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SPRING 2003 – 10:
(14) Which would most likely cause the liquid in Tube A to rise?
F Starch concentrations being equal on each side of the membrane
G* Water passing from a region of lower starch concentration to one of higher
starch concentration
H Water and starch volumes being the same
J Solute in the tubes changing from a higher temperature to a lower temperature
SPRING 2003 – 10:
(27) Energy conversion within an animal cell would be severely limited by removal of
the cell’s —
A* mitochondria
B chloroplasts
C plastids
D lysosomes
SPRING 2003 – 11:
(34) When a sea urchin egg is removed from the ocean and placed in freshwater, the egg
swells and bursts. Which of these causes water to enter the egg?
F Coagulation
G Sodium pump
H Active transport
J* Osmosis
APRIL 2004 – 10:
(8) Food provides the human body with all of the following except —
F calories
G amino acid
H* hydrochloric acid
J lipids
APRIL 2004 – 11:
18 Why are photosynthesis and cellular respiration often considered opposites?
F Photosynthesis produces twice as many ATP molecules as cellular respiration
G Water is released during photosynthesis and consumed during cellular
H Photosynthesis occurs during the day, and cellular respiration occurs at night.
J* Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis and used during cellular
JULY 2004 – 11:
30 Which molecule provides most of the energy used to drive chemical reactions in cells?
OCTOBER 2005 – 11:
19 The swordfish has a heat-generating organ that warms its brain and eyes up to 14°C
above the surrounding water temperature. What structures are likely to be found in
relatively high concentrations in the cells of this organ?
A Chromosomes
B* Mitochondria
C Nuclei
D Ribosomes
OCTOBER 2005 – 11:
23 The diagram shows cell division in which an error has occurred. Which of these
statements is most accurate?
A Cell A lacks the cytoplasm necessary to continue normal cell functions.
B Cell B contains enough genetic material for the cell to reproduce itself.
C Cell A is free of any mutation present in the genetic material of the parent cell.
D* Cell B lacks instructions for making the proteins necessary for cell
FALL 2005 – 11:
16 The Greek scholar Aristotle studied plants. He believed that plants obtain
everything they need from the soil. Current understanding does not
support this belief. Which of the following would least likely be absorbed
from the soil?
F Minerals
H Nitrates
J* CO2
FALL 2005 – 11:
23 The picture shows a cell model and the solutions associated with it. In this
situation the cell model will —
A gain mass
B* Shrink
C increase in solute content
D start to vibrate
FALL 2005 – 11:
41 Working muscle cells that are deprived of oxygen produce —
A alcohol
B* lactic acid
C citric acid
D acetone
FEBRUARY 2006 – 11:
15 What process is shown above?
A Cellular ingestion
B Pseudopod formation
C Cell wall digestion
D* Binary fission
APRIL 2006 – 10:
5 The diagram shows different parts of a human sperm cell. Which part of the cell is most
likely specialized for mobility?
D* T
APRIL 2006 – 10:
13 Which of these is a function of the cell membrane in all cells?
A Producing cellular nutrients
B Preserving cellular wastes
C Neutralizing chemicals
D* Maintaining homeostasis
APRIL 2006 – 11:
8 The box contains some facts about kidneys and dialysis. Which of the following best
explains why dialysis works?
F Dialysis reduces the size of proteins.
G Proteins are dissolved by urine.
H* Dialysis filters proteins from solution.
J Proteins transport membrane fragments.
APRIL 2006 – 11:
Louis Pasteur’s Experiment
Like many other scientific breakthroughs, the discovery of immunization
happened by accident.
In 1880 Louis Pasteur was trying to protect chickens from cholera. To study the
disease, Pasteur and his assistants gave injections of cholera bacteria to several groups of
chickens. The chickens usually died from cholera after being injected with the bacteria.
However, one group of chickens survived. Pasteur noticed that these chickens had been
injected with a six-week-old batch of cholera bacteria.
Pasteur’s assistants prepared new colonies of cholera bacteria and injected these
chickens a second time. They also injected a group of chickens that had not been
previously injected. Pasteur was surprised that the chickens that had been injected
previously with the old bacteria remained healthy, while all the chickens in the second
group became sick and died.
This is how Pasteur came to discover that exposure to weakened pathogens can
provide immunity from disease. The idea was later used to protect animals from other
serious diseases. Today immunizations help protect people from many illnesses.
35 Cholera-causing bacteria have a single flagellum that allows these bacteria to —
A* move
B reproduce
C excrete water
D produce sugar
APRIL 2006 – 11:
49 Which of these best explains why a freshwater aquarium would be a dangerous habitat
for saltwater fish?
A The tissues of the saltwater fish would absorb too much acid.
B The organs of the saltwater fish would produce too much protein.
C The organ systems of the saltwater fish would consume too much energy.
D* The cells of the saltwater fish would gain too much water.
JULY 2006 – 11:
23 Which of these is a characteristic of body cells that require large amounts of energy?
A* They have a large number of mitochondria.
B They have a supplementary Y chromosome.
C They have a two-layer membrane.
D They have a storage area for albumin proteins.
JULY 2006 – 11:
45 Saltwater fish remove extra salt from their body by active transport through the gills.
What is the result of this activity?
A The salt becomes more chemically active.
B* Water balance is maintained in the blood.
C The rate of energy production is decreased.
D The cell membrane becomes less permeable to water.