Illness
Two Approaches to Health and Illness
Coronary Heart Disease
The Immune System
Stress and the Immune System
Personal Factors Reducing the Impact of Stress and
Lifestyle and Health
Smoking and Health
Alcohol Abuse
Apply It! Should You Turn to the Internet for Health
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 10
Practice Tests for Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Personality Theory and Assessment
Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis
The Conscious, the Preconscious, and the
The Id, the Ego, and the Superego
Defense Mechanisms
The Psychosexual Stages of Development
Evaluating Freud's Contribution
The Neo-Freudians
Learning Theories and Personality
Humanistic Personality Theories
Trait Theories
Factor Models of Personality
The Situation Versus Trait Debate
Nature, Nurture, and Personality
Personality and Culture
Personality Assessment
Observation, Interviews, and Rating Scales
Personality Inventories
Projective Tests
Apply It! How to Practice Positive Psychology
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 11
Practice Tests for Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Psychological Disorders
What Is Abnormal?
Defining Mental Disorders
Prevalence of Psychological Disorders
Perspectives on the Causes, Treatment, and
Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders
Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Brain Abnormalities in Schizophrenics
Types of Schizophrenia
The Causes of Schizophrenia
Gender and Schizophrenia
Mood Disorders
Depressive Disorders
Gender, Culture, and Depression
Bipolar Disorder
Causes of Mood Disorders
Suicide and Race, Gender, and Age
Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders
Somatoform Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Other Psychological Disorders
Sexual Disorders
Personality Disorders
Apply It! Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 12
Practice Tests for Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Therapies
Insight Therapies
Psychodynamic Therapies
Humanistic Therapies
Gestalt Therapy
Relationship Therapies
Interpersonal Therapy
Couple and Family Therapy
Group Therapy
Behavior Therapies
Behavior Modification Techniques Based on
Operant Conditioning
Therapies Based on Classical Conditioning
Exposure and Response Prevention
Aversion Therapy
Participant Modeling
Cognitive Therapies
Rational-Emotive Therapy
Cognitive Therapy
The Biological Therapies
Drug Therapy
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Evaluating the Therapies
Culturally Sensitive and Gender-Sensitive Therapy
Apply It! E-Therapy: Is It Right for You?
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 13
Practice Tests for Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Social Psychology
Social Perception
Impression Formation
Factors Influencing Attraction
Physical Attractiveness
Romantic Attraction and Mating
Sternberg’s Theory of Love
Social Influence
Group Influence
Social Facilitation
Social Loafing
Group Polarization and Groupthink
Social Roles
Attitudes and Attitude Change
Prosocial Behavior
Reasons for Helping
The Bystander Effect
Biological Factors in Aggression
Aggression in Response to Frustration and Aversive
The Social Learning Theory of Aggression
The Media and Aggression
Prejudice and Discrimination
The Roots of Prejudice and Discrimination
Discrimination in the Workplace
Is Prejudice Increasing or Decreasing?
Apply It! “Unlearning” Prejudice
Summarize It!
Study Guide for Chapter 14
Practice Tests for Chapter 14
Look around any college classroom today, and you’ll find one commonality: Today’s students are not the
same students that filled our classrooms in yesteryear--or even five years ago. No, students today are
more diverse, more mobile, and more technologically astute than ever.
Over the years we, the authors of this text, have witnessed tremendous changes in the field, in
our students, and in ourselves as well. Having taught many thousands of students their first course in
psychology, we are sensitive to the ever-changing complexities and subtleties of the teaching/learning
process that accompany this transition.
Since the first edition of The World of Psychology – the comprehensive Introductory text, we
have sought to create a textbook that was sensitive to the changing needs of modern students and their
professors while providing a context in which students may learn about psychology's past, its present,
and its probable future. We presented the principles of psychology using a clear and engaging writing
style and a pedagogically sound learning format that is both accessible and appealing to students.
Our goals for Mastering the World of Psychology, our brief text, is to introduce the diverse world
of psychology to our ever increasingly diverse student population.
Joining the Author team: Denise Boyd, Ed.D.
Denise Boyd of Houston Community College, joins us, Samuel Wood and Ellen Green Wood, to author
Mastering the World of Psychology. Dr. Boyd has taught introductory psychology courses at Houston
Community College - Central for 17 years (and has used The World of Psychology since its first edition!).
Houston Community College - Central is an urban community college known for its diversity. The ethnic
breakdown among the American students is about 30 percent African American, 20 percent Hispanic, 5
percent Caucasian, and 5 percent Asian in population. In addition, about 40 percent of the students are
from other countries. The Houston Community College system, with its diverse student body, has given
Dr. Boyd extensive experience with teaching students from varied ages, economic, educational, and
cultural backgrounds. Along with her substantial teaching experience, Dr. Boyd brings to the author team
a background in learning and development. In addition, Dr. Boyd received the Faculty Association
Teaching Excellence Award from the HCC Faculty Association in 1995, and is the co-author (with Helen
Bee) of Lifespan Development, 3rd edition (2002, Allyn & Bacon) and The Developing Child, 10th edition
(2004, Allyn & Bacon).
Dr. Boyd is truly in tune with today’s diverse student population!
Goals and Objectives of This Text
We understand that reading about psychology is not enough. We believe students should be actively
involved in psychology. Highly interactive and engaging, this textbook encourages students to think for
themselves as they learn about, relate to, and apply the psychological principles that affect their lives.
Additionally, various learning tools in the text guide students to success.
To accomplish our goals, we set the following objectives—
Maintain a Clear, Understandable Writing Style
First and foremost, a textbook is a teaching instrument. It cannot be a novel; nor should it be an esoteric,
academic treatise. A good psychology textbook must communicate clearly to a diverse audience of
various ages and levels of academic ability. Our text is appealing to accomplished students, yet
accessible to students whose academic skills are yet to be fully developed. We seek to achieve this
objective by explaining concepts in much the same way as we do in our own psychology classes. This
text is filled with everyday examples pertinent to students' lives.
Encourage Students to Become Active Participants in the Learning Process
Reading about psychology is not enough. Students should be able to practice what they have learned,
when appropriate. Many of the principles we teach can be demonstrated without elaborate equipment and
sometimes as the student reads. Our Try Its! features personalize psychology, making it simple for
students to actively relate psychology to their everyday lives.
Show the Practical Applications of Psychology
One of our goals is to help students apply psychology to their lives. The Apply It! section at the end of
every chapter shows the practical applications of the principles of psychology and demonstrates the role
of psychology in daily life. An example of some Apply It! topics:
Caffeine addiction
Prenatal care
Positive psychology
Fear of public speaking
Building your vocabulary
Help Students Understand and Appreciate Human Diversity
We are dedicated to the goal of promoting understanding of human diversity. Diversity has been woven
throughout the text. In Mastering the World of Psychology, we have taken diversity a step further—every
chapter has at least one Cultures Around the World section. These sections discuss psychological
principles as they relate to cultures outside the United States.
Provide an Accurate and Thoroughly Researched Textbook Featuring Original Sources
To accomplish our goal of introducing the world of psychology accurately and clearly, we have gone back
to original sources and have read and reread the basic works of the major figures in psychology and the
classic studies in the field. For each revision this has meant more than 10,000 pages of photocopied
research (and a basement approaching fire hazard status!). This reading has enabled us to write with
greater clarity and assurance, rather than having to hedge or write tentatively when discussing what
experts in the field have actually said. This book is one of the most carefully researched, up-to-date, and
extensively referenced of all introductory psychology textbooks.
Integrated Interactive Learning
Each chapter provides multiple ways for students to test their knowledge. Some of the superior learning
tools are:
Review & Reflect. Review & Reflect consolidate a wealth of information from the text into
an at-a-glance chart, for easy student review and comprehension.
Margin Learning Questions. Margin learning questions are found in the margins of the
text. The questions help students focus on the key concepts of a section.
Summarize It! Summarize It! is found at the end of the chapter. It repeats the margin
learning questions and then answers these questions.
Chapter-ending Study Guide. Mastering the World of Psychology includes a
comprehensive Study Guide at the end of every chapter.
Practice Tests. Every chapter has two practice tests, found at the end of the text – in
addition to the study guide at the end of the chapter. Each practice test has 20 multiplechoice questions, 10 True/ False questions, and a few short-answer questions.
Additional Learning Tools
In addition to in-text learning tools, several other study aids exist to help students succeed.
Psych Tutor The Tutor Center provides students with free tutoring from qualified college
psychology instructors on all material in the text. Tutors are available via phone, fax, e-mail, or
Internet during the Tutor Center hours of 5 pm – 12 am EST, Sunday through Thursday.
Companion Website
A unique resource for connecting the textbook to the Internet. Each chapter includes:
Learning Objectives
Chapter summaries
Updated and annotated web links for additional sources of information
Flash Card glossary terms
Introduction to Psychology timeline
Online practice tests
Psychology activities
iSearch with Research Navigator: Psychology
This easy to read guide helps point students in the right direction as they explore the tremendous
array of information on psychology on the Internet. The guide also provides a wide range of
additional annotated web links for further exploration.
iSearch also contains an access code to Research Navigator, Allyn & Bacon’s online collection
of academic and popular journals.
Research Navigator™
Allyn & Bacon's new Research Navigator™ is the easiest way for students to start a research
assignment or research paper. Complete with extensive help on the research process and three
exclusive databases of credible and reliable source material including EBSCO's ContentSelect
Academic Journal Database, New York Times Search by Subject Archive, and "Best of the Web"
Link Library, Research Navigator™ helps students quickly and efficiently make the most of their
research time.
Mind Matters II CD-ROM
New! The Allyn & Bacon Mind Matters II CD-ROM makes psychology more engaging, interactive,
informative and fun! Mind Matters II covers the “core” concepts of psychology through a
combination of text, graphics, simulations, video clips of historic experiments, and activities.
Assessments test comprehension at both the topic and unit levels. New to Mind Matters II innovative modules on Personality, Developmental Psychology and Social Psychology.
Since the 4th edition of The World of Psychology much new research has come out. Below are some of
the new topics and information found exclusively in the brief version.
Chapter 1
Opening vignette on globalization and the information age
Discussion of history, schools of thought, and current trends; new structure clarifies for reader which
approaches (e.g., structuralism, functionalism) are strictly historical and which continue to be
influential (e.g., psychoanalysis)
Discussion of evolutionary and biological perspectives
Review & Reflect table summarizing psychological perspectives now includes example of how each
would approach a particular research finding (memory decline in old age)
Try It challenges students to find out whether small samples can be truly representative of large
Chapter 2
Full section on midbrain featuring substantia nigra (Parkinson’s disease)
All information on brain structures combined into the same section
Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas are now discussed along with language control in left hemisphere
Cultural focus in Handedness: Genes or Culture? Apply It!
Review & Reflect table on Glands, Hormones, and Their Functions
Detailed figures showing divisions of human nervous system
Color-coded figure, showing major structures of the human brain, including the forebrain, midbrain,
and hindbrain
Complete section on the Effects of Drugs on Neural Transmission
Chapter 3
Opening vignette on Helen Keller
Photo collage illustrating monocular depth cues
Try It on illusions
Cutting edge information on infection-related hearing loss in children, smell and dementia, and
aggression and menstrual synchrony
Intriguing section on Psychological and Cultural Influences in the Experience of Pain
Chapter 4
High interest vignette on the drug MDMA (Ecstasy) and rave dances
Apply It! on caffeine addiction
Try It! on dream control
Psychoactive Drugs section has been organized to place greater emphasis on generic neurological
information about the effects of drugs on consciousness rather than deleterious health consequences
and the mechanisms underlying addiction
Chapter 5
Observational Learning section carefully written to clarify the different kinds of learning from
observation. This clarifies the difference between the scientific study of observational learning and the
common-sense observation that we learn from watching other people. Also, Bandura’s theory is now
known as social-cognitive theory, so this term has been introduced.
Try It on behavior modification
Chapter 6
Vignette featuring a real-life case of faulty memory that sent the wrong man to jail for rape
Try It on memory distortion
Brain scans showing the hippocampus of London taxi drivers
Apply It on mnemonic devices illustrates how memory aids can help students
More classic research on memory for stories to Memory and Culture section
Chapter 7
High interest vignette on computers’ ability to “think”
Complete section on Language and the Brain
Up to date information in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics section
Current information on bilingualism
Apply It! on How to Build a Powerful Vocabulary
Try It! on creativity
Chapter 8
Chapter is organized so discussion of Piaget, Kohlberg, and Erikson lays foundation for chronological
Most of the chapter now addresses students’ own age group and developmental concerns
Vignette on Ruth Simmons, the first African American president of an Ivy League university
Information on Marcia’s identity research
Apply It on the Importance of Prenatal Care
Cognitive development in adolescence focuses on information-processing
Gender-Role Development section
Coverage of The Influence of Television and Learning to Read
Information on cultural differences in parenting styles
Figure on sexual activity in high school students
Chapter 9
Opening vignette on Orio Palmer, the first firefighter to reach the 78th floor of the World Trade
Center’s south tower on September 11, 2001
Substantial coverage of eating disorders section, to clarify that these types of disorders aren’t just
extremes of normal dieting
Try It on internal vs. external motivation to eat
Chapter 10
Health/stress chapter falls before the personality chapter
All alcohol information found in this chapter
Vignette on Michael J. Fox’s battle with Parkinson’s Disease
Apply It!: Should You Turn to the Internet for Health Advice?
Try It!s on Holmes & Rahes Social Readjustment Rating Scale and facts about AIDS
Figure on Americans’ stress levels after September 11, 2001
Chapter 11
Engaging vignette on the infamous Leopold and Loeb trial
Apply It! on positive psychology
Try It! on locus of control
Table showing the clinical scales of the MMPI-2
Chapter 12
Vignette on Pulitzer Prize winner William Styron’s depression
Up to date information on Prevalence of Psychological Disorders
Apply It! on Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking
Complete section on Gender and Schizophrenia
New section on Gender, Culture, and Depression
Try It! on identifying anxiety disorders
Latest statistics in figure showing suicide rates
Chapter 13
Apply It! on e-therapy
Flowchart on rational-emotive therapy
Table on mental health professionals, showing training necessary and services provided
Chapter 14
Vignette on the classic Milgram experiment
Apply It on “Unlearning” Prejudice
Complete section on Sternberg’s Theory of Love
Cultures Around the World Icons
Section and/or Topic
Women and Minorities
Current Trends in Psychology: Sociocultural Approaches
Handedness: Genes or Culture?
Psychological and Cultural Influences on the Experience of Pain
Cultural Differences in the Perception of Visual Illusions
Culture and Altered States of Consciousness
Culture and Punishment
Memory and Culture
Cultural Beliefs, Expectations, Effort, and Academic Achievement
Cultural Influences on Cognitive Development
Group Differences in Parenting Styles
Cultural Differences in Care for the Elderly
Cultural Rules for Displaying Emotion
Racism and Stress
Personality and Culture
Culture, Gender, and Depression
Culturally Sensitive and Gender Sensitive Therapy
Physical Attractiveness
Romantic Attraction and Mating
Social Loafing
Review & Reflect Tables
Research Methods in Psychology
Perspectives in Psychology
Major Neurotransmitters and Their Functions
Glands, Hormones, and Their Functions
The Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms of Some Psychoactive Drugs
Reinforcement Schedules Compared
The Effects of Reinforcement and Punishment
Classical and Operant Conditioning Compared
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development
Theories of Motivation
Theories of Emotion
Defense Mechanisms
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development
Perspectives on Psychological Disorders
Summary and Comparison of Insight Therapies and Therapies Emphasizing
Interaction with Others
Outstanding Support Materials for Today’s Busy Faculty
Instructor’s Manual
Written by text author Denise Boyd, this wonderful tool can be used by first-time or experienced teachers,
and includes numerous handouts, a sample syllabus, lecture material, chapter outlines, suggested
reading and video sources, and teaching objectives.
Test Bank
Featuring more than 100 questions per chapter, the Mastering Test Bank includes multiple choice,
true/false, short answer, and essay, each coded with difficulty rating, page references, and detailed
explanations about the answer key. Also available in TestGen 5.0 computerized version, for use in
personalizing tests.
MyPsychLab Where Learning Comes to Life
MyPsychLab is an exciting new learning and teaching tool designed to increase student success in the
classroom, and quickly and easily give instructors access to every imaginable resource needed to teach
and administer an introductory psychology course. For more information, see the back cover of this
sample chapter or visit for a demonstration.
PowerPoint Presentation CD ROM
An exciting interactive tool for use in the classroom, the PowerPoint Presentation for Mastering includes
images from and key topics covered in the textbook, a link to the companion website for corresponding
activities, and the electronic Instructor’s Manual files.
The Transparency Kit includes approximately 230 full-color acetates to enhance classroom lecture and
discussion -- including images from all of Allyn and Bacon’s Introduction to Psychology texts.
Insights into Psychology, Volumes I and II with Video Guide
These video programs include 2-3 short clips per topic, covering such topics as animal research,
parapsychology, health and stress, Alzheimer’s, bilingual education, genetics and IQ, and much more. A
Video Guide containing critical thinking questions accompanies each video. Also available on DVD.
Allyn and Bacon Digital Media Archive for Psychology, 4.0
This comprehensive source includes still images, audio clips, web links, and animation and video clips.
Highlights include classic Psychology experimental footage from Stanley Milgrim’s Invitation to Social
Psychology, biology animations, and more - with coverage of such topics as eating disorders, aggression,
therapy, intelligence, and sensation and perception.
Student Supplements that ensure success
Built-In Study Guide
Following each chapter, students are provided with a study guide to reinforce key concepts.
Practice Tests
For additional test preparation, two practice tests per chapter are found at the end of the text.
Tutor Center A support service that’s available when you’re not…
Every copy of Mastering the World of Psychology is packaged with access to the Tutor Center, providing
free, high-quality, one-on-one tutoring to students. Qualified tutors will answer questions students have
about material in the text. The Tutor Center is open when students need the most help – in the late
afternoon and evenings, 5 – 12 pm (EST), Sunday – Thursday during the academic calendar. For more
information, visit
Research Navigator TM The easiest way for students to start a research assignment or research paper…
Research Navigator helps students quickly and efficiently make the most of their research time, and write
better papers. Our program is complete with extensive help on the research process and includes three
exclusive databases of credible and reliable source material – EBSCO’s ContentSelect Academic
Journal Database, The New York Times Search by Subject Archive, and our own “Best of the Web” Link
Library. For more information, visit
iSearch with Research Navigator: Psychology
This easy to read guide helps point students in the right direction as they explore the tremendous array of
information on psychology on the Internet. The guide also provides a wide range of additional annotated
web links for further exploration.
iSearch also contains an access code to Research Navigator, Allyn & Bacon’s online collection of
academic and popular journals.
MyPsychLab Where Learning Comes to Life
MyPsychLab is an exciting new learning and teaching tool designed to increase student success in the
classroom, and quickly and easily give instructors access to every imaginable resource needed to teach
and administer an introductory psychology course. For more information, see the back cover of this
sample chapter or visit for a demonstration.
Companion Website 1/e
A unique resource for connecting the textbook to the Internet. Each chapter includes:
Learning Objectives
Chapter summaries
Updated and annotated web links for additional sources of information
Flash Card glossary terms
Introduction to Psychology timeline
Online practice tests
Psychology activities
Mind Matters II CD-ROM
New! The Allyn & Bacon Mind Matters II CD-ROM makes psychology more engaging, interactive,
informative and fun! Mind Matters II covers the “core” concepts of psychology through a combination of
text, graphics, simulations, video clips of historic experiments, and activities. Assessments test
comprehension at both the topic and unit levels. New to Mind Matters II - innovative modules on
Personality, Developmental Psychology and Social Psychology.
To Our Reviewers
Numerous reviewers were invaluable to the development of the first four editions of The
World of Psychology. Their help provided a solid foundation for the creation of
Mastering the World of Psychology. The following people provided valuable feedback -Kenneth Benson: Hinds Community College
Cari Cannon: Santiago Canyon College
Dennis Cogan: Texas Tech University
Jim Dorman: St. Charles CC
Laura Duvall: Heartland CC
Colleen L. Gift: Highland Community College
Paula Goolkasian: UNC Charlotte
Brett Heintz: Delgado Community College
Alan Hughes: Nazareth College (NY)
Norman E. Kinney: SE Missouri State U
Leslie Minor-Evans: Central Oregon CC
Michelle Pilati: Rio Hondo College
Vicki Ritts: St. Louis CC, Meramec
Robert Stickgold: Harvard University
Lisa Valentino: Seminole Community College
We would also like to thank the following reviewers of the fourth edition of The World of Psychology:
Jeffrey S. Anastasi, Francis Marion University
Kathleen Bey, Palm Beach Community College
Robert Brownstein, Delaware Technical & Community College
Samuel Clay, Heartland Community College
Helen Doane, University of Minnesota at Duluth
James W. Downing, Sul Ross State University
Fred Fernandez, Modesta Junior College
Phil Finney, Southeast Missouri State University
Kenneth J. Good, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Audrey Guild, Houston Community College
Toni Haynes, Palm Beach Community College
Curt S. Ickes, Ashland University
R. Martin Lobdell, Pierce College
Karla Miley, Black Hawk College
Terri Morrow, Illinois Central College
Suzanne Nickeson, Umpqua Community College
Sam Olive, Henry Ford Community College
Ellen Pastorino, Valencia Community College
Michael P. Phillips, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Melissa Polusny, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Sally Ponce-O'Rourke, Moorpark College
William F. Price, North Country Community College
Sandra Prince-Madison, Delgado Community College
Joan Ratz, Minnesota State University, Mankato
George E. Riday, Citrus College
Barry J. Ries, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Susan Ringer, Hinds Community College
Vicki Ritts, St. Louis Community College-Meramec
Harold I. Siegel, Rutgers University
William E. Snell, Southeast Missouri State University
Jeanne Spaulding, Houston Community College
Jack Spaun, Citrus College
Maria Straus, Houston Community College
William E. Threlfall, Chabot College
Dennis Underwood, Henry Ford Community College
Rene Verry, Millikin University
Rebecca L. Walker, Central Oregon Community College
Janel Weigel, Black Hawk College
Clair Wiederholt, Madison Area Technical College
Marie Wiederholt, St. Charles County Community College
About the Authors
Samuel E. Wood received his doctorate from the University of Florida. He has taught at West Virginia
University and the University of MissouriSt. Louis and was a member of the doctoral faculty at both
universities. From 1984 to 1996, he served as president of the Higher Education Center, a consortium of
14 colleges and universities in the St. Louis area. He was a co-founder of the Higher Education Cable TV
channel (HEC-TV) in St. Louis and served as its president and CEO from its founding in 1987 until 1996.
Dr. Wood is currently adjunct professor of psychology at Lindenwood University.
Ellen Green Wood received her doctorate in educational psychology from St. Louis University and was an
adjunct professor of psychology at St. Louis Community College at Meramec. She has also taught in the
clinical experiences program in education at Washington University and at the University of MissouriSt.
Louis. In addition to her teaching, Dr. Wood has developed and taught seminars on critical thinking. She
received the Telecourse Pioneer Award from 1982 through 1988 for her contributions to the field of
distance learning.
Denise Boyd received her Ed.D. in educational psychology from the University of Houston, and has been
a psychology instructor in the Houston Community College System since 1988. From 1995 until 1998,
she chaired the Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology Department at HCCS-Central College. She has
co-authored three other Allyn & Bacon texts: with Helen Bee, Lifespan Development (Third Edition) and
The Developing Child (Tenth Edition); and with Genevieve Stevens, Current Readings in Lifespan
Development. A licensed psychologist, she has presented a number of papers at professional meetings,
reporting research in child, adolescent, and adult development. She has also presented workshops for
teachers whose student’s range from preschool to college.
Together, Sam, Evie, and Denise have more than 45 years of experience teaching introductory
psychology to thousands of students of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. The World of Psychology is
the direct result of their teaching experience.