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Name ________________________
Date _________________________
Mid-Term Study Guide – Chapters 1-6
Part #1: Fill in the Blank – Use the word box to complete the following questions.
The study of living things and how they interact with their environment is called
Biologist who work in the field of ________________________might study how to make crops grow
bigger and better.
____________________________biologist might study how to keep organisms from becoming extinct.
The process in which the living body maintains a balance is called __________________________.
Nitrogen Fixation
_____________________________is a part of all organic compounds, which make up living things.
____________________________is the nutrient that is needed to produce proteins.
78% of the nitrogen on Earth is unusable to plants and animals because it is in the
The process by which bacteria capture the nitrogen from the atmosphere and put it into the soil is called
The process by which nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere by bacteria is called
Secondary Succession
Climax Community
Lave Flow
Primary Succession
10. __________________________________________starts from an area that has bare rock, like a
11. _________________________________________starts where a community once existed but was
removed, like by a _____________________.
12. Both types of succession end in a _______________________________________________.
13. Secondary succession occurs faster than primary succession because of the presence of
_____________________________ and _________________________________.
Pre - Reproductive
Density – Dependent
r- strategist
Age Structure
Density – Independent
k- strategist
Post - Reproductive
Carrying Capacity
14. ____________________________________factors include things like parasites and diseases.
15. The _________________________________is the amount of organisms that a particular area can
support, it tends to keep populations stable.
16. ____________________________________factors include things like floods, the weather, fires, and
17. Populations in industrially developed countries use a lot _______________resources than in the
populations in developing countries.
18. Industrially developed countries generally have _____________populations growth rates, while
developing countries generally have ________________population growth rates.
19. Once the world reaches zero population growth, the _____________________________ will be more
20. An ____________________________is an organism that has a short life span and produces a lot of
offspring, while a __________________________is an organism that has a long life span and focuses on
raising a few young.
21. People with the age between newborn and 19 are considered ___________________________, between
the ages of 20 and 44 are considered ______________________________, and over the age of 45 are
considered ___________________________.
Fresh Drinking Water
Keystone Species
22. Maintaining ______________________is important for all living things because it contributes to our
economics as well as the aesthetics of an area.
23. _____________________diversity is the type of diversity in which there are a lot of different genes and
inheritable traits within the same species.
24. Two things that biodiversity directly supplies us with are __________________ and
25. _____________________diversity is the type of diversity in which there are a lot of different ecosystems
within the biosphere (Earth).
26. ______________________________is adding essential materials to a degraded ecosystem to repair it,
like adding ladybugs to eat aphids so they do not damage your crops.
27. Two things that biodiversity indirectly supplies us with are __________________and
28. ____________________diversity is the type of diversity in which there are a lot of different species within
a biological community.
29. The ______________________________is the most important species in their ecosystem, they hold it
together and if removed the ecosystem collapses.
30. A resource that is replaced faster than it is consumed is said to be ___________________.
31. ____________________________is using living organisms to detoxify a polluted area, like using
microorganisms to clean up oil leak.
32. A resource that is only found in limited amounts, and once used is gone is said to be
Law of Conservation of Matter
33. A substance that releases hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water is called an
34. ___________________________are weak acids or weak bases that can react with strong acids or strong
bases to keep the pH within a particular range.
35. The concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution is called the solutions _____________.
36. On the pH scale water has a pH of 7 which makes it ________________________.
37. Substances that release hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water are called __________________.
38. The ______________________________states that no matter can be created or destroyed just changed
in form.
39. The positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom are called ____________, while the neutral
particles in the nucleus are called ___________________.
40. The negatively charged particles that are located in the energy levels of the electron cloud are called
41. A _______________________mixture is one that you can distinguish the parts of, like a salad, while a
________________________mixture is one that you cannot distinguish the parts, like salt water.
Robert Hooke
Anton van
42. The cell theory includes the following principles:
All living things are composed of one or more _______________________.
Cells are the basic unit of structure and organization for all living
Cells arise only from __________________________cells.
43. This person saw the first cells, even though they were dead cork cells.
44. This person saw the first live cells when he looked at water and milk samples.
Part #2: Matching – Match the definition in column A with the correct term from column B.
Column A
45. _____The procedure that test a hypothesis by
collecting information under controlled conditions.
Column B
A. control group
B. experimental group
46. _____In an experiment, the group that is used for
C. constant
47. _____The factor in an experiment that remains fixed.
D. hypothesis
48. _____A testable explanation of a situation.
E. experiment
49. _____In an experiment, the group that is exposed to
the factor being tested.
F. dependent variable
G. independent variable
50. _____The condition that is being changed by the
H. data
51. _____Information that is gained from observations.
52. _____The condition that changed due to the change the
scientist made.
Column A
53. _____This is made up of individual organism of the
same species.
Column B
A. Omnivores
B. Autotrophs
54. _____This is all the nonliving things in an environment
(rocks, air, water).
55. _____This is made up of the living organisms and the
nonliving things in an area.
C. Ecosystem
D. Biotic Factors
E. Herbivores
56. _____This is the portion of Earth that supports life.
F. Carnivores
57. _____This is all the living organisms in an environment.
G. Biosphere
58. _____These organisms get energy by eating other
H. Abiotic Factors
59. _____These organisms eat both plants and animals.
I. Heterotrophs
60. _____These organisms eat only animals.
J. Detritovores
61. _____These organisms collect energy (sunlight or chemicals)
to produce their own food.
K. Population
62. _____These organisms eat only plants.
63. _____These organisms eat or break down dead things.
Column A
64. _____The average weather in an area
or region.
Column B
A. Estuary
B. Weather
65. _____This includes the oceans, intertidal areas,
and coral reefs; It is defined by depth and
distance from shore.
C. Freshwater Ecosystem
D. Transitional Ecosystem
66. _____This is any point on Earth’s surface that is
North or South of the equator.
E. Climate
67. _____This is where land and water or saltwater and
freshwater intermingle; It includes wetlands and
F. Wetland
68. _____ This includes ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams;
It has low salt content and is only 2.5% or the water
on Earth.
H. Latitude
G. Marine/Saltwater Ecosystem
69. _____This is where freshwater meets saltwater.
70. _____This is a land area that is saturated with water at least
part of the year.
71. _____This is the condition in the atmosphere at a specific place
and time.
Column A
72. _____Excessive use of a species for
economic value, like the buffalo.
Column B
A. Introduced Species
B. Destruction of Habitat
73. _____Excessive growth of plant life due to
nutrient enrichment.
74. _____Changing a part of an ecosystem, like
removing the keystone species.
C. Pollution of Habitat
D. Overexploitation
E. Disruption of Habitat
75. _____Bringing in a non-native species into an
area, like the sea lamprey into Lake Erie.
76. _____Changing the composition of the air, water,
or soil by adding things like pesticides or manure.
77. _____Separation of an ecosystem into small pieces,
like our valley.
78. _____Clearing of a region for construction or
F. Eutrophication
G. Fragmentation of Habitat
Column A
Column B
79. _____Minimum amount of energy required
for reactants to form products.
A. enzyme
B. Catalyst
80. _____Protein that is a biological catalyst (starts
or speeds up a reaction).
C. Substrate
81. _____Substance that lowers energy needed to
start a chemical reaction.
D. Activation Energy
82. _____Molecule that binds to an enzyme.
Column A
Column B
83. _____Occurs when the plasma membrane surrounds
a large substance outside the cell and moves it
inside the cell.
A. Osmosis
84. _____Involves water moving across the plasma membrane
to the side with the greater solute concentration.
C. Facilitated Diffusion
B. Exocytosis
D. Dynamic Equilibrium
85. _____Moves small molecules across the plasma membrane
using transport proteins, no energy needed.
86. _____Occurs when the plasma membrane surrounds
a substance inside the cell and moves it outside the
E. Active Transport
F. Endocytosis
87. _____Occurs when substances move against the
concentration gradient; requires energy and the aid
of carrier proteins.
88. _____The condition that results when diffusion continues
until the concentrations are the same in all areas.
Part #3: Number the levels of organization from the simplest (1) to the most complex (6).
89. _____tissues
90. _____biosphere
91. _____cell
92. _____organ system
93. _____organ
94. _____organism
Part #4: True or False - If the situation describes a living organism put a (T), if not put a (F).
95. _____Is made of one or more cells.
96. _____Cannot respond to environmental changes.
97. _____Is unable to adapt or evolve.
98. _____Requires energy to function.
99. _____Passes on its genes through
100. _____Is able to grow and develop.
Part #5: Complete the table by checking the correct column(s).
Limiting Factors
101. Climate
102. Rainfall
103. Predator
104. Oxygen
105. Prey
106. Plant Nutrients
107. Temperature
108. Producers
109. Soil Chemistry
110. Sunlight
Biotic Factor
Involves Abiotic
Abiotic Factor
Involves Biotic
Involves Both
111. Commensalism
112. Niche
113. Mutualism
114. Predation
115. Habitat
116. Competition
Population Limiting Factors
Density Dependent
Density Independent
117. Influenza epidemic
118. Earthquake related tsunami
119. Change in the number of predators
120. Flooding due to a hurricane
121. Intense competition for a food source
122. A 78-year old grandmother
123. A 25-year old woman
124. A newborn baby boy
125. A 32-year old man
126. A 65-year old grandfather
127. A teenage girl
Age Structure
Pre – Reproductive
Post – Reproductive
128. Makes up fats, oils, and waxes
in biology.
129. Is made of amino acids.
Nucleic Acid
130. Contains peptide bonds.
131. Stores coded genetic
132. Makes up muscles, skin, and
133. Stores energy and is part of
134. Includes glucose, lactose,
sucrose, and glycogen.
135. Forms double-helix structures.
136. Organisms that have cells lacking internal membrane-bound
137. Organisms that have cells containing organelles.
138. Organisms that break down molecules to generate energy.
139. Organisms that are either unicellular or multicellular.
140. Organisms whose cells do not have a nucleus.
141. Organisms that have a plasma membrane.
142. Organisms that are generally unicellular.
143. A solution that causes water to move out of a cell.
144. A solution that causes a cell to swell.
145. A solution that has the same osmotic concentration as a
cell’s cytoplasm.
146. A solution that causes a cell to shrivel.
147. A solution in which there is more water outside the cell
than inside the cell.
148. A solution that neither swells nor shrivels a cell.
Part #6: Pick out the stimulus (Circle it) and response (Underline it)for the following statements.
149. You get a fever after a virus enters your body.
150. When the air temperature drops you get goose-bumps.
151. You pull your hand away quickly after touching a hot pan.
152. Pavlov’s dogs would salivate when he rang a bell.
153. You get a piece of dust in your eye which causes you to blink.
Part #7: Label the following as a science (S) or pseudoscience (P)
154. _____Forecasting a person’s personality by the bumps on their head.
155. _____Forming a testable hypothesis based on observations and questions.
156. _____Studying genes and inheritance.
157. _____Telling a person’s future by reading their palm.
158. _____Looking into someone’s eyes and telling them that they have organ problems.
159. _____Peers reviewing investigations and experiments.
Part #8: True/False: If true write it on the line, if false correct the italicized word.
160.____________________The current rate of extinction is decreasing significantly throughout the world.
161. ___________________The primary cause of extinction is loss of habitat.
162. ___________________Introduced species make biodiversity stronger and more stable, because there are
more species.
163. ___________________Island species are especially vulnerable to extinction.
164. ___________________Biodiversity is threatened by a few factors.
165. __________________________A mixture is a combination of two or more substances in which each
substance retains its individual characteristics.
166. __________________________On the periodic table, each element has a unique name and formula.
167. __________________________Carbon is a component of almost all biological substances.
168. __________________________In a mixture, the solvent is the substance that is dissolved.
169. __________________________Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons are
called isotopes.
170. __________________________A combination is a substance formed when two or more different elements
171. __________________________A mixture of sand and water is a heterogeneous mixture.
172. __________________________Large molecules containing carbon atoms are called micromolecules.
173. __________________________Carbon atoms can bond together in straight chains, branched chains, or rings.
174. __________________________The two main types of chemical bonds are covalent bonds and van der Waals
175. __________________________Macromolecules can be organized into vitamins, lipids, proteins, and nucleic
176. __________________________Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
177. __________________________The period of an element is the amount of time it takes for half of a
radioactive isotope to decay.
Part #9: Place the correct term on the line that corresponds to the diagram.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
178. ______________________________________
Plasma Membrane
179. ___________________________
180. _____________________
181. ___________________
182. ______________________
183. _______________________
184. _______________________
185. _____________________________
Polar Phospholipid Head
Non-Polar Fatty Acid Tail
Carbohydrate Chain
Transport Protein
186. _______________________________
187. _________________________
188. _________________________
189. _______________________________
Part #10: Label the following as quantitative (N) or qualitative (L).
190. _____Numerical data.
191. _____Using purely observational data.
192. _____Doing a field study of hunting behaviors.
Part #11: Yes or No – If the statement is about reproduction write yes, if not write no.
193. _____The new leaves appear on the trees in the spring.
194. _____Pollen from the male pine cone is blown by the wind to the female cone.
195. _____A sea star grows a new arm to replace the one lost to a predator.
Part #12: Determine if the following are r-strategist (R) or k-strategist (K).
196. ________
197. ________
198. ________
199. ________