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Summer Assignments for the Class of 2013
St. Joseph Hill Academy High School
Angela T. Ferrando, Principal
Lucy Ginsiorsky, Assistant Principal/Academic Dean ([email protected])
These assignments and other information is posted to our Edline site at: or click on Edline from
You will find our calendar and other information by simply clicking through the site. You
will receive your activation code to have full access to your private reports etc. in September.
Book List for all members of the Class of 2013
Goddess of Yesterday by Caroline Cooney
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Painless Grammar (Barron’s Painless Series) by Rebecca Elliott Ph.D. (This book can be
found at and
 Women of Destiny: The Women of the Old Testament
By Lucy Fuchs, Society of St. Paul
ISBN 0-8189-0863-7
Books are available at Clove Lake Bookstore, Barnes and Noble or Women of Destiny is
also available at Alba House Bookstore (2187 Victory Boulevard (800) 343-2522)
Students in the Pre AP classes will also read:
 1984 by George Orwell
 In addition to the Goddess of Yesterday Assignment,
Read Tut: the Story of the Pharaoh and the Girl who Loved Him by
Robin Martin Berard.
Pre AP Students must complete regular and Pre AP Summer Assignments.
Religious Studies Assignment
In addition to Women of Destiny, you will need:
 to reference New American Bible either access this through the US Conference of
Catholic Bishops’ website at or in hard copy.
 Package of index cards
Assignment due in September:
Choose 20 of the Old Testament women featured in this book. For each
1. Look up and read the Old Testament passage assigned at the
top of the page of the selected woman.
2. Read the author’s essay in the book.
3. Answer the three discussion questions after the essay. Record
your answers on index cards; write the name of the woman and
the assigned Old Testament source (e.g. Rachel Genesis 31:25-35)
on the blank side, and your discussion answer labeled 1,2,3 on
the lined side. We will refer to these cards the the book
throughout the course.
4. Choose two women who were your favorites. On an index card
for each, write a paragraph on why you chose her.
English Literature I – Summer Assignment 2009
1. Grammar:
 Purchase and read Painless Grammar (Barron’s Painless Series) by Rebecca
Elliott Ph.D. (This book can be found at and
 Complete the attached worksheets.
2. Literature:
 Purchase and read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
Write a well-formulated essay on the following topic:
At the novel’s end, Scout says of Boo Radley, “…neighbors give in return. We never
put back into the tree what we took out of it: we had given him nothing, and it made
me sad.” Is Scout right that they gave nothing in return? Does this comment come
from the adult-Scout narrator or the child-Scout narrator?
Your essay should be no less than two pages typed and double-spaced
using Times New Roman size 12 font. Be sure to follow these directions
and the basic rules of grammar and punctuation.
Name: ____________________________________
English Literature I
Summer Grammar Assignment
I. Parts of Speech
A. Defining and Recognizing Parts of Speech
What is a noun?
Find the nouns in the following sentence:
Jack and Jill were filled with pride as they walked up the hill.
What is a pronoun?
Find the pronouns in the following sentence:
Some of the students were upset because they failed their test.
What is a verb?
Find the verbs in the following sentence:
Melanie should have bought that dress because it looked great on her.
What is an
Find the adjectives in the following sentence:
Ten players wore new blue jerseys while the other wore the old yellow ones.
What is an
10. Find
the adverbs in the following sentence:
Donna often walks quickly into work because she always late.
11. What
is a preposition?
12. Find
the prepositions in the following sentence:
The president of the school stays in the building after the end of the day.
13. What
is a conjunction?
14. Find
the conjunctions in the following sentence:
Joe and I have to bring the ice because Jen won’t have time to go to the store.
15. What
is an
16. Find
the interjections in the following sentence:
Hey, where are you going tonight?
B. Determining Parts of Speech
On the answer key below the paragraph, identify each underlined word as a noun, pronoun, verb, adjective,
adverb, preposition, or conjunction.
(17) In 1823, Captain John Cleves Symmes appeared (18) before (19) Congress. He
wanted money for a ship and a few (20) extremely brave scientists to make a trip to the
North Pole. (21) You see, Symmes (22) believed that the earth was (23) hollow. There’s
more. Not only (24) his research but also his documents seemed to prove that the (25) earth
was open at the poles. (26) He was convinced that the (27) inside of the earth (28) was “a
warm, (29) rich land, stocked (30) generously with (31) thrifty vegetables and animals—if not
men.” Symmes’s proposal was defeated on the (32) House floor. Years (33) later, however,
he (34) won the support of President John Quincy Adams. (35) Unfortunately, before
Captain Symmes could set sail, Andrew Jackson came (36) into office. He (37) immediately
squashed Captain Symmes’s plan. People continued to believe Symmes’s ideas until Robert
Peary (38) reached the North Pole in 1909 (39) and found (40) no hole!
17. _____________
18. _____________
19. _____________
20. _____________
21. _____________
22. _____________
23. _____________
24. _____________
25. _____________
26. _____________
27. _____________
28. _____________
29. _____________
30. _____________
31. _____________
32. _____________
33. _____________
34. _____________
35. _____________
36. _____________
37. _____________
38. _____________
39. _____________
40. _____________
II. Parts of a Sentence
A. Defining Parts of a Sentence
41. What
is a subject? ____________________________________________________________
42. What
is a predicate/verb? _____________________________________________________
43. What
is a direct object? _______________________________________________________
44. What
is an indirect object? ____________________________________________________
45. What
is a predicate nominative/noun?
46. What
is a predicate adjective?
B. Identifying Parts of a Sentence
Identify the parts of the following sentences. Note: Not every sentence will have every listed part.
47. The
judge gave the defendant a fair sentence.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Indirect Object: ____________
48. Will
you lend me a dollar?
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Indirect Object: ____________
49. Stack
the dishes in the sink.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
50. A
pair of houseflies can produce 6.5 billion descendants in one year.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
51. Sue
will bring the pickles and the relish to the picnic on Saturday afternoon.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
52. Dan
has carved some realistic-looking birds and ducks for the arts and crafts show.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
53. Mr.
Wong gave Steve a recipe for egg rolls.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Indirect Object: ____________
54. The
books in the basement smelled damp and musty.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Adjective: ____________
55. The
Flying Falcons became famous acrobats.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Nominative/Noun: ____________
56. The
lemonade was too sour for me.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Adjective: ____________
57. Leonard
will be the leader of our group.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Nominative/Noun: ____________
58. Vincent
was the winner of the competition.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Nominative/Noun: ____________
59. Dame
Margot Fonteyn became famous in ballet.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Adjective: ____________
60. The
game will be so exciting.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Adjective: ____________
III. Sound Sentences
Correct any mistakes found in the following sentences. If you do not see any mistakes, write “C” on the line. Mistakes can
include punctuation, sentence structure, etc. You can add words if necessary.
61. After
leaving the air-conditioned department store.
62. On
a branch of the apple tree near the house at the end of the block.
63. The
group of kids that is going to the mall.
64. The
day started out rainy, by noon the sun came out.
65. I haven’t
finished the Sunday crossword puzzle yet.
66. Winter
is my favorite season, I like skiing and skating.
67. Yvette
plays the violin in the community orchestra.
68. Since
the fair starts at nine o’clock.
69. Colorful
balloons, reds and white streamers, and a huge welcome banner.
70. Leave
my lunch on the kitchen table.
71. On
Saturday night my friends came over, we watched a movie on television.
72. Maria
fed the dogs in the morning Rachel fed them at night.
73. When
I arrived at school that morning.
74. Carissa
wants to go the movies, but she doesn’t have a ride.
75. I watched
the movie last night, it was very interesting.
Math Summer Assignment for ALL Incoming 9th Graders
Write your name and clearly label your work and answers on looseleaf. This assignment will be collected
during your first full day of classes at St. Joseph Hill Academy and you will be tested on this material in
Part I: Rounding Review
1.) Round each number to the nearest whole number.
a.) 4.67
b.) 177.13
2.) Round each number to the nearest tenth.
a.) 12.351
b.) 144.0829
3.) Round each number to the nearest hundredth.
a.) 5.28743
b.) 8.7533
4.) Round each number to the nearest ten.
a.) 79
b.) 61.99
5.) Round each number to the nearest hundred.
a.) 194
b.) 6784
Part II: Simplify each expression by distributing.
1.) 2(y + 6)
2.) 4(b + c)
3.) 4(p – q)
4.) –3(y + 6)
5.) x(y – z)
Part III: Solving Equations
Solve each of the following.
b – 17 = -12
z + 20 = 20
x + 0.35 = 2.67
y – 1.69 = 3.42
–3b = -21
a = -3
7.) – d = 5
8.) 3x + 5 = 35
9.) 11 = 15z + 16
10.) 11 – 16z = 75
11.) 2x – 18 = 4
12.) 11 – 2x = 3
Part IV: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
5 3
8 8
5 2
6 5
2 1
3 8
3 1
10 6
3 2
4 9
3 2
7 9
 ( )
2 4
3 5
2 12
9.)  
7 5
10.) 
16 4
15 3
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the
body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without
limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell
divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type
of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.
Visit for information on stem cells.
Then visit
Click on “Stem Cells – Apr 2005”
Watch the segment by clicking on “Watch the Segment” – (15 minutes)
Answer the following in complete sentences.
1 .Describe one benefit of stem cell technology.
2. Describe one disadvantage of stem cell technology.
3. Do you think it should be used?
Why or why not?
4. If used, should it be regulated or controlled by the government?
5. Who has the authority to decide if stem cells of an embryo are used?
6. Would you be in favor of stem cell technology if you or a close family member
had a medical condition that stem cell therapy might benefit?
7. How might you feel if you were a research scientist?
8. How might you feel if you were a religious leader?
Constructing Line Graphs
1. Use the information from the data table to set up your x-axis and y-axis.
 First column is usually the independent variable, and is plotted on the
x-axis (horizontal axis).
 The next column is usually the dependent variable, and is plotted on
the y-axis (vertical axis).
2. Mark an appropriate scale on each axis. Make sure the scales will accommodate all
of your data.
 Number the divisions of the scales
 Label the axes.
3. Plot the data on the grid. For the Living Environment Regents, you must place a
circle around each of your data points.
4. Connect the points to form a smooth line or curve. If the graph will contain more
than one line of data, label the lines or use different symbols for the data points (be
sure to include a key).
5. Write and appropriate title for the graph.
6. Notice any trends in your graph (increasing, decreasing, remains the same, cycle, etc)
Practice: Amber counted the total number of leaves in a group of duckweed plants over a
five-day period. The data she collected are shown in the table below.
A. Construct a line graph using your data table. Be sure to give
your graph a title, label each axis, make appropriate scales,
plot your data points, circle each point, and connect your
B. Draw a conclusion for Amber’s investigation based on your
line graph.
Time (Days)
Number of Leaves
English Literature I Honors – Summer Assignment 2009
1. Grammar:
 Purchase and read Painless Grammar (Barron’s Painless Series) by Rebecca
Elliott Ph.D. (This book can be found at and
Complete the attached worksheets.
2. Literature:
 Purchase and read:
o To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
o 1984 by George Orwell.
3. Writing:
 Write a well-formulated essay on the following topic.
Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning. Explain what he was warning people about. Give
specific examples from the novel of how Orwell attempts to get his warning across to
his readers. (Note: An understanding of the political and social issues in the world
during the time when Orwell wrote would be helpful in this task.)
Your essay should be no less than two pages typed and double-spaced
using Times New Roman size 12 font. Be sure to follow these directions
and the basic rules of grammar and punctuation.
Name: ____________________________________
Honors English Literature I
Summer Grammar Assignment
I. Parts of Speech
A. Defining and Recognizing Parts of Speech
76. What
is a noun?
77. Find
the nouns in the following sentence:
Jack and Jill were filled with pride as they walked up the hill.
78. What
is a pronoun?
79. Find
the pronouns in the following sentence:
Some of the students were upset because they failed their test.
80. What
is a verb?
81. Find
the verbs in the following sentence:
Melanie should have bought that dress because it looked great on her.
82. What
is an
83. Find
the adjectives in the following sentence:
Ten players wore new blue jerseys while the other wore the old yellow ones.
84. What
is an
85. Find
the adverbs in the following sentence:
Donna often walks quickly into work because she always late.
86. What
is a preposition?
87. Find
the prepositions in the following sentence:
The president of the school stays in the building after the end of the day.
88. What
is a conjunction?
89. Find
the conjunctions in the following sentence:
Joe and I have to bring the ice because Jen won’t have time to go to the store.
90. What
is an
91. Find
the interjections in the following sentence:
Hey, where are you going tonight?
B. Determining Parts of Speech
On the answer key below the paragraph, identify each underlined word as a noun, pronoun, verb, adjective,
adverb, preposition, or conjunction.
(17) In 1823, Captain John Cleves Symmes appeared (18) before (19) Congress. He
wanted money for a ship and a few (20) extremely brave scientists to make a trip to the
North Pole. (21) You see, Symmes (22) believed that the earth was (23) hollow. There’s
more. Not only (24) his research but also his documents seemed to prove that the (25) earth
was open at the poles. (26) He was convinced that the (27) inside of the earth (28) was “a
warm, (29) rich land, stocked (30) generously with (31) thrifty vegetables and animals—if not
men.” Symmes’s proposal was defeated on the (32) House floor. Years (33) later, however,
he (34) won the support of President John Quincy Adams. (35) Unfortunately, before
Captain Symmes could set sail, Andrew Jackson came (36) into office. He (37) immediately
squashed Captain Symmes’s plan. People continued to believe Symmes’s ideas until Robert
Peary (38) reached the North Pole in 1909 (39) and found (40) no hole!
92. _____________
93. _____________
94. _____________
95. _____________
96. _____________
97. _____________
98. _____________
99. _____________
II. Parts of a Sentence
A. Defining Parts of a Sentence
What is a subject? ____________________________________________________________
What is a predicate/verb? _____________________________________________________
What is a direct object? _______________________________________________________
What is an indirect object? ____________________________________________________
What is a predicate nominative/noun? ________________________________________
What is a predicate adjective? _________________________________________________
B. Identifying Parts of a Sentence
Identify the parts of the following sentences. Note: Not every sentence will have every listed part.
The judge gave the defendant a fair sentence.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Indirect Object: ____________
Will you lend me a dollar?
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Indirect Object: ____________
Stack the dishes in the sink.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
A pair of houseflies can produce 6.5 billion descendants in one year.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Sue will bring the pickles and the relish to the picnic on Saturday afternoon.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Dan has carved some realistic-looking birds and ducks for the arts and crafts show.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Mr. Wong gave Steve a recipe for egg rolls.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Direct Object: ____________
Indirect Object: ____________
The books in the basement smelled damp and musty.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Adjective: ____________
The Flying Falcons became famous acrobats.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Nominative/Noun: ____________
The lemonade was too sour for me.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Adjective: ____________
Leonard will be the leader of our group.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Nominative/Noun: ____________
Vincent was the winner of the competition.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Nominative/Noun: ____________
Dame Margot Fonteyn became famous in ballet.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Adjective: ____________
The game will be so exciting.
Subject: ___________
Predicate/Verb: ____________
Predicate Adjective: ____________
III. Sound Sentences
Correct any mistakes found in the following sentences. If you do not see any mistakes, write “C” on the line. Mistakes can include
punctuation, sentence structure, etc. You can add words if necessary.
After leaving the air-conditioned department store.
On a branch of the apple tree near the house at the end of the block.
The group of kids that is going to the mall.
The day started out rainy, by noon the sun came out.
I haven’t finished the Sunday crossword puzzle yet.
Winter is my favorite season, I like skiing and skating.
Yvette plays the violin in the community orchestra.
Since the fair starts at nine o’clock.
Colorful balloons, reds and white streamers, and a huge welcome banner.
Leave my lunch on the kitchen table.
On Saturday night my friends came over, we watched a movie on television.
Maria fed the dogs in the morning Rachel fed them at night.
When I arrived at school that morning.
Carissa wants to go the movies, but she doesn’t have a ride.
I watched the movie last night, it was very interesting.
Social Studies Summer Assignment for 9th Grade Pre AP Social Studies
Book Report for Goddess of Yesterday
Goddess of Yesterday by Caroline Cooney
Briefly describe a few of the problems or conflicts Anaxandra had to overcome:
List five words and their meanings from this book that are new to you:
Briefly discuss at least five things that you learned about the ancient world from this book:
Honors Biology (PRE AP Only) Summer Assignment
The following assignment is due on the first day of classes. It will count towards your first marking quarter
1. You will find and read two biology-related articles (from a science journal or newspaper). One from
the month of July and one from August.
a. Possible topics include (but are not limited to): genes, DNA, environment, health issues, cells,
cancer, evolution, endangered species, pollution, disease treatment, etc.
2. Newspaper articles may be taken from the New York Times Science Pages (available on Tuesdays).
The journal articles can be taken from any reputable science related journal/magazine.
3. You may use the web site associated with the NY Times and/or science journal to find your article.
4. You may NOT use a website that is a tutorial on the subject, nor may you use Wikipedia, search
engine results, etc.
5. Summarize each article in 3-5 paragraphs. Include the following in your summary:
a. What was the article about?
b. Who did the research?
c. Where and how was it done?
d. What interested you about the article? Explain your answer.
e. Would you be interested in studying this topic further during the year? Why or why not?
Explain your answer.
f. Be sure to include the title, author, date, name of newspaper/journal, etc.
6. Type each summary using Times New Roman, size 12 font. Double spacing is preferred (so my poor
eyes don’t get too bleary!)
7. I look forward to meeting you soon. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
[email protected]. I’ll be checking my email periodically over vacation.
Have a nice summer!
Summer Assignment Supplement ( for Accelerated Math of the Class of 2013) You will be notified of
placement in this class in June.
Please complete the following on looseleaf and be prepared to hand it in the first day of class. You
will be tested on this material the second week of week. All material below appears in the 6th, 7th, and
8th grade syllabi and therefore should not be new to you.
I. Perform the indicated operations on the following polynomials:
1.  x  5 x  9
7.  5x  6 y 
2. 5 x 2  2 y   3x 2  4 y 
3. 4x  9x 12x  x
9. x  4 x  3
4. 3x 2  6 x 2   3 y  4  
 
 5 x  24   x 2  4 x  9
6. 5xy 2  3x 2 y  7 xy 2  3x 2 y
 3a b  4a b 
2 3
10. 5d  d 2  3d 
5x  85x  8
 5 x2  2
13. 36 x10  6 x 2
18 x6
8 x 2  12 y 2
24 x 2 y
3 xy
II. Factor each expression:
1. 2a  2b
2. 12 x  18 y
3. 7 y  7
4. 2 x 2  5 x
5. 3ab 2  6a 2b
6. 21r 3 s 2  14r 2 s
7. a 2  4
8. c 2  100
9. 16  x 2
10. 9x 2  y 2
III. Solve for x and check:
5 x
4 12
3. 8x   6 x  5  1
12. 0.16 y 2  9
13. x 2  81
14. x 2  6 x  5
15. x 2  2 x  8
16. x 2  11x  18
17. x 2  x  2
18. x 2  7 x  18
19. x 2  10 x  9
20. x 2  10 x  25
11. w2 
2. 8x  60  4x
4. 2  x  4  4  2 x  1
5. 3  4 x 1  2  17 x  10
Solve and graph the solution set on a number line.
6. 6  x  3
7. 2x  3  5
8. 8x 1  3x  29
9. 5x  3  4x  5  3x
10. What is 16% of 23?
11. 75 is 25 % of what number?
12. Write the equation of a line with a slope of 3 and a y-intercept of – 8 .
Please use a sheet of graph paper for questions 13 & 14.
13. Graph the following line on a sheet of graph paper and paste onto looseleaf:
14. Solve the following system of equations graphically:
y = 3x – 1
1. Change 0.00125 to a percent.
y = – 2 x + 5.
2. If a = – 2 , then 2a 2  5a  6 =?
Write each number in standard form:
3. 7.4 105
4. 4.43 106
Write each number in scientific notation:
5. 32,500,000
6. 0.0068
Perform the indicated operation(s). Write answers in scientific notation:
7.  5 103   1.39 108 
1.29 102
4 109
9. 340 inches = ________ feet
10. 0.5 grams = _________milligrams
11. 20,000 m = ________ km
12. 0.2ml = __________ L
13. 5 km = ________ m
14. 35550ml = __________ L