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2107 Study Guide IV
Chapter 10: Photosynthesis
Describe the similarities in chemiosmosis between oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria
and photophosphorylation in chloroplasts
Be able to broadly explain the dark reaction (Calvin Cycle) of photosynthesis
o Know the starting reactants and end products
o Be able to walk through the cycle step by step (focus on each of the 3 steps)
Chapter 12: Mitosis
Explain how mitosis contributes to growth, repair, and maintenance of the cell
Be able to differentiate between genome, chromosome, chromatin, centromere, and chromatin
Be able to count the number of chromosomes in a given cell and describe the structure as
accurately as possible
Know how the chromosome number and amount of DNA changes after a cycle of mitosis
Know the 3 main phases of the cell cycle (interphase, mitotic phase, and cytokinesis) and the
major events that happen in each
Be able to list, describe, and recognize the phases of mitosis
o Describe the major events that happen during each
Be able to distinguish between the cytokinesis of plants and animals
Be able to label the parts of the mitotic spindles
o Describe how centrosomes, kinetechores, and microtubules interact
Briefly explain the general function and process of the cell cycle control system
o Be able to explain the necessity of density dependent inhibition in normal and
cancerous cell division
Distinguish between benign, malignant, and metastatic tumors
Distinguish between the reasons for the side effects associate with radiation and chemotherapy
Chapter 13: Meiosis
 Explain the general process of how genes are transmitted from parents to offspring
 Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction
 Be able to distinguish between homologous chromosomes, loci, alleles, sister chromatids, and
nonsister chromatids
 Distinguish between autosomes and sex chromosomes
 Explain the difference between diploid and haploid cells
o Know which cells in the human body are diploid and haploid
 Be able to list, describe, and recognize the phases of meiosis I and meiosis II and describe the
major events that characterize each phase
 Be able to compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis
 Describe the process of synapsis during prophase I and explain how genetic recombination
Be able to explain how independent assortment, crossing over, and random fertilization
contribute to genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms
Chapter 14: Mendel and Genetics
 Distinguish between the ‘blending hypothesis’ and the ‘particulate hypothesis’
 Know who Gregor Mendel is and what he did
 Distinguish between and give examples of characters and traits
 Distinguish between true-breeding, hybridization, P generation, F1 generation, and F2 generation
 Distinguish between alleles, loci, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, genotype,
and phenotype
 Explain what a test-cross is used for and how it can be used to determine whether a parent is
homozygous or heterozygous
o Be able to do test-cross problems
 Using a punnett square, be able to predict the offspring produced from both a monohybrid
and/or a dihybrid cross
o Be able to determine the phenotypic and genotypic ratios
 Be able to explain Mendel’s law of segregation and law of independent assortment
 Be able to distinguish between the 3 types of dominance (complete, incomplete, and
o Be able to give an example of each and explain how the heterozygote differs between
 Define and give examples of epistasis and polygenic inheritance
 Given a family pedigree, be able to determine the genotypes of certain family members
o Be able to determine whether it is a dominant or a recessive trait
 Explain how a lethal recessive allele is maintained in a population
o Know the role that inbreeding can have in maintaining a recessive allele in the
 Describe the inheritance pattern and expression of cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell disease